■ -i1- ’ \ w - ■ I * ’ TH* cvounx* VALLEY EBNT1NEL. CO4JUTLL*. OUÛON. THURSDAY. AÛOU8T 1FMMS Timely Topics I * L that hinders the giving proper sup­ penses of government as well as th* the port to our boys at the front It vast burden of principal and interest By R. T. Moore would be a national disgrace that we around. ctoiv* quantities of munitions to on the colossal debt. It can only^be Tlie visit to England by General could never live down If we didn't. —-o— , win the war but have maintained or done through greatly increased pro pro- ­ Browning. Director of Purchases for Possibly 1 am mistaken, but I think I A great many members of Congress increased our high standards of liv­ duction of goods and equitable dis dis- ­ the Army Service Forces, raises the detect an undercurrent of resentful er* burned up over the current draft- i ing while doing it. tribution of the tex tax burden. There hope that renegotiation of war con­ public opinion that will somq day tag of fathers after they thought | But there is a fly in this perfumed must be the moat most rigid economy in tracts muddle will shortly be cleared explode into a general house-clean­ they had the promise that family ointment While we were increasing government and the fostering of pri­ up. ' ing that will sweep the whole mess men would not be drafted until after th, puWte illCome' from 43 to 150 vate enterprise for many years it If the th* The English have a system that to out of the beck window into the gar­ fitting debate in the Congress next bUlioos we also increased the public national debt is not to ruin us. hard on the inefficient producer but bage can. The innocent will suffer fall. This was the general under- from ,bout 25 to nearly 300 It is a mistake to toad lead people to favorable to the efficient. They have with the guilty and heaven help the standing when Congress adjourned, billions, If all appropriated moneys believe that economy and hard work a profit incentive that yields as high folks who were connected in any way otherwise the the opponents of thisar, considered In 1933 , wouW are not necessary to maintain our as 7H per cent of capital employed with the forces who are obstructing family-man drafting would have kept have to work eight hours to pay his high living standards. The Lord Th* before taxes. Thia would be quite a the war effort. The American public the Congress ta session untU they had share of the national debt In 1M3 placed us in this Garden of Eden prize for American producers to work has always done a very thorough Job the matter thoroughly aired. But - h, would have to work about two and expects us to take car* of it. If for. Their average profit is now when it has started out to clean Meetlve Service has gone right 'ytarg to do the same thing. we don’t. He will banisli banish us from it If one believes in the theory that as punishment for our unfaithfulness. around 4ft pm- cent of capital em­ house. There is no reason to believe ahead regardleu and the fat is in the there will be any exceptiesi in this fire. ployed before taxes. the size of the national debt is imma­ Prosperity can be maintained if we It does seem bard to understand terial then everything is lovely. But keep firmly in The trouble with present system of case. In mind that it means Next Labor Day may therefore be why a mass army is needed when the it you believe that owners of govern­ work and more work to till the soil renegotiation, if it can be called a system, to that nobody can be found of great significance. It may mark whole war to date has been fought ment bonds should get back value re­ and produce ampi* ample goods for all to who can define reasonable profit. the success of the present labor move­ with relatively small forces except ceived, and I mean 100 cent dollars have and enjoy. The possession of No one can estimate the effect on ment or its failure. The problems on the Russian front. It would ap­ for 100 cent dollars, the outlook is dollars is meaningless unless they i more sensible to emphasize not so rosy. Somebody has got to have goods to back them in value. the business Involved until after the must be salved by Labor alone and peal valu*. tn the direction equipment < rather than size when ar­ earn all that money and pay it to negotiations are completed. This they must be solved --------------------------------- We have been living on borrowed means a delay of several months. |oi maintaining full war production. tillery and airplanes do most of the the government in taxes. The value money. We must prepare to pay it Because of the damaging of credit Publlc win not tolerate any other fighting. Munitions should be kept of the dollar must be kept level. In- 1 'money. » back when due. 'course and the public still rules the rolling in huge amount and war pro- l ilaUon rau>t b. Hernly resisted. And line« at the banks and the destruction 'roost. The warntag flags are .out duction kept at its peak. To build: this money is not going to come of the confidence in the future which to the basis of all major industrial ■,nd the wta* wlu he*d them. up a huge, but unused, army and easily but will have to be earned by thus weaken the industrial front actuai production of goods, operations, it is probable that much of the present slump in production is With tl>e end of 11 le military phase would not seem to be good strategy ' It is only in a Communistic state attributable to the renegotiation un­ of the European part, of the war in We have armed the English and Rus­ ' that the size of the public debt is im­ certainty. No large manufacturer the offing, the diplomatic phase is sian armies to a large extent and are material. In such a state there is no dares build up an adequate inventory about to enter the scene. Attention now being paid dividends therefor. private ownership of property and of raw materials for steady produc­ is now directed to our State Depart­ Should we not concentrate on the therefore no such thing as a public tion when he does not know whether ment where Mr. CordeU Hull site equipment that has shown marked ¡debt, as we know it. The state has he will be permitted to retain the serenely entrenched so far against superiority in battle and is now over­ i it ail, th* individual nothing. To funds to pay for them. No large the sniping of opposition within the whelming th* enemy rather than on qualify for lif* in such a stat* one bank will venture to advance oper­ Administration. Though appearing the recruiting of large forces which must be willing to share the hard- ating capital when there is no way of to be an easy-going old politician, will greatly weaken our power to earned fruits of his toil with a lazy telling whether safe profits to. cover ( content to hold his job with a mini- prbduce through lack of industrial neighbor who did little or nothing to mum ot effort, Mr. Hull is actually man-power? This will be a sub­ produce his just share. For all ar* contlngencies