The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 26, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    coquille valle »
is common to nearly ail of the other »•■■■■ . — ... »....................... ...
members; and the Canning Contest urday, and Vpmon R. Cottrell and
big agencies.
sponsored by the Kerr Glass Manu- Donald Wm. Gilktton on Tuesday.
B ÿ~R. T.’ Mobre-------------- 4 —Be c ause O P A o ee up iee t h e lime-
Company is open to all
Club members. The county
All kind* of game* and
(Continued on Page 4-A)
the whipping-boy for all the other
uward tor each of these contests is a toys,
See them at the Goodyea>
At this, the fuel oil industry in­
defective agencies.
Congress b ................................... —— .
indoctrination school at Hunter’s gold-plated, sterling silver medal store. Buy now for Christmas.
dignantly denied that these was any
getting an earful while they are
What next! Thb year our deer college of Columbia university, New and entry into the state contest. The
shortage of natural reservoir* of
home and we can look for a re- : season opens Oct. 1st and ends Nov.
¡York city, is Miss Donna Dean Bos- state ^winner in each contest will re­
supply. They say that a part of the
organisation of not only OPA but! 3rd. That is the season fixed by the sennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ceive an educational trip to National
trouble Is lack of supplies for drill­
several others when Congress meets State Game Commission. And any
W. E. Bosserman of thb city, it was 4-H Club Congress in Chicago or
ing and lack of man-power.
But again.
well versed deer hunter can tell you reported here yesterday by Chief comparable awards. The county con­
must of the trouble lies in the un­
Recognition of the political dan­ just what that mean*. It mean* that Paul H. Connet in charge of the U. i test closes October 10 and the state,
warranted meddling by federal offi- ,
gers in centralizing control in Wash­ the season will run right into rutting s. Navy Recruiting sub-station at October 15. Club members desiring
We now have the largest
ciab in the production and distribu- :
ington, with endless confusion, is in­ (running season); that the big bucks' —
•- ■- which handles applica­ to compete for these awards may get
tion of the oil. They intimate that I
dicated by the .current removal to necks will be swollen as big as a bar- :
stock of Model T Ford parts
tions for the WAVES in the Coquille report forms and additional informa-
if the Government guys would only ;
mid-west points of several important rel near the end of the season and area.
1 tion from the Home Demonstration
keep out of the way they would get '
in Southern Oregon or per­
governmental function* . Thia has that their meat will be far from pala-
At the WAVES indoctrination Agent in Coquille.
the necessary oil produced to take
the advantage of removing lobbyists . table.
haps the U. S. A.
school, to which Miss Bosserman will-j
_ , '
care of ail reasonable demand, now who infest the halls of Congress and
We appreciate the Game Commta- report soon, she will begin the job State PollCC CoSCS
that the Ü-Boat* are under control
will make for greater efficiency in sion's stand in the matter of an open of learning to .replace a U. S. Navy j
No priorities
and tankers can again be used.
. season and they held out for one, so man for service at sea. On report­
Somebody is wrong in thia instance.
the prices are
we understand, above the protests of ing to Hunter’s college, she will re­
Possibly the real r truth lies some­
The current shortage of liquor is army officials. And we must re-'
where between.
At any rat* the reviving the ancient art of moonshin­
set them but we reserve
member, too, that the Forestry of-,j WAVES uniform designed by Main- fine in Justice pull’s court last Thurs­
public had best play safe by using ing and Is causing bad dreams for
ficials are always strong for closing bocher.
the right to refuse it.
After this indoctrination day far driving without an opera­
oil sparingly for the duration.
both drinkers and dealers Although I the
woods agai
ñ*t hunters,
and, Ki»-
fka* urnnric
himtor« nnH
Thb sort of conflicting testimony rationing of sugar and other ingredi- fore we condemn the Gante Corn­ training, she will be sent to a speci­ tor’s license.
The same day Wpi. M. Gray paid
alized school at one of the nation's
lerids to a general distrust of all féd­
ent* make* the going tough, the miaaion too quickly, let us take into, leading colleges for further training $9.00 or having a combined overload
éral bulletins. Let the people have
hootch makers ar* managing to keep . consideration the fact that it probably in a field in which she has special on his truck,
the truth and the whole truth. They
quite a respectable flow of the stuff meant this late season or none at all, aptitude or will be ordered to active
Others summoned to appear for
can take it, good or bad. In thb case, running down the parched throats of
owing to the fact that the army, the duty- at a U. S. Navy station. Her | violation of the overloaded truck
I am incluined to believe the fellows the addicts.
