I 1 * 1 < /, PAGE NINE ——■ Arago News Fairview News Morridge Licenses 1 11 *1- .gwmdwto Coos Co. School Tax Charters Received By Another Pioneer Offset Computed - 4-H Standard Clubs Buried Monday Mr. und Mrs Walter Farrier came Aug. 18-Donald Lucius Greensky, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byerly and two in from Reedsport and spent several daughters of Chico, Calif., arrived in of North Bend, and Mary Lou Miedl, days at their home in Arago. pioneer In recognition of organising as a ' Another Coos county A summary at the allocation of the They were the valley Friday evening. They are of Watsonville, Calif, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow staying at the Ray Deedmond home, married by Rev. Geo. R. Tumey at funds to act as an offset on the school standard 4-H Club, charter« have re- I | passed beyond last Saturday when came in from Portland last Mr. Byerly and Mrs. .Deadmond are the Marhsfield Episcopal church on district taxes in Coos county was cently been awarded by the United H^nry Hayes of the Broedbent sec­ day and spent the night at their home brother and sister and are the sea and ; Monday. handed Tuesday by the county school States Department of Agriculture in tion died at the Mast Hospital in in Arago. They left again Thursday daughter of Wm. Byerly. They will 1 Aug. 17—Lawrence E. Abbott and superintendent, Martha E. Mulkey, to cooperation with Oregon State Col­ Myrtle Point at the age of 83. for North Bend where Mr. Barklow visit relative* here for several days. Sadie Lois Rust, both of Coquille. the county assessor, Charles Forrest. lege and the State Department of Funeral services ‘ were held at is to be employed for a. while. The total amount which has been Education to eight Coos County 4-H Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries In Myrtle Wm. Noah, wife and daughter, Bon- ■ They were married by Rev. G. A. Mr». O. H. Aasen returned heme aie Ellen, visited relatives late week Gray at his home here on Tuesday, designated for Coo» county is $142,- Clubs, according to James B. Bishop, Po|pt Monday afternoon and inter­ from Portland Tnestey, after tt - t -I end from their home at Lakeside. ment was in the Norway cemetery. Aug. 18—Cecil C. Carter and Mr*. 208.544, thus leaving a balance of aasi.stant county agent. ■ng the night at the home of Mr. and They also worked in their garden Beatrice Renick, both of Myrtle $80.74 in the fund. Born in Nashville, Tenn., March 10, The clubs receiving their charters Mrs. Floyd Fredenberg in North and hay. , Point The law provides that the county arc the Cooaton Forestry Club, Mrs. 1880. Mr. Hayes came to Coos coun­ Bend. Mrs. Aasen reports that her school superintendent shall compile ! Anne Montgomery, leader; Home ty with his patents when a' boy of 12 Visiting in the valley Sunday were -------------------- a father, A Haberiy. is a little better Mr and Mr». Harold Neal of Emplie. ' Dwik/«** the figures which the assessor will u»e Garden and Crups Club and Live- and they homesteaded a ranch south Harold la In the coast guard and re-I ■ WDare COUft IteiYIS again. in making the offset and that amount - stock Club, led by Mrs. Elmer Strode of Powers. In his later years Mr. Hayes conducted a large sheep ranch Bill Wagner, of Fat Elk, has been eenUy transferred from a more Mr> M-ud of thls city waa allowed to each district shall bt based of Sitkqm; Parkersburg Poultry Club, near Powers and after selling .that employed at the Arago Co-op Dairy Club and Garden Club, led by on the total days attendance credited n°o Mrs, Earl Adams, Jr., the former home last Friday evening honoring $17,392.95, and the next heaviest is Because of travel difficulties, and last WMneeday. Mr. Carl also at- Marge Ryan of Myrtle Point, who Mrs. Schmidt’s son, Staff Sergeant the Non-High School District with an I to bring the camp closer to home eo tended the Rotary dinner. ¡had been visiting her parents, Mr. Charles Smith, some thirty or more offset of $12,750.93. that more people can take it in than Mr». A H. Bender and Mr». Ted 1 and Mrs. L. A. Ryan. After a lovely being present. This money comes from the State ordinarily, a eamp for all the family Kirch, of Myrtle Point, were Monday picnic dinner, packages and good Mrs. Mary Gage, of Coquille, was School'Support Fund. The law gov­ visitor» at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wishes were presented Mrs. Ryan. a