The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 12, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    PAGB five
old friend and happy landing.
and he laughed when
broke away—a true1 sportsman
Some eight or ten years ago. while every
of th. word—that’s Jim
searching for agates upon a stretch Linck.
of sandy beach we chanced upon a
The Townsend people of Coquille
♦ stranger. • He, too, was in search of Church of Christ Boys*
, held a pot luck dinner and picnic last
We note with the deepest Know agates. We introduced ourselves and
Camp At Bridge This Week
Sunday, August 8, at the home of Mr.
the passing of one of our most be­ found that one of our principal hob­
¡and Mr*. Bill Roth on the Fat Elk
The Churches of Christ of South­
loved brother sportsmen — Grover bies was fishing; so it was but natur­
¡road. There was a bounteous dinner
al that a friendship was formed. The western Oregon are holding their an­
with ice cream being served for des­
Many men sail 'neath the banner of stranger was from ’way back east nual Boys’ Camp at the Brethren
sert with apple pie and other desserts.
sportsmanship carrying false colors. and was out west looking the coun­
Games were played and a good time
Many of us who hunt and fish are try oyer and searching out good is sponsored by the state Ninety and
waa enjoyed. Violin music was by Mr.
called sportsmen and yet do not pos­ angling spots. He informed me that
Roth and Bob Harrison, with Mr*.
sess the ethics of true sportsmanship he was staying that nigtt at Coquille. Willie White. There are 53 boys in
Von Pegert at the piano, and there
But such cannot be said of Grover
When we arrived home we searched
Those attending from Coquille are: was some community singing.
Gouthier. To us he was and will out an asortment of agates and hied
Of the 88 present those from Co­
iiiways remain a shining example of ourself to the hotel with them und Dickie Harry, Lindley Simpson, Dick
quille were: Margerate Robinson, Mr. i
a true sportsman in every sense of presented them to the gentleman,
and Mrs.
Milton Roth, Mr. and Mrs.
the word.
Liberal to the extreme, he wished to George, Dean Wolgamott, Donnie |
Paul Pinkston?
Livingstone, Carl Jacobsen. Alden George i
Grover was always fond of hunting reimburse us for them on the spot
(Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilghman,
and fishing and was a lover of the but, of course, we would not accept Beckett.
• Mr.
Mrs. ’ E.
Wimer, |
Great Out-of-Doors. He was a man anything for them.
who always believed in giving the
A few weeks later we received an Church Vacation Bible School
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
gam^M chance and the greatest testi­ assortment of flies from the eastern
Pioneer Methodist church will be-
Mr and Mn( Albert Preuss.
monial to this fact was offered, when gentleman and a couple of years later ¡gin its Vacation Bible School
" .' 1er and girls. Bettie and Dolores,
several years ago he laid aside his he called upon us, by invitation, and August 16. Sessions will be **eW Nora Dondono, Mrs. Ivan Robison ’
iscas [ 1 and , children,
. ■
_ Mr. and ___ Mr*. _ Roth and
rifle and took up the bow and arrow we spent many happy hours together each forenoon at 9:00 o’clock. Classes
with which to pursue his game.
in pursuit of ti'out. Then he returned for all grades are arranged with )io„anai Mr, John McNail.( Mr and
He developed into one of the great­ to the east and later we too, went capable teachers and a good program. Mrg z c Strang Mrg Verne John.
est archers in the state and gave a east. We lost track of each other en­ The commitjee in charge is not a»k- „„„ and tW() daughters, Mary Hilda
good account of himself at the many tirely. Then a couple of months ago ing those who attend other Sunday und Fay> G S.)Dllvtoi Mr. and Mrs
state archery shoots he attended. And he read a atory of mine in an out-of- Schools to attend. However, any one Basd Olsen and Audrey, Rose Marie
a few years back he climaxed his doors magazine, got in touch with the who desires to do so will be welcome. and joan Peart Mr and Mrg A v
archery career by bagging a big mule editor and secured my address. He" but not to become members of the [ Hatcher, Marie Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.
deer buck, with his yew-wood bow. ¡then wrote me and followed the let- Pioneer Sunday school
This is •; Wm. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Grover Gouthier was a man to ter through with three fine casting real opportunity for young people of PreUMler and girlS| Marcene and
whom the song of a mountain stream rods, three reels, a line and a pair of this community and already a great | Elgie May
M|. and Mrg w H
It was cue of many have signified their intention Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von
was far sweeter music than that of imported waders.
any stringed orchestra; forest trailsithose unexpected things that happen of attending! Mirs. Elizabeth Bishop pegert aIld d^h^ Arlel> Minnie
meant far more to him than the weldom in a life time and the presents is general superintendent in charge of 'CHnton and daughter, Glenda, Levi
paved streets of any city and he was were indeed gratefully received. We the entire school.
