The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 19, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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1 .
Government Needs
Chrome, Manganese
—........ j y."' - -.-. jti
" v-r
for you.
The best time to bring In ore would
I** 'bet ween l.Oq p. m. and 4:00 p. m.
If possible, notify Mr. Watson in ad­
I *
vance that you are bringing in ore
i Beginning in mid-August jnost
and you will avoid considerable da-
new cooking and heating stoves for
, home use are being rationed on a
Do not drive onto the scales. Mr. nation-wide basis in order (1) to be
Watson's Instructions are to balance sure of an adequate supply of avail-
the scales before each weighing. Mr.' able stoves for those who need them;
Watson will weigh the truck in and (2) conserve scarce metals, labor.
! flies that will bring results through may not net one single rise and it will
be necessary to shift to another pat­
Some days it is necesasry to change tern
I files a dozen or more times before the
We have had trout strike one par­
To Chrome and Manganese Mine
fly that the trout are striking is found. ticular fly until it was torn and in­
1 And the very next day, on the Mme deed was a bedraggled looking speci­
U you have any chrome or man­
At a meeting of the commercial stream, a trout won’t look at this men but the colors remained and the
ganese ore to sell you can still dis­
fishermen who operate nets upon the Mme fly, but will go after one of an­ trout kept on striking it, and no mat­
pose of it to the Metals Reserve
Coquille river, it was decided, no other color. And to prove that they ter what other fly was offered, few
Company, at the Coquille ore buy­
we “f* informed by the secretary of are not color blind—that all colors strikes were received upon it
ing depot.
In order to give the
We do not wish to appear all wise
The Fishermen's Union, Henry Miller, look alike to them, as these scientists
sellers an opportunity to bring in ore
factory and transportation facilities; that th* net fishermen agreed to not would lead us to believe—here is a —but nevertheless we are disputing
when Mr. Borel, the purchasing agent ore la to be unloaded. He will sign '_____
QAt nets
noto from
frowS 5
R p.
and a
m Saturday until test that will prove' beyond a doubt statemenu from scientists who claim
' is absent at the other depot, Wayne “«weight certiflcatesM "Weighmas-
<aa and 5 p. m. Sundays. This practice will that a trout knows his colors and that that trout cannot distinguish one color
s wamoovm •saws •agjvW W* LMwi uil,
W. Wa&on, of the Sunset Dairy, has 1er, but he cannot give up the cer- wood (w various sections of the coun- 1 continue from August 15th until the all colors do not look alike to him. Jrom another. Forty years of angling
been employed fo weigh' ore trucks. tlficates. Those must remain in the wood in various sections of the coun­ j 20th of November.
Simply put three flies on a leader and experience has ¿aught Uf differently.
try. '
Mr. Watson will be found at the b3°k until signed -Arnold E Bore», J The list of stoves to be rationed
Thls if> a
<>f good sporte- start casting on. some good trout
Sunset Dairy barn, about 200 feet Purchasing Agent.” The certificates
The machine-made lightning pro­
includes all new one* designed to! n,anship on the part of the commer- streum. You might even have to
• east of the state highway scales on will be mailed to the Seller. He
burn coal, wood, oil or gas for domes- Cl
ti al
“* B«hermen.
Many sportsmen change to three more before getting a duced by a new 1,500,000-volt gen­
( the Coquille-Myrtle Point highway, may take his weights off the certi­
Then the trout will start erator will enable engineers to test
tic um . However certain types are “«g»«« arc forever seeking to put strike.
’ or he may be at his home, about ISO ficates at the time of weighing.
not to be rationed.
These are the commercial men out of business striking one particular fly on the the lightning defenses of electrical
yards from there, down the road
The ore will be Mmpled by Mr.
aIrtight wood atovw not 'by closing coastal streams to the net leader. And you can bet your tackle equipment which provides industry
towards Coquille. In any case, some­ ^re ,
with grates or cast iron (mse ' fishermen, and as we have stated in box that they will continue hitting I and homes with electric power.
one will be around who can gist him
Samples will be
K. forwarded to the or Unin<;
: previous articles, so far as we are I this one particular fly and practically I
have never heard of ( ignore the others on your leaders. I Cotton in its original form as cloth
Aasayer when sufficient ore has been ovens; laundry stoves with built-in ' concerned
-------- k'""" we
I the sportsman angler favoring the Then along in the atfernoon, the fly | or in plastic parte is used in all lm-
brought in to make up a lot.
water jackets or coils; portable gas-
1 commercial fisherman in any manner; they struck so good in the morning I piements and vehicles of war.
JU .
on Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sun­ or charcoal stoves. Neither are any I ! in fact, their main ambition it appears
day and Monday mornings, leaving
types of used or second-hand stoves ' is to put the commercial men out
before noon on Monday for Arcata. ,
of business—a simple case of whole
to be rationed.
California. If you have matters to I
and. Harbison’s Myrtlewood
Eligibility to purchase a new stove hog or none. Well, we can leave
discuss, write to him General De­
Gifts for all occasions
under rationing involves a showing out the none and simply state it a
livery, Arcata, California, and tell
that there is no usuable stove at1 case of “whole hog.” So therefore,
t M
See our large variety of potted
him when you will be in town. You
Buy Your
present and that a stove is needed to I 1 we consider it a very liberal and
plsats; rosea, gardenias and ether ' may also obtain information from Mr.
heat essential living or working ' commendable gesture on the part of
out Hewers in season.
