The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 02, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Something new in filmusicah is
scheduled to 63 shown Sunday, Mon­
day and Tuesday at the Roxy Thea­
tre, when “Stormy Weather" arrives.
Old songb . . . new songs . . . blues
songs . . . solid jive , . , “Stonny
Weather” has all kinds, combined
with some of the moot sensational
dancing and production numbers ever
Against the backdrop of an in­
genious story, the melodies that' have
become part of American folklore
spring to vivacious Ufe. “Aint Mis-
bebaven,” “I Can’t Give You Any­
Mrs. Sara Southwick and her
thing But Love,” and -“Digs Digs
granddaughter. Miss Louise Hall, are
” take on new meaning, as they
here from Pasadena, Calif., spending
a few weeks with Mrs. Florence Mc­
Elwain at her home on Fifth street.
Mrs. McElwain and Mrs. Southwick
are sifters-in-law.
The Bible school held at Pioneer
church closed last Friday evening
Eighteen young people from the with a fine demonstration which re­
Church of Christ spent Sunday after­ vealed the careful work of the corps
noon at the Hooton place on Croft of instructors. Mrs* James Bishop
Lake. Boating, swimming and pic­ jwas in charge of the entire school
'and program.
nicking were enjoyed.
Beulah Chapter, No. «,40. E. S., will
Townsend Club No. 3 will meet
meet Thursday evening, Sept. 9, in with »>’• and Mrt. Ernest Buckner
the Masonl; Hall at 8:00 n. m.
September 9 at eight p. m. at their
home, the first house on the right
Mrs. Geo. Loveland, who has been «iter crossing the bridge going toward
in the Consolidated Freightways of- Bandon. All are welcome,
flee at Grants Pass, returned Sunday
and is again in the company’s office Parish Picnic Sunday,
here. She says it is good to be back September 12th
home m she did not r—lly enjoy the j Qn Sun{hjy
<ralisting music of Cab Calloway , Shoes. October 31—Stamp No. It,
pi. viding a torrkt . ..................
jiuud fur one uair of shoes, expire»
The highlight of the show is the
Stoves. August M-—Rationing
"Stormy cooking and heating stoves begins—
Weather" which Lena Horne sings in includes moot new stoves burning
her own inimitable style, which has coal, wood, oil or gas for domestic j
skyrocketed her to fame almost over­ use. Purchasers must get certificates
night. And a new number that is from ration boards.
heading for top popularity is My, Fuel OU
My, Ain’t That Somethin’.” a tricky
September 30—Period 1 coupons in
number born of the blues. Another new fuel oil rations valid through
headed for hit parade fame is January 3, 1944. One unit, period 5
“There’s No Two Way« About Love." '-oupons valid through September 30
The entertainment in “Stormy for 10 gallons. Ten unit, period 5
Weather" goes right down the line- coupons, valid through Septemebr
in the cast of the film are Katherine 30 for 100 gallons.
Coupons with
Dunham and her troupe, Fats Waller, gallonage printed on the face valid
whose magi<Jlhgers make the key­ for amount indicated until expiration
boards jump with jive, and those
amazing Nicholas Borthers, whose
sensational dancing has stopped many
a show. Also featured in the cast are
top comedians Ada Brown and Dooley
of Coquille
Wm. LeBaron produced “Stormy
Weather,” which was directed by An­
drew Stone.
Frederick Jackson and Ted Koeh­
ler authorized the screen play. The
adaption was by H. S. Kraft, from an
original story of Jerry Horwin and
Seymour B. Robinson.
Dances were staged by Clarence
Ropinson, and costumes were de-.,
signed by Helen Rose. The musical
numbers were supervised by Fanchon.
The Industrial Repair Co
Repairing Aids Victory
Rationing Calendar
James' Episcopal Church will hold a
. > -..parish picnic at the Kanu Klub
M«» No». ^7^’J?“, ^ground, in Brewster valley. Parish-
Wednesday for a ten day vteit at Ta-
,re Mked
coma, Wash. She was accompanied
OHygeia .......................
□ Liberty..........................
□ Naoue (10 las, 12 Mo.)
□ OpeeR'd(12ba,14M.)
□ Oatd'niUlMJOfc.)
(Clip and keep for handy reference)
Ration Book No. 3 '
October 3.—Expiration date of red
stamps X, Y and Z, last of the rod
stamps series m War Ration Book 3.
X becomes valid August 22; Y on
August 29, and Z on September S.
September 20—Expiration date of
blue stamps R,*S and T (processed
foods). Blue stamps U, V and W be­
come valid September 1, good through
October 20.
Ration Book No. 3
(Brown stamps)
book containing coupons to be used
as those in ration book 2 run out.
October 2. — Expiration date of
brown stamps A and B, October 30
—Expiration date of brown stamps
C, D, E and F. A becomes valid
September 13; B on September 19;
C on September 26; D on October 3;
E on October 10; and F on October
17. Each weekly aeries good for 16
Ration Book No. 1
Sugar. October 31 — Expiration
date stamp No. 14, five pounds. Can­
ning sugar stamps No. 15 and 16, each
good for five pounds, through October
Phone 46
At Your
It is 4 pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­
trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Northern Life policy to fitAhe situation. There will be no
obligation, of course, and I am—at your service.
Choice flbwers and plant« reason
ably priced at Bergen’s.
stock of pre-war
We carry a complete line of V-
Belts for all makes of Refrigerators.
Washing Machines and other equip­
ment. Washer Service Co..-365 W.
Front, Coquille. Phone.
See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in
Coquille for Diamonds and Watch
Car Tires
Coquilel Valley Sentinel
Truckers get your Tires capped with
new A grade Rubber—the camelback
• *
. ■ h .
. <
with a larger pure rubber content-