The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 09, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    «, IMS.
PAGI rot»
And once again no live decoys or
than four in the aggregate in
baiting are allowed. (No joke to this
sion at any one time.
There is no open season Jack-Snipe. one—it’s a darned good law.)
Paste up the above for future ref­
a esos rasu te a asee raws
(This is another joke—for who would
It may come in handy. And
waste precious shells trying to shoot
snipe with the present scarcity of am- remember a Federal duck stamp is
I (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, I Awful Earthquake in Japan—Moot!
required in order to shoot ducks. And
Following is a synopsis of Oregon munition?)
Destructive Ever Known in Modern
September 7, 1023)
good luck. Brother Sportsman, and
I Bandon Murder—Dr. Fred Covell Times—250,000 People Perished Last '
good huntin.'.
and Son, Alton, Accused of Killing Saturday and Sunday. . . And strange this writing we are • safe in saying gratory birds in possession more than
Jailing caras, M tor 31.U0.
Mrs. Covell Last Monday—Dr. Fred to say the only earthquake ever re­ that we are in possession of one of
1 ■
' 1
I Covell, Bandon chiropractor, was corded during the annals of time that
placed under arrest here Tuesday was comparable with the one in new laws and are hastening to pub­
evening following the verdict of the Japan last Saturday, occurred in ex­ lish it for you—although before this
coroner’s jury that Mrs. Covell, who actly the same place — formerly appears it may have b^en published
was found dead at their home, had known as Yeddo—just two hundred elsewhere. This column always seeks
of Coquille
to keep you informed regarding
suffered a dislocated neck and pos- and twenty years ago.
game laws and to note any changes
sibly other injuries, says a Bandon
George Chaney has the -concrete in same. Well, here you are:
press dispatch dated Wednesday.
foundation in for a residence in the
The Community Building commit- north end of the city which bids fair opens Oct. 1st and closes Nov. 3rd.
______ i (We are just quoting the seasons for
home in the
tee, appointed to soliict subscriptions to
one’ll*1* district, but will be glad to an-
to the stock of that enterprise, held
. . of land between
------- ! gwer any questions regarding the
a meeting at the city hall last night. being the high point
It was found that about half of the the Marshfield and Fairview high­ laws governing other districts as
amount required or $4000 has been ways.
The elk season opens Oct. 26th and
subscribed and that many of those
By R. T. Moore
Some people have wondered how closes Nov. 30th.
expected to participate had not been
Attention of the Pacific Coast pub-
The Chinese pheasant season opens
long It Would be before the newspa­
lic is called to the current attempt,
16th and closes Oct. 31st.
pers of this country would have to
being made to place the railroad I Beuish ChapUr> No
o r s for limit their size on account of the in­
The duck season opens Oct. 15th ;
Phone 46
freight rates of the nation on a mile- th<
jjme in succession, was suc- creasing cost and diminishing supply and closes Dec. 23rd.
California or Valley Quail season
age basis rather than the zone sys-
Friday evening in win- of wood for pulp making, but down
tern now in use. This movement is ning the loving cup which has been in Florida they have already solved opens Oct. 16th to Oct. 27th inclu­
sponsored by industries in the South the potent factor in Natal Day As- that problem by utilizing a marsh sive. There is no open season on the
who have long sought to capitalize
grass that grows in great abundance I mountain or plumed quail.
on their geographical position. As years, and now becomes its perman­ there.
there is also an open season on ruffed
this vitally affects our lumber in­ ent possessor.
land blue grouse—season from Oct.
dustry in its competitive position in !
A very sad accident occurred atI ilk
16th to rx-f **-*.
the eastern and mid-western markets, |
And following, are the bag limits
The Coquille Service tSation has Bastendorf beach last Monday after­
the people of Coos county are ea- I 1 this week secured a lease on the noon when Keith, the six-year old on the game listed above:
pccially interested.
lot adjoining their station on the east son of A. K. Peck, was crushed to i One bull elk, although in some
Obviously, the placing of railroad i and expect soon to have a building death beneath a'log . .. when a larger i outside districts a cow may be bagged.
freight rates on a mileage basis will constructed covering both the lot they comber than usual started the log to j One buck deer as in previous sea­
afford a decisive advantage to South­ own and the one leased.
sons. Also many districts outside are
ern pine operators to the detriment
open for does. In Douglas county
or the Douglas Fir Industry which the imrnen~ number of travelers man people after the last war when ,one white tail, buck may be killed,,
competes with Southern pine on these paMin< throufh
thl> it took a wheel-barrow load of Ger-I providing one may be found. How­
w“ rT'a^or m*rk*tS‘
. ' instance Oregon is getting left at man thalers to buy a loaf of bread. ever, in Grant county in the Can­
Such a policy if adopted, would
lhe haI no „^chin-
So the current deliberations on yon Creek Game Refuge lying east
prac ically exclude Pacific Coast in- ■ ery for conecting a just share of ee- these major union agreements are of and north of Canyon Creek, either a
dustries from participation in the MnUal public expense money from utmost importance to our economy. buck or doe may be killed, providing
Every working machine needs
populous markets east of th. Mte-^ transients who use our state They will tell whether we are to they are bagged with a bow and ar­
regular maintenance care. As
sissippi and would exclude eastern facilitiaa without ^¡n, to W for have inflation with its potential dis­ row.
