CLASSIFIED On* Cast a Word Each Amsr Na Adv. teas than M aaada GOOD USED PIANO For Sala—Call 222J, Coquille. it*« ATTENTION HUNTERS — Just re­ ceived our final shipment of Duck Decoys for this season. If yOu need Decoys, Buy NOW. J. A. Lamb Company. a WOODEN BARRELS — Ideal for Sauerkraut — Pickles — Meat — Eggs. AU sis« at FARR A EL­ WOOD. 8 TRADE 1041 Plymouth DeLuxe 4- . Door Sedan for earlier model and cash Phone 202-L lt*S WILL DO Washing and Ironing in my home at reasonable prices. To reach my place turn on road to left at the Smith plant., past the apartment houses; keep on left , hand road. First bouse an the hill on right hand side of Riverton Ave. Mrs. Geo. W. Morgan. 33t2*s STEP LADDERS—Your home should have onei, don’t teeter on boxes or chairs, a ladder is CHEAPER THAN A BROKEN LEO. / Farr A Elwood. • the grief of the berenved GANO FUNERAL HOME TO TRADE — Nine and one-half acres, three miles out on Coquille- Myrtle Point highway. Five-room house, bam, two hen houses, spring with electric pump, young orchard and berries. WiU trade tor hqrne in Coquille, clear for clear. Must have>st least two bedrooms. Chas. Newton. ’St2*» FOR SALE— New Hampshire Red Pulleta, 3 and 4 months old. Horse and Hamess and three months old Bull Calf. Jerry Barber, phone 604XX. Marshfield Highway. It» Pheno ltd C ignA l i IM Sa. Coulter St. Attention ,to Details (Seel) SASH A DOORS—No rise in price, no priority required FARR A EL­ WOOD. • WANTED—Several 12 gauge Shot­ guns, double barrels or pumps. See Lafe Compton at Smith-Wood Products, Inc. • PRESSURE COOKER FOR RENT— Farr A Elwood Co. • WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ pairs for cut or broken casings and tubes, any «lxeor type. AU work fully guaranteed «Thornton Tire Service. '•»MH FOR RENT—Furnished 2-room Apt., Bath. Adults, only. No animals. Inquire Flors E. Dunne, 351 So. Henry St. Light and H«*v* 4-p°W re, ]■ A, umh oomjwv * ■ , - t ■- ... h --, w , - , , .4#^e £ " 1r' > Benham s nr Transfer f> ‘ * Anywhere For Hire Night Hxme FIX Southwestern Motors SAND AND GRAVEL . . COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE I Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fant Freight Office Phono Farr A El wood Bldg. *___________ W.grnnjlt.