-sibility that the war in Europe can' LET YOUR i be quickly ended through united ac­ tion this fall by all of the Allies. No DRUGGIST a teso eaeu in a ma raws ' doubt this Is the chief subject at the “ - » ■ i The refusal of Russia to enter into Canadian conference and we shall nil THAT the frequent conferences on Allied I soon know what is to happen. (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, ' The following is the corps of teach- conduct of the war keeps our author- H. A. YOUNG. Editor August 24. 192$) ers contracted with .for the coming ities in a constant dither, notwith- The sudden change of Mr Wallace Rev. C. H. Cleaves and family, of year: Mrs. Inez Chase, Miss Anna standing their insistence that Russia from a mild liberal into an ardent One Year _______ -________ —--------- rutatciiu, wuvic he has been Hendrickson, Miss Vina L. Crouk, is aways informed on what is to hap- Pocatello, luanu, Idaho, where Six Months. ........................... — I 00 Three Months.--------------------- —— 60 pastor of the Congregational church Mrs. Bertha Harpole-Ditto, Miss pen and has an Indirect say in the supporters. As the elected Vice No subscription taken unless paid for the past six years, has been spend­ Maymie DeLong, Mrs. Launee Miller, proceedings. 1 President he has done a very fair job. I tor in advance. This rule is impera ing this month in a vacation trip by Miss Anna Lewis, Mrs. Rosa Glossop, Plausible reasons for Russia’s at­ His trouble has come from activities live. auto with his family. Wednesday Miss LaVerne Lamb, Mrs. Mary Har­ titude have been adv. need but none evening a surprise party was tendered vey, Miss Emma Rasmussen, L. A. of them have as yet been confirmed outside of that office. Having served the Administration him at the F. G Leslie residence by Parr, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCormack, ' by the Kremlin. We can only assume loyally for years and having been .on __________ several of his former parishioners: Miss Marvel Skeels, Miss Ruth Nis­ that her peculiar problems have pre­ the best terms with his chief, the un­ Office Corner W. First »nd Willard St E. E. Johnson and family, C. E. Mc­ sen, Miss Emma Jo Stewart, Miss vented whole-hearted participation ceremonious Jettisoning of his effihy, Curdy and family, M. O. Hawkins Sara Huntington, Miss Janet West , in discussions of world-wide strategy came as a surprise and shock Some and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Law­ with England and the United States. of his political enemies have express­ rence, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nosier, Geo. Customs Officer Chester Clark was The fact can not be escaped that ed their sympathy, because they re­ i T. Moulton, C. T, Skeels and .family, informed by Captain S. Iwazawa of there is not the mutual trust there spected his sincerity even though Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie and Mr. the steamer Yoneyama Maru, that should be. Russia prefers to sail an they disagreed with him He hud the and Mrs. Earl Leslie. one of the deserting firemen who independent course. opportunity to become great in de­ was reported missing from the craft •( Premier Stalin is a practical man. feat but muffed it by yielding to his Gas dropped a cent here yesterday Wednesday, had returned to the ves­ He has lived a hard life. He has natural feeling of resentment. ® and is now being sold for 24 cents a sel. Deputy Sheriff Malehorn says been hurt by trusting people too • Fragment» of Fact In my opinion he has lost stature • gallon by the retail dealers. . , There this morning that the two deserters much. He will not make this mistake • and Fancy , • by making the series of speeches in • ••••••••• • were service stations in Los Angeles from the Jap boat were seen day i •twice. Proceeding jvith extreme cau­ which he champions rather radical where gas was selling at ten cents a before yesterday on thf road, between tion in diplomatic matters, he-will You may not have noticed It but gallon Monday, North Bend und Empire and he ex­ make sure that Russia gets what he issues. The speeches appear to have —o— we have just passed through the ‘ pected them to be picked up today. thinks she should have at the peace been inspired not by deep thinking on the subject but by the rebuff of the "dog days.” The six weeks period Contractor E. W. Gregg expects to table. No diplomatic entanglements Vitamin D was the prize from mid-July to the last part of start the construction of a commun­ Peaches from Looking Glass in will be permitted to stand in the way. ¡president, which to him seems,unfair. * of the lot and stored his August has been known as the “dog ity building at Arago next week, to Douglas county have been