other liiter'», Mrs. Ralph Rackleff of Norway, and spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burgess, of Pressed themselves as being well and on returning to Bandon. Mrs. Baltimore, Maryland, brother of Mrs. Pi*«acd with what they saw of »he ap- McNair accompanied the two daugh­ Mrs Radkleff had expected J. F. Schroeder•, have sold their home P-renl productivenes and beautiful ters. there and are planning to locate at »cenery of the Coquille valley. A her mother to spend a month with Port Orford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dru- I her. Mrs. R. R. Neuhaus, of Berkeley, Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Brodie took who *■ • school teacher, came their son. Major Darrel E. Brodie, “ “ California. She had, be- ! Calif, is visiting at the home of her to Eugene Wednesday morning of fore leaving, an agreement to teach uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Denver.’Colo. this winter, but on McCloskey this week. last week in time to catch the U:M Mrs. N. W. McDonald, of Bremer­ southbound train to Fort Hood, Texas. | arriving in California, decided to take Mrs. Fred Yarbrough and son. i “ achool in that state, after obtaining ton, Wash., a niece of Mrs. J. H. Mc­ Freddie, made their third and last a release from the former engage­ Closkey, was a JSatu day luncheon . , guest. trip to Newport Wednesday of last menu A potluck supper and corn roast Mrs. Henry Gasner, who hga been week, to get the rest of their house­ was held last Wednesday evening out tti~Ckiifornia visiting a sister, has re­ hold goods. Mrs. R. R. Raekieff and her mother, in',the orchard at the Brownie (Roy) turned. Mrs. Nlcolene Elzner is able to be Mrs. Martha McNair spent Friday af­ Robison home, with some 65 present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druliner and home again after spending a few ternoon of last week visiting Miss his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. days at the Mast Hospital and she Mattie Huling of Myrtle Point. Mrs. A. R. Bennett and Mrs. Julia Ross Druliner, were last Saturday and her grand daughter, Miss Anita Leep were business callers in Co­ evening dinner guests at the home of Tedsen, were in Marshfield Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Durward Druliner, of of this week. quille one day last week. „ .J-.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder were Broadbent. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dick and lit­ spent Saturday of last week with last Ttiursday evening dinner guests of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. tle daughter, Dova Lee, of Reedsport, their son, Adrian Schroeder, and came down Sunday and spent the day family at Ophir, Ore. Ben Burgess, at Myrtle Point. Mrs. Russell Hank and her sister- . On Wednesday of last week a de­ wljh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ licious potluck dinner brought the ter Schroeder, and took their son, in-law Mrs. Alfred Kellenberger, of members of the Pleasant Point Needle Douglas, back with them. Douglas Coquille, drove to Roseburg Satur­ lias been staying with his grandpar- day of last week and brought back frequent transfers of thousands |W. Haughton. After dinner a short enU ior the Pa,t three weeks but several bushels of fruit consisting of n from one location to another; business meeting was held followed l,utl to return home for school next peaches, pears, prunes and muskmel- i -I—"- forwarding of the mailI by the distribution of gifts honoring week. Mr. and Mrs Severt Iverson lons. iunsumes addltton«1 time; the *he birthdays and7 wedding anniver- f““1 Ro*er and Myron, came Mrs. M. B. Bennett, of West Myrtle dtv for eivine oreference to re- aaries which came in the month of in irom Roseburg Sunday, also spend- Point, spent the day Sunday visiting XZiS Z2SS modi- August. Thote present were th. >g tj day with her parenta, Mr Mrs. Julia Leep at the A. R. Ben­ md food in allotment of ship- Mesdames Frank Southmayd, Harry und Ur*- W“1U* Schroeder, nett home. Meanwhile her daughter space, which often mean, that Druliner, Belle Iwwellen, Ella Bry-1 Mrs. Winnie Hopkins, of Spokane, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. ihipments of gifts must wait. «n‘. Southmayd. Mike Daniels, . down to Bandon Friday to Breuer and their daughter, Mrs. t is most urgent that gifts be Lena Kellenger, John Lewellen, vi»‘t her mother, Mrs. Martha Me- Wayne Cook, and two children, Ted- red to th® men IN TIME FOR Southmayd, Raymond Thompson, Nalr» and a aiater, Mrs. Ernie Boak die and Sharon, drove to Marshfield to take Sunoay dinner with another 1 married daugmer, Mrs. Ben Daniels., Norway News I terns ~ Rom where I sit The Story of Island "IT rounted. A typical Nivy Follow your trade in the Navy. For men who Itch to get in the thick of things, the Seabees offer ACTION. They’re a tough, hard-hitting organization of spe­ cialists who build bases and help hold them, repair battle-damaged ships and other Navy equipment, back up the combat line with tools and guns. Seabees are specialists, and get full credit fortheir knowledge. In addition to their base pay, ranging from $50 to $126 a month, they get all living and clothing expenses, plus family allowance, plus 20% of base pay for overseas service. Here’s adventure, action, satisfying war service for red-blooded Americans between 17 and 50 with an unusual appeal to mature men over 58 with a trade. Ask for details of the new voluntary induction plan of enlistment for men between 18 and 38. APPLY in ptrton or write your Navy Re­ cruiting Station: Federal & Poet Office Building, Marshfield, Oregon Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St I______ Phone N .___ Al S herwin W illiams P aints