OREGON TAX KNOCKERS REFUTED IN WASHINGTON ¡PROCEEDINGS OF O under Gunderson 138.30 Will tarn H. Wann. Account 143.40 . Audit Contract 150.00 J. L. Lea.............. 164.75 Oregon politicians who make a William H. Wann. Budget ..... 177.60 Wayne Goodman 70.55 Mike Boone .... The wings of night fold down Before» Council piofeMion uut of knocking the taxa­ Ernest Franson 158.97 Upon an earth grown weary Coquille Goa A Power Co., gas Court House tion system of their home state have 177.6« James L. Child 5.7« Victor Demarest How good it is to have this peaceful rest and move heater___ ______ West Coast Telephone Co. Ser- 156.69 broadcasted the impreMion Various Offices Services .......... . .. 117.64 At close of day, a crown. Hurlbutt 150.69 Ralph property taxes outside of citii Western Union, services .... . 4.1« Clerk ’ s Office O. P. Smith .... 113.33 My fleeting days are dreary, Washington are only about half the Capital City Bindery, post­ Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ Henry Franson 162.03 But still my heast must sing, for Ood has blest. plies . ....... ....... ...................... 68.25 A. G. Trendell binder ....... . ........................... burden they are‘in Oregon. Uni­ «00 108.25 L. W. Oddy, Co. Clerk, postage Dependent Children Harold Zeigler 181.05 When comes that time of peace versity of Washington’s College of and express .......................— 18.57 C. J. Martell 172.94 When happy hearts are living Economics and Business has just is­ Mrs. Lillian Short, care of Delp John B. O'Sullivan 159.66 children ............ ...... .............. 38.32 Stevens Cash Hardware, jail New dreams, a place of neither day nor night. sued its munthly bulletin. Northwest Carol Mathews and court house—............... 179.97 Insure*, e May I be ther^e, and giving - j Industry. It sets forth figures re­ I Nasburg Insurance Agency,' L. C. Burner - 135.76 ■ H. S. Norton, supplies .,............ 91.80 C. F. Hawk ... My thanks to Ood, know love of after Light. County Trapper vealing that the general burden on ! Policies .............. 33.20 161.84 C. E. Mullins, mileage.... _.... 40.00 Orin Demarest —Veloroua Call, Coquille I properly (outside of cities) through- Rad Cross Bldg. Chas. Hofer ... 142.05 First Natl. Bank of Portland, ■ out that state were little in excess of Empire Fuel A Trtnater Co., 179.47 July Withholding tax........... I 822.60 Wm. Dinsmore wood .......................... ............. 4.50 what they were in Oregon for the Cecil Hartley 173.63 Georgia Davidson, refund on Defense Council Coll McLean 153.63 'fiscal year ended June 30, 1943. As West Coast Telephone Co., Ser- Co Employees Carl Shore .... 15046 Oregon has reduced property taxes withholding tax...... —......— view .................... ............. 5.90 Ben Wigle 118.67 Chas. Stauff, Co. Tress, war Ration Board this year by an average of five mills Jason Smart 90.89 Savings Bonds ...„...... 1 Walter Taff in and out of cltiM, the figure for the First National Bank of Port­ 120.58 Timber Cruiser land, Rent of Room..—.,........ Vun A. Spores 132.45 r current year may show that the tax Roy E. Erchinger, Cruising H. 8. Norton, elips A pencils. Beriyn Billings 172.99 burden on property right now is less timber ...... . ............... t........... 1 139.20 Oran Young .. (Weetern World) Rodent Control 175.68 The 22,000 of federal government •* than it is in Washington. Marshfield Clinic I Oregon State Game Comm., C. F. Christian 132.02 A sawmill and a box manufactur­ civilian employees in Oregon exceed I Predator A rodent control 600.00 Dr. Donald Long, services .... 20.00 Teen Miller .... 155.75 I 1 . ................................ I » by approximately 14,791 the 7,209 ing plant are to be erected at Green i District Attorneys Office Charles Wolff 163.89 Bounty employees of the state of Oregon, and Gulch, along U! 8. highway 101 about Forever and Ever Ben C. Flaxel, expenses 93.30 W. M. Williams 167.88 Charles Sickles, bounty on 1 I G. C. Ashenfelter County Farm 172.84 the Federal employee monthly es­ nine miles south of Bendon, on the ' Says the OPA fn Boston, seeking I bub cat ................ ..................... Raymond Barklow Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas 167.56 Tony Barkley, bounty on 2 bob timated $3,564,000 payroll is more extensive holding» of the Cepe Blanc« I I to console: i 153.16 and oil ....................... ............ 17.72 Wm. Burkbeck .... 2.50 than four times Oregon’s estimated Cranberry Company, according to J. “Our ancestors got along without I cats ...... . .................... ........... Claude Lemon, Jr 76.90 Dependent Child A. Stanhavieh who is in charge of cugar until the 13th century, with­ I Lewis Eisele, bounty on 1 bob employee pionthiy $811,000 payroll. C. F. Bessee ~ :.... 14.25 cat 2.50 Catholic Charities, care R. Alton R. Kardell the cranberry development program 8.00 These figures were recently com­ out coal until the 14th century, with­ Bennett ...... . — ....... ..... ,—... 8.00 County Employees H. Z. Young ........................... . 30.72 *’ Jail piled by the Citizens National Com­ for the company. out butter until the 15th century, State Ind. Ace. Comm., Indus­ Anna McDonald, Relief opera - 1.00 “We are starting on tbe'construc- without potatoes until the 16th cen- trial Insurance ....... ,........... mittee, Washington, D. C., from of­ 42.38 Hudson Drug Store, medicine tor, Bullards Ferry............... 55.30 i Coart Hoase Various Chas. _ ficial Census and Labor Statistics Bu­ tlon of a sawmill now,” Stankavich tury, coffee until the 17th, matches, E. ___________ McDonald, Operator H. S. Norton, Flag ......... . ....... 23.50 Bullards Ferry ....'..... ........... 266.20 reau sources, In conjuctlan with a stated this week, "and later an up- until the 18th, and gasoline until1 Charter Oak Fire Insurance Co. Employees War Insurance ..................... 661.40 Robert S. Fahy, Asst. Opera­ report on "Federal Personnel” by to-date box manufacturing plant will the 19th." Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Marshfield Clinic tor, Bullards Ferry............... 137.10 Credit cards .. 81.20 Geo. Muther, Operator, Bul­ Senator Byrd’s joint Congressional be built. This plant will be capable Yea, brother! And we can get I>r. Donald M. Long, Services Defen Council committee on reduction of non-es­ of producing ample boxes to supply along without the OPA for all the lards «Ferry ..................... ..... 137.00 Circuit Court Mutual Benefit Health & Acc. the cranberry growers* needs for the rest of the centuries, forever and Matthew Trewella, Janitor... 24.00 Coquille Gsw A Power Co., gas sential Federal expenditures. Ration Board Comm., Insurance for County City of Marshfield, Rent of Total of all state, local government entire Northwest.” ever—Amen! • employees .................... 7......... 75.90 Court Room, Mfld................ 80.00 West Coast Telephone Co., ser­ The Cape Blanco Cranberry Com­ and school employees in Oregon is vices .......................... . .......... Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., War Cattle Indemnity Bonds for County em? 31,418 divided, 7,209, 10,509 and pany holdings south of here contain IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Claud M. Walker ........ Z. . 12.00 H. S. Norton, Stationery...... ployes ....... 7432.82 County STATE OF OREGON IN AND 13,700 respectively, according to the approximately 750 acres with between Dr. L. C. Witcosky, Testing First National Bank of Pltd., FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS cattle .......... ....... . .................. 197.40 Tony Barkley, Bounty on Two Washington, D. C., report. This 80 and 100 acres suitable for cran­ Withholding Tax ............ 557.27 I In the Matter of the Estate of John cats ............ ................... ......... Various 31,418 total of all public employees In berry growing. Ground for the first | I P. Messer, Deceased. Coquille Medical Service Bur­ William A. Church, Cattle In­ National Service Bureau, Sold ­ Case Na. 3630 eau. Hospital dues............... 02.00 Oregon is 9,418 greater than all Fed­ bog unit 1» now being cleared and demnity ...... . .... ..................... 