Watson, or at Mr. Borel’s home, 354
space or is needed for essential cook­ the commercial fishermen in pulling'
N. Heath Street, Coquille.
Acrees from Telephone Off. Pn. M
their nets during the above stated
Very truly yours, Arnold E. Borel, '
An applicant for, a stove petitions period.
I Purchasing Agent.
his local War P-and Rationing
. j
■ ■ ■■'1 j——— r
Board Tor a pur hate certificate to with the statement that fish are color
buy the kind of stove he needs. If blind and that they cannot distinguish
We say
obtained, this certi: cate is taken to one color from another.
a dealer where it is surrendered PHOOEY! to such a statement, for re­
either at the Urne the dealer orders gardless of what these great men of
his stove, or upon delivery.
Be­ learning say, we know that they are
cause of the limited number of stoves “off the beam” with such a screwy
Take for instance on
available each Board will be given a statement.
quota based on a study of the needs some mountain stream: just try any
old fly and see what sort of luck you
of the community.
Bank Bldg.
At present the allocation of cooking will have. We can name off hand a ,
stoves is handled through WPB. Any dozen different patterns of flies that .
one in need of a stove for cooking I 1 an angler might fish the whole sea- j
Don’t Forget that this Offices Secures
before the start of rationing may son through with and not land a half ,
Birth Certificates for You
apply for permission to purchase dozen trout. On the other hand, we
through the nearest office of the War can point out one or two particular
Production Board. WPB will con­
tinue to handle applications for elec­
tric stoves and heaters, water heaters,
central heating equipment, and all
heating and cooking equipment not
designed for domestic use.
Stoves Are Now
Being Rationed
Out-of-Doors Stuff ! the entire season.
Better Blossoms
Service and Protection
Auto - Fire
Accident and Health
S unny
B roo
Quoted from a letter...
Chevrolet Mechanics Awarded
Diplomas At School July 27
,r -
* f
conscience today?
The letter quoted here came from • western newspaper
editor and publisher. This man has a conscience that
can’t be lulled to sleep by easy self-reassurances.
hope many other prospective travelers will listen td
the “still small voice” of their conscience when it asks
guestions like these :
How much business and how much pleasure are
involved in the train trip I plan? Is it really im­
portant for me to visit those relatives back East
this war year? Couldn’t I get just as much rest
and relaxation a little doser to home?
Today the railroad is hard-pressed to find space foreseen-
tial travelers: People whose trip must be made to keep
timinnm and war production going ... Service men on
well-deserved furloughs, possibly the last before combat
duty ... Parents going to visit their son when the latter
can’t get away from his post. When people travel for
pleasure, or other non-essential reasons, they prevent
Diplomas have been awarded tb
Jack Sisk, Hugh Parsons, Emil Roy,
Clarence Caudill, Paul Lentz and
Soren Buus, employees of the service
department of the Southwestern Mo­
tors here, signifying that they have
successfully passed the 1843 annual
national Chevrolet Approved Me­
chanics examinations. The examina­
tions were held at Marshfield July 23.
Due y> the pressing necessity of
preserving the country’s essential
war-time automotive transporation
facilities through adequate and effi­
cient maintenance service, the an­
nual examinations of Chevrolet me­
chanics this year were on a more
intensive and comprehensive scale
than ever before, according to I. A.
Elrod, manager of Southwestern Mo­
Keeping the nation’s care and
trucks In satisfactory operating con­
dition for the duration, Mr. Elrod
pointed out has entailed extensive
revision and expansion of service
operations and procedure. As an
example, he declared, in all automo­
tive service work today emphasis is
on repair rather than replacement of
vital parts and units. With no new
vehicles being produced, he explain­
ed, complete overhauling and rebuild­
ing of the entire vehicle on an im­
proved, more up-to-date basis is a
vastly mare important and essential
part of maintenance service than
when millions of new vehicles were
coming off the production lines an­
Only through thorough instruction
and grooming of mechanics and utili­
zation of perfected maintenance ser­
vice methods and facilities can the
can and trucks now in operation
continue to play their vital part in
getting workers to and from war pro­
duction plants and in transporting the
raw materials, finished products,
food and supplies essential to Vic­
tory tor the Allied Nation«, he Mid.
Benefit Boys’ Club
and Girls’ Clüb
Community Building
9:30 p. m.
Adm. $1.10 per couple, including tax
Extra Ladies 25c
A new simple method enables a
sailor on a life raft to render a
quart of Mlt water drinkable in
thirty minutes.
New home dehydrators enable
dwellers in small homes and apart­
ments to prepare foods for storage.
Music By Shady’s Orchestra
PiMples Disappeared
Over Night
Sponsored by
wksa tksy found their piniplee had
dlaanpeared. Thaea uaare anthulai.-
tlcafiy prafba Klaerex and »lai«> they
era ao longer embarrassed and are
■ow bassy with their clear oomplex-
"one “onh take ear word for It. use
Itloervs taalsht Only We. « ••• ap-
SlleaUon does not aaUefy, yes s«*
your monsy back. There I* no rl.k ao
ge^ot hesitate. OoM and recom-
Youth Advisory Council
; *' ’ y
: f