Friday till Saturday guest at the erning this fund was an. outgrowth of has been planned on the Coos river, on the Riverview farms, 12 miles J. D. Carl. Those present were Mrs. Adams, her A. R. Bennett’s last week. the Basic School Bill, which wu* en­ Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited at mother, Mrs. L. A. Ryan, Mrs. Cort­ Mr. and Mrs. Birt Soaper andohis acted by an initiative measure at the from Bunker Hill. The camp meets next week, Mon­ the home of Mr. and Mr». Orvua land Ellis and family, Mm. Phil Jen­ mother, Mrs. Vesta Soaper, went to general election last November. This Miller in Myrtle Point last Friday son and family, Mr». Glen Richard­ Gold Beach Saturday to visit their measure received very strong sup­ day through Saturday. The expense evening. son and two daughters, Mrs. Harry daughter, Mrs. L. B. Simmons. They port in Coo* county due to a great I has been held down to the minimum of necessary food ite-ns, *1! of which Miss Pamela Evans visited at the Lindsay and two daughters, Mrs. W, returned Sunday evening. extent to the efforts of the school may be donated. Three clasaej out­ homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Felshar J. Wheeler, Mrs. Charles Geitner and Archie and Howard Rackleff, sons director» and clerks and other in­ and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Willson in Mrs. Ray Norris. of Mr. and Mr*. R. R. Rackleff, came terested people who had circulated ride of chapel and vespers are 1 planned. Bible study will be conducted Mr». Bud Ryan and Mrs. Earl over _____ Sunday |____w and ____________ _____ Myrtle Point last Thursday. lent a helping hand petitions. by Rev. Menno Rempel of the Coquille Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and Adams left Saturday for Medford to to their father in getting his hay in The money Baptist V1IU4XII, church. /"* A "Baptist ~ for this fund comes ’ ! ^Msgew»** 4L**^#*>4to^** 1 CO11FS£ Maureen drove to Allegany Sunday visit Mr». Adams aunt, Mrs. G. E. the barn. -r°*" in the Sfefe Income I uught by Rodney Britten, and enjoyed a potluck dinner with Hall. Everett Sparks and son, Neil, of Tax and Will be sent later to the Oregon Baptist State Director of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast Ardyce and Mrs. Harry Lindsay and daughters, Mobridge, S. D., came in Tuesday of county treasurer, Chas. Stauff, but i Education. Rev. Neil Barnes of the Jerene. Virginia, Lula and Marie, and Mrs. W. last week and are rounding up their J*“ U • Marshfield Baptist church will teach Mr and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of Myr­ J. Whesler, left Saturday for Grants sheep. They were Thursday dinner school districts, as the law is explicit a coarse in ZZonalZ^^. personal evangelism. Rev Rev. tle Point, were Sunday evening call­ Pass, to work in the hop yards. They and overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. thMAtW" be an oW**t V*B Dakar, of the Marshfield ers at the home of Mrs. Ida Myers. expert te be gone two weeks. Raymond Thompson, of Norway. against the achool district tax. Baptist church ia in charge of the A group of the Arago folks enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant visited Mr. and M m . Craig ferrott and camp. Mr». Van Dnker will conduct jl swimming party on the Garrone ilHe, were her niece, Mrs. Ben Rogers, in Co­ the children’s program. Rev. John F. gravel bar last week one day. Those Holverstott quille one evening of last week. Hiebert, missionary from Africa will enjoying the lovely time were: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward, A baby girl, named Dianne Lea, give the inspirational addresses. and Mrs. Virgil Todd and children, of Arago, were Sunday afternoon Mrs. A. T. Holycroea, Geraldine, visitor» with their niece and hus­ and who weighed 7H pounds, was bora k> Mr. and Mr*. Grant Hartwell Darrell, Norman and Glenda, Mr. and band, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg. 9i9W Mrs. A. B. Crawford, Thelma and Mr. and Mr*. A. R. Bennett and of Riverton, last Thursday. To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burton, of Note; Mrs. J. L. Burtis and James Mrs. Julia Leep spent Saturday of The Ladies Auxiliary of Townsend Bunnage; Pamela and Maureen last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marshfield, a 7H pound baby girl Club, No. 2, met with Mr*. Mary Evans; Junior and Darwin