32.00 iers A Sailors Civil Relief State Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus­ Notice of Final Account leveled. It will contain between 80 Sheriffs Office eral civilian employees. Digest .... ............... .......... ...... 3.60 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; trial Insurance . ............ . .... 439.88 A. O Walker, Work in Tax For every 1000 state and local and 40 acres. that the undersigned has filed in the j National Assn, of County Offi- Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash 266.00 ‘ Dept. The construction program of the County Court of Coos County, Ore­ - cials, Renewal of County Of­ government employees in Oregon, advanced .................. ............. " 33.84 ficers Magazine ................... 10.00 Georgia Davidson, Work in Tax Coquille Valley Sentinel, sup- there are about 700 Federal civilian company includes substantial build­ gon, his final report and account as Dept ........... ...... . ............ — ... 96.40 Indigent 7.25 ings, landscaping, etc., la order to executor of the estate of John P. employees. Muriel Herman, Work in Tax Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ Messer, deceased, and that the court Henry A. Schroeder A Sons, According to the non-partisan Byrd make the place not only a successful has set Saturday, the twenty-eighth Dept. 80.40 plies ......................................... Funeral and Ambulance....... 45.00 ........... committee report, which contained producer but also an attractive ad­ (28th) day of August, 1943, at the City of Coquille, water........... Court House Charles W. Forrest, Miteage . 6.80 Peoples Water & Gas Co., such men as Senator Glass, La Fol­ vertisement for “Ocean 8pray” cran­ hour of ten o’clock (10) A. M., of American Brush Co., mops and wb I ot handles ..................... —....... 2.88 5.27 H. C. Gets, Mileage................. 10.16 lette. Nye and McKeliar, and Con­ berry sauce, which ia a nationwide said day, at the County Court Room, Doris Hadsall, extra help. Coquille, Oregon, as time and place 92.40 Mountain States Power Co., Defense Corneil gressmen Doughton, Treadway and food product. for hearing objections to such final Treasurers Office I lights ............ .......................... 2.00 C om County Defense Council, Taber, there were 3,034,700 Federal account and the aettlement of Mid Mountain States Power Co., payment of ctaime...... ......... 189.63 Clara A? Stauff, Services....... estate. Supertateadenta Office civilian employees as of March, 1943, lights and power ......... . 13.25 . Pey Roll M. O. Hawkins, , Mgrtha E. Mulkey, mileage .. 9.18 Stevens Cash Hardware, ma­ with a monthly payroll of 4561,457,- Executor of the estate of Marie Bellah, Salary, Steno­ terial ..._......... *....;............ . 2.45 grapher, County Court----- 143.85 Helen Ayres, extra help. ~.....'...‘ 80.00 000 which is at the rate of six and 28t5 John P Messer, deceased. North Bend Iron Works, ma­ Mrs. Marie Stewart, extra I Alice Perrott, Salary, Deputy three-quarter billions a year. chine work ......... ................. help .............. ........... ............... 52.34 3.28 95.26 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I Sheriff }........ J. E. Haseltine A Co., material 53.57 This Federal civilian payroll of County Employees Chief of Police Robt. H. Creager Eleanor Peterson, Salary STATE OF OREGON FOR Equitable Steel Co., peerless March was 50 per cent greater than today announced he had completed COOS COUNTY Deputy Sheriff, Tax Dept. 157.40 Coquille Medical Service Bur­ steel ......................................... 173.92 eau, hospital dues______ 48.00 the combined payrolls of all em­ arrangements whereby traffic acci­ JOSEPH L. CARSON, Plaintiff, Muriel Davis, Salary, Deputy Columbia Equipment Co., ma­ Mutual Benefit Health A Ace. vs. ployees of the 48 states, 17,792 cities dent statistics and other information Sheriff, Tax Dept...... . ....... 