The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 09, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    Florence Hallock
Presides At B. P. W
New Shipment this week of
Davenports or Daveno and Chair
$109.50 to $149.50
Woman's Club Fall
Meeting Next Tues.
’1 The first meeting of the Business i . The first meeting of the Woman’s
'and Professional Women’s Club was! Club this fall will be held next Tues-
presided over by Florence Hallock, I day, Sept. 14, at the Guild Hall. Mrs.
| new head pf the group, last Monday O. C. Sanford, new president of the
i night at the Guild Hall. Inez Rover local club will take the chair for the
discussed the songs of Canada, and beginning of her 1043-44 term. Plans
especially Alexander Muir, composer are already complete for club activi­
of “Maple Leaf Forever."
It was ties, abqording to the new board rec­
voted to waive the dues of members ords and the stressing f ir the year of
in the servlet.
At present Ellen War Service as a major project was
Braxton, at Brigham, Utah, in the sole'' contained in a statement by Mrs. San­
service woman gone from the group, ford. who just, last June stepped
j An invitation was announced from down from the State Federation pres­
the Coquille Woman's Club asking idency.
Mrs. Lafe Compton, chairman of
B. P. W. members to attend their
American Citizenship committee, will
meetings as guests.
The next B. P. W. meeting will be have charge of the program for Tues­
held Sept. 20, third Monday of the day. Mrs. Stella Cutlip, republican
month, regular meeting date. On Joint rerpesentative for Coos and Cur­
this night a reception will be held for ry counties, wil speak briefly on “A
new members. The meeting will be Woman’s World,” and will be fol­
lowed by an interesting musical pro­
Members attending Monday were: gram. Willis Higley, a very talented
Florence Hallock,-Clara Stauff, Hazel singer, accompanied by Miss Mar­
•Hanna, Arlene Robertson, Edith Wal­ garet Anderson, as well as George
ton, Hittie Lee Holimon, Ruth Bey­ Goodall and Miss Elsie Eyre, all of
ers, Florence Barton, Ida Oerding, Marshfield, vyill be presented.
There will- be a short business
Martha Mulkey, Inez Rover and Jen­
meeting and the session will open at
nie Price.
2:15 p. m. at the Guild Hall. All
members are urged to attend. Guests
are welcome and invited to come.
gava ■ gracious farew«ll to the club
! Girls attending were Yvonne Kern,
¡Jean Williams, Dorothea Yarbrough,
¡Donna Deen Powerman, Margaret
i Selloni, Margaret Stewart, Glenda
Clinton, Rheo Walker, Elsie Forrest,
, Marguerite Robison, Lois Robison,
J Alys June Fox, Lydia Holstein, Max-
Ine Johnson, Eunice Howe,
Kodak Finishing
Animals Winning
Prizes At The Fair
Following are the prize winners at
the animal show at the fait last Sat­
urday to Monday, There were many I
good entries but not as many as in ,
former years when the fair lasted a |
Rwine—Chester White, 1st prize
Rajph Griffey, Remote, 2 sows under |
1 and over fl tnonthg. Spotted Poland |
China, 1st prize Rex Pierce, Bullards I
Route, Coquille, 5 gilt under 6 months.
Hqraet—Peroheron, 1st Watson and
Alborp, Coquille, I Gelding, 5 years.
1st. Watsop and Al born, Coquille, 4
year old gelding. 2n<|, Watson and
Al born, Coquille, 3 year old gelding.
Cattle-Jersey Bull, 1st M. M.
Schmidt, Norway, 2 bulla over 2 years.
Jersey Helfer Calf, 1st, Betty Davis,
North Bend; 2nd, Dick Bishop, Arago;
3rd, Alan Bishop, Arago; 4th Dora
Jean Young, McKinley Rte., Coquille.
Jersey Yearling Heifers, 1st Rex
Pieroe, Bullards Rte., Coq.; 2nd Dean
Van Leuven, Bandon; 3rd, Joe De I
March, N, Bend; 4th, Darwin Oul-I
strom, Arago. Guernsey Helfers, 1st j I
and 2nd, H. R. Maas, Arago. Durham 11
Heifer, 1st, Miss G. Smith, Coquille.
Sheep — Registered
Lambs, 1st, Charlee Daniels, Gay-
Shropshire Registered,
Charlee Daniels, g ewes. Shropshire,
1st, Glenn Daniels, Gayord, 1 ewe.
Lincoln, 1st, Tom Nelson, Coquille,
“ ropehire, 1st, Johnny O’-
1 lamb; Shroi
Sullivan, M< IcRinley Rte., Goq., 2 pr.
lambs. Shropshire, 1st, Johpny O'Sul­
livan, yearling buck.
Ram, 1st, Ralph Griffey, Remote.
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Th® Frocks Sketched are Just
Twp of the Many Neiv part
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¡You can select from Wool in
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luroys or Rayon Flannel.
rariety of Color Combinations
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