Marriage Licenses Mr. and Mrs. List«* Parrish enter­ tained at a farewell party Friday eve­ ning in honor of Miss Janice Oster- hout, who has been transferred to an office in Grants Pass. Travel games were enjoyed, followed by refresh­ ments around gaily decorated tables in blue and white. Centering the serving table was a bus depot, which concealed a gift from those present to the honor guest. E tch guest had a miniature suitcase at his place, which contained a fortune. Guests included Mrs.. Martha Mul­ key, Myrtle Fleer, Vera Stevens, Doris Hadsall, Avis Ricketts, Dale Hooten, Tom Boots, Joyce Benham, Earl Benham, Evelyn McKee, Einar Bjorkstrom, Ann Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Liston Parrish and the hohor guest, Janice Osterhouth. - A found robin letter was written ta Wilton Willey, who is in the army. A solid, substantial business The Towne 1 Aug »1—Henry Detlefewt, of Nor- J way, and TTTTy Anna Rathman, of Albany. I Sept 1—Millard .Curtis Morning land Gertrude May Cook, both of Siltcoos, Ore. Sept. 1—Delbert W. Galbreath, of Burlington, Waah., and Elene Haft, of Port Orford, Ore. ' *; ' Sept. 1—Waiter John Joyce. Jr., of Montclair, N. J„ and Mary O’Con­ nor, of Caldwell. N. J. Probate Court Items ' District Attorney Ben C. Flaxel was on uTesday appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of Ausley Edward Babcock, who died in Multnomah county August 17. Verd Smith, Mike Boone and OrvlUe Wilson were named as appraisers of the estate which is estimated to consist of $1500 in real property and $400 in personal. Surprise Shower For Mrs. Glen Church Including Equipment Is Mrs Glen Church was pleasantly surprised at a shower given in her honor by Mrs. Glen Hutton. The rooms were decorated with asters Gertrude Meaning New Furniture and Home Ironing Boards $3.95 & $4.95 • Church. Headquarters for School Supplies Daveno and Chair-Sets $109*50 and up We have a complete stock of all School Items and are ready to supply all needs. Note Books and Fillers Pens - Pencils - Rulers Ink - Typing Paper Fountain Pens-Indexes ■ Erasers - Lunch Kits Cedar Chests Occasional Tables $5.95 and up Bob McGilvery Home A Week Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:0# Two Zeigler Boys At Same C. G.*Station Tents— 27c PEARS S’* l5p„.23c CRACKERS CATSUP il"?“ “S 25c POT CLEANERS„19* PEACHES £'«29c COFFEE W“L. 32c * 29c PICKLES -8x10 Wall tenl-IOoz 10x12 Wall Tent-IOoz TISSUE WAUX>B^h 19c BORAXO Tarpaulins— BLEACH Various sizes frcm - - $2.75 up WHEATIES 2,23c Tc WAX PAPER Bud Trendell Transferred To Corpus Christi, Texas Department Bud Trendell, Navy aviation me* chanlc, first class, has been trans­ ferred from Oklahoma to the Navy camp at Corpus Christi, Texas, where his old schoolmates, Charles Mclntee and Bud Arnold are stationed. His father, A. O Trendell, expects him home on leave before long. GROUND BEEF 7 Pts. 30c SALT FORK * No Points .............. .... LIVER 6 Pts. 30c FLUFFO 4 Pts. ....................... . z: Wc | SIRLOIN STEAK Beef 11 Pts, ..... OCR CEILING PRICES ARE S k 25c ... ...... — — w BEEF ROASTS ’ « 1R« k •••.■.............................. AND OPEN TO YOUB 1NRPRCTION J 34c J J THRIFT GROCERY 8 Coquille Myrtle Point 8 L^ mf ^ f ^ f ^ f For Thrifty Buyer» ^* f