Gulstrom; Wanamaugher, of Bandon. She is was born on Bunday. She has been Keck on Aug. 12. As it was her birth­ Jimmy Scott, Gerald Gauer, Evelyn slightly improved being able to sit up named Donna Marie. day she was presented with a hand­ Aaron Wilcox, a logger in a camp kerchief shower and a lovely time Leeper, LeRoy and Glendon Zeller; in a chair for a short time. The Bill and Max Williams After the change of going back to Bandon on Coos river, was brought to the was enjoyed by all. ' A luncheon swimming, weiners and pop were seems to have helped him greatly. lioepitel on Monday but was able to> and birthday cake were served by the Mrs. Martha Mullins and Mr. and leave again yesterday. Ho did not' hostess. Next meeting will be held enjoyed. Mr. and Mr*. Z. C. Strang spent Sunday, the Robison reunion picnic Mrs. Harry Bright and family, all of know what hit him and knocked him with Mrs. Esther Briner on Aug. 28. the week-end with her sister, Mr*. Norway, attended a church gathering out. was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. at which time a quilt will be tacked. J. H. McCloskey and they with Mr. A four-year old, Vernon Anderson, Saturday after services which was George Robison on Fiahtrap with a These present were: Elsie Hickson, and Mrs. McCloskey attended the held at the “Sky Ranch" (Woods was brought in for treatment on very good crowd and a lovely pot­ Odd Fellows and Rebekah picnic place) about four miles seat of Myr­ Monday and Cha*. Spencer from Bertha Wilson, Maud Brockman, luck dinner was enjoyed by all pres­ Grace Keck, Esther Briner, Violet dinner held in the Norway grove test Marahfleld entered for treatment the Roth, Ama Halter, Florence DeNoma, ent. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Robison, tle Point Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elden Brodie, of same day. of Klamath Falls, were in for the Eva Train. Esther Waterman, Eva Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wagner and Myrtle Point invited the following Mr*. Wallace Glenn, of Marshfield, Sheppard, Janet Waterman, May occasion; also Mrs. Martha Pauli and two'sons, of Port Orford, spent the Muriel, of Gardner, and Mrs. Mary relatives as dinner guests Tuesday entered for treatment last Wednes­ Miller, Marjory Smith. day visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and evening in celebration of the' first day and Peggy Tomlinson under­ Mix, of Alameda, California. —Press Correspondent. on their return home Mr». Lett ac­ birthday of their little aon, Bennie: went a goitre operation on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller were companied them for a few days’ visit Mrs. Frank Sinnot, of Riverton, Y«8, Mr*. Homemaker, Mr. and Mr*. E. F. Brodie and her Monday dinner guests of Rev. and with Mrs. Oma Wagner at Port Or­ mother, Mrs. Vesta Soaper and Mr. also entered for treatment on Mon­ Poor Man Becoming Mrs. M. M. Short in Coquille. The Down-lroddon Sex! * it I* flood advice to take and Mrs. Blrt Soaper, all of Norway; day Gus Schoeder was a Saturday eve­ ford. Mrs. Julia Leep and Mr. and Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Knife, Mr. and Who said it is the woman who Mark Hardman was aMe to leave ning dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. car* of your appliance*. A R. Bennett were Sunday evening Mr*. O. L. Newton and Dorothy Belle, the hospital on Mondiy and yester­ pays and pays? D. Carl. dinner guest« of . Mrs. Lena Kellen- They're helpinfl to win It would be hard to convince an of Coquille,; Mr. and Mrs. Jack day Tike Cook, Ed L. Bfown, of Pow­ Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, berger and her daughter, Mr*. Russell Knife and son.of Arago, and Mr. and ers, and Patricia Rust, of Fairview, unemployed 39-year-oid Texan wbo conducted the regular Sunday morn­ the war, probably more Hank. > wrote the War Department Office on were dismiseed. Mrs. Bob Soapdr, of Myrtle Point. ing church service. Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pauli and two Dependency Benefits and asked if he Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg were than you realize When followed with* an attendance of 38. daughters, Charlene and Marilyn and last Friday evening dinner guests of could apply far a family allowance There will be service» again next Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller and three Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leatherman. your appliances are not based tin the service of his wife, a Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and children, Phyllis, Alice Mae and WAAC. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yarbrough have Sunday school at 11 a. m. up te per, call your local Bruce, all. of Myrtle Point, were last purchased her father and mother’s The answer is “No.” Rr.'oh Long was a Saturday guest Sunday evening dinner guests of old place, the Finley Schroeder ranch, serviceman for hit expert ' Beginning September 1, according of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pribble at Nor­ from Everett Sparkes and are mov­ After . securing a search warrant to Brig. Gen. H. N. Gilbert. USA, Mrs Ward Evans. Pamela and advice. way. ing in this week. Mrs. J. F. Schroe­ the game law enforcement officer director of the ODB, when the Maureen with Thelma and Nola r Tuesday Mrs. Henry Gasner left der spent the day Tuesday helping went out to Amos Tucker’s place on WAACs are officially a part of the • [ t Crawford visited at the home of Mr. for Richmond, California, to visit a her daughter get settled. {Sanford Heights. He preferred Army and become the WACs, they la War Any Waste Is a and Mr». Chester Willson in Myr­ sister, Mrs. Warren Wilson. Mrs. chargee against Tucker of pneseeaion may apply for family allowances for Crime. Do not Waste Elec­ tle Point last Saturday. Gasner expects to be back in a week venison during the closed season dependent children, mothers, fathers, tricity just because no Ra­ Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shrader, of or ten days. Justice Bull fined him $100 and costs brother», sisters, and other specified tio» Tickets are required! Riverton, were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Roy Robison, Aunt Ellen and which he will be slowed to pay at relatives. The law, though, definite­ PROTECT THE and Mrs. Robert Munford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pribble and the rate of 810 every two Weeks. ly leaves out . . . you guessed it, Mrs. Ralph Long returned home MOUNTAIN STATU sons, Jimmie and Billie, and Mr. and Louie L. Turnbow was given until husbands. Sunday evening after visiting rela- POWiR COMPANY —""-r - ------- ------ ; . . Mrs. Glen Robison and son, Harold, Aug. 20 to pay the $7.00 fine and tivm in Eugen, for abou • I of Norway, attended «he Robison costs assessed against him by the J. P. Calling carat »0 for »1.08. Mr. and Mrs. Arttm • family picnic held at Fishtrap last for having four in the driver’s seat. Myrtla Point, visited at the home or ( .venine Summoned to appear in Judice Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Long Sunday McAdams, of Marshfield, Mrs. John McAdams, of Marshfield. Bull’s court on Monday were Edgar evening.. and Mr*. McElroy, of Coo* *|v«r, Joseph Emery and George Leroy Hui- I i wäre last Thursday vlaltor* of Mr*. tin for having truck traitor over- : , | load*. •f CoqttWc On Tuesday Oliver C. Jenkirt and; paiVINT »OMIT * Lyman Oecar Starrett were sum­ OoqulU, Clul, N., 1 »«I moned to appear for having combined Xi MlX iniWant T* to visit «Ihta overload*. . I» MMl pe ¿7». nag. wu . euoouiw*^ f mother, Mta. Martin Schmidt, and mother. XT family. Hl» wife and baby. Jay, will Remember Norton'» Tor school sup­ the week wa* read. The clubs meets Bunday. Aug> 82 fe IM return with Mm Bunday. Mr*. Smith plies! They have everything that going on to Los Angelas, where her youngster need» for school. Buy W. O. W. hall 8t 11 *• *• Mrs. Collier received ths table- people are, Now! * Mr. and Mrs. Mike Daniels and cloth and also door prise M U* Mr*. Dean received it for thto mcet- daughter and family, Mr. and Mr*. We carry a complete line of V- j Enno Dornath and their four chil­ ing. Eight new member* were re­ Belta for all makea of Refrigerators, | dren; Mr. and Mr». Luther Daniels “WALLY" ported. Visiting Xr and the meeting by -nd daughter. Elizabeth; Mr and Washing Machines and other equip- I 1 ment. Washer Service Co., MS W.' ±ent 7.^0 doth Mrs. Ree~ Daniel, and two daugh- ers were Front, Coquille. Phone. the 30 m Circuit Court Cases Take Care Ì Belle Knife Hospital Townsend Club No. 2 Norway News Items Fined $100 For Having Deer Meat The Industrial Repair Co Townsend Club No. 1 . »W-» 1 MACHINING _______ _ METALLIZiNG WELDING PRE BLACKSMITHING Repairing Aids Victory netted $4.18.- LX chari~ “nd Ev>lyn’ •“ « »