117.40 terial ___ ;............... ;. 3.02 .Co., insurance _____ _____ 2.00 Contractors Equipment Corp., and towns, 3061 eountiM and 17,667 relative to this city would be made ELSIE PAYNE CARSON. Defendant. I ! Jullene Freeman Salary, Depu- Varioua r. - Summons Case Na. 1287* material ......................... ........ 11.53 i i ty Sheriff, Tax Dept..... . ..... 119.40 B. K. Werner, rental of type­ other local government units as es­ available in a monthly service from To—ELSIE PAYNE CARSON: Marie Clinton, Salary, Clerk, Coquille Service Station, auto IN THE ÑAME OF THE STATE timated from Bureau uf Census report the traffic safety division of the of­ writer ...... . ......... .................. 4.00 supplies _________________ Tax Dept. --------- ..7............... 107.40 18.82 Capital City Bindery, index on “Public Employment In the United fice of Secretary of State Bob Farrell. OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ Helen Winegar, Salary, Clerk, Isaac R. Tower, oil ................ 76.46 quired to appear and answer the sheets snd tabs _ 3.50 Howard Cooper Corpbration, States." Tax Dept -------------- 104.40 The information thus obtained will complaint filed against you in the West Coast Ptg. A Bindery Co. material ...._____ __ _ __ _ 27.77 The first general conclusion of the aid the police department and other above-entitled suit, on or before the Emma M. Pierce, Salary, Clerk, Index Community Sheets ..... 26.75 Pioneer Hardware Co., ma Tax Dept..................... 104.40 Byrd joint Congressional committee interested agencies in conducting ac­ last day of the time prescribed in the A. E. Simmons, typewriter car ­ terial ................. .......... ............ 12.45 J. W. Leneve, Salary Deputy Senate Document No. 66, was that cident prevention programs In this Order for publication of this sum­ Port of Bandon, use of ship- ' bon paper .............. ....... ......... 8.00 Clerk --------------- *„.... ........... 164.40 mons, which prescribed time la once ways for Ferry .................. 35.00 Marshfield Clinic "any needless Federal personnel and city, Chief Creager declared. a week fur four (4) weeks, or five (5) Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy 144.25 Dr. Donald M. Long, Services 20.00 Herman Hongell, lumber and resultant administrative expenses is consecutive Issues of the newspaper Frances Skylee, Salary Deputy 120.06 The monthly safety service from paint for Ferry ..... 32.72 Coquille Laundry Co., services 1.95 a hindrance to the war effort and is .the state traffic safety division will herein mentioned, the Coquille Val­ H. C. Gets, Salary, Draftsman Capps Motor Co., auto .50 Coroners Office ley Sentinel, the first day of which Assessors Office ................... 164.40 C. J. O ’ Neil, repair to also an unnecessary burden on the include posters, statistical analysis 10.75 W. 0. Campbell, inquiry death 18.25 is July 22, 1943, and the last day of Ellis Selander, Salary, Deputy Southwestern Moton, American taxpayer.” * TlwByrd “ ~ co™- of local accident experience, spot which is August 19, 1943; and if you Probation Officer Aeseseor ............................. supplies ............. r....... 14645 ---------------------- 52.35 mittee's first recommendation was i ____ ___ James H. Leonard, mileage fail to appear and answer Mid com ­ r—maps of this city showing the ioca- May Ensele, Salary, Deputy....___ Ballou A Wrii 143.80 auto aupplies 19.60 plaint by said time, plaintiff will ap­ Jean Schroeder, Salary, Clerk 113.40 and expense ........................... 92.08 J. A J. Tire ight, "that a 300 006 reduction in personnel . Uon ,of~ Lu., auto «uvu supplies 130.19 Co., ply to the Court for the reHef prayed Elda Ostrander, Salary, Clerk 113.40 Mrs. J. H. Leonard, attending Seuthwestem Moton — auto be promptly carried de- general Information ____ t,„____ canted out out, by all i^1^' on the accident for therein^ therein;« a succinct succin.. statement ________ _ of girls to Homes . ........ .. T . 12.00 supplies ___ ___________ __ Idyle A. Godard, Salary, Steno. 18.20 ■ partments and agencies of the Feder­ situation in the state aa a whole and which is ar follows: County Farm Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto Supt. Off....................... 112.60 FIRST: That the bonds of matri ­ al government.” Elisabeth Lambert, Salary, im.other cities of this population L: MWPUM .......... ........................ 158.76 mony now existing between plaintiff Dr. G. E. Stark, Salary, Health Cook ....................................... 104.69 A. B. Daly A Co., material .. *7.25 Officer .............. . .................. 50.00 classlflcstlon and safety material and defendant, be dissolved, and that S. R. Stover, Salary, Farm J. A. Lamb Co., material ___ 4.11 How We Treat Our Fellow prepared by national safety organi­ plaintiff be awarded an absolute de­ Leia Elrod, Salary Health hand ...... . ............ ..... ......... 100.00 Feenaughty Machinery Co., Nume ............ .’............. 11845 crees of div voroe from the defendant. zations. Man A Gauge Of Our Religion material .... ............... . ....... Mamie Stover, Salary, waiter 78.40 166.87 SECOND: : For such other and fur Ethel C. Littler, Salary, Health “Prevention of traffic accidents is ther relief as to the Court shall seem Koke-Chapman Company, Nurse ..................................... 128.66 G^ri* Worlnn*n' Salary ®r' When a boy going to school in dis­ Colson Coston . ........ . .......... 4.10 an important part of the war effort meet and- equitable herein. 7Z.40 Carolyn Huff, Salary, Steno­ trict No. 4 in Putman, N. YM our West Coast Telephone Co., This summons is published in the of thia nation,” Chief Creager said, grapher, Health Dept.... . 79.55 F. C. Milton, Salary night- services ........... ............. ......... reading books were Towne's Readers, 25.86 watchman 50.00 “Accidents which cause deaths or Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper James H. Leonard, Salary Pro­ first, second, third and fourth, and of general circulation in the City of 107.40 ft. R. Pinkerton, cedar piling 48.00 bation Officer ...... 174.80 Rets Horton, Salary Nurse Coast Lumber Yard, moulding personal injuries strike at the man­ Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, pur­ .60 Various ■ after the fourth grade the national Cecil Hartley, filing saws .... 5.^0 power resources of this country and suant to the order directing publica­ Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, A Girls Aid Society, aid Janitor ........... 102.70 fifth reader. Wood-Products, Inc., care of children ........... 14.22 Smith many of them result in ths damage tion thereof, which order was made Chas. Roberts, Salary, Janitor lumber ........ ....... ....... .......... 174.22 In one of the reading books was on the 20th. day of July, 1943, by the Chas. Stauff, __ __ ______ _ ___ Co. Tree»., cash of vital automotive equipment that John B. O’Sullivan, used and Jailer ...™7_..... 109.66 Honorable Dal M. King, Circuit a story of a boy whose inclination • advanced for postage ...... 68.68 planking ....................... ....... 170.10 cannot be replaced. We can con­ Judge. Belie Whitsett Salary, Matron Coquille Valley Sentinel was to do mean things. One day hie Sentinel, print-* Southern Pacific Co., freight Co. Earm ......... 72.40 tribute to the successful prosecution Harry A. Slack, ing and publishing Ing publishing. .............. .............. 68.96 mother showed him a post and told on asphalt ......... ........ *......... 257.86 F. C. MoNelly, Salary, Supt. Attorney for Plaintiff, of this war by driving and walking Court House Coquille Wood Co., wood ___ 14.50 him when he knew he had done a Co. Farm .............. -.............. 164.40 First National Bank Bldg. carefully so as to avoid unnecessary I Grorge Adam*, Janitor work. . 48.30 Coos Bay Salvage A Steel, Coquille, Oregon. Edith MoNelly, Salary, Matron mean thing to drive a nail part way combination chain... ........... 