TM COOC1LLB VALLBT SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 18, IMS. » ^ iiii inir-v--- .. ......................... SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. McClary Gives Large Tea . tor Girls Club on Friday, Aug. 6, wm | held as usual aP the Coquille Hotel during the luncheon hour. Special i honors were accorded Gladys May, j That the Coquille Red Cross is bride-to-be She was presented with a corsage of gardenias and rosebuds, steadily continuing to sew, knit and as well m the piece of myrtlewood Mayor Wood and four councilmen I make surgical dressings is proven by which now is a tradition in the club —Burr, Gray, Pettit, Purkey—were la report just given by Mrs. D. B. when a member marries. The table present at the opening of the city Keener, chairman of production. was «specially attractive with bowls council's mld-monlh session Tuesday During the past week, A. R. C. 746 of nasturtiums. Several of the mem­ evening, and Dr. Stark came in later. —Coquille Unit—has sent in to Coos bers were away because of illness I The most Important matter to come county headquarter at Marshfield Group singing closed the meeting. up was in regard to what the city the following: Attending were: Margaret Stewart. will do toward relieving unemploy­ 3,000 surgical dressings, made In Alys June Fox, Maxine Johnson, ment after boys, now in the service, three size«. 'T' — Aloha Allen, Gladys May, Norene come home. . , 11 Bedsox. McKeown, Eunice Howe, Donna Dean' The discussion was started by a 38 Sewing Kits (Housewives). Bosserman, Phyllis Belloni, Margaret letter from the Post War Readjust­ 16 Bedpan Covers Bellon! and Dorothy Newton, a guest. ment and Development Commission 52 Ditty Bags. Sewage Disposal Plant To Be A Post-War Project Coquille Unit Red Gross Report Mrs. Ui E. McClary entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. Alla Ogden Bunch, last Saturday afternoon from twp until five o’clock. Mrs. Bunch returned with her daughter for a summer visit here about six weeks ago from her home in Hollywood, California, where the former had been visiting, Many friends called to meet Mr». Bunch who ha« made several previous visits here and Is quite well acquainted in Coquille. Pouring at diferent hours were as follows: from 2 to 3, Mrs. F. L. Greenough and Mrs. R. A. Wernich; from 3 to 4. Mrs. A- B. Collier; from at Salem in regard to what Coquille 4 to S, Mrs. J. D. Rankin and Mrs. Roy Mother« Club Met plans in the way of public works. M. O. Hawkins. Assisting about the Discussion centered on sewer ex­ With Mrt. Mackey Tuesday rooms were Mrs Roy Boober and tension and the installation of a sew­ The Roy Mothers Club met with age disposal plant, the estimated cost those who also poured. Serving were Mesdames Harry Slack, Luckey Mrs. Alex Mackey on the Marshfield of which was given by City Engineer Bonney, Don McEniry, Wm. Barrow ¡highway Tuesday afternoon. Gearhart as being $168.000. The city A project for the year was discuss- attorney was requested to investigate and Mrs. George L. Maynard. ed. It is planned to finish the inside and inform the council if the cost i of the playshed and other plans for of this Installation could be met by I the yehr were formulated. assessing all water users a specified 1' Refreshments were served to the amount each month and whether the following members: Frances Detlef- matter would have to be put up to a sen, Katie Detlefesn, Mary Johnson, vote or could be done by the council Patricia Griffith, Edna Rakestraw, without a popular vote. Opal Buckles, Hulda Ellingson, Ber­ Engineer Gearhart, reporting on tha Cross, Elva Green, June Green, the Improvement need along the Clara Krantz, Edith Walton and the south side of the Watson House, hoatess, Cora Mackey, The following lhat g fnj and bulkhead there children were present: Robin Grlf- j wou]d very expensive and he fith, Louise Johnson, Elsie Johnson, recommened that a wooden sidewalk Leota Johnson, Sandra Griffith, Bev­ be laid up the hill on Front street, erly Green and Willie Green. east from Hall. The next meeting will be held in | The street committee approved Rod two weeks in the evening at the i Creager's application for a “no-park­ Teacherage. ing" sign between the Thornton Tire The Sun, Coo« Bay