selling at I Thè current success of the Russian • treatment. | Although Mr. Wallace is said to be days” since ancient limp. During the be 60x75 fet in size. The building the Bay for 75 cents a box. energy inside the egg­ arms may result in the hastening of i weak politically thefe is the possi­ sultry heat of late summer the popu- ___ ____ ____ complete and furnished will cost a —o— shell. Although he started the big push through western Europe lar belief was that dogs were liable aboJt gs.OOO. Rev. Chas. Bergner, who graduated in order to forestall the possibility bility that his leadership of the left­ well, he suffered greatly wingers might offer trouble in the to go mad. This idea was also con- ■ —o— at Albion Theological Seminary last that Russia may get to Berlin first. Re­ from over-frying, nected with the movement of the Dog , i< 0 yie credit ______ ____ of our state be it year, and who has been teaching hi That would greatly complicate mil­ event of a Fourth term. Strong op­ position in the South plus that of lib ­ member to fry an egg Star in the heavens. ___ _____ after __ _ years of neglect of the the South since then, will become ters and might lead to years of po­ said ; that While we^till talk about the “dog u -__ child - ~ are now pastor ____ of the Presbyterian church erals in the North might block the quickly to keep all the dependent that there litical unrest. It is felt that all of the steam .roller. days,” here on the Oregon coast housed ¡n two well equipped cottages here on the first of September, soluble vitamins. It can Allies should approach the peace we do not have the hot weather which oi the children's Farm Home of the —o— j table on equal terms if any kind of tee done on your fast characterises them and we have lost w c T y iorty ot such little waifs. ] Mrs. Lans Leneve is assisting _ in _____ ______________ stable ,___________ peace te to __ be had. Russia The fuel oil situation is further be­ coating electric range. ail touch with tne movements of the The first two cottages will be the postoffice this week during Alton with Berlin In her hand would hold fuddled by conflicting reports ori­ pianets and stars; we doubt that formally dedicated September fifth. Grimes’ week's vacation, the ace of trumps before the other ginating in the office of Fuel Oil Ad­ BUY ALL THE the average Oregonian could tell — ■’ ............. cards were dealt. ministrator and in the Oil Trade BONDS YOU CAN Sirius from any other fixed star. _____ ___ that something _ of ! There is considerable resentment Journals issued by the industry itself. is a report curemt the future-. In fact, we might jay this has The Administrator threw a scare the sort is in prospect near Belling- over two thiqgs the Russians have . — ♦ ’ "i In War Any Waste is a been a year with no summer for us. ham. A study has been made quietly not done. To give the Allies badly into the public by predicting the end I Never a dull moment for the tax ­ Crime. Do not ./aste Elec­ The weather man has played a joke of our under-ground resources was in in that area by a geoliglst covering a needed air-bases in the Moscow re ­ payer. The August 15 deadline for tricity Just because no Ra­ by giving us rain and chilly mornings gion for the bombing of Germany sight. He insisted that a stern policy period of five years. county real estate taxes * was tion Tickets are required! and evenings just when fuel-ration­ and the failure to give her Allies full on conservation would quickly have ing was started, with no provision hardly past before the mail brought The evacuation of Kiska by the credit for the steady flow of muni­ to be adopted if our autos and air­ us those new federal income tax for artificial heat in summer time. Japanese is simplifying the American tions that has enabled her armies tt> planes continued to function atfer the MOUNTAIN STATES blanks with accompanying tables and The old saying that Oregon has only attack on Japan. There is-not the J dhve back the Germans. A proba­ war He went on to say that Govern­ POWER COMPANY two seasons, the rainy season and whatnot of Instructions for estimat­ need now that there has been for an, ble reason for Russia's failure to ment rationing and control of this the month of August, also goes by the ing, adding, subtracting, multiplying aviation base in Siberia (which Joe grant the air-bases Is her fear of precious commodity was impérative “A Self-Supporting, Tax- board, as frequent showers this month and dividing our withholding tax Stalin has refused to permit) for, English-American domination at the to preserve the economy of the nation. Paying, Private Enterprise” from our probable income. What belie it. peace _ table, ____ Russia wants to run (Continued on page five) with