COQUILLE VALUT 8CNT1NEL. CÖQUtLLt. ORIGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST M, 1943. PAGE THUS . Il Tl 'Billings > May Hazel Flannery. Ardith Newton, •Jailing cara». ÀM) tor tfi.OQ. Card of Thanks June Billings and Mabel Kyle. Mem­ We wish to express to our friends bers who attended were: Susie Har- our sincere appreciation for the cards denbrook, Hattie Gaffey, Kathrine of sympathy and for flowers sent us ' i “Coug” Moy Home For I The marriage of Miss Gladys May Lemon, Hazel Goodman, Ealie Oddy, following the death of our brother,' A. F. & A. M. Jessie Adams. Ada Hurl butt and Merrill S. Corbin, whose body was, Jeuie Two Days This Week Iand s Billings, of Ashland, Ore., Special Communication Margaret Spores. laid to rest at Grand Rapids, Mich., TUESDAY. AUG. 11. >:H F. M. Hnw.M r . WBM «»‘emnized last Sunday after­ Howard C. (Cyug) Moy spent a n at two m SaJt Creek on Tuesday this week. Wark in F. C. couple of day. at home her. this ^ A Mrs. Ron Endicott Loses Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMitchell, , Mrs. Wm. Gaffey, of this city, re­ Z »“Tit “‘“'Uculariy interesting fact is that Mte. Life In Siltcoos Lake Florence Hallock. ceived quite a thrill last Friday night yeaterday. His vewel docked last May., ¿rundfuther’ who was , Bap. when she heard the voice of her son Services were held at Myrtle Point broadcasting from Tokyo, where he is „ ..«.to t m '««*** in« uiuruii ^«rch ui in a. a A i huihrwi , iwunucu Han/ed/ a visit in Tacoma he came to CoquilleJ the ceremony was perform«!, on Monday for Mrs. Ronald Endicott, u prisoner. Tlie recorded re-broad­ who was drowned in Siltcoos lake, q ' Tbe br,de ' “ br “ ™ tle ' cast which she heard had been sent e£i?*T1u,niJhe u ‘ whit* *llk mo,r* dre“ Wllh lon« near Florence on Tuesday of last from Japan earlier in the evening week. Rev. Richard Cochran of the shortly after Pterl Harbor. He is trafn and a y vell> wWch f,u Presbyterian church officiated at the I To make this simple, , no risk hear- when she could not get it, but about and Harbison’s Myrtlewood now Gunner .Mate 3d clas. and Is a w le inUd Uara She waa iporarily deaf­ eleven o’clock that evening 15 ladles «.vices and interment was in the NJV>’ are to Uve two children by a former marriage. none of the following to be had. in the U. S.: I am calling from Tokyo, turn to the mother sub. , at Ashland, Ore The happy couple i _____________ Japan. I am in good health, so do was here yesterday collecting the not worry. I am in a camp, near Again next Tuesday, Aug. 31, a bride’s personal effects and left yes­ Yokohama. Please write to me Maury Williams Transferred traveling examiner of applicants, for terday for their new home. soon.” ‘ Then followed the names of i To School At Fargo, N. D. drivers* Licenses wil be at the Co­ Several friends went up to the other prisoner irisoner young men whose ,' Maury Maury Williams, Willlamgi who who enlisted enlllt in quille city hall, between 9:00 a. m. parents should be notified of their the Air Corps several months ago and wedding from here. and 4:00 p. m. safety. He then continued: ■ , has been stationed in the hot country “Good-bye for now. I will write around Fresno, Calif., was transferred Birthday Party A heavy bomber, cruising at 250 as soon as I can. Your loving son, last week to Fargo, N. D., where he Mrs. Agnes Lewis arid Mrs. Lucille miles an hour, burns three and one- Bud. Anyone hearing this message, is taking an adminltrative course at. McCloud entertained the members of third gallons of gasoline every min­ please forward to my family.” His the agricultural department. He did the Spurgeon Hill birthday club last ute. Very few items are resold without reconditioning. 