f f, c. • r / >1' ... f » 9 THI COQUILLE VAI LKY SENTINEL. COQÜ1UX ÖUGON. THUK&DAY. AUGUST M. IMS. PACK TWO Bachelor Girl* Greet Four New Members Four Score At Rotary Party Coquille Red Cross Notes Four new member* of th* Bachelor Girls club were present last Friday There wer» »Kz-,1 ips.«» rinirrnrn«' C< quille Red Cross will continue when the erouo met for limchenn-aH "Eions and Coquille business men who ------------ (He Coquille Hotel. A special greet­ attended the annual Rotary Club to sew^ knit and make afghans as ing was delivered by the president, party at Arthur Berg's Laurel Lake usual uhtil early in September, exact Margaret Beltohl, to Glenda Clinton, cottage last Friday evening. It was date to be announced later, when a* room will be ready at Guild .. . . Jean Williams, Dorothep Yarbrough a most enjoyable affair, with a splen­ work .. .. . (Continued f-.uui page one) ' “ ' and Elsie Forrest. The meeting was did meal and a variety of entertaining Hall one afternoon each week. During the absence of Mrs. Bard collection of taxes became neglectful essentlaly soctel with some routine feutures which kept the members and Kesner from Coquille for the next ,0 extent tbat many taxpayers business discussion. Many expres­ guests occupied until a late hour. couple of weeks, all sewing will be became delinquent nc llessly. Many sions of regret were heard made by taken care of by Mrs. K. P. Lawrence, who didn,t Pay- woujd hav® P®‘d. individual member* who were un­ Soroptimist Club Met 175 So. Henry St., phone 128M. She had they been notified, while others, able to attend the wedding last Sun­ will receive all completed work and whf wrote ln for tax statements with For Tuesday Luncheon day of Gladys May, an ex-Bachelor a desire to pay promptly, failed to During the Tuesday luncheon meet- , will have ready for distribution new ■ a Girl, and. John S. Billings held at ing of the Soroptimist Club, Edith 'cut-out sewing, wool squares and receive replies; still others who re­ Salt Creek, Oregon, near Dallas. ceived replies, later on discovered Attending Friday were Margaret McNally entertained the members yarn- besides slippers material and | that t(ie statements they had re- with a talk on Early American glass. ; cafd table covers. Belloni, Dorothy Coffey, Lois Robi­ , ceived were either incorrect or in­ son, Rheo Walker, Maxine Johnson. Illustrating her discussion, she dis- j Mrs. Phil Alborn, 94J, will have complete because they found their played examples of beautiful old yarn on hand this week for knitting, Aloha Allen, Alys Jun* Fox, Norene i properties in foreclosure proceedings. ’ McKeown, Marguerite Robison, Phyl- pieces from her personal collection. F,,‘ surgical dressing classes contact In some instances credit was given Mrs. McNelly has made a hobby of Mrs. J. R. Bunch, 130M. -j lis Belloni and Eunice Haw*- dWOWrong properties. acquiring early gem*. Leta Leslie T his week the unit extends thanks . . . — ■■ ! Taxpayers themselves perhaps con­ was chairman of the program. Muriel ¡to tbe following women who, have In Group Gathers At The materials card • table. tributed considerably, to the resultant Dae Ardath has a project planned for contributed *-*--* < - for ■ needles, wool, cut confusion because of their blind re- John Martin Fireplace Friday night, at which time the club | covers, t yarn, needles, wool, cut; Mesdaine* E. E. Leslie,,liance uP°n the Ux department to squares, etc.: 1 Friends of the John Martins gath­ will entertain .boys from the Coast,-- •------- ■ --------------------------- —----------. .. .. . . . Guard. FlXnce Barton, president,!1- A- Lundquist, W. E. Bowerman, «dl«‘ aH the county had coming ered at their home last Sunday eve­ uele en er” ning and enjoyed a corn dnd welner was in charge of the meeting, which d- A- Berg, Sam Harmon, Ethel ^tt-| roast in the outdoor fireplace. Later was held in the Coquille Hotel l«r- Geo- Thompson and -.M Mr*. M— James. **. • If lr the individual taxpayers, in Mrs. Horton, a nurse, bought material Jeac^ instance, would have definitely the group joined in singing many fa- ' ----------------------- ' und tape