...V —- ----- - Br. m-hroeder’s Jewelry Store m “Spike” Lesli* for the besf W Coquille for- Dumnnà* and Wahl Liability, or other Insurance. O™*’ Straps. # lt* next door to Coquille Hospi , phone 8; residence phone 9SL. • Have you eeen Harbison's fine dis- Oregon farmers will have an im­ play of myrtlewood? At Bergen's, s Gifts for all occasion, at Bergen’s portant role in the Third War Loan drive Plan* which call for the per­ H. A. YOUNG. Miler sonal aoliticttation of every farmer last Sunday and Mr. Hudson now in th* state ye being formulated, ac­ has as nifty and up-to-the-minute a cording to E. C. Sammons, state chair­ drug store as will be found anywhere. man of the Oregon War Finance I Committee. Under the direction f Burt K. Sny- Mrs/ Stella Kellogg Drake, worthy grant/matron of the Eastern çtar gtar for Ier- newly appointed to head the ag­ Oregon, paid her official visit to ricultural division, a new farm pro­ Beulah Chapter, No. fl, here Wednes­ gram is being developed to the point where there will be at least one rep­ day evening. resentative for each ten farms to be the birth of contacted. Realizing the farm labor nine-pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. shortage, county organizations will and family IfOfl Victor Pattengill in the north part of provide farm-to-farm solicitors who OitM will canvas* every farmer in the day afternoon from their three town last Friday evening. •SHlITIII finisti state and enable him to purchase months auto trip east. Mrs. C. R. Bloyd returned home war bonds without the necessity of DON’T KILL THE BIRD THAT Miss Mary O’FarreU and her broth­ yesterday afternoon after visiting at traveling to neighboring .towns to LAYS THE GOLDEN ROOS er, John Jr., and Joe. Hall drove in her former home at Hillsboro and conduct this business. “The war bond program is made to In spite of warnings from influen­ from Eugene last Sunday. The former attending the camp meetings at order for Oregon farmers,” says Sny­ tial members of the Congress that the two have been visiting at the Jas. W. Troutdale. der "At present farmers are unable saturation point has been reached in Laird home this week, while Mr. Hall If you have a few dimes In your,“» buy »««ch °f »he equipment they both individual and corporate taxa­ has been visiting his brother-in-law, them out and look them*! wouM llke to h«ve 011 «»eir farms and tion, the Treasury Department, in at­ B. A. Roberta, at Fairview. Mr.i pocket __ take ._____ . »_____ • _ . a . > __ . In their homes. hmnui: The 'T’Fizx was in war * bond pro­ tempting to draft Its new tax bill is Hall ia a magazine writer and has over, remembering that each one will gram offers a safe investment at good buy a million German marks now, contributed articles to the National endeavoring to raise an additional $12,000,000,000 revenue on 1944 in­ Geographic and to The Outlook, un­ and be thankful that your money is interest for all available funds.'”. Treasury research indicates that der the pen name of Upton Close. He not liable to become so nearly more come in these two categories. farmers constitute the largest un­ than worthless as Germany's is now. At a meeting with Mr. Morgenthau, spent six years in China, going over tapped market for wai* bonds in the* Under-Secretary of War Patterson, there a* a secret service man for the and Navy Under-Secretary Forrestal, I U. S. government, One of the surprises of the cur­ U S. A. In the past the difficulty has rent events on Coos Bay is the mar­ been inability to reach the farmer. backed by the War Production Board, I —O'­ Capt. O. R. Willard, an old-time riage of Geo. Wasson, of South In­ Under the new program farmers will pointed out the relationship between be called upon personally and given incentive and the all-out war effort. resident of Coquille and thia valley, let, to Miss Bess Finley, daughter of an opportunity to buy bonds. has been visiting in the county for . Mr. and Mr*. E. B. Finley, of Co- The War, Navy, and Production of­ ” I quille. ficials bqjieve that th* profit incen­ the past ten days. dynamite so far as the Nation’s tive not onl- must be preserved for farmer* are concerned, the Govern­ corporation* but also for individuals, Some reader mailed me a copy of poker game, business included, no ment is being forced to grant oleo regarding a bite “too deep" into tor Mr. Browder's book on postwar goals player should have the right to pick interests a more favorable marketing dustrial profits, already heavily as- for democracy. With it way also a up the wlhning unless first putting In set-up than before This ia in the in­ sessed, a* destructive to full produc- pamphlet briefing the Tolan-Pepper his ante. In other words, no one terests of providing some sort of but­ tion of the weapons of war. ._ Bill whicK provided for a Federal should share in the profits of the ter for general table use Influential congressmen have said participation in th* financing of business unless ho risks his own cap­ Having