The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 02, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    is employed in
anon. \ j
0. E. S. Natal Day
Observed At Myrtle
Point Monday Eve
member* of the
togetner for a
o’clock Wedne*-
Maloncy, who is
Two very special event* have oc­
curred lately of interest to member*
of the O. E. S. On* wa* th* lovely
reception given to Dr. June Martin,
Worthy Grand Ma trim of Oregon, and
to Mrs. Virginia Hillstrom, Grand
Ruth, by Doric Chapter.^ Marshfield.
Saturday evening.
The officer* of Beulah Chapter,
No. 0, put on a lovely degree present­
ing Dr. Jun* with a beautiful myrtle­
wood altar and miniature replica* of
all of the emblem* of the order In
Dori* Chapter, by request, present­
ed the graceful and attractive de­
green which they gave at th* Grand
Chapter session in June. Mr*. Edna
Taylor, W. M., of Beulah Chapter, was
honored by being appointed on the
International Temple Fund commit-
To The Folks In Town
» 1
' V
"J ' I '
"Thousands of communities will be faced with one of
their major responsibilities of this war when the crops are
ready for canning and processing.
"If the food is not quickly harvested and canned when
the time cpmes, it will be lost. Usual sources of extra help
K'bn’the farms and in the canning plants are not Available.
“I, therefore appeal to every patriotic citizen of these
communities—men and women, boys and girls—to make
their plans to go into the local canning and processing plants
or into the fields or orchards to help save America’s crops.
“This work is serious. You will, of course, be paid for it.
Work as long as you possibly can—as many days—as many
“Only with whole-hearted cooperation of all citizens
can we give our fighters and our allies the food we need
to win.”
Claude R. Wickard
Secretary of Agriculture
Oerding and Ben Howe, all student*
of Mi** Dae, delighted the boy* with
several of their number*.
Bryant showed her fine logging films
which thrilled the boys and resulted
in their asking Mr*. Bryant to take
the films, in fact th* whole program
to Marshfield, for the entertainment
of that Coast Guard Unit.
The committee from Coquille took
George E. Oerding Sell*
Bandon and Coquille Property
Friendly Doien
Mrs. L. P. Fugelson was hostess to
members of the Friendly Doxen Club
af her home on Wednesday. She was
the recipient of birthday gifts be­
cause of a recent anniversary. A
surprise shower of lovely baby things
was tendered Mrs. H. F. Beadner who
is in Alamogordo, N. M., where Capt.
Beadnei i* stationed. Members of
• th* club who attended were Della
Wilcox, Alma Minard, Clara Hultin,
i Marie Trended, Susie Hardenbrook,
Elsie Wheaton and gueH* were Annie
Bandon property, consisting of thir- ;
teen acre* located on the Oregon I
Coast highway near the fish hatchery, '
with a home and several small trout
ponds, owned by Mrs. Clara Wald, :
was sold to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gou- i
vion, of Los Angeles. Mr Gouvion I
is employed in defense work in Log .
Angele** and will continue there for j
the duration. Hl* family i* now on '
¡{heir way to Coo* county and will
, take possession of their new purchase
upon arrival.
The Sanford Height* property, con-
slating pf a house and one-fourth of
Millions of pounds of Oregon cranberries are ready for
harvest. Many of them must be canned for the U. S. Armed
Forces and for civilians.
Hundreds of men and women are needed for harvest­
ing .. . for dehydrating ... for canning. Clean, safe work.
Good wages. A worth-while war-time job.
Call in person or telephone for further information.
Pickers will be directed to bogs of cranberry growers whose
berries are going to Uncle Sam.
M. S. Anderson, District Manager
Coquille, Oregon
Telephone: Coquille 88
Calling cara* &C Tur *1.00.
SNOWDRIFT Shortening 7I-
1 Lb. Jar
(It red pt*.)
A Number of
Occasional Chairs and
Platform Rockers
A few draperies and panel
curtains left
A Largo Stock of
9x12 rugs; yard goods in 6 ft., 9 ft., 12
A Good Assortment of
WOOL RUGS moderately priced
Monarch Wood Ranges
Let BieggerY Show You
You can't t® wrong whw fpm our »tore and »re the
largo »took of household Furnishing* and Equipment shown
on our di»play floor, They are pHred right, too,
Durum hard wheat lHIb pkg
“ 1
I lb Pk*
1 Jt,
CHBbrand (It Mpta) 14-ea b*»,W*