« »L.« % / ■i. * r’. Mt’S—*» t J Si? », J* FAGS THRU 1 I SHS> 4* ■................. ............ - - - - ----------- - - - J the Beyers home Monday evening. Members attending were Donna Dean ■“ Mrs. Smith, -a- past president ot tha nnasarmSn. Maxine Johnson. J—n Coquille Woman’» Club, of the Coos Watkins, Margaret Bellani, ALA» ♦ ■ “ ■ " “r - ------------ ■ ■ / , „ —, .. lie he (uut • .— ....... lias had U, to gpend spend two »nd and a third County Public Health Association, Allen, Georgianne . Perrott. Eunice month» in the hospital, having Buf­ The first district conference of the and active in both clubs until her Howe, Sammy Swain and Jean fered with an attack of pneumonia in Business and Professional Women’s death will be greatly missed per­ Bryan. June, and again being in the hospital Club for the year was held last Sat­ sonally and for her civic interest. Calling cards, &C tor 11.00. now with rheumatic fever. urday and Sunday in Marshfield at 4T the Chandler Hotel. A meeting Sat­ Mother Nature In A x Mrs. Gene Laird in Portland has Five Coquille high school graduates urday evening and a breakfast at 9 Generous Mood This Year of the class of 1941 and one of the received a postal card, throu^i the We call and pay cash for what a. m. Sunday was attended by the 1940 class held a reunion here last regular Red Cross and War Depart­ Nature la showing considerable following: Edith Walton, Florence freakishness in Cries county this year. week-end, all of them being in Uncle ment channel^, from her husband. Hallock, Florence Barton, Viola New­ On Monday morning'Mrs. Guy Torrey Sam’s uniforms and two at least hav­ Major Laird, who is a prisoner some­ Technical Sergeant Laurie Robison, ton, Clara Bosserman, Ida Oerding, brought in to the Sentinel another of ing seen foreign service. where in Japan. At least the card Bess Mailly^ Hattie Mae Holimon, One of the five was Harvey Cole, Is supposed to be from him, but his son of Mr. and Mrs. Rock Robison of Beas Maiti-yk those potato plants on wtiicb the Our store is almost Empty who enlisted in the army soon after signature us well as the rest of it is this city, was one of the 223 U. S. Clara Stauff, Lois Fenn, Martha spuds were growing up un the vines Mulkey, Leia Elrod, Jennie Price, Army air forces troop carrier com­ typewritten. On the card it is stated gradua^on. He saw service in Africa I instead of beneath the ground. this year, being with the U. S. 9th that he is well, is working for wages mand who have been commended by Bertha Smith, Dorothy Bishop, Inez Another unusual exhibit »lie placed Division Anti-Aircraft unit and later and mentions five questions that he ! the war department for their cour- Chase. Leona Bryant, Jessie Kay and in our display window was a black­ with the British Commandos in the can ask on matters about which his : age and devotion to duty during the Inez Rover. cap berry vine, which they had _ ______ _ parachute ______ An effort was made to key the of Tunisian campaign. He was badly folks in the United States can write ¡July 9 transportation transplanted from a field, and which troops to Sicily without the loss of a wh°le meeting to the conference is already this year bearing its second 1 burned when a tank of high octane to him. — theme, "Winning the War and Win- I jingle transport plane. Their com­ gas blew up some months ago and John I ning the Peace•” Presiding .officer crop of fruit. The berries on still manding officer, Lieut.-Col. ____ he will carry the scars on his arms Harold Norria Graduates another vine, a raspberry, are un­ Cerney, of Spokane, Was awarded the 1 wa* Isabelle Brixner of Klamath usually large too for that fruit. and hands as long as he lives. He was As An Aviation Cadet j Fulto. Agnes Matson Was local chair ­ ' distinguished flying- cross. .. ■ . overseas 11 months and arrived home | Mr«. T. H. Benham of Fairview, v , Laurie to an aerial engineer in the man. During the executive board last Friday on a 30-day furlough. He ' received a formal announcement from Army air fore«. *•< meeting, Leona Bryant was elected Magazines At A Discount is at present unasaigned. state chairman of Public Affairs and To Sentinel Subscribers Another of the *41 class is Robert I the commandant of the Santa Ans ‘Air Barn of Santa Ana, Cal'f.. that Florence Barton was elected chair­ The Sentinèl has not had a com, Churchill, who also enlisted, in the Fire At Plant Friday .her oldesf son, Arnold Harold Nqrrto, man for the coast district. At both bination offer—this paper and mag­ Navy soon after graduation. He has Noon Did No Damage meetings boys from the Coast Guard azines—to present to its readers for seen a lot of action in the south Pa­ had been one of the few cadets Die fire at the plant at 