1 specialise address is: Camp No. 2, Information not know when ____ _ wrote _______ _ Friday, __ _ _ he his mother, Aug. _ 20. The birthdays of in Store Repair Work and stock several hunfeed pounds of Parts. Section American War Prisoners, Mrs. jane williams, just what his the two hostesses were celebrated. I New! All kinds or games and Tokyo, care International Red Croas, lr“yün« WOUld f°5 bUt ,aid that -------------------------------------------------------- Be,ide* the club memberï attending, See ' them at the Gobdyeai Geneva. » while it was not as hot at Fargo as |1 there were four _ guests ____ _____ __ as follows: (store. Buy now for Christmas. it was at Fresno, the mosquitoes Carl Torrey Has Been In Six . were just as bad. Major Engagements In Pacific I ______________ I Hems About Local Boys In Senke . Nuptials Sunday Chadwick lodge Ne. i8< Mrs. Gaffey Hears Son Bud's Voice Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing - Bergen's Better Blossoms WANTED—Used Furniture Sewing Machines Washers Radios Dishes Bed Springs Breakfast Tables Dressers Heaters Enamel Ranges Circulators Furniture Sets Brooks Used Furniture 1 I 1 Carl Torrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Aldon Barklow Home Guy E. Torrey who has been in six From The Aleutians major engagements in the Pacific war Aldon Barklow, son of Mrs. Mabel zone, arrived here Monday from San Francisco on a week's leave from Barklow of Myrtle Point, who was his vessel. Carl graduated from Co­ one of the first to enlist in the Sea-I quille High in 1939 and enlisted in bees from Coos county, was a Co­ the Navy in 1941. He has been at quille visitor yesterday. He arrived; sea since Pearl Harbor and, if per­ home Monday on a 30-day leave after , mitted, could doubtless give many an being in the Aleutians for several interesting account of encounters months. From the looks of him liv­ ing in the Arctic region did not hurt, with the Jape. him at all. J. H. Schroeder, Jr, Leaves Monday To Rejoin Vessel Tomato Jce., Sunny Dawn (3 blue) No. 2 can 10c Vege Cockf’l, V-8 (4 blue) 48 ox. can 30c Fears, Del Monte (15-blue) No. 2*4 can 28c Corn, Country Home While (16 blue) No. 2 14c Spinach, Gardenside (18 blue) No. 2*4 can 16c Diced Beets, White Tag (10-blue) No. 2 can 8c Peas, Gardenside (18-blue) No. 2 can 18c- Cut Beans, Gardenside (11 blue) No. 2 can 14c Mixed Soup Stock (8 blue) 2 1b. bag 18c 20c Ketchup, Heinx (15 blue) 14 ox. bottle Catsup, Red Hill (15 blue) 14 ox. bottle 14c lb. ctn. 26c Crisco Shorten’g (4 red) Royal Satin Shortn’i g (12 red) 3 lb. Jar 64c Margarine. Sunny Bank (4 red) lb. pkg. 17c Belle fyiife Hospital John H. Schroeder, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schroeder at Johnsons Mill, left Monday morning to rejoin his vessel at Oakland, Calif. He had enjoyed a 20-day leave after return­ ing from Navy patrol in the Pacific and says his vessel was in some en­ gagements and had an experience with a Jap sub. Mrs. Pauline Harvey entered for, treatment in the hospital last Thurs­ day. On Saturday Sheldon Storm and Edith Hunt underwent tonsil ectomies ! and Charles Davis entered for treat- ment of an' infected knee. Rodney, seven-year old son of Norman Halter of Norway, was | brought in on Sunday for treatment. Here From Fort — ■ Velma Coy underwent a tonsil op­ Leonard Wood eration on Monday. Paul Vincent, who lost a thumb and - Richard A. Hennessey has been in forefinger at the Coquille on furlough for a five-day.— —^— while working — — ( visit with his wife and two-year-old 1 plant, was brought in to the hospital son, George, at the R. A. Wernich on Tuesday. Yesterday Verna Thurman and home. Private Hennessey enlisted in April and after a short period pt Norma Jean Cole underwent ton- Fort Lewis was sent to Fort Leonard silactomies. Dismissals the past week were Wood in Missouri, where he has just completed his basic training in an Mrs. Ray Briton and baby, Mrs. Stin- engineering division. He left Tues­ nott and Vernon Anderson last Thurs­ day evening for Fort Leonard Wood, day, Mrs. Grant Hartwell and baby where he expects to get his orders to on Saturday, Chas. Spencer and Peggy Tomlinson on Monday. leave for a port of embarcation. Irvine Snyder In Merchant Marine Corps On Catalina Real Estate Deals Reported By Geo. Oerding Agency Irvine Snyder. 