Forestry officials and the commis- minimum monthly income, including law were Ray Shelton and Oliver C.
out there at the oil welb doing the. Distilleries being fearful of the pro­
sion<ouldn’t get together on an earli­ allowances, will be $132.50 and she Jenkins on Thursday, Frederic J. Hull
operating as against the fellows in | hibition spectre are petitioning the
er date, on account of the fire haz­ will be eligible for advancement to on Friday, Roy Alvin Mclntee on Sat-
the Pentagon Building in Washing- WPB to let them make a moderate
righer ratings with incqme up to
amount of intoxicant*'at least suffi­
But we are wondering if an earlier $220 50 a month.
cient to maintain markets and dis­ j date might not have been arranged;
The coming departure of Mr. Hop­ courage bootlegger*. Because there
say for instance, the month of June. Coquille high school ip 1936.
kins and family from the White House are large numbers*, of people who ¡ A¿ that time the bucks are in splen-
may well mark the end of an era in need, or think they need, to stoke did condition, there is no fire hazard was a leader in school affairs, serv-
of Coquille
our political history It is a tacit ad­ their boilers with an alcoholic stlm- , in southwestern Oregon, it is pleas- I ing as a social service chairman of the
mission that all Is not well in the ulant before they can function prop- ant
camp out in the woods and any
. ..m ...
.. - —---------- ----------
~ '
- P*P dub, as a snare drummer in the
inner workings of .the Palace Guard. erly,
it is likely that WPB will permit | meat uken wouW not be ’’spoiled band and in the Qlrlg> Athletie Aa.
The latter mysterious group who have fhs»
t ftie manufacture
mnniiffict nr* of
nf a
n limited
li mi tori amount
amniint meatt
_ ____
« o
may ..risu
be the case with the ¿¿ation.
ruled our nation for several years ‘to eaae the gituation.
I present late season.
i She attended the high school for a
oait now show sign* of breaking up
It b somewhat ironical that the I In the past we have not been at all
post graduate course following her
under pressure of adverse opinion.
best customers the ditllleries now i -----------
adverse to
out graduation,
_ r
------- i we
• It is rumored, one of the several have are those state government*
considered mistakes made by The
Mi„ Bosserman has been a clerk
yarns about it, that Mrs. Roosevelt which operate and control the liquor
-___ Commision
z____ -_z_____
Z we : will
"1 not with Smith Wood Products company 1
has lately come to the belief that traffic within their borders Oregon
so —
in the
future. But in v-uquiuw
w —
Hopkins is the culprit responsible b one of them. In spit* of the well we must take into consideration, as viou|
thil ghe wag a clerk wUh
for the President's turn towards Con­ known danger* of Intemperate use we have already stated, the fight Weatern union In Coquille for a year
servatism. It is reasoned that since of liquor, these states are now in ¡that the Commission wages each year and , half and o apeclal mewn<er
visiting England Hopkins has become the embarrassing position of'appear- with
w|th the
v s
wlth the Forestry Service and timber tullk
ihn TT
C Po<t AMAa Jn A«
ai .11U
Res. 229J
infatuated with that arch-Tory Win­ ing to promote m I m of liquor in or- I ow“nwa ln order' to ^ure an open ™
ston Churchill and has succeeded in «far to maintain th«we State, service.
at .y,
transmitting some of his *nthu*iasm4aep<ndent dh liquor revenues. The ! What really burns the deer hunter* Bosserman b serving as president of [
for the English premier to hl* chief. ¡Oregon Old Age Pension fund is one , up b to be looked upon as a lotof the CoquUle venture club, hbtorian ,r
Believing this, Mrs. Roosevelt is said' of - these.
firebugs and banned from the woods ot
Junlor Women’s Club,
to have become very cool toward
While it is not required by law that auto driven have
It is very distressing to me that our j—from the fishing streams, deprived aj QUardian ior job'. Daughters, and
Mr. Hopkins, even during the muggy old people should be directly de­ of going anywheres into the woods „ organlat for the Ordar of Eagtern ’
heat of the Washington summer. So pendent upon the sale of liquor* for I Not even being allowed to pick wild star and „ a leader ln the Bache.
Mr. Hopkips took the hint and their bread and butter. While con­ i berries to can. That’s the kind ot
picked up hla hat. All of this is very ceding that most old age dependencies treatment that really gets under* a ¡lor Girls club. She is a member of
i the Coquille Methodist church.
interesting but probably not true.
are traceable to intemperate use of sportsman’s hide. -But such cannot |
Under the provisions of>the new state law, which became
It is more plauslblwto believe that alcohol kt some time or other, all of be laid to th* door of th* Oame
effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto- -
Hopkins sensed a grave danger to them are not. I would _
. pre-
ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability
Commission but to the Forestry
the Fourth Term* cause if h* re­ far that the Old Age fund should Service.
Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­
mained at the White House There come from a more dignified and
lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license
We have heard more commenta
are quit^ a few in the party wbo stable source. And the only means concerning the late opening of th*
of his car is not suspended, pending court action to deter­
don’t like Hopkins and who are criti­ of financing thia important fund, deer season and mor* abuse heaped
mine where the fault lay.
Although it has been officially an­
cizing the president for permitting other than through the liquor rev­ upon th* Gam* Commission than nounced there 1* to b* no Stat* 4-H
him to influence decision* And the enues, will have to be something for any slngl* mov* th*y hav* mad* ¡Club exhibit* this year, Coo* county
Republican* find Hopkin* a good other than a levy on our over-bur­ for som* time past but It may be that : 4-H Club members will be given an
dened real property.
A general | that is th* best they oould do for th* ¡opportunity to compete in several
Whatever the reason la, Mr. Hop- I „je* tax for this purpose has been | hunter* of thb stat*—and if there state contests this year, according to
Res. Phone 9SL
Office Phone 5
kins is moving and the president | suggested but this sort of thing has had been no open season at all, a* Mrs. Dorothy E. Bishop, county home
has adopted a middle-of-the-road | been defeated several times and it* army offlclata wbhed, you wpuld demonstratoin agent.
course that he hopes will quiet the fate 1* uncertain.
One in which a great deal of in­
hear a lot more kicking than that di­
compainta of many party stalwart* I It is a reasonable proposition that rected at the present opening of th* terest la being shown is the Canning
and re-unite the party before con- : ainCe everybody grow* old some time season.
So, Brother Sportsmen, Contest, sponsored by the Spreckles
vention time. Public opinion is also i and becomes potentially eligible for please consider the fact that we may Sugar company which is to be held
trending towards conservatism and 1 payment* from this fund, everybody be fortunate in having a Oame Com­ in conjunction with the Coos County
the preservation of American lnsti- should pay Into It during their eam- mission that fought hard far a doer Fair at Myrtle Point, September 4,
tutions of free enterprise and states ¡ng year*, Everybody should have season, although it really comes too 5 and 6. The contest i* open to any
a proprietary Intareat in It through late, a* w* will all agro*. But bear person enrolled in the 4-H Canning
I th* contributing ot sum* within th*lr th* fact in mind that It b better to • project Each contestant will can one
The rationing-of wood-fuel in this power to pay, It should not be a get a chano* to hunt, regardless of 1 pint of fruit at the booth provided at
oharity but a matter of the season, than to have to keep the fair grounds. Th* contest is
district illustrate* th* practiesbility .
of centralizind gove*m*nt control In right. It can only be a matter of your rifle cased until after the du­ continuous with contestants pre-reg­
right if all ot th* people »upport IL ration.
istering, indicating th* day on which
Over-riding the vigorous protests Therefor It* financing should be by
It b my opinion that th* present 1 they would like to do their part and
of the Oregon delegation that wood­ a method which permit* of just that Game Commission his *coomplbh*d a specific time is aalgned to them
fuel regulation in a region where without unduly burdening the wag* more for th* sportsmen than any <>n reporting at th* fair grounds. The
hundred* of cords are burned daily earners and thoae of low incomes. commission sine* the reign of Capt, sam* person will judge all contest­
because of no practical market, the Until some one come* forward with Burghduff, In making thb statement ants,
OPA went right ahead with a sort a better »chem*. the »ale* *a* id**, we hav* in mind th* new limit in
Coo* County 4-H Club members
of priority arrangement for the d*- | with a|| of it* fault* and inequiti**, effect on »almon and steelhead.
who have been enrolled in the cook­
is'the best answer to the problem.
livery of wood-fuel
We agro* with a lot of sportsmen ing III project this past year will be
The system seems to work about it |* fortunate at this tlm* that *0 that there have been many boner* given an opportunity to compete in
like thb- You are supposed to tell rnany people are prosperous *nd the pulled regarding the framing of game th* Dollar Dinner Contest held annu­
your wood dealer how many sticks pressure b oft the shrinking fund. laws and that a lot of seasons are ally for dub members, says Mr*.