for ten card table covers, I reiiuested specific statements for spe- vorite song*. Music by John Martin Birthday Party For which she turned over to Mrs. Edith cific years °n specific . properties, on the banjo and accordion, »olos by Year Old Daughter ft. Mrs. Florence Hallock and several . Mrs, Ivar Erickson gave a birthday McNelly, who will do the sewing as i mtny omissions and erorrs would her blt have been avoided. The average yodeling number* by Mr. and Mr*, party this week for her' daughter, I I Coos county Red Cross is now re- taxPayer apparently didn’t realize Martin entertained the group unti| Sandra Lee, who was one year old, questing that wash cloth* be made,4*10 departments difficulties. late in the evening. I last Sunday. Those attending the were. _ _____ _ „ .« h . «,. u "on. old turklsh towel*, using only' J"• “.der to correct mistake, that Present were: Anna Rooney and pari, party were: Mrs. Jane Wilson and I daughter, Bonita; Evelyn Benham, daughter, Judy and twins, Carol and.good parte, and making them in^^ vrauura. mrs. eun. ouuo*. so«. »«. H or 12 inch squares. They in eaCh(iinlU.^ Dpnald and Donna Smith, Florence Claudia; Mrs. June Billings and sonr I Steve and daughter Carolyn' Mrs ommend a very simple crocheted wh ere a question in connection with Hallock, Mr*. Frances McMltchell, Sieve, Sieve, auu r ’’*7— —— . tax Davments has arisen what mieht ana udugiiici, aaugnter, ucuuijn, L-aroiyn, mm.; mrs. -------— - ,______ tax payments ha* arisen, what might Mr. and Mr*. James Phillips, of Myrtle Benham and son. Layton; Mr*. edge, although they may be hemmed be termed a clean-up program has Tacoma, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Carol Davis and son, Robin; Mrs. w bound. More Jern and heavy been adopted. Archie O. Walker, of Fiser _________________ and daughter, Carol; George Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myrtle __ ______ ___ i black thread, No. 8, as well as large- Coquille, an able accountant and a Mackey, Mr.- and Mrs. John Martin Mr*. Ann Eldon and Mr*. Kay Par- i**«* needle* can also be used, former employee of the county tax and son, Bruce. rish. -------------- . . department, has been engaged by Sheriff Howell as head of the depart­ 1 ment. He is working diligently, and (By Miss Page, Supervisor) regardless of time, to untangle I Many pleasant summer days have troublesome skeins and at the same been spent at the Playground this time to get the records ln shape for t season. Boys and girls have en- ' transfer to a new, modern card sys1- joyed ^playing games together, and | tern that is gradually being inaugu- vislting. Many have expressed their ■ rated. The new system, Which co­ regret that the Playground is closing . ordinate* with a like system that Is •this week. Several boys and girls i at present being installed by Assessor Shop on Front St. •< haven’t missed a day’s attendance at I Forrest In the assessor’s department, 1 the Playground. Some have attended . will make the recording and handling daily the entire day. Many have ex- of future account* comparatively ;------ .»— pressed their desire to attend Play­ easy. Balances from year to year ground again next year and are anti­ will be carried forward on a single cipating many g rod times. As well as card. providing entertainment for children, . Mr. Walker is receiving full co­ it has given mothers an oportunity operation of the- County Court. Th* to have their children taken care of Court is maklnt adjustment* in such while they were working. eases where tax;>ayers have been dis- Most children have been very Co­ <-rimlhated against ntrough the fault operative and good sports. Other* I have had to learn the value of good I sportsmanship and cooperation. Being able to play together Ss welt a* wofle j together is important', Boys and girl* have learned it is more fun playing when each one does his part and is i willing to be a follower as well a* a I ; leader. Children have shown appre- ! ciation fcr the play equipment avail­ f able in that they have taken good care if it, | This week ground this I the last day. Remember, the .last show this