'Snyder, Bertha Wilson, Mrs. Alice
never so happy as when pursuing his treasure each and every one of them
Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Nelson
favorite pastimes of the out-of-doors. highly indeed and each time we set
Song books for ay occasions. Cow- and
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E.
He was a man well met and one who forth on a trip with this tackle, or .b°y tX>0k*'^Sfh^01 S^n“a‘ r°PUUr Lar*on *nd JOY- Others in atten­
is going to be missed by his many fondle it, aa an angler is wont to do, Songs, and Old Time Oroup Singing, dance were Mr. and Mrs. William
friends. Our one regret is the fact there arises before us a mental pic­ ai low- as IS cents each at Norton’». i Watson and Nannie Collier, of Myrtle
that during this busy life that we ture of our old fishin’ pal. Jim Linck,
Point;c,Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hili, of
were not privileged to spend more who bestowed the gifts upon us, and
! Arago; \Chester Roth, of Portland;
pleasant hours in the company of this we once again hear his cheerful voice
fiiilirnliiHi iïî îimi
Charles. Jdle. Riverton.---------------------
good friend; for knowing him was a calling from the edge of a deep trout
hole, “Lans, I’ve hooked onto an “old
privilege and a pleasure.
The hills and streams are going to horse*’—bet I lose him." Many were
miss Grover and no doubt but that landed and many were lost, but which
Children have been having good
The Great Red Gods Of The Forest ever way the luck ran Jim was cheer­
at the Playground this past
sorrow at his passing. Bon Voyage,
j week. Shouts of laughter and ex­
citement can be heard; children are
¡having fun; the Badminton court is
alive with couples or doubles having
'¡an exciting game; on the Croquet
ircourt balls and mallets are busy in
i the hands of excited boys and girls;
11 bars and rings are busily engaged,
from one side of the Playground
comes the clang and ring of horse­
shoes; the Quiet Game table is well
' occupied, children reading funny
! books, or- playing checkers; and the
play stage is filled with young actor;
’and aettdtaes, dramatizing a story
read, or an original play. Come and
participate in the fun.
Loren Steward is again champion
.of all tournaments this week: Bad­
Horseshoe, Croquet and
Table-Tennis. Come on boys and
girls! Give Loren some strong com­
petition this next week. Remember,
j the days for various tournaments are:
Croquet, Mondays;
Tuesdays; Badminton, Wednesdays,
and Horseshoe, Thursdays.
Enjoy the excitement. You may be
the winner.
The program Friday was greatly
An original playlet of
"Blondie and Dagwood" was pre­
sented The characters impersonated
Blondie. Dagwood, Cookie and Baby
Dumpling, in comical dialogue and
actions. The audience was well-en­
tertained. The players, too, had tots
of fun.
Girls, remember to bring your
pretty dolls to be exhibited at our
Doll Show this Friday, August 13.
A prize will be given to the mistress
of the prettiest doll.
Boys, here is your chance to show
us your model Airplanes, Boats or
other things.
Friday, August 30,
bring them. They will be displayed
and • Pri“ given.
There are only two more weeks of
Playground activities.
Come and
enjey yourself. You may be assured
of a good time.
—By Miss Page, Supervisor
Out-of-Doors Stuff
¿■Large Crowd At
T0WnSeild PiCHIC
Just arrived!
Shipment of biT
After a recent visit in Washing­ cycles and bike accessories, Good-
ton, one of our quipsters, paraphras­ year Store.
.. .
ing Churchill, was led to remark.
“Never before in history have so
Mining Location notices roi
few been governed by so many
this office.
Service and Protection
Buy Your
Accident and Health
Bank Bldg
t Forget that this Offices Secures
Birth Certificates for You
The Industrial Repair Co
of Coquille
Repairing Aids Victory
Phone 44
Fuhrman's Pharmacy
S unny
B roo
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
National Distillers Products Corp., N. Y.
Benefit Boys’ Club
and Girls’ Club
Townsend Club
The Townsend club met in regular
1 session Tuesday evening with Presi­
dent Tilghman, presiding. Business
was conducted and Mr. Tilgman
'thanked Mr. and Mrs. Beth for pro­
viding such a lovely place for the
picnic. Several folks told stories of
things that happened when the/ were
children and there wer- several read-
, ings and songs. After the program
¡games consisting of croquet, Chinese
checkers and dominoes wore played,
all spending a pleasant evening.
—Press Cor.
Community Building
9i30 p. m.
Adm, $1.10 per couple, including tax
Extra Ladies 25c .
Sponsored by
Youth Advisory Council
Calling cards, 50 for 31.00.
rWBttMZ Mtn
Wwntfi Who Art
Hard Of Hearing
< '
To make this simple, no risk hear­
ing test If you are temporarily deaf-
I ened, bothered by ringing buzzing
head noises due to hardened or coagu-
luted wax (cerumen), try the Ounne
II Home Method test that so many say
has