Till COQUILLE VAI LEY SENTI N KI., COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST M. IMI —.------------------- - ----------------------------- Minor Men M ott Glenda Clinton left Sunday for a j Mrs. F. G. Leslie has been quite ill -vacation at Eugene. ¡this week and Mr. Leslie would like ' ~ t' —'tu lie«' r^enyoiic wrrcrniny tie wining Mrs. Julius Ruble and daughter. 'hou*work ¡Laura Emily, returned hcsne last' .Thursday morning after a two weeks' I Mrs. Chris Terras left Coqui lie this 'vacation trip to Portland, where they we*k to ,nuke ht“r home permanently ; visited friends and relatives. Time ! with her daughter, Kathleen, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Stevens went to was spent with the Jas. Hersey family 1 husband. Dr. Powell, in Oakland, in Portland and the Ben Herseys at ' Calif. Portland last Sunday. a Beaverton. They were guests for* * two days at St. Mary’s where Mrs. Mrs. Melvin Schroeder came down Ruble as a girl attended school. Mrs. from Eugene on Monday to see her ' Ruble’s roommate at that time is now new granddaughter who was born to Sister Hilda Marie. Mrs, ¡Ruble Mr. qnd Mrs. Walter H. Homenyk at Stated the train was very crowded the Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point on as far as Eugene with lots of sol­ Aug. 14. The little miss, who weighed Mrs. Annie Robinson is feeling diers traveling both ways. It took yix pounds, six ounces, has been much better this week and is able two days wait to get a berth, she said named Judith Allene. to be up and around again. ■mil, in ■ ■ Mrs Ralph Hurlbutt left the first of this week for a visit with her mother at Springfield. GREAT PICTURES LAST MONTH AND THE MONTH BEFORE Mr. and Mrs. James Phillipa ar­ rived here from Tacoma last Satur­ day evening for a week <4 two visit wtth her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackey. Mrs. John King's brother, Johnny Serrano, who left ten days ago for his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., after a week’s visit here with his sister, told her that, “People do not live in this country." It is to be admitted that there is not the rush and excitement in Coos county that is “found in and adjacent to the nation’s metropolis, but for that reason they live longer in southwestern Oregon and are Just as happy. Note Books and Fillers Pens - Pencils - Rulers . Ink - Typing Paper Fountain Pens-Indexes Erasers - Lunch Kits EVEN GREATER HITS DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS? «nd F®rt»wge t** roqether tKjJ - ¿1« ther*// Margaret Stewart went to Eugene last Thursday and attended the wed­ ding of Gladys May on Sunday. Coming Attractions Listed At The Bottom Of This Ad. WEDNESDAY Adults Mrs. Herman Ellingsen and six- I year-old son. Dickie, will spend the next three months here in Coquille with Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen. Herman is inspector on a housing project at Sutherlin and has been unable to find a place near his work where his fam­ ily can live. 30c Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:00 Made With U. S. Army Air Corps Cooperation at Harlingen Aerial Gunnery School at Harlingen, Texas DEDICATED TO AMERICA'S SHARPSHOOTERS Of THE SKIES' SPOT LIGHTED WITH HIGH SPEED HILARITY AND MELODY Rural fun at its best with your favorite band of coin-fed meny-rnakers! iW«t' «1/- FEATURE NO. TWO 4-Color 8x10 They fight in.the sky. they fight on the . orownd ! what a 1 5tor^i xvâ A witheachadmissiot^ ‘Dizzy Detectives” LATEST NEWS from “DESPERADOES” “STORMY WEATHER "ACTTON-TN THE * NORTH ATLANTIC” PRESENTING LILY MAJRS” “THE HUMAN COMEDY” HARRIGAN KID” “SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS” WHATS BUZZIN’ COUSIN’ ROXY MATINEE SAT. 1:45 Matinee 11c — 36c Evenings 11c — 40c _A_ LATEST NEWS Popeye Cartoon