FAGEJUGHT I CLASSIFIED Cent a Word Ei No Adv. leso than Help Waatod Lions Win Soft Ball, Rotary In Golf Several women have indicated to the Coquille Laundry management that they would like to work there after schooj starts In order that we may know where we stand and be .able to plan for the coming months we are asking that anyone who con­ templates taking a position With us, come in at once and make arrange­ ments as to time, etc. One woman is needed at once.—Coquille Laundry. Centennial Displays . In Coquille Windows Gems of Thought VICTORY There is some victory gained in every gallant struggle that is made. “Dutch” Clinton, an ardent and a»u cBhsistdht golfer, had low score for Mrsuite decorations and the —Charles Dickens. LOST—Ration books listed in names the afternoon with a 71 for two name of Schroeder is quite prominent He that perseveres makes every of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Keck and rounds. Bill Bosserman and Elton io n“me* of those shown, There difficulty an advancement and every children, Henry Dale and Gene. ■ Savage, neither of whom had ever ar* river scenes, logging scenes, conquest a victory.—Caleb C. Colton. Were ln brown leather folder con­ played before, tied for high at J17. the old-time bull team in evi- Mankind ria not disposed to look taining a bond and other valuable , Indlvidua 1 scoring was as follows: dence, the old Washington school narrowly into the conduct of great papers Reward for return. Phone building here, pictures of her parents victors when their victory is on the Lions Rotary 231X. ' K* and other old times scenes and build­ side of right.—George Eliot. HOMES FOR SALE— Dunn 3, Lundquist 0. WANTED — Water wells to drill. ings, contributed by Mis. Ida Owen, ....... 87.000. 801 East Second......... In the economy of God, no effort, Hendricks 1, Leslie 2. .¡and here again it is worth anyone's ' however small, put forth for the right Have new and up-to-date equip­ ....... 82,650 582 East Second ----- Ulett 2Vk, Geo. Laird 4 ment and heavy pipg where needed. I cause, fails of its effect.—John Green­ time to stop and have a look. Both homes owned by F- 8. Emery. Emery 2, Wood 1. Fred C. Lde, Route 1, Marshfield. In the Lorenz Department Store leaf Whittier. GEO. E. OERDIWG Jeub 2, Rietman 1. 7, • SOtt’tf window are shown a blue and white It .is when the hour of conflict is Keener 3, Hudson 0. WANTED—District Manager for Old counterpane made by Mrs. M. O. over, that history cornea to a right Wayne Smith 2H;, Bosserman FREE! If Excess acid causes you Line Legal Reserve Life Insurance Hawkins’ grandmother more than 100 ' understanding of the strife, and ir Savage 0, Folsom 3. pains of Stomach Ulcers, . Liberal commissions plus bon- years ago and another counterpane ready to exclaim, “Lo, God is here, Barrow 0, Clinton 3. tion, Heartbum, Belching, Bloat­ . Give full particulars ( made by Mrs. E. E. Leslie’s great and we knew it not!’’—Bancroft. Compton m, Holimon Ilk* ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free as to age, experience, etc., in first I grandmother. There is also a collec- A heart loyal to God is patient and Clever Vk, Dement 2Vk. sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug letter. Write, Box 25, % Coquille | tion of old-time glassware from Mrs. strong, Justice waits, and is used to Irving Larson 0, Norton 3. Company. 22tl0* Valley Sentinel. 30t2s > Hawkins and an old Weil-Fargo du­ 1 waiting; and right wins the ever- Harris I, M. S. Anderson 2. plicating press which Henry Lorenz 1 lasting victory.—Mary Balter Eddy. PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do your FOR SALE — "Farmere’ Bargains”’ Buck 1, Briner 2. iU«ed when he was the expres com­ own Permanent with Charm-Kurl — Feeder Pigs — Cow» — Horse— , Richardson 2, Osterhout 1. pany representative here. Kit. Complete equipment, includ- | Pup« — and many other items.— Chowning 1, Heintzelman 2. In Miss May’s Shop window a ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy i See Farr A Elwood’s “Swap Board.” ! Sherwood Mi, Andy Anderson 2%. i woman's figure is clad in an old full to do, absolutely harmless. Praised , Lions 23ty, Rotary 27Ik. t ______ __ the _______________ W owned _____ Mrs. dress _ gown by Mrs. F. L. by thousands including June Lang, PAINT UP—CLEAN UP—We carry Following tournament ____ a full Lins of High Quality Paint j^a)uney served a delicious baked Grequpugh. It was made in England glamorous movie star. Money re­ funded if not satisfied. Barrow | for every purpose, including Mir- hani dinner in the club houae din- and was shown at the Crystal Palace acre Wall. Be sure and get a copy t room, which was thoroughly en- in London in 1843, before being 24tl0* Drug Company. ______________ I ,,i odr New Paint Styling Booklet ’ ' —. , ............ _ joyed by all of the golfers who voted secured by Mrs. Greenough’s grand- FOR SALE—Three-acre ranch, all —Free. J. A. Lamb Company, a ■lt a wonderfully fine day, well spent, father for , her grandmother and cleared, young orchard, good gar- , .............................. brought to the United States. A small PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. den spot.. Pasture for one cow. Six stand, owned by Mrs. J. S. Barton, Kaisomining and wood finishing— Dflfrioninfl Calendar room modern house. Three room belonged to Mr. Barton’s mother and I 1943 Wall Papers, Imperial, Pitta- ^QUOning \-UienUar house with electricity. Electric was brought to Oregon from Virginia burgh and Birge. R wood No raise in (C|ip and keep for handy reference) i in 18M. On the ltand ia an oW. pumping system. Chicken house nhone I We carry a complete line prices. and bam. One mile north of Co­ —1 . l . a. Book No. S j fashioned lamp belonging to Mrs. i Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Han y -, 286. Coquille. 275 Nort^i Henry quille on Fairview road. October 2.—Expiration date of red' Pou> page one), I Lum and Abner At Liberty This Week Attention to Details Easy Budget Plan SCHBOEDEK BBOS. MORTUARIES, Ia«. MISi INEZ ROVER St James’ Episcopal Church Corner E. 3rd A Elltott Sts. The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Bunday: 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with Sermon. I Wednesday: 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Church of Christ East 4th 8c Coulter Liston Parrish, Pastor Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Bible. Study and Prayer Meeting. Bible School 0:45 a. m. T. Ralph Harry, Supt. There can be no vaca­ tion from spiritual things, so plan to be in Bible School on the Lord's Day. Morning Worship 11 o’clock. Lord's Supper. Special music. Message by the Pastor. Jr. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Young People’s C. E., 7:00 p. m. Evening services 8;00. The ten boys who attended Boys' Camp Will bring their reports. You will not want to miss this service. '■ Wednesday, 7:30. p. m. Choir Prac- Don Farr, director. , « Emanuel Baptist Church Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Sunday, August 22. 1943 10:00, Sunday School. Ben Walton, supt. Your loyalty should be first of all to God, and then your S. S. 11:00, Morning worship service. Sermon.topic, “The Living Bread.” 7:30, Young People’s meetings. 8:00, Evening evangelistic service. Sermon topic, “Six Pictures of Jesus Christ." There is no summer let-up at our church. Do you— Everyone welcome to take part in our song service led by Wm. Knight, and hear the men’s chorus sing. Tuesday, choirs. Thursday, prayer band. ft. First Church of Christ, Scientist Coquille, Oregon Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject for ,next Sunday, 'Mind.” Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock. Free public Reading Room at 255 W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every day except Sunday and holidays from 12:30 to 5:08 p. m. Church of God Corner of Henry 8c Seventh Sts. Pastor, A. L. Perry All are invited to attend. If your child does pot go to Sunday School elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Sunday School, 10 a. m. fx’ Preaching service 11 a. m. Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m." or better still bring them. Pleaching service 7:30 p. m. & « A WELL PLANNED SERVICE can do much in lessening the grief of the bereaved j GANO FUNERAL HOME Coq aille NOTICE Oregonian Subscribers: Please help yoiir carrier by having your paper money ready at his first call. Remember he must pay Ma paper obligation before the 10th of, the month. Thank you. The Oregonian Agency Earl L Schroeder Pl Coquille, Oregon Dr. De La Rhu* Eyesight Specialist Efeo Examined - Glasses Fitted Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R Bunch Instructor of Piano Southwestern Motors WANTED, to Buy-LateModtl Trucks, Pickup* and Car*. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coauille Wanted! Men And . Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing I DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick Deering Milker Parts g«d Dairy ‘’ Supplies—S4e us. Ï. A. Lamb Company. 8 ■ To make this simple, no risk hear­ * ing tost If you are temporarily deaf­ BRING Your Tire Troimies to Thorn- ened, bothered by ringing buzzing noises due to hardened or coagu- ton’s, the most completely equipped head _ l.i __ ted ____ wax (cerumen), try the Ourine shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ Home Method test that so many say perienced workmen. Best quality has enabled them to hear well again. materials and equipment used. Al) You must hear better after making 1 fols simple test or you get your money work fully guaranteed Thornton back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Tire Service. 23tfs Drops today todav at Barrow Drag Co. I I Benham’s Transfer 0 '.■r% Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL z_____ 8T0RAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Callfornia Fkst Freight Office Phone Farr A Elwood Bldg. 5 W. Second St J A