■ » -... - • Ü- ' v " ,V ■ • ’ * PAGKÀEVRN Fairview News or bus for at least two days. So Elden Mrs. Clarence Mullins and Mr. and H/svi/l Li B and C Gas Ration Books and his wife brought baby Bennie Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mr. and Mrs. -■*'»▼•’■ ••• OliQng Must Be Exchanged Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Richardson and down to his mother, Mrs. E. F. Brodie, HSrold Bargeldt and Mr. and Mrs Dioc In Arivnnn All outstandttig old type B at^d C here and they left for Portland Fri- Marlin Evans, of Myrtle Point, all b/lcS 111 MllZOnQ eve sw>»«uiu * s»a«sa sail uvmia, svajgisv FUlIll, Ois family made a trip to Portland last J--------- ------------- — ratiqp books must be exchanged for week, leaving Monday and returning day at 1:00 a. m. to meet his brother, enjoyed a pot luck supper with Mr. ’ David Henry Strang, a cousin ot the new type ihtion coupons before They got in early Friday evening and and Mrs. Melden Carl Sunday eve- Friday. Z. C. Strang of this city and a brother September 1, the district OPA re­ Mrs. J. A. Deadmond returned Saturday evening enjoyed a family ning, as a sort of farewell get-to- of Cha*. Strang who left here a few minded motorists today. Monday evening after visiting rela­ dinner at the E. F. Brodie’s. Major gether for Mr and Mrs. Long. years ago, pused away at his home in On September 1 the old type cbu- tives in the Eugene valley for over a Darrel E. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. El- ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long were Mesa, Ariz., on Aug. 18, according to 1 ‘pons become invalid and gasoline den Brodie and son, Bennie, Mr. and Sunday over night guests and Mon­ week. word received this week, by Mr. dealers cannot accept them in ex­ G. B. Dow was brought home from Mrs. Birt Soaper and his mother, Mrs. day morning breakfast guests of Mr. Strang here. change for gasoline, Motorists cun and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, after Keizer hospital last Thursday and is Vesta Soaper, were present. He was born on what is now known readily tell if they are now holding Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holland are which they left early that morning feeling somewhat better. The Dows as the Hathaway place, three miles have moved into their new house this staying at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. for their new home in San Jacinto. south of Coquille on the highway, in the new type, coupons. Old type B and C coupons are identified by the Roy»Robtson’ s, this weekend Mr. Hol- California, where they will both be side of the "river, 1871 and was three months and 29 words "permits delivery of one unit Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. L. A. land’s sister and husband, Mr. and1 employed as teachers in tl»e high days past 72 years of age. of gasoline.” New type B and C Ryan, Jr.1, returned last Sunday from ! Mrs. Jim Mather, and little daughter, school this coming year He is to be His first marriage was in 1890 to a «visit to Medford at the home of Dixie Lee, from Vallejo, California, the phincipal and she will be an as- Belle Colwell and atfer her death coupons carry only the words "Mile­ age ration," plus a large B or C de­ their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. were visitors at the Roy Robison sistant. he moved to eastern Oregon where he G. E. Hall. Mrs. Ryan went on to home from Monday till Wednesday : Rev. M. D. Rempel, of Coquille, resided for several years. He- was pending on the class of ration. B coupons, as in the past, are printed in this week. conducted the regular Sunday morn- tier home in Marshfield. married there and in 1911 with his green ink, and C coupons in red. Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey at- ing church service, Visiting at the L. L. -Buoy home last family moved to Arizona where he Car owners can exchange valid old Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence tended the Elks’ picnic held on Coos followed with an attendance of 34. has since lived. type coupons by applying to their river last Sunday. They estimated ♦ There will be services again next Miller and two children, of Gravel­ Besides his widow he leaves one local war price and rationing boards ford; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Krantz and the attendance at around nine hun- Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and son and one daughter, both married by mail or in person, the OPA ex­ Sunday school I at 11 a. m. two children, of Coquille. Mr. and.dred- and living in Arizona; a sister, Mrs. Mr. and^Mi Mrs. Wm. Noah and daughter, xm Bonnie Br«tbren Church of Myrtle .......... —....... ,,.,..», ! The ------------------------------ - — ----- Jrs. Oliver Myers, of i Hulda Morras, of Bandon, and an plained, and new type coupons will be issued on a coupon-for-coupon at dinner Norway last Glenn Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. visited Stanley at Halter Sun- ! Ellen, of Lakeside; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robison p°int had place • Picnic at the Myrtle Point, the home | aunt, Mrs. Sara Walker, besides basis. | u Isaacson, of this valley. , cousins, niece and nephews. A further new day. r - “ Visiting on the Bay last Saturday ' dayJ the local rationiag Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Mr. Wfere Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byerly, Mrs. ■ morning, states that if the books Ray Deadmon, Lee Byerly and Wm. i and Mrs. Harvey Meyers were last Mrs. Ida Myers und Mrs. Lawrence turned in expire on or before October . Barklow, ot North Bbnd, were Fred and Lee have been Sunday afternoon callers at the Emil Byerly. 1 Aug. 19—Edward Hulet Jenness 13, 1943, the Board shall require the Sunday dinner guests at. the home of - - homes of ----- - Petersen home. visiting at ■ the Wm. - Byerly and Ethel Bernice Bridenhagen, both applicant to fill out u renewal form . Mrs. Nico line Elzner, of Norway, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter. and Ray Deadmond. of Murshfield. They were married by und issue the new lation as of cur­ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at Mrs. Mabel McKinley and chil- ** ln lhe Maat Hospital for a few days the home of Mr. and Mis. Emil Peter­ Justice F. R. Bull here at his office rent date. dren, Kay and Sandra, left Monday a bronchial irritation, on Saturday. , 1' If the applicant’s book expires af­ morning for Sacramento, Calif, where | Mrs. Fred Schmidt gave a birth- son Sunday afternoon. Aug. 20—Gilbert A. Harky, of Far- ter October 15, 1943, the Board shall __ ~ _ __ _____ _ day party for her little daughter, i Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bender, of Myr- they are to make their home. Mrs. 1 McKinley and Mrs T. h ' Benham Ruth- lalt Friday afternoon with the tie Point, were Sunday dinner guests well, Nebr., hnd Bethel Albro, of make an even exchange of coupons, Roseburg. with • the new ration carrying the are cousins and Kay has been stay- following present: Mrs. Mullins and of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl, Aug. 21—Geo. M. Bloise and Dixie same expiration date as the old. No ing at the Benham home this summer. four little from Arai°' Helen , ’------- ~~~- There was a reunion dinner at the D*tlei*«n and two children, Bobbie; Again next Tuesday, Aug. 31, a May Gardner, both of Bandon. They written application form used. Holders of lOO-gallon coupons must Wm. Byerly home last Wednesday >nd Mary Ann: Mrl Ray traveling examiner of applicants for were married at the Presbyterian evening. Those present were Mr. “nd daughter, Patty; Mrs. Howard drivers’ licenses wil be at the Co- church there on Sunday by Rev. H. apply to the boards to have them M. Roberts. exchange for regular coupons of the ■ and Mrs. Fred Byerly and two daugh­ i Detlefsen, Mrs. Don Schmidt and her qullie city hall, between 9:00 a. m. Aug. 24—George W. Clarno, of appropriate class—B, C, E, B or TT, !two children, Ernie and Dickie; Mrs. and 4:00 p. m. ters, from Chico, Calif.; Mr. and Marshfield, and Katharina Wilkens, or in the case df large users, for ra­ ------------------------- Mrs. Lee Byerly and son, of Los Martin Schmidt and her daughter, ■ tion bank certificates. The one-gal- ■ Mrs. Doward Strong and her two PAINT BEFORE THE FALL RAINSj of North Bend. Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dead­ START — We carry a complete ------------------------- j Ion bulk coupons issued to members mond, Betty Heddon, Leland Harry, children. Refreshments of ice cream, | Croquet and Badminton sets at of the armed forces as a special fur- 1 stock of Public Service House and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman, Miss ■ cake and fruit punch were served. I Barn Paint. Farr and Elwood, s the Goodyear Störe. | lough or leave travel ration will con- Martin Schmidt received a letter Carrie Byerly, Mrs. Clara Kibler, ■ from his stepson, Elbert Dean, this Mrs. Robert Kimbro, of Portland, | ■ past week. He Is in New Guinea and and Wm. Byerly. Leland Harry, of Dora, who has ia 8ettin< along fine and likes the been staying at the Ray Deadmond ’ountry there. ____ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kellenberger ■ farm, was called home on account of his father breaking his arm His and family, of Coquille, spent Sat­ brother, Paul, came to help at the urday and Sunday with his mother and sister at Norway. Deadmond place . Wisley Fowler, of NorWay, has Mr, and Mrs. Fred Byerly and been quite sick the past ten days with daughters, Betty and Jean, left Tues­ day morning for their home at Chico, a septic sore throat. tinue in use, it was explained. We carry a complete Belts for all makes of Washing Machines and ment. Washer Service Front, Coquille. Phone. 16tfs SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKENS STEAKS & SEA FOODS Are Our Specialties Dinners $1.00 and $1.25 Open every day except Wed­ nesday each week until 8:00 P. M. TOWN CAFE Marriage Licenses Calif. , . " Mr. and Mrs. Lee Byerly and boo left for their home ln Los Angeles Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbell and two sons, Charles and Jack, of San Francisco, were visitors at the Albert Thommen home last week. Mr. Hubbell is Mrs. Thommen’s brother. Their son, Jack, is spending the rest of the summer here at the Thommen home. Marvene Henagin returned Friday from visiting a couple of weeks at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thurman, of Seattle, Wash., arrived at the Chas. Holverstott home Monday. They have come to take their three chil­ dren, Allen, Verna and David, home with them. They have stayed at the Holverstott home this summer. PROGRAM WARTIME CONDITIONS hav* si- ftcied ihe nation'» feed supply. Due . Mr. and Mrs. Mast and family family reunion when Mr. Sparks and are moving to • $sen arrive. Mr. Sparks has «oW out _ __________ ’ — aff Wbusffies»' IntWMts here «ntf-lgh'd * teVW Bxmfon, vRM pt­ plans to return to Mobridge, S. 0- Last Thursday night about mid­ night Elden Brodie received a tele­ phone call from his brother, Major Darre| E. Brodie at Portland, asking • Elden fo come and meet him as he had just come in the d*y before with a troop train from Camp Hood, Texas- bound for Fort Lewis. Wash., and had about five or six days ot hie own and could not get down on any train — » Norway News items VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR AWS DUTY One of the greatest civilian volunteer organisations to come out of this war is the Aircraft Warning Service... the airplane "spotters" who stand guard night and day. , The forest industries salute them ... they can and do prevent enemy "fire-bomb­ ANZ Al ia a Jap cheer that meant “everything to the good.” There’s no need to tell YOU that Jape will chder for big forest fires in our West Coaat woods. Because fires stop logging (and we’re short of saw logs now I), ’ftey form daytime smoke screens and sky glow at night. Fires require valuable man-hours to get them under control... man-hours that should be devoted to getting out timber. So be on the alert! Report every fire...at once. Just call central. And above all, warn your friends to be exceptionally careful of matches and cigarettes in the woods. Nine out of ten fires start through carelessness. ings.” You are invited to |oin this patriotic group. In­ quire at your loeal defense organization. OREGON SCREEN'’ W