had some experience with ital therein. The communist party oleo, I do not share the fears of the that th* most that can be drawn from American business, corporations in new taxes is $1,800,- is well written does not concur in this belief but dairy industry that oleo wUl sup­ Mr. Browder’s book ia 000,000—that any further increase and is illustrative of his well-known Insists that employees have a vested plant butter, or st least depress it* might destroy the nation's economy. philosophy of collectivism and th* ac­ interest in the business that employs post-war price If people have suf­ Further, these legislators believe that companying regimentation of all interest of the stockholders who ficient money to spend for food I industry must be given some assur­ civil life in America. He feels that them over and above the wages they believe they will purchase butter ev­ ance of a postwar future. They feel th* best interest* of the country can receive. This interest is regarded by ery time even though the price 1* that it Ig imperative to make provi­ be served by destroying private en­ them as equal, if not superior) to the somewhat higher than that of oleo. sions now for termination of th* ex­ terprise Indirectly by the entrance of risk their money. You can readily The latter has a place in household cess profits tex, 'Immediately after Federal government into all phases see the logic of this position if you use, possibly, but not as a spread on th* war. \ 'of our economic and social life. The believe in the collective state where bread for the people. It is said that book is very logical in its argument the Individual has no property and 'on* acquire* a taste for oleo and is and follow* the consistent theory the State has it all. satisfied with it after a while. But it The fact that,American men and certainly cannot claim to possess the • that the individual should be the ser- •vant of th* State, for his own well­ women have a passion for owning food value of butter and in my opin­ By R. T. Moore An encouraging development in I being or his own social security. and enjoying their own things would ion will never supplant it for table Washington is the result of a Con- Were It not for the fact that Mr. seem to protect us from the pitfalls of UM. ✓ gressional poll conducted by the New Browder reasons from the false state socialism. But unless this pas­ the proper course, it would seem. York Herald Tribune. The newspa- prerAise Chat every man ia righteous sion or individual ownership is back­ ' for dairy interests is to refuse to give per asked a cross-section group of and has the good of hie neighbor at ed up by alert and energetic action battle to oleo on a competitive basis Senator* and Representatives qua*- heart, and that the collective effort of at the polls to prevent election of but rather to set up an independent tions relative to the importance of « committee in the management of those who believe in collectivistic and fair price for butter that will af­ various poet-war problems. The re- ; enterprise le superior to that of a principles we are apt to have these ford ample return to the dairy indus­ suit of this poll shows that the safe- ¡trained individual, his book might be things imposed on us against our' try. There may be a period in which guarding of private enterprise and convincing. But ufter reading it I will. Truly in this instance vigilance sales will lag because of the coming the furnishing of employment to re- have become more firmly convinced is the price of freedom. universial use of oleo. But nature turned service men thereby, are than before that communism or col- will have Its way In th* end and the Last Sunday afternoon I had oc­ people will return gradually to pre­ foremost in the minds of our Con- lectivism will not be acceptable to »rcsaman. Such subjects as taxation,1 the American people I am also con- casion to make a trip to a friend’s ferred use of the good old standby social security, industrial relations vlnced that the American people must farm out on Halls Creek. To me this that made their lives happy in their and education are far down the list be on the alert to prevent the im- trip was quite educational in that 1 younger day* — fresh home-made in rank of importance. ; position of communist ideas through made my first acquaintance with th* bread. gobs of butter, and some brown very ingenious system of pressure ir­ sugar swimming thereon. This will indicate that Congress is subterfuge apd misrepresentation. misrepresentation, It is painfully evident that our rigation in use on his farm. While I alert to the necessity of preserving TAKES BETTER CARE our free competitive system of pri­ Federal agencies are honeycombed had seen these sprinklers at a distance We oarry a complete line of V- OF YOUR CAR vate enterprise. It will also indicate with people who ere either members I had never before had an opportun­ Belta for all make* of Refrigerator*. that there will be a more sympa­ of