will be allowed. The slowing up of production, about the toughest customer in the ject for debate in the Congress next treated equally, regardless of personal month. There is always the proba­ t though Injuring the war effort. Is present, and forgotten, cabinet. character and ability. Hqw many £ of It Is said that the Wallace-Jones bility that there are hidden urgent us can, or ar* willing, to qualify thus­ bringing the Administration to its senses and is reversing the tide that feud originated in a scrap between reasons for this big army. We can ly* has run against business for the past State Department and BEW, headed only trust implicitly the good judg­ It is unthinkable that the millions decade. Not only Is the renegotiation by Wallaoe. Mr. Hull backed Jones ment of our excellent military leaders. of people who have placed their sav­ system to be revamped but ways and won out. The President had to They will not risk the lives of our ings in government bonds should be are to be found to provide investment perform the very distasteful task boys to any greater extent than to Strategy to cheated out of their value by either capital for business and termination of weighing the political value of absolutely necessary. repudiation or devaluation of the dol­ clauses for war contracts that will Mr. Wallace against that of Mr. Jones date has been along those lines and lar through inflation. The financial avoid bankrupting those concerns and Mr. Hull. He chose the lesser of the nation is both grateful and road ahead to long and hard despite which have patriotically maintained two evils with that unerring political proud that our armed forces are led th* present high wages and salaries. maximum production even though it judgment for which he to famous. by men who have such concern for We will have to pay the current ex- I i the safety of their commands. was against their own initerests be- The conservative wing was thus fa­ capse of near confiscatory taxes re­ vored over the New Dealers and the A favorite device used by the Ad­ suming. The lesson is being learned left-handers were left dangling in the hard way that there is no sub­ mid-air. Though the President can ministration to fire a man and yet stitute for private enterprise in set­ not agree with Mr. Hull at times, keep him from getting mad or to ting up real social security for the he had to take the position of sup­ salve the wounds of a faithful candi­ public. The laws of Nature will al­ porting him because of the exigencies date who was defeated for oftioe is to give him a job in some Bureau. ways transcend thqee of mere man. of the situation. Neither the President nor Mr. Hull This Was done in the case of Herbert The War Production Board has to- like to play second Addle. And while L*Mnan, ex-governer of New York. From whet can be learned of Mr. - sued an appeal to all war plants to the wjy plias* still occupies the llme- opefate full schedules Labor Day.1 light with the President carrying the Lehman, he is a very able and expert This appeal will be met by all pa- ' 'flag no'trouble State, administrator. He governed the state flag there is no 'trouble with State. triode Americans as a matter of ’ But as soon. Ml peace negotiations of New York in a very creditable course, In a way, it is a reflection i start and State has the lime-light manner. The state government pros­ on the laboring public that such an i look out all over the woods. Mr. pered under Ms economical admin- gppfrftl should be necessary. JVith Hull Is firmly determined to carry istration and he was defeated by Mr eo many of our boys facing death and I the flag for State at the peace table. Dewey only because of an up-state suffering terrible privations for our The President, unless he turns u new protest vote against the national Ad­ sake, how could any white man do leaf meanwhite, trill be equally de­ ministration which had supported other than give them all of the sup­ termined that HE wilt! be the stan­ Lehman. There is no doubt but what port it is humanly possible to give? dard bearer for State. So trouble Mr. Lehman accepted the poet of Administrator of Foreign Relief and There is no concealing the fact that seems to be in the offing. Since Mr. Hull has th» support of Rehabilitation under the belief that a large portion of the American la­ boring public is letting personal for­ a very large delegation of his party he would be able to do his stuff when tune eclipse the war effort. This is leaders and wields a large influence the occasion arose. But now that there actually is some being done through stoppage or slow­ in the country at large, it is not likely Foreign Relief to administer in Africa that he will be attacked openly. But down of work, through incessant de­ within the Administration and *icily. he .has been fondly mands for increased wages above forces levels Indicated by cost-of-living have been busily trying to under­ patted on the head and placed on the figures, through Intemperate use of mine him for some time and may suc­ shelf with a papa-will-do-lt-for-you- liquor that result» in absenteeism and ceed. Right now these forces have dear admonition while others closer lowered efficiency, through failure been side-tracked in favor of the to the Chief take over. Perhaps there The loss of Is tear that Mr. Lehman will attract to invest si! possible in war bonds, conservative element. and through constant bickering with ’ prestige by Mrs, Roosevelt, the com- too much public aolaim. He might thoM In authority over them to cause Ing departure of Hopkins from the oast a shadow and the Administration chronic slow-downs of production Whits House, and the exodus of col­ does not Uke to have shadows cast. and gradual disintegration of effi­ lege professors and dancers from im­ At any rate it is a pity that his un­ cient organization in our war plants. portant foets are some of the indi­ questioned talents in this sort of thing And to cap the climax comes a state­ cations of this situation. But the should not be used at this critical ment to the effect that Labor will Administration thinking remains New time. I predict that Mr. Lehman will cancel Its no-strike pledge unlees Dealish and is merely held in check either get the green light ar resign. CongreM does its bidding. 'temporarily by adverse public opin- An editorial in one of the dailies AJ1 of this is not conducive to max- ! ion. It will irasstrt itself when and imam war production to say the least, if a favorable turn ta events permits. recently exulted over the fact that Next Labor Day would be an excel- So a clash seems inevitable. Both Mr. the national income has increased lent time for all concerned to pledge Hull end the President have the same from 43 billions to about 160 b,IUiOM themselves to forget all of the stuff , strength as planners and the ^ame in the last decade From this it was Coquille Auto Company C «»* 34» Waei Freet m Oreg*» '4.