Any other sort of arms is pro­
manufacturers from participatton in them
the months roll by—and the
aster or whether we are to maintain hibited in that district as it has been
competitive markets on the Pacific '
our economy on even keel. They set aside especially '*for archers.
miles roll up—we plan to be
Coast. It would result in disrupting ' _
_ effort
In ____
to find out what will also test the strength and et- (From the looks of the present am­
here, with skilled mechanics,
the national economy by preventing is wrong with our production lines ficacy of the War Labor Board in munition situation it looks as though
complete equipment and re-
free Interstate Commerce. It would and why the production curve has controlling the National labor situa­ it may prove a popular spot this sea­
localize industries close to large dipped downward this summer in­ tion. They have been given extra son.)
cities of the Nation.
stead of steadily upward as hoped, power by the President and if they
The bag limit on Chinese pheasants
Another interesting feature of this ( Federal authorities are now talking fail to keep the situation in hand is three male birds in any one day
proposed rate change is that it is of legislating a profit inicentive into they will be abolished and a new and or not over six in any one week.
to apply to railroad traffic only and the picture.
The bag limit on ducks is the same
much sterner regimentation of labor
not to truck, airplane, or water trans-1 It is hard to define what it meant
will take place to the detriment of as last season—ten birds in any one
portaUon. From this It would seem ' by profit incentive. In a broad sense both unions and employers.
day and not .more than ten in posses­
$ 1OO Bond during
as though it were aimed principally, it is pride of possession which moti-
It was a mistake for the national sion at any one time, of which not
at the railroads.
tbs 3rd Loan Drive!
vates the housewife as she labors labor leaders to assail the Smith- more than three in the aggregate may
The rai 1 roads serving our state are to maintain an attractive home. It Connolly control bill and to attack be red heads (we are speaking of
urging public protest against this pro- j is the pride of possession of the farm­ the members of Congress who voted ducks) or buffleheads and one may be
pssed rate change and because of the er as he labors to produce outstand- for it. It now seems evident that the a wood duck and not more than six of
serious danger to our present indus­ ’ Ing crops and to improve the yield bill is working for their protection as ¡any one or more than six in the ag­
tries the public should unite strongly from his place. It is the desire to well as for the protection of employ­ gregate may be red heads or buffle
in supporting the maintenance ofthe earn good things for himself and ers and there is .further evidence that heads, or one wood duck, with twenty
present equitable terminal rates.
family that drives the workman into the rank and file of union members In possession at any one time. (This
It is not a new thing tor our South­ long hours of hard labor to swell favor the bill. Now, if ever, union sounds rather confusing, but you
ern friends to attempt to put this his monthly paycheck. It is the am­ labor should seek to win the sup­ may dope it out with a little thought.)
drastic rate change over. For many bition and pride of possession that port of members of the Congress by
The bag limit on quail is ten in
years they have felt the Douglas Fir drives the businessman to ruin his creating a better discipline in their any one day, or no more than that
competition in their markets for health by long hours of nerve-wrack­ ranks and insisting upon full com­ in possession at any one time.
Southern pine.
They have com­ ing labor in the building up of a pri­ pliance by their members with the
The limit on geese (the opening and
plained a great deal about how the vate enterprise.
terms of written agreements under closing dates same as ducks) is two
wasteful methods of the Douglas Fir
If w< assume that the foregoing is which they are now working.