17-year old son of Mrs. John King of this city, is now stationed at Catalina Island He en­ listed in the Merchant Marines and left three weeks ago to join the unit to which he was assigned. Prior to that he had been employed at the Smith plant. Property on Sanford Heights, con- listing of about nine acres, has been sold by George E. Oerding, Coquille realtor, to Wm. Eveland. The owner of the property was Zoe A. Fugelson. Mr. Eveland is annexing the property to a tract he owns adjoining it. The home of Orville and Nora Tharp on Ninth street, was sold to Mary B. Chadwick Lodge, A. F. 4 A. M. Cross. Mr. Tharp has left to go into Stated communication Chadwick defense work and the purchaser has moved Into her new home. Lodge No. 58. A. F. A A. M., Tuesday, August 31, 8:00 p. m. Work in the We carry a complete line of V- F. C. Visiting brothers invited to at­ Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, tend. I R. C. Johnson, W. M. Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Waaher Service Co.. 365 W. Front, Coquille. Phone Ifltfs Calling cards. 5c ror »1.00. Unrationed Values KOOL-AID, assorted 2 pkgs. 8c NOB HILL Coffee AIRWAY COFFEE lb. bag 20c GRAPEFRUIT lb. 8c CABBAGE .... lb. 3c CELERY ......... lb. 10c CANTALOUPE lb. TOMATOES ...... IS lb. lug 81.18 8c Rad Hen Molasses 18 os glass 13c FNUT Butter Beal Rat lb Jar 28c Shredded Ralston 12 ox 2 pkg 25c It is a pleasure to announce that I have become associated with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­ trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­ pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­ surance (incomp protection). I shall be glad to consult with any one on his Insurance needs, and recommend a Qreat...... iare < will be now Northern Life polidy to fit the situation. There obligation, of course, and I am—at your service. r Fred R. Bull DISTRICT AGENT GREAT NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. COQUILLE 4M W. Front EDWARDS COFFEE lb. bag 27c Soup Mix Minute Man 3 pkgs 25c Vanilla Flavor Westag 4 ox bot 7c FLOUR Fishers Blend 48 lb >2.11 8c SQUASH Danish OlB-l ASHIOMBB BBACN COBBUB- Prepare biscuit dough as usual Roll it out to a thickness of M inch Cut etrip to 5t around the aides of s pan about 2 inches deep Arrange fresh, sliced peaches, sugared to taste, in pan Dot with butter Add M cup water to create steam Cover poaches with remaining dough, proas edges to­ gether and seal, cut largo elite in top to allow steam to escape Bako in hot oven (450* F ) for 15 minutes, then turn down host and bake in moderate oven (350* F.) for 15 min­ utes longer rtOATiNO IBIANO - Place fresh berries or sliced fruits in tall sherbet dishes, cover with icy cold, soft, boiled custard Top with me­ ringue made by beating egg whites until stiff, then adding powdered sugar and blending Put a fleck of jelly or jam on top of the meringue and chill. rauit bittv - Combine 14 cups moist breadcrumb» with M eup sugar and 1 H tope cinnamon Place alternate layers of fresh fruit and Regardless of cut er price. Safeway meat is guaranteed to please you. ’ Points Price PorkChops lb. 9 38c Shred Wheat Kellogg 12 ox pg 11 Pork Steak lb. 7 34c 4c When hot-wostbor appetites make light dinners appropriate, reinforce the menu with a hearty doeaert— one that will tempt the family into getting its full share of nourishing food Good desserts can carry plenty of food values, you know, including vitamins, minerals, end energy-pro- during essentials Our Diary of Deo- aorta offers foods that are grand flnales tq lightweight menus ibuitib Rice, MJB white 1 lb pkg. 14c Hi Ho Crackers 1 lb pkg 23c Soda Crackers 2 lb. pkg. 28c Grapenuts Wheat Meal lb pg 13c Jar Rubbers, regular dos. At Your Service lb. bag 24c Dessert siaaer 1943 with fruit and ending with bread­ crumbs Dot with butter or other shortening, add H cup of fruit juice or water, cover casserole and bske in moderate oven (375* F » tot 45 minutes Serve with light eream er thin custard sauce 3 ox pkg 12c Beef Roast arm cuts 8 30c OB »O SANBWKHU WOBBT VOVt White Magic Bleach 4 gal. 18c Spi. Herring 14 oz. jar 25c Swan Soap, med. bar Cut Herring 13 oz. jar 25c If your desse r t problems are straight­ ened out, but sandwich Eilings are a bore, then read Julia Leo Wright's article in this week's Family Circle. Pectin, Jen Jel 8c White King Toilet Soap 3 bar 14c Anchovies 3 lb. kit 98c dr/AF gstssmaat , makes husband happy It’s peeked with ideas Safeway Huttmthn' BurtaH HIUS Utt WaiONT D vwum