Harbor,“Coos Bay Tim««. Bandon World, Myrtle Point Herald. •bid Beach Gazette, Co- quille Valley Sentinel. A meetin« of the officers 1 Mrs. Inez Chase, secretary of the committee head» of the aa«ociation Coo«-Curry Pioneer Association, re­ has been called by Pre«. Stauff to ported yesterday that A. G. Beals, meet in Coquille on August 27 who was here from Tillamook at the time of the Pioner picnic, here last month, writes that 4,000 people visit­ ed the Oregon Historic Exhibit Week display at Tillamook on Monday. Twenty-five names have been added to the membership list of the local Pioneer Association since our last report, bringing the total to 130. They are: Mrs. Dan Franaon, of North Bend; Lura E. Morgan, J. F. Kronen - berg, Frank Flam, of Bandon; Mary A. Danielson, of Monmouth; Mrs. F., G. Leslie, Mrs. Lois Stevens, Thor- j berg Stevens, Edna Davis Slater, R T. Slater, Ralph Thrift, George Mehl, I Biegger Furniture Co., Jennie Price, Harriet Gould Osika. Z. C. Strang Croquet and Badminton seta at and; Ella Strang. Complimentary: the Goodyear Store. 150 In Pioneer Association Now A good selection of Dave nos and Matching Chairs \ $124.50 - $139.50 Nice Variety of Colors to choose from Eastern Hard Maple Settees with Matching Chairs $109.50 Service plant and the Pacific Feed & Seed store on Front street. Two-hour" parking on Second street, between Taylor and Willard ior ' and on Moulton, between Second and °r‘ Third, was a new schedule adopted i by the council with instructions to 'T* the police to enforce the order. • „ A card-room license was granted W, H. Fortier for Bill’s Place. ’l Chief of Police Creager was in- t strutted to sell several raincoats which were purchased for the use of toe Police Reserves last winter and . which are now deteriorating. The ,na Reserves are not now on duty at e“' night. The application of Messrs. Russell und Reed for the removal of tree« »ck I from Bench street, between Sixth and Just arrived! Shipment ted Seventh, and for the grading and , cycle« and bike accessories, *s. graveling of the block wm referred to year Store. the street committee for investigation. _ An appeal wm made to the owners of the private water system on San- , , ford Heights to turn in the numbers ’ of the water meters sold to the city < 1 and also to present a bill for them. * Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St. Phone 68 S herwin -W illiams ^7 P aints ^'-3 August Clearance Formals Jackets Sweaters Bargain Counter NEW SHIPMENT OF HASSOCKS JUST RECEIVED Annual B.P.W. ¡Club Barbecue ' The annual barbecue and supper at the Beyers home was held last ¡Monday night by members of the Business and Professional Women's Club. Jess Beyers, host, cooked the delicious hamburgers over the open fire in the log garden house, Bach year this Is the most looked forward to occasion of any for the club mem- ; bers. The Monday night party ran true to form and it was as ever a memorable time for all attending. After the supper a business meet- ing was presided over by Florence Hallock, president. The budget for ; the year was read and adopted. - A letter from the local Red Cross unit ; was read, thanking the club for Its pledge of one hundred per cent R«M Cross effort from the B. P. W. mem­ bers. Inez Rover, chairman of music and arts committee, read the code for the national anthem. A survey has been commenced to ascertain the number of women who are working in Coquille and vicinity I and also the number who are rvplac-' Ing men and a list of the different occupations in which this has been done. Reports were given on the Con­ ference held last week-end in Marsh­ field. Those attending Monday were Ida Oerding, Salma Caughell, Gladys Gano, Martha Mulkey, Florence Hal­ lock, Bertha Smith, May Barton, Lois Fenn, Eva Stevens, Florence I Barton, Edith Walton, Viola Newton. I Gertrude Ulett, Joyce Owen, Lydia Holstein, Hazel Hanna, Bess Maury. Clara Bosserman, Jennie Price, Hattie Mae Holimon, Inez Chase, Leona Bryant, Ruth Beyers, new members; | Leila McClure, Pearl Smith, Frances SkylM, a transferee from Hood River — Georgia Gould — and two guests, Zettie Hawkins and Maud Woodyard. Wires Truckers get your Tires capped with new A grade Rubber—the camelback with a larger pure rubber content- Thornton Tire