1 jn i geese or brant in any one day in the
industries have depressed the price a definition of the profit incentive, this way they can refute the claims aggregate of all kinds and not mere
of Douglas Fir, and with it the price how can such a thing be legislated that Union labor, because of its com­
of Southern pine, and they have the into us when it is already there as a plete unreliability, constitutes a Forces.
idea that a change in the rate struc­ national characteristic? Of all the menace to the Nation and should be
Prospects, therefore, are that the
ture would force the Douglas Fir in­ peoples on the face of the earth prob­ treated as such. And this idea is heat will be on the lumber industry
dustry to keep its price up in the mid­ i-
have —
the greatest
—* the
— Americans ------
------ gaining ground rapidly throughout for some time to come and heavy pro­
west and the east. We must admit love for profit incentive and respond the country. a, j have
out duction will have to be maintained
that there have been some justifica­ ■vinaf
most readily in
to onv
any fcantrsT*«
factors VWSV*
per — ­ ’ several • ..
times in this column. Im- ’ if current needs are to be met.
tion for the oomplaint in the past but mitting its free use. The peculiar mediate steps should be taken to:
the growing scarcity of Douglas Fir thing about the situation is that au­ counteract it before it is too late
timber stands would indicate that the thorities are just waking up to the
law of supply and demand will pre­ fact that it is what makes our Nation
As the logging season approaches
vent this happening.
click. Without it we are merely av­
The matter is the most serious one erage. With it we have become great. its end, sawmill operators are tak­
facing our district in the post-war
There is danger of its submer­ ing stock of the current lumber sit­
Fortunately, the odds are gence in the morass of public regu- uation. Demand for lumber is about
against any change being granted, ' lation. There is encouragement in 15 per cent less than in 1942. But
although there is danger of the North- the fact that its value is now being this has been more than off-set by
the fact that production has dropped
ern Democrats selling their birth- ' recognized.
off sharply until it is safe to pre­
right in order to secure vital support
The next few weeks will determine I dict that it will not exceed 80 per
from the South before convention
time. It is hopqd that an aroused the fate of the War Labor Board.' cent of the current demand.
Factors causing this sharp drop in '
public opinion will prevent this hap­ On ar about. October 1 a great num­
ber of union agreements expire and ! the production curve are manpower 1
all of them are now up for renewal. shortage, the truck and tractor parts
A dispatch in one of the financial There is a serious conflict of ideas situation, and the general inexpert- 1
periodicals calls attention to the fact between labor and industry in most ence in the majority of workers now
that much money has been lost to of them. At this writing the two in industry.
The war has been very hard on
the State Tax Commission through sides seem far apart and potential
failure of out-of-state workers to file danger of strikes and other stop- all automotive equipment and the
income tax returns. The extent of pages is great. Probably as time goes demand for truck and tractor parts ,
on both I by the Armed Services has been
this loss cannot be accurately cal­ on there will be a yielding
asreements 1 large.
Because of the increasing
culated but it certainly must be very sides and most of the a new agreements
large because of the growing numbers will go into effect without trouble of trend to change from "donkey
But several, including "cat" logging, the use of the latter
of workmen who have flocked into any kind.
‘ ‘ is more general than heretofore. The 1
the state to man the war Industries. the coal industry, appear to be headed
scarcity of parte is therefore more
There are plenty of rumors to the for trouble.
becomes vital to production than in the past.
effect that there is wide-spread de­
While there is a dearth of lumber
fiance of Oregon’s right to collect greater with every hour. Pressure
an income tax from such people. They for higher wages, accompanied by general throughout the country, and
do not have income tax at home and huge amounts of ready cash, form a in spite of the serious log shortage
therefore resent being shaken down flood that seems destined to break facing the industry at this moment, —
for one when they come out here to through levies set up by the Adminis- it is probable that the essential lum­
work in our war industries. And it is tratlon for our protection. There still ber needs of the Nation will be met.
very difficult for enforcement officers seems to be a tendency among work- The West Coast Lumbermen's As-!
to catch up with these people be- men to mistake dollar wages for real sociatian believes that such will be,
cause of the excessive tabor turn- wages. They should be taught by the case after making a general sur- -
over and the use offalae names, and thfeir leaders, as wen as*by the radio very ci the Industry.
Peak demand or domestic use of
a hundred other tricks to avoid iden- end the press, that dollar wages mean
little but that real wages are the ones lumber by the Armed Forces is past
In contrast with Oregon’s difficul- we eat and live by. It avails a but It will be supplanted by an in­
ty. Washington and California have worker nothing if he has his wages creasing demand for over-seas use
done very well off their transient doubled in dollar value only to have as long as the war lasts. The war de­
worker population through the me- his costs increased in like amount, mand will therefore level off at a |
dium of their sales tax. As these which they always are. The only fairly high figure but the domestic
demand, particularly in the farm belt,
men are ell good spenders both thing that pays
. any of us real wages
__ -___ So will the
states have extracted large sums of is production of goods. For without will greatly '2 increase.
money ______
from , them and also have the goods dollars are valueless. Re- demand for boards and crating used
grabbed a lot of loose change from member the experience of the Ger- ' in the flow of supplies to the Armed
The Sentinel
Oirt-of-Doors Stuff
The Industrial Repair Co
Timely Topics
Repairing Aids Victory
Church Pontiac