» Sentinel AN VOL. XXXIX. INDNPBNÓSMT N|W8PAPIB NO. 33. Frank Statement Of County Policy In Tag. Matters Most Successful Ä(r Raid Practice One of the most successful air raid practices ever held in Coquille was staged last Thursday by the Civilian Defense Council. This practice dif­ fered from the usual plan in that in­ stead of being called at the custom­ ary time of 7:30 p. m., it was called at 9:10 p. m., with none of the mem­ bers of the participating units having any advance information as to the time. The yellow alarm, upon which the telephone operators call all chiefs of service to stand by in case of n^ed, came at 8:45. The blue alarm by which all chiefs of service call their respective crews into headquarters, was sounded at $ p. -m., and the red alarm which indicates actual bomb­ ing and is indicated by three blasts of the city siren, was sounded at 9:10. All control board workers incident officers, fire polloe, ambulance and messenger crews were on duty by the time the red alarm sounded and six incidents at five-minute intervals, beginning at 9:15 p. m., were handled in a nearly perfect manner. It is hoped to hold future practices in this manner providing it is possible to obtain permisiosn from army offi­ cials to do so. Chief Bill Barrow was highly pleased at the showing made in last week's practice and wishes to express his appreciation to all block wardens; district wardens, central headquarters workers and telephone operators who took part in it (By L. D. Felsheim, Copnty Judge) . Probably the most important and far-reaching undertaking in official county business in a number of years is the present program of reorgani­ zation and modernization of the tax department. This is being done un­ der the authority of Sheriff Wm. F. Howell in coordination with the as­ sessor’s department and the County Court, and satisfactory progress is being made. a, Taxpayers of Coos county, at least those who have been paying, or at­ tempting to pay, their taxes with any degree of regularity, are well aware of the difficulty they have faced in recent years when endeavoring te determine what they actually owe and how and when they might pay to get the greatest possible benefit un­ der current tax laws. This statement is not made as a reflection on any person or persons connected with the tax department. No such reflection' is intended, nor is it justified, because the situation is more or less the outgrowth of a combination of circumstances brought about by the ever-changing tax laws enacted%y succeeding legislatures in attempting to meet the problems that arose during the depression years of the early ’80s. So many different ways to pay taxes were devised and put into ef­ fect by legislation that the adminis­ trative machinery and the personnel of the tax department, under the old system In operation, was Inadequate A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Jack to cope with the situation. It took trained employees of several years Laird, she was Gretchen Clinton be- standing to keep advised of the fore.her marriage, written from Pen­ changes taking place, and to main­ sacola, Florida, has many items of in­ tain coordination between the vari­ terest to their friends here: “The South has lived up to many ous methods of tax payment. Such employees could not always be held; of our expectations, but I know noth­ in fact, there were numerous changes ing can compare with Coos county in personnel over a period of critical in our estimation. It’s beautiful down ____ here, but after being raised in a years, and at times the department , The was considerably under-manned. ----- mild climate wWget awfully uncom­ cry for “economy” at that time when fortable. And I can understand why people couldn’t pay their taxes and the Southerners are called ‘lazy’—if everyone thought expenses should be you moved too fast -in this climate cut to the limit, proved detrimental you would just melt away. “We get quite a kick out of seeing to - the tax department because it struck at a time when there was cotton, tobacco, peanuts, sugar cane, etc., growing. But as to Florida more work than ever to do. As a result of the circumstances ex­ oranges—the only decent ones we get plained in the foregoing, the actual down here have ’California' stamped on them. (Continued on page two) “Jack is kept quite busy instructing but he says it is an interesting job. We expect to be here until next spring but you never know just what the Navy will decide. ' J. E. Norton, who had not been at “I must say how much the Sentinel all well this week, is feeling some­ means to us, now we're so far from what better this morning but still has home. Tony and Frances Estes pass to remain very quiet and make no the current issues on to us and my exertion. We mother sends us copies, too. ____ A. read it from cover to cover." Mrs. Hale B. Eubanks is expecting Capt. Eubanks home for a short Concert, Dance By Army visit this evening, or soon. The boat on which he is chaplain in transport Band at Bandon, Aug. 27 -' service is docked at San Francisco A free, public concert and dance, for a few days and he wrote he ex­ the music to be furnished by the pected to have a few days* furlough. U. S. Army band, is advertised to be held in the grade school gymnasium Lud Scharfer went up to Myrtle at Bandon tomorrow (Friday) eve­ Point yesterday morning and brought ning. The concert will start at 7:30 home from the Mast Hospital, Mrs. and the dance will follow. Scharfer and that new baby daughter, Anyone who can get there is in- Barbara Elaine. vited to attend. There will be no charge for either concert or dance Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thrift left: -------------------------- Sunday on a two weeks’ vacation Good shipment of Chrome trip, he from duty with the Mt. States From the Independence Mine Power Co. and she from the Lorenz A fine shipment of chrome which Department Store. They went to Long Beach to visit Tom Thrift and tested 46.7 per cent was received at the government stockpile here this family. week from Frank Fish’s Coos Inde­ Joe Fortier, youngest brother of pendence Mine, Stanley Fitzgerald W. H. Fortier, accompanied by his reports. wife came in Monday from Eugene for a few days' visit. They are out First Circus To Show In at Verrill McCurdy’s where the Coquille For Many Years Fortiers have been staying the past The advance agent for Arthur few weeks and the men were busy Tuesday helping Verrill shingle his Brothers' big three-ring circus was in Coquille last Saturday and stated that barn. the circus would show in Coquille on The Eagles Auxiliary will initiate Tuesday, Sept. 14, with an afternoon a class Friday evening and it is im­ and evening performance. Letter From The Sunny South Personal Mention portant that everyone who can at­ Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Harriman re­ tend do so. All of the birthdays which fall in August will be cele­ turned Tuesday afternoon from their six weeks stay in Portland. Mr. Har­ brated. x riman says he is feeling4< Address ...,. (Fill out this application blank and mail it te Bob Sheedy, Myrtle Point, as soon as possible)