12:30 last entertained and were enthusiastically the past month or more, bqt it stands cific, was at Pearl Harbor for a time i selected by the classification boaird to and when his leave to up, is to re- j be trained for pilot training and he Friday noon did no damage except received. The next conference will ready ut all times to send in sub- ( scriptions for any magazine pub­ ' port later this month io the Navy will soon be transferred from Santa to dry out the electrical Equipment be held at Heppner in October. Ana to a went coast training cen te^ somewhat. It, started under the lished and the charge to Sentinel Flight School at Dallas, Texas. He elementary flying school. Upon com­ barker platform where the logs for B. F. W. Loses New subscribers to always at thé dis­ also arrived d home last Friday, « repair and recondition memefir of that class was pletion of flying training, Norris will the plywood plant are stripped of Member By Death count rate which we have to remit. Another 1.. all of the above before their bark at the river ’ s edge and in receive his wing» and the rating of a Corporal Ron Dungey, who had just The members of the Business and This applies to practically- «every some manner the pitch caught fire. pilot. goes into use again. magazine published in the U. S. finished his course in drafting at the Professional Women’s Club, individu­ The sprinkling system had extin­ ally and as a group are mourning University of Kentucky and left I Powers Young Man Named guished the blaze, which was burning the loss of a new member, voted into Monday for Camp Pittsburg, Calif., Venture Club fiercely, before the arrival of after a week'., visit with his parents, | A Naval Aviation Cadet the club at their last meeting. Pearl Members of the Venture Club with i fire department. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dungey, and ! Stephen E. Gam well, 22, son Smith who tragically lost her life their president, Donna Dean Bosser- of. ______ friends. He to how ready for duty i James W. Gamwell of Powers, was through accident Wednesday, attend­ man. met at the hotel for dinner arid Calling cgrds, SO tor »1.0C. ed the annual barbecue and supper at a social meeting Tuesday evening. overseas. recently appointed a Naval Aviation A fourth member of the '41 class ' Cadet and was transferred to the was Guy Stem, who left Monday to Naval Air Trainink Center, Pensa­ rejoin his vessel in San Francisco cola, Fla., for intermediate flight Bay. training. Upon completion of the in­ The fifth clasmate was Dale Stev­ tensive course at the “Aonapolto of Sr i s » 5 V ens, who has been home longer than the Air,” Cadet Gamwell will re-/ ... < the others and to now awaiting his | ceive his Navy "Wings of Gold” with call to duty in the Army Air Corps. the designation of Naval Aviator, and The 1940 C. H. S. graduate yas will be commissioned an Ensign in Clarence Cunningham, who is in the i the Naval Reserve or a Second Lieu­ Army Air Corps. tenant in the Marine Corps Reserve. Boyd Hendricks, of the 1942 class, Jack Carroll In Naval was here last week from Farragut, Idaho, where he to in Navy training. Hospital At Farragut Jack Carroll, who was employed I in the Earl Littrell store here last CERTO 3 bottle deal Al- year and who has been at the Naval | ta lÄys ta taœ Seven C.H.S. Grads Have Reunion Conference At Bay vonrerence DO Major Laird, In Japan, Heard From Coquille Boy Gets Dept. Commendation People Need Washers Bed Springs Ranges Heaters Sewing Machines K Beds Mattresses Furniture Sets Davenports Davenos « > N Î II í* Al Canning Heeds Three Cornelius Boys Now In Service ¿Ve/y Jar yeu Verne Cornelius, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Cornelius, who left Tuesday morning for Portland where he will enter the Navy, joins It was very gratifying to his two older brothers serving in the lebrn just how interested armed forces of the United States. the motoring public is in T/5 Robert H. Cornelius -of the keeping their cars in a safer Services of Supply, Ordnance Section, ^nd more economical oper- Base Headquarters, in Northwest ■ at|ng condition. Africa, to completing his second year Last week*We asked those of service and Pvt. Richard G. Cor- , interested to drop us a card nelius, who last week visited his regarding a periodic inspec-. home here while on furlough, has tlon service we were com- finished training at Fort Benning, templating. Gg., and is now at Camp Mackall, N. C„ as a full fledged Paratrooper. Not a single card was re­ Also entering the Navy this week ceived but one party agreed to Neil J. Carlson, of Marshfield, verbally it would be a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Cor­ » worthy service. nelius. Mrs. Cartoon and baby I “At least