79.58 traffic accidents ” -—-_____________ ____ County Farm ...”..... ........... 86.40 City of Coquille, water.......... 16.95 into the poet. It, the course of time Mountain States Power Co. Union Oil Co., kerooene oil .... «1.83 Chief Creager urged whole-hearted ,N ^•ATFROFIOlS(loV FOR™1 H. R. Clark, Salary, County P. J. Rooney Auto Co., auto the boy told his mother the poet was observance of traffic regulation, and lights ........... 113.90 ®TA COOS COUNTY Land Agent . .... . ......... „..... 176.80 supplies ............. . ........ .... ..... 74.15 Bounty full of nails. Co, Court care and caution in driving and , JIMMIE HASSEN, Plaintiff, Orchard Auto Parta Co., auto Lewis Eisele, bounty on 2 bob His mother told him now when you walking as a means of holding down | L. D. Felshehn, Expanse trip to I „«-JJ hauben 06.35 cats .... ................. — - .......... 5.00 Portland, O. A. C. —.......... 15.80 know you have done a good act pull local accidents. Placing special em- IDORA LRK Kh( N H ^^oifimdwrrt La« Coquille Auto Co., auto sup­ Court House P P’terson, Salary A plies ........... A. ....... . .......... a nail out of the post. In the course 3.25 phaais upon pedestrian safety, he Summons Mileage—Co. Comm. ....... 166.00 James A Hazel Collier, Heat- Golden Auto Parts Co., auto < >f time the boy told his mother “the > ting System for Hall of Rec­ suggested these rules for those who To: DORA ERICKSON HASSEN: Lars P. Peterson, expense trip supplies ................................. 59.01 ords ............. -....... 1288.54 Thornton Tire Service, auto nails are all out of the post,” and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE to Portland. O. A C....... . .. 23.10 Sheriff supplies ...................... .......... I OF OREGON, You are hereby re- ! P. W. Culver, Salary—County 10.50 qulred to appear and answer the; Commr................. . .................. 114.80 Wm. F. Howell, Mileage........... 53.20 Central Transfer Company, Superintendente Office freight ......................... .TTT. ... complaint filed against you in the P. W. Culver, expense trip to 2.83 Farr A Elwood, paper ...... ...... 3.50 Gregg Hardware, material tliey are in operation; look to the left, above-entitled suit, on or before the Portland, O. A C...,..... 13.28 mother asked, “why do you cry—the ua - hk n*.., F. S. Slover Company, material 184.34 1 County Car then to the right before stepping off last day of the time prescribed in : nails are all out” the Order for publication of this , . Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Lou Blanc, Inq., repair *nd the curb; never step Into the street summons, which prescribed time 1»! Ji 1895 gas and oil................... 617.15 parts ............. .............. .......... 1G.31 Between his so'» the boy Mid “the from between parked cars; when I once a week tor four (4) weeks, or ! E**1*1 P- Littler, Mileage .... 32.56 • «TF. OF OREGON * holes are there.” Justice Courts County Farm walking on rural highways, always ; five (5) consecutive Issues of the County of Coos: as. Harold A. Olson, Justice Fees walk on the left, facing approaching newspaper herein mentioned, thej. A. Ixrnib Co., hardware and I. L W. Oddy, County Clerk of No 1 .......... ................. .......... 16.95 CoqinlJe Valley Sentinel, the first, dishes ....... t...... . ..... s........... 86.05 Thoughte la The Night Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio traffic; and at night, wear white or ¿sy of which is August 5, 1943, and Bert Pearson, Constable fees Ott Garnier, work on refrigera­ Sometimes we are more interested Clerk of the County Court of said No. 5 ............ . ............ ............ display a lighted flashlight. 1.20 last day of whjch ia September 2., tor tor 19.50 County and State do hereby certify in fighting the other fellow’s mean­ Circuit Court 1943; and If you fall to appear and Benham Transfer, deisel oil. tliat the foregoing ia a true and cor­ 42.79 L. C. Sherwood, Services, ness than we are in subduing our own answer said complaint by said time, Hudsons Drue Store drurs rect statement of the amount of bills Remember Norton’s for school sup- plaintiff will apply to the Cowrt for . ¿j*^“St wJv. 42.39 Bailiff ................... !......... 