the Communist Party or are fel- ity to examin* them closely. It would Washing Machines and other equip­ They are working seem to me that they are th« answer ment. Washer Service Co.. 385 W. thetic attitude toward business here- I low-travelers. s a after and that the prevailing public ' tirelessly to put over their ideas dur­ to difficulties experienced by ranch­ Front. Coquille. Phone. KJ if* opinion is overwhelmingly opposed ing this war period when public at- ers for creek bottoms during dry to collectivism in any form. , tention is directed elsewhere. Our season when pasture become spars*. Under the able leadership of Sena- defense lies in a vigilant public opin- This system is such that one man tor George the Senate Finance com- i ion which will spur Congress into can easily shift the pipes. The Joints mittee is working on tax problems keeping firm control of the situation, are constructed in such a way that and the prevailing sentiment in the I The chief item in the Tolan-Pepper the pressure of the water seals them committee seems to feel that th* sat- bill seems to be the labor-manage- in spite of the fact that they fit uration point has been reached in ment idea of operating the business loosely and easily when pressure is corporate taxation because th* heavy | The fact that it is coupled with Mr. off. And I am told that thq cost of tax now destroys practically all in- Browder’s book confirms my earlier operating them is quite nominal. centive for efficiency and cost-cutting suspicious that the Communist party Some use a gas driven force pump in management There is no reason originated this idea which is akin to and some use small electric motors for being careful about cost* when the Soviet system used in Russia be- It would seem to me that the pro­ Uncle Sam pays 80 per cent of them, fore Stalin threw it away. ductivity of these little bottom-land It is probable that legislation will be : The theory behind this labor-man- ranches could be greatly increased if enacted providing for postwar re- agement idea is good. It is that these sprinkling systems were avail- j serves which will enable corporations workmen actually operating the Rii- able to ranchers in quantity and if to finance their expected increase In chines and doing the routine work mobile units In the form of a small production after the war. Much con- of a business are apt to have better diesel-driven unit mounted on four cern has been s x prassad ever the ideas on labor-saving and economic wheel* were used This mobile pow­ dearth of venture money essential to short-cuts than executives who are er unit could be rolled to any point the industrial program. Several not so close to the actual mechanics along the creek bed and the sprink­ members of th* Senate committoe feel of operation. But unfortunately in ling pipes laid out from the unit that the S. E. C. should be throttled practice labor politicians always seem without being limited by fixed poai- to prevent their frightening venture to acquire the places on the impor­ lions, as is now the case with elec- money away from business expansion tant union committees with the re­ trie or heavy gas installation, This stock issues. Others believe that a sult that the labor-management idea comes from watching these elec- system of rewarding operation of- group would very likely be composed trie welding units now so freely used ficiency, similar to that of England, of politicians rather than operators, in industrial plants. should be adopted. Others are work­ If you believe that politicians are This 1* a good idea for some dealer ing on a plan tor issuance of govern­ ■pt to be more capable as executives in farm machinery to take up The ment bonds negotiable and bearing than the less popular but more skilled saving in pipe lines- would be con­ Interest only after the war. These types of men, you will probably sub­ siderable because th* power unit bond* would be deductible as an scribe to the labor-management Idea. could be moved at will. And the *f- operating expense and would fur­ But if you have no faith in the po­ fiicency of the sprinkling would be nish postwar reserves for th* cor­ litical management of a business as greatly increased for the same rea­ ¡against the trained executive man- son. poration purchasing them. “Coed morning. Doc. Your good wife tells me peo^e realize that a large part of the war- . you’re working night and day now that aq required to make the rrrdical an The-perennial struglle at dairy to-1*-. tJMmy of ths youRfcr doct orsafO^thearmy. * aup- pta»thdtitrebeihgt>IRi nWO® “ to • to “That'sright, Judge, and I'm glad I’m still enterprise is uppermost in th* minds ' ft is to be remembered that the torests to maintain their market for; alleviate pain, combat infection and save able to do it. Had a long letter from Harry... of Congress and that something will labor-management committee will butter against oleo competition seems j human lives, is produced by the bevemsr «X^a1