Minor Mention E. T. Stelle, manager of the bank litre, and Mrs. Stelle and their daugh­ ter, returned Sunday from-his two weeks’ vacation which they spent at Eugene. Out there they occupied the home of Mrs. Stella's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Auld, who enjoyed their vacation by occupying the Stelle home on Knowlton Heights here. * Miss Annabelle Martindale, who had been up in Spokane for the past seven months, came home last Fri­ day ápd has decided to remain at home. ( She came down from eastern Washington with Mrs. Orville Weekly who* stopped at Winchester Bay, to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Nosier and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rhay, who drove to Portland l*st dreek were accom­ panied home on Friday by Mrs. Rhay's mother, Mrs. Dan W. Brown, who now resides in Spokane. She Jived in Coquille a few years ago when her laic husband was minister 'Qf the Church of Christ here. i Celebration Pictures Li0M Rotari*n* Sunday, which cabin at Laurel Lake on Friday fwp- was won by the latter with a sub­ stantial lead. lAld Scharfer had the cigars passed around in honor of the recent addi­ | tion of a young lady to his family and was initiated into a very mys­ terious secret order and decorated j I with tbe raiment and working tools' of said order. J Shown At RotanOWl Mrs. Maud Woodyard was a visitor for a day in Coquille on Monday, coming from her home in Eugene. She was a house guest over night a| the J. S. Barton home, a dinner guest of Mrs. Florence Hallock and a break­ fast guest of Muriel Dae Ardath. - Moving picture« in color of the recent Fourth of July celebration ift Coquille were shown by Dr. James Bunch at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club at the hotel on Wednes­ day, , f' The pictures gave a very compre­ hensive delineation of the celebra­ tion, including the land and water parades and the sports events, both on the street and the river, . Report on the softball game, was made by Clarenpe Osika, who de­ duced the reason for the Rotarian de­ feat was the date, Friday, .the 13th. Louis Holimon reported on the Mias Alfa Bang, formerly a teacher Goff match played between the in the Coquille schools, has been a visitor here this week. She is now teaching, eleven and one-half months of the year, at Vanport, that new 35,000 poplation city near Portland, composed almost entirely of shipyard workers. She says that are 5,000 children in the Vanport schools. See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in Remember Norton’s for school Coquille for Diamonds and Watch tfs plies! They have everything Straps. youngster needs for school. Calling cards. Jo tor Sl.bli. Now! For . FLOWER-FRESH COMPLEXION! Petal texture and dewy freshness are essential for today's lovely complex­ ions ¡’"'You can ensure these qualities for your skin bv immaculate cleans­ ing with Cara Nome Cold Cream for dry skin, or the liquefying Cleansing Cream for oily skin. Either will quickly remove dust and make-up. leaving your skin exquisitely fresh and clean.. Select yours, today! Mrs. Elizabeth Ward returned last week from San Francisco, where she had been living for some time and Julien Freeman returned Saturday she expects to remain in Coquille from a vacation trip of two weeks now. in southern California and San Fran­ cisco, where she visited friends. While in Los Angeles she saw Patricia Peterson. CARA NOME CREAMS Fuhrman s Pharmacy Walter Krantz makes his contri­ bution to the large onion score. He pulled up a couple from his Victory garden, planted. this spring, which measured 614 inches through, the greatest diameter. AUGUST 20-21-22 he Got a Home, too Mister/ Every extra BOND you buy through the Payroll savinqs will help me qet backbit Figure it out < Croquet and Badminton the Goodyear Store. 2 Top-notch Features that will keep you laughing from Start to Finish Plus Our Gang Comedy "Family Trouble"" jinx - tuntusi SEETHE BOMBING OF TOKYO RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES! FEATURE NO. TWO LATEST NEWS 4- CARTOON Admission lie • 4*e LATEST NEWS EVENTS AN AMERICAN STORY-TOLD AMERICAN STYLE! Notice ADMISSION ADULTS ' Sv ' RIXSSFD tVENT Matinee Saturday Starts 1|4S MaL lie - 30« Evaa, lie • 40c WALTER HUSTON • ANN HARDING• DirseM br MICHAEL CURTIZ 810RSE T06IAS • OSCAR HOMOLKA • SENE LOCKHART • HELMUT DANTINE