12.00 allowed on the various funds of the meanneeses. .. ,/aya, the relief prayed for therein, a a sue- i-teight ways sue County Farm County as sudited by the County 1 would rather work where I can plies! They have everything that the relief prayed for freight........... .............. ......... 8.39 C' iua Ceunty Farnp food used dnet statement of whleh is as fol­ youngster needs for school. Buy: Ccurt of said County at the regular get the beauty and the fragrance of i American Can Co., cans and lows: : on farm ........ —..................... 85.50 August, 1943, term therepf, as th? ' S' 88.03 tope - ................................ the morning,and hear the birds sing. Now! FIRST: That the bonds of matri­ Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 66.78 same appears on the exhibit* of Jail mony now existing between plaintiff The only*proof that a man can of­ Gant's Grocery, grocerios....... 75.17 claims and warrants In my office Coos County Farm, food fur ­ and defendant, be dissolved, snd Old pap*" 5e a bunah ¡nd custody, Btonocypher Packing Co., fer that his religion is worth any 6.00 nished ............................. ...... that plaintiff be awarded an absolute WITNESS my band and the seal meats ..................................... 24.88 thing depends on how be treats his County Farm decree of divorce from the defend- of the .County Court affixed this Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed 3B2M8B8M8A ant. fellow man, and other animals. Pioneer Grocery Co,, grocer­ 13th day of Auguat, 1943. and seed ...... . ..... ............ . SECOND: For such other and ies ........ *................... ......... 86.98 11 Ideal Bakery, bread ............... 81.02 —R. A. Easton. L. W. Oddy, County Clark / bring that 11.88 further relief as to the Court shall Jail ; ¡Seal) Bv J W. Leneve. Beninv meet and equitable herein. .... ........................ . — .. ... «...... r 10.00 I summons is published in the Igtou flpeker Plant, rent on By reducing household matches JA. B Collier, apples............... 8.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, a news­ Beits for all makes of Refrigerators, locker and meat ...... ........... five-sixteenths of an inch, 7,000,000 , F M JI- paper of general circulation in the Sunset Dairy, milk ............... - 11.65 Washing Machines and other equip­ 1.95 E. M. Pett Mfg. Cb-JlquH dip 10.75 board feet of lumber were saved last City of Coquille, Coos Cooa County, Ore- I 77",77 .1.95 , Roy Hultin, Building Bridge on ment. Washer Service Co.. 365 W. year. gon, pursuant to the order directing p < r View Dairy, milk 16tfs publication thereof, which order was barr, A Elwood Co., toilet tank Gold Brick Road.............. _... 95.48 Front Coquille. Phone. and labor ...... ...... ........ ........ 1740 Benham Transfer, freight made on the 4th day of August, 1943. r ...... 4.85 I Steel leads the list of raw materials by the Honorable L. D. Felaheim. Wm. F. Howell, cash advanced F. A. Robb. Salary Roadmaster Imaster ! 216.55 arrived! Shipment of bi­ for stack! I County Judge of Coos County, Ore­ 48.70 .Ralph Harry, Salary, Chief supplied to Russia, totaling 725,000 I gon. and bike accessories. Good- Clerk ferf«T. - - .ar....... ...... r 1W-4# tons for the first nineteen months of Coos Bay Times, publishing Harry A. Slack, Tom Evans, Salary, Shop Fore­ lend-lease. Attorney for Plaintiff Court Proceedings ...--------- man ................. 183.15 First National Bank Building Coos Bay Times, publishing Alda L. Noeler, Salary, Aaet. falline cards. 50 fur 31.00 29t5 Coquille, Oregon. Calling cards, 50 roc gLOC. statements Cta* M 112.70 iMcrroiNO I COUNTY COURT 1 On Federal Payroll In Oregon V Cranberry Canners To Have Box Factory J 11*4 Traffic Rules Observance Urged , PASSdUrTIOM toa^: ¡Fuhrman's Pharmacy r* tF'» t