I » THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENUNtt. COQÜtUX OkiOON, TWÍ1M»4 ay . . •______ , • *—we—T***^^^^^"""****"*"^1 Girl—Part time. FOR SALE or will let out on shares AArc Work can be done at own conven- | —18 head of Ewes. Bill Foote, 408 M ience, 2 or 3 hours a day. Apply Lorenz Department Store. It* ■ m f T imx ----- « Rosie* 1« Wsve D“QCn W US Youths Of 17 Moy E 9th St7,t—Beor Creek Pioneer > Now Enlist in Novy I Pioneer Methodist Church Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor 9:49 Sunday School hour. Enjoy this hour with rooms for every class. 11:00 Sunday morning worship hour. Sermon subject, “God’s Wise Plans for Us.” 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. Alive and interesting. 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour Organ music, song service and brief message combine to make this help­ ful. 7:30 Wednesday evening’s choir rehearsal hour. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, director. 7:30 Thursday evening's mid-week services. 7:30 Friday evening. Vacation Bible school demonstration. ; The world will never be greatly ! helped by people who merely wish it. | were better. We must put ourselves into the task of helping to make it i better TAKEN UP—Stray dog. a Colyer, 5 | (Western World) | Enlistment of qualified seventeen- WANTED—Woman or Girl to care, weeks ago. Can be secured at, The death recently of Mrs. Roaella year-old young men for future Naval for children, between 8 a. m. and Father Kelley’s home, 891 East GOOD USED PIANO For Sale-Call 4 p. m„ five days a week. Call First street, by paying 29c for this: Beach was the passing of one identi- i flight training has been resumed, and 222J, Coquille. It*» 153R. Mrs. Bill Walker, 397 South j adv. ad it fied with the early history of the applications now are being received Bear Creek valley, one of the most by the Nasal Aviation Cadet Selection Division. It*1 —— ____________________________ WANTED TO BUY — Old horses, productive agricultural areas in Coos Board, Seattle. NOTICE TO MOTHERS—I will do cow» and calve» for mink feed. B. county. The 'Program, which calls for col­ Mrs. Beach had a clear sewing for School Children. My T. Hepler, Leneve. Phone 9R5, memory despite her advanced age, lege training before the enlistees be­ work is guaranteed. Mr». Gerald Coquille. 29t4*s I I and shortly before I.er death had1 gin their flight instructions, has been McEwen, on Terre» Ranch Road, begun telling early experiences with I reopened with quotas considerably across from Myrtle Buri, 3rd house WATER PUMPS—We carry a full a view of perhaps having them re- | smaller than those prior to the clos­ line of replacement pumps for on toft. It*» The following concerning . ing down of enlistments July *. Only worn out water systems, also have eorded. her family and others was told to high school graduates not later than ULADQUARTEKS tor Crown Dairy centrifugal and rotary power who will be graduated not later than and Poultry Feeds st Pacific Feed I ‘ pumps in stock. J. A. Lamb Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Haga: s John Flam and family came to February 15, 1944 are eligible. Young A need Co. tfr I pany. Bear Creek in 1872 from Minnesota men who have not been graduated They came to can be enlisted now and will be FOR SALE—Several hundred N. H. '•'OR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ near near . . Minneapolis. Minneapolis. started pullets and cockerels, also vice on Milking Machines, Farm San Francisco by train and to Em- placed on an inactive duty status un- Water Systems, Tractors and Farm Piro by ocean steamer and up Coos til they receive Barrod Rocks and Austro-lorpa at school ‘ „ , their . . high , 4ch 29c to 50 each. Choice baby chick» TEACHER wants High school girl for Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com- Bay to Isthums Slough by boat, from diplomas. Following their gradua- at 19c and up. Also a variety of housework before and after school. t-ny. Note- -For Quick Service, where they came overland on the tion from high school, these young excellent laying hans at 83.00 ea. No Saturday. Sunday or evening small machines should be sent to wooden railroad track with wagons men will be sent to college at Navy St. James’ Episcopal Church 801 N. Taylor or phone 78L, Co­ our ihop.. 4*—— work. School bus available. Good s1 drawn by mules, to Beaver Slough, I expense and «will receive up to one Corner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. quille. lt*s wages. Mrs. Verna Cox, phone “ now Coaledo. year of collge training. Those who HAY The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Its DK LAVA j T m EPARATORS anTMilk- 803MM. From Beave4 Slough they came have completed their high school Alfalfa — Oats & Vetch Sunday: probably will be sent to college in the an. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get ATTENTION HUNTERS — Just re­ Buy Now While Available , down the' Coquille River by scow to 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. EATON FEED STORES 28t4 P“rk'r«^«-ne" futur* them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tf r ceived our final shipment of Duck 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with they met Dr. S.,L. Leneve, their first! The program following college in­ Decoys for this season. If you need FOR SALE—House and Lot, 70x100. ! Sermon. 1 WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We friend in the new country. They eludes: four months at a Flight Pre- Decoys, Buy NOW. J. A Lamb Write J. N. McNair, Box 483, Co- I service all makes of washer». then went up Bear Creek on an elk ■ paratory School, three months at a Wednesday: Company. ■ 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. quilto, Ore. 8ItW| Washer Service Co. 3