ri Pl ACCIEIEft LLA jj ! rlELJ , «... _ ——------- - ■ HELP WANTED—Pastry cook, dish washer and waitress, at Coquille Hotel. See Mrs. Compton. It Canning In Oven The incident in Coquille of the ex­ plosion of six jars of chicken while canning in the oven, ahould serve as a warning to other home canners to eliminate this, method of home food preservation. Fortunately ’ no THM WEEK’S SPECIAL one was hurt, although the oven was I-have orders for several two and considerably damaged. three bed-room houses. If you de­ “This is just one of the reasons why sire to sell your house, perhaps I oven canning is never recommended have a buyer for it. If you desire to by the Oregon State College Exten- soil, list your propertly with me gjon Service." says Mrs. Dorothy now. The demand is good and r . Bishop, county Home Demonstra­ prices are right I tion Agent their local representative. I have several new listings of Exact temperature control and in un- ranches, some large, some small, but derstanding of canning techniques is all priced right and most of them necessary for home canning. Oven­ may be purchased on very easy terms. ’ canning, at any time a slow and un­ it you are looking for a loan on satisfactory way of applying heat that home or farm of yours, tell ms' necessary to can food safely, has de- about it. I have money available veloped wartime hazards, according i for that purpose. . to Mrs. Bishop. J. S. Barton. Realtor, Coquille, Thermostats are not always accur- Phonc 21J. s ate, homemakers may fill their jars See Schroeder’s JeWetry Store in to° ful1’ P«t,the Ud. on too tightly, or Coquille for Diamond, and Watch uwcommerOxal jar. (mayonnairo ete) not tested for home canning, with the **' consequent result of jar explosion. HOT WATER TANKS—We have Then, too, the contact of the room them. FARR & ELWOOD. s temperature air with the hot jar when the oven is opened may also cause SURGE MILKING MACHINE FOR jar explosion. « SALE —- New machine double or Although other methods have been single with electric pump. FARR used with a certain degree of satis­ A ELWOOD. a faction to the homemaker, the use of BEAUTIFUL, solid mahogany, round the pressure canner for all non-acid Dining Room Table, *20. Also solid vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry, oak office or library table, *1$; and the hot-pack, hot-water bath Lawn Mower, *7; nearly new May- method are the only recommended J tag Washing Machine Motor, *20. methods for 100 per cent safety. Per- Ziedrich’s, 601 North Taylor, phone ,onii desiring latest information on 75L. a home canning should write to Mrs. . ----------- —— -------------- -------------------- Bishop, Court House, Coquille, for DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick anj, one or Bn of the following bulle- Deering Milker Parts and Dairy , tins ; Ex. B. 598, Home Food Preser- Supplies—See us. . A. Lamb vation, Ex. B. 593, Freezing, Ex. 8 Company. •'600 Curing Meat and Fish, and Sta. Clrc. 149 Home Fruit and Vegetable f washers ^hydration. The publications are ur»« free. ■ _________ A traveling examiner of applicants for drivers’. licenses will be at the Coquille city hall on Tuesday, Sept. r14, between nine and four o’clock. He will be at the city hall in Bandon, 9:30 to 3:00, next Monday, Sept. 13. FOR RENT—Furnished 2-room Apt., Bath. Adults, only. No animals. Inquire Flora E. Dunne, 3S1 So. Henry St. tfs picnic grounds. Church of Christ East 4th & Coulter Liston Parrish, Pastor Thursday, 7:30 Prayer meeting and Bible Study. Bible School 9:46. T. Ralph Harry, J Supt Capable teachers and a cordial welcome awaits everyone. i , . ■ ■ Morning Worship. 11 o'clock. Lord's Mrs. Dan Fish underwent an ap- I Supper Special music. Message, pendectomy last Thursday. “Lest We Regret." On Sunday this week a 7H pound; Jr. C. E. 6:30 p. m.. baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Young People’s C. E. 7:00. Glen A. Church of Coquille. He has Evening service 8:00. An informal been named Charles Floyd. evangelistic fellowship. Message by Beatrice Lopez, of Ophir, submitted the pastor. to a major operation yesterday and Wednesday, 7:30. Choir practice, Alice, the six-year old daughter of Don Farr, director. Reuben Brown of McKinley, under­ went an appendectomy as did R. V. Have you seen Harbison’s fine disc­ Kleinfeldt, of Port Orford. play of myrtlewoodT At Bergen’s, s A. J. Radabaugh, of Myrtle Point, who is in a serious condition, entered yesterday for treatment. Dismissals the past week were Mrs. Roy Jacobson, Coquille, last Thurs­ day; Mrs. Alfred Bingham and baby Belle Knife Hospital Logger Killed When He Jumped From Truck [ An employee of the J. S. Flora ' Logging Co. at Camas Valley, Vernon R. Cottrell, was killed in a logging truck accident near Camas Valley j Monday night. The truck’s brakes | failed to hold on a steep pitch and he , jumped, striking his head and sus­ taining a skull fracture. The driver, | Jack Kegg, was not seriously in­ jured as he stayed with the truck. Cottrell had been living in Myrtle Point the past three months, having come there from Roseburg where Mrs. Cottrell still resides and where the funeral services were held. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COOS. STATE OF OREGON Night Ph«»« na Southwestern Motors PAINT — PAINT — PAINT at FARR A ELWOOD. s EQUIPMENT TO RENT — Pressure Cooker — Can Sealer — Dehorner —Lawn Roller—Fertilizer Spread­ er — Poet hole auger — Floor sander — Floor edger — Weed Burner. FARR & ELWOOD. s In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Heller Citation To Amanda M. Heller, William C. Heller, Frank Heller and Nevy L. Heller and to all other devisees and heirs unknown, if any there be, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos at the Court Room thereof, at Cdquille in the County of Coos within ten days from the date of the service of such Cita­ tion if served within Coos County, Oregon, or within twenty days if served within any other County of the State, or if served by publication within twenty-eight days from the date of the first publication thereof, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made and license granted to J. Arthur Berg, Administrator of said estate for the sale of • All the merchantable timber now standing, lying or being on the NEV« of the NWof Section 34, in Township 27 South of Range 11 West of the Willamette Meri­ dian in Coos Count Oregon;. WITNESS, the Hon. . D. Felahetm, Judge of i ' County Court of the State of Orei gon for tl.e County of Coos and wii Ith the seal of said Court, af- GANO FUNERAL HOME *h0M IM Coquille IM So. Coulter St. Attention io Details Alta V. Rogers, Administratrix of the Estate of Roy L. Thomas, Deseaced. 34t5 (Seal) TO TRADE — Nine and one-half acres, three miles out on Coquille- Myrtle Point highway. Five-room house, bam, two hen houses, spring with electric pump, young orchard and berries. Will trade for home in Coquille, clear for clear. Must have at least two bedrooms. Chas. Newton. 33t2*s CLEAN Cotton Rags wanted. Herb E. Wood, phone 286 CoquHle^ 275 ■ North Henry street. tfs Reception room jointly with Dr I R Runet luilrrt RelMlns Phon* Kl-t Service and Protection Buy Your Auto Fire Life and Accident and Health Benham’s Transfer Motor Co . Anywhere For Hire GRAY VI SWP AND GRAVEL '1 Oil Otp — - RTORAGR STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevoda-CalifomJa Fwt Freight Office Phone Furr 4 Elwood BWg 5 W. Second St. -L