the majority daughter, Sherrill, will arrive this was for it.” week to make their home with parents for the duration. Howdy folks / Donald Boone In Naval Training At Iowa State , Learning to operate the motors that drive the huge warships in Uncle Sam’s Navy to Donald W. Boone, 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Boone, Fairview Route, Coquille. Oregon, who was recently enrolled in the Na­ val Training School for Dieselmen, located on the campus of Iowa State College, Ames, Is. Upon completion of this course, he ' will be eligible for advancement to a petty officer rating, and will be as­ signed to active duty at sea, or at some naval shore Station. • Jim Richmond In No. Carolina— | “Puts” Arens Ii^ Sicily Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Richmond have just received a letter from ‘'Puts” Arens, husband of their daughter, Barbara, who is still In Reedsport, | that he was expecting to get over to Sicily soon after he wrote. Ha Is in the Sea Bees and had been in North I Africa since February. Their son, Jim, has recently been transferred from Fresno, Calif., to the North Carolina State College at Raleigh, wherg he to taking further training and instruction in the Army Air Corps courses. Former C. H. S. Young Men Graduates As A Flyer i 4 Mrs. Marjorie Child writes from. drant*. Pass that »he wds leaving Monday afternoon for the Naval air- j port in Oaklahoma to spend a week with her son, Ray Rowland, who had just passed his exams and stood third from the top in his class. Ray was a C. H. S. graduate with the class of 1MB. He expects to be sent on active duty soon. Just heard the/ Radio News by Macmillian “Ring Free” Oil Co. The most im- Criant w fin< really is. We have stocked, and sold! Ring Free motor oil for 2'jj years and listened to testimonies, “plenty,” by . the evergrowing number of Ring Free users. Now we don’t recommend any particular oil and un­ less you’re willing to tol­ erate a smoother motor, never use Ring Free. AMZY KRNIR M&WAuto Service , P. S. After losing some sleep to help fill Editor Young’s columns, I glanced through Monday’s Times and there saw in “bold face type” Nine Helpful Suggestions listed to keep cars in good condition. Did you read it? I’m serious, Folks, when I say that the fellow that discovers the right bait, or designs a drag net that will get the motorist in regular­ ly for preevntlve service, will have contributed more to the •ofriy'’«nd «economy of motoring than any en­ gineering genius. If you bos-tful, tough guys on automobiles gave them proper ir care you’d have whiskers to your belt buckles before you could wear them out. 1 SUGAR— M Uy is a Jar to toe Us is This summer. Home Canning counts more than ever. So don't waste an ounce. Be sure the food you can to fresh Produce sold by Safeway ia rushed direct from farms to you and to guaranteed to be farm freeb. Take advantage of the low pricee now when crop» are plentiful. Start canning today. Merfii. J for Fall Mailing Thera's still time to fill those cup­ boards with home canned foods for enjoyment next winter Scheduled for fall canning are all those tomato ^products, pickles, relishes, and sauces which gjve winter menus a lift. The equipment you need for putting up these products is no more than a preserving kettle or any other . large kettle, and a few gadget» that you use every day So get ready for fall canning. I TOMATO HOT SAUC1 Wash. cofe. and quarter tomatoes Peel onions and cut in wedges Com­ bine tomatoes, onions and spices tied in a bag in large preserving kettle Cook until tomatoes are soft and alightlv thickened. Remove spice bag Cool aryl sieve tomato mixture into large sauce pan. Cook until thickened, about 20 minutes, stirring frequently Pour into hot sterilized fruit jaws, seal at once. Makes 4 qta. Safeway Homemaktn' Bureau JVUA LEE W RIGHT. Dir«t« Salad Dressing Duchess "" 1 lb. jar ’• 1 ■ ’ ‘ ' rt£P W FIGHTING! .......... 1 Svy War S»»A end Stamp» »•pvtarly 15c V-9 (2 points) No. 2 can HI- TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn (• pts) 46 ea“**^ TOMATOES Del Monte Id- ■“•C 8olld (18 pU.) No. > can TOMATO SAUCE K _ Gardenside («) buf. H can I I CORN Golden Bantam 1A — D. Monte (16 pta.) Na. 2 en SPINACH Emerald Bay 1 Yc No. 2H can (19 ir-a.; CATSUP I j re Sea Reek (15 pta.) 14 os. 1 “y Libfry’s (14 Pta.) No. 2 cn ■ F C APPLESAUCE i ttinrfi Wu:s Crisco Shortening (4 pts.) 71c 3 lb 64c Lb. < tn SHORTENING Royal Satin (12 pta.) CHERUB MILK (I pi.) Fruits & Vegetables ORANGES lb........... GRAPEFRUIT lb. TOMATOES 1« 1b luc Jl.49 GREEN BEANS lb. ...... :.... 7c CABBAGE lb. PEACHES for Cunning at MARKET PRICE < lai AAA-CB Oakland 4. , k. Vegetable Cocktail 4 I 1 . PICKLING SPICE Creseont Pkg. ’ f JdFFHMX MFdTF Uu Sttnt >