of wood ar* left In your wood-pile in *p|t* of lowered liquor revenues ‘•off color” at the present time but, Dorothy E. Bishop. Each contestant
when you place your order for a pew it i* likely that those who need thb nevertheless, we believe in giving prepare* and serves in her own home
supply. Then If you report 37 stick» assistance w|l| be well taken car* of the devil hb du* and so therefore, a dinner for four people, keeping the
left when your neighbor hgs 4T for the duration,
ar* not being too harsh regarding the cost as near one dollar as possible.
sticks you get your load ahead of him,
present deer season, for a glimpse
The county winner la eligible to
The fellow with the least wood un­
p*rg of Thank*
behind the scenes would no doubt compete in the state contest if it is
hand gets first delivery,
i. We wish to express to our kind prove that the Oame Commtabon had held. As an extra award the Oregon
Thb harmless regulation will, of neighbors and thoughtful friend* I nut much choice In the matter. But wool Growers’ Association offer* in
hand we
are strictly ------____________________
each county a $5 award for -------------
the beet
course, qulcly result in everybody our heartfelt thank* far their many t op the other ------
saying that they have no wood °n expression* of sympathy and for opposed to the opening of the elk dinner in which lamb has been used.
season in this district. It means that and a gg award for the second best.
hand, whether they do or not Thia
rrT r Addie
many elk will be killed again that Two girls have already prepared and
is In order to get prompt delivery
Mr. and Mrs- Stephen^ Gouthier are doing no damage whatsoever and served their dinner in this contest,
Onoe the dealer has hauled the load
Mr and Mrs Melin Gouthler
it will take years and year* to again They are Roberta and Ruth Morton,
out to your houa* he won't stop to
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deems
build up th* herds. It is, in our of Millington. Other* will be an-
investigate whether you ar* fibbing
opinlon, just plain murder to kill the nounced at a later date. Mrs. Altoh
or not. So a premium I* placed on
tame old fellow* that frequent the McCue, of Riverton, 1* acting as judge
lying. But a* a matter of faot I
Card ef Thanks
—of these contestant*. Any Cooking'
For the helpful sympathy and wood* ot ®°°*
. doubt whether dealers ar* now pay­
ing much attention to these regula­ many acts of kindness shown us by , So in this article we score one in m club member who ha* not entered
tions except to fill out In some fash­
ion the mas* of reports sent them.
They will indicate indifferent com­
pliance enough to keep out of OPA and brother, “Jiggs” Kolkhorst, we for again opening the elk sea »on. cqjdegta In which Coo* County 4-H,
clutches. The thing b *o ridiculous wish by this means to express our when the majority of sport$mw *r* Club member* may participate. The
against *u$t| ................
a fapya.
National 4-F Farm Safety Contest
they can not take it seriously.
thanks and sincere appreciation.
So I
W* Wih have to call the |f open to all slub members.
I am told that this is a fair sample of
Elvira Kolkhorst, Mr$. R fl.
’ purpose of this contest is to encour­
.. m «. Harold
the workings of the main OPA
office ciintop, phases.
H*rpl4 and Le* B«' score a tje, at that:
age 4-H Club member* to eliminate
ffre- and scefaenrhaaanb around the
‘.~e k>ng on
home. The county winner in this
praetje*. The|r »ubprdinate» ip th*
Card at Thanks
w. »ith m .imres* our deepest
Aug. 21-Edwrd Norv.k, W. L. ™"test 1* eligible to compete for the
various district offices that 40t th*
W* With to *kpress
et al vs Coo* Bay Farmer*
• *100 w,r Bond and
nation ar* prevented from doing ar.
• gratitude to all our friends for their Greich et al vs. Coos Bay farmer*
entry into the National Contest
reasonably good Job because they ..._d
are oomfort and sympathy in the loss of i Co-operative..
Clothing Achievement
_ _______ | Aug. H State Industrial Accident
tied down by the ’’directive*” l_
from Washington and have no lee-
j|utn*r, gr CommiMion v*. Worthington R. Ward Conte,t spoBsered'by the Spool Cot­
ton £ompany is open to all Clothing
way for using common sense to solve
and Gerald Guillm and Dan J. Melton,
Club members; the Food Preparation
the problem* peculiar to their par- <
______ ________
Contest sponsored by the Serve!
tlcular locality. This s*rlous wea*"
w, mr 11 00
Calling card*. 50 Mr 81M.
ness in bureaucratic set-up for OPA
Catting 01
| Company la open to all Cooking Club ,
Timely Topics
Out-of JJoors Stuff
Third Coquille Girl
Joins The WAVES
Í Howdy Folks:
In J. P. Court
The Industrial Repair Co.
Repairing Aids Victory
Auto Liability Insurance
Many 4-H Club
Contests Listed
- Circuit Court Cases