that and the watching our ration with Attu, the most western island __ stamps to make sure none go stale on of Ute Aleutians, the northernmost ‘her own show without outside help. The current number of the Atlantic ; we hardly have time keep up part of Japan Is scarcely a three- She probably feels that, she has paid magazine presents a series of letters with the ^test war developments, let hour flight and this little Japanese ¡for the munitions with the blood of . F" written by a Japanese who had been the political moves for a Fourth outpost has already been bombed millions of her soldiers. There is twice. Now that the Aleutians are justice in this contention. Certainly educated in this country but returned , ferm. t cleared of Japs the United States has she has thrown the Wehrmacht back to be with his father and mother. _______________ control of the northern route to the on its heels and destroyed much of They are very revealing in that they mbmm (saMsami Buy Your heart of the Japanese empire, and this ^jts power. It has been done by the show how a man’s mind can be1 wlll play a leading role when ••• — •*■- “ * combined valor of her common sol­ molded by ceaseless propaganda. The; letters cover a period from 1924 to j the high command Is prepared to dier and the very able leadership of ¡her young army officers. Her fail­ and 1941, two months before Pearl Har- strike. ¿ — Months ago a high American offi­ ure to thoroughly inform her people bor. At first the writer sees the I cer predicted that Japan would feel concerning the extent of Allied aid world with the clear eyes of an| the strength of Uncle Sam before the may stem from the fear that it Will educated man but gradually ** - end of this year, and that may well lead to a let-down In her industries changes as foreign periodicals are I materialize for some day the citizens just as there is a let-down in the denied him and he accepts the idea of the northwest will hear of a major United States after the successes in that America wants war with Japan . From engagement off the shore of Japan, the Mediterranean theatre and is poised for an attack on her. that will be the first intimation Germany is trying to get Japan to that the United States has struck, launch an immediate attack on Si­ One more example of too much beria to relieve the pressure on the government is found in the fuel­ These boys who are flying fighters Russian front Evidently the Ger­ rationing of wood. At many mills land bombers in the sky of the Pa- man higli command fears the Dnieper . in Oregon it has been the custom of Bank Bldg. Washington, D. C., Aug. 26—Cer­ clflc northwest are not wasting gas­ line can not be held But the Jap will the operators to allow the workmen tain western railroads are planning to LICENSED REALTOR oline. They are in the serious busi- hesitate a long time before taking a to carry home all the waste wood employ Mexicans for maintenance | neo of teaming the technique of and step that would invite American1 they desired and thus the worker crews. The several thousand na­ Don’t Forget that this Offices Secures I war, and the war they are being bombers to Siberian bases had no fuel bills to meet. Now, how­ tionals of the republic south of the Birth Certificates for You trained for is that in the Pacific— As the final drive to destroy Nazi- ever, this waste product is denied border who have been brought into not Europe. The many crashes in ism gains momentum there is the poo- ' him. The mill can not go into the the Pacific northwest to harvest the recent weeks is but the evidence of wood-selling business or even give crops have given the railroads the the larger number of planes being its refuse away without endless red idea. These alien workers, who are assembled along the Pacific coast. tape and the consequent filling out giving a generally satisfactory ser­ THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... blanks and obeying price regulations. vice in the fruit growing and vege­ To avoid the last minute rush, it is If this waste, which formerly heated table districts, are in the United time now to prepare a new income the homes of millhands, is now added States through negotiations of the tax report, which must be filed by to the slab fire and goes up in smoke, state department with the Mexican the September 15 deadline. These the whole community is poorer for government on temporary permits returns must be made on an estimated its loss increases the demand on wood |and under agreement that they wlll gross income tor 1943. or actual in­ dealers who are bedeviled with re- | lheir naUve land whan come in 1942, if It exceeds $3500, for ports and in many instances months , the harveatlng completed, a married person, or $2700 for