summer—the Pet Show. ; Bring your pets. Make ft a big show. Prizes will be given. Don't forget the picnic Friday. Ev­ eryone bring your hinch and stay all day. Make this last day a "big" day, chuck full of fun, In Tax Matters 5 } an through __ ■'* . own negligence. The Coqnty Court ha* established a definite policy in this matter and has made it known that all taxpayers will be treated alike insofar a* it 1* posible to de­ termine, regardle* of the size of their payments. It is the aim of the County Court, through co-operation with the sher­ iff’s office to get tax matter* straight­ ened out, and recording methods sys­ tematized, so that the tax department will be able to function efficiently and expeditiously, and so that the taxpayers will be assured of every source of Information and assistance, to guide them in making tax pay­ ments as promptly and as economi­ cally as possible. » :*u. !i See Him For Furniture 1 Bargain Saving Table 50c Bargain Saving Table $2.oo SKIRTS, DRESSES, BLOUSES Final Clearance Final Clearance Dresses - Coats Slacks b Jackets 5 oo & 8 oo Eastern Hard Maple Settees with Matching Chairs $109.50 Swing Rockers $27.95 to $42.50 In Pretty .Color* -------- o--------- Unusually large selection of Cribs $11.95 to $26.50 Miss Mays Shop * Coil Box Springs with Matching Mattresses ------ o A good selection of Davenos and Matching Chairs $124.50 - $139.50 Nice Variety of Colors to choose from ■ ■ o ... New Shipment of Hassocks Just Received ■ - —o—— PURKEY FURNITURE ■■■■■■■ ■- ■■ ■...... Vacation Bible School Close* Friday At Pioneer Church The Vacation Bible school con- ducted fcr the past two week* with increasing attendance every day, will come to a close' on Friday, marked with a demonstration period at 7:30 Friday evening. The parent* are es­ pecially urged to attend this meeting. The corp* of teacher* have worked faithfully with these young people and are prepared to give a demon­ stration to reveal what ha* been ac­ complished. Mrs. James Bishop has acted as superintendent in charge of the entire school. Other* have Riven faithful service and the program on Friday evening will be interesting, as well as giving an insight into the work of the past two week*. Passenger Car Tires r - for those Who can qualify Truckers get your Tires capped with new A grade Rubber—the camelback with a larger pure rubber content- Pioneer Ass'n Board Of Directors To Meet Here Sat. The board of directors of the Coos- Curry- Pioneers Association will meet in the Coquille city hail this coming .Saturday, Aug. 28, at one o’clock. New names are being constantly added to it% membership list. % z « We specidlize in Quick Capping Service. Bring Your Tires in today— Get them tomorrow New! All kina* of games and toys. See them at the Goodyea> store. Buy now for Christmas. —-J l Costume Jewelry 25c and 50c -4— We Still have an ample stock of pre-war CLEARANCE SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, JACKETS, BLOUSES, Etc, » Purkey Has It Holimon & Harris, Props. Bargain Saving Table $1.50 ul - will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Sept. 4-5-6 SHORTS, TURBANS, COLLARS, PURSES And Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention. Calima card*. Sü tue 81.00 The Soroptimist Club will take a program to Bandon Friday night for the entertainment of the Coast Guard. The CITY CLEANERS final August $ The violin quartette and Jeannie I i Griggs, • --- all —It — At- — pupils of Muriel FVuaS Dae Ar- da'th, will go. Soroptimist Club To Send Program To Bandon - Playground News 7 r Over Night Tea. It I* tru», thsr* 1* a safe harm- 1«>* medicated liquid called K leer ex that Aetea up pimple* over nlgbL Manx report that they had a tea ear* pimply race one night and surprised their frlendi) the next day with a clear complexion. There I* no risk. The first application must oonvlnee ' you dr you get your money baok. Only 50c Join the happy Kleerex users who are no longer emharrne-ed with unsightly pimples gold and recommended by BARROW DRUG CO. Southern Oregon’s largest ar d most Complete Tire' Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 652 ‘