a behind with the orders. no J{,nge were thaae laborer. de. single individual. The tact that the i signed to become permanent resi- withholding tax of 20 per cent is be­ God bless the youngsters of Ameri­ dents. ing taken from wages does not ab­ agreement solve a person from making out an­ Notwithstanding the ca. Just as in the last war we watched small boys playing baseball under which the aliens were ad- other income tax Statement. and prayed that their skill in this mitted, the railroads are figuring how One of the leading matters for at­ sport might never be necessary in; a sufficient number of these tran- tention when congress returns to grenade throwing on the battle- sients can be detained and employed work ...... from its vacation wilt be a fields of the future, so today we; in the malntenance-of-way division. t> rand new ____ tax ____ bill, The ways and _________ look at the toddler wrestling with | So hopeful are the rail carriers that ' means committee has been thinking his tricycle and his older brothers ' some plan will be worked out that up new ideas along this line while on scooters, wagons and bicycles and they are already making preparations other members of congress were back hope that these mechanical toys are for sheltering the Mexicans. A type among their constituents and, like all not the first step in the education of housing considered suitable tor the tax proposals, there is no unanimity foreigners is now being constructed of opinion on how much revenue of future bomber pilots. ■ Many a boy who lived with a by the railroads, but there are so should be raised riirr the method of ball in his hand twenty or mor« many war worker dwellings being having the taxes paid. The pay-as- years ago is today proving his worth erected that the buildings financed you-go program, now in effect, is an on one of the far-flung battlefronta < by the railroads have not attracted experiment and is subject -to change of this war. In Africa one of the special attention, when the new tax bill is finally form- ranking officers has said that Ameri- Handling the greutest volume of luiated. can pilots are far superiour to those of business in their history, the western the axis because our boys fly with railroads are having difficulty en­ WPB Chairman Donald M. Nelson their hearts, it is instinctive with'gaS'ng sufficient common labor for has announced that 80 per cent of the them, but the training in Germany ! maintaining roadbeds in proper con- 120,000,000,000 wär plant construc­ has to be hammered Jnto the heads dltion. This being the case, the roads tion program has been completed, of the youth. We might say that an'are of the opinion that if Mexicans which means that more resources * "Anything new, Bert, on that black market automobile for every family in this «n be imported to gather vegetables illegally instead of legally fa this country. can be diverted to direct war work. country has done much to win the:““d fruit for the American, farmer trial up at the county seat?" ■ r-. < ■ -.-. ., - war fairbus—that is, if" it is won ’ In’they, can aisn be ttnportsd for-keep*' • According to a recent report oT the V Judge.’ _ _ the skies as present developments in- in8 the tracks in good order for the x___ - i— —_ i__ x_ «_ —__• a -__ i*a« se as wb . > .. _ _ ' onrrixr $■»«♦ ♦ transportation vsarxma*nllnn Maritime Commision, American ship­ carrier, ne«ldries arguing ♦ that the sentence is going to beamighty stiff one.” ’/Unless this black market in meat and yards delivered into service 1,046 new "Can’t be too stiff to suit me. Anything i* now h war activity and the move­ other commodities is stamped out and God bless the little shavers on merchant vessels aggregating 10,485,- those law-flouting racketeers get will be too ment of war supplies is as essential stamped out quickly, Bert, we’re fa for an­ tricycles and the boys on bicycles of 500 tons during the first seven months good for them. How they thrive every time as the saving of food, if not more so. other dose of the crime, corruption and law­ today and may He give wisdom to of this year. there’s an opportunity to sell something lessness we had following the last World War.” the Allies in administering the peace With a petroleum company pre- so that the youth of our land may Just arrived! Shipment of bi- turn their talents to the pursuits of paring to drive a well in the Coos cycles and bike accessories. Good- Cm/nmn Alltel* ¿wrap /«S b B ìm , /■>. home-building in a happy country of bay section of the Oregon coast, there year Store. Phe Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO j k prbcrìhion I Fuhrman's Pharmacy Puns VITAMIN Servicesand Protection Auto Fire Life Accident and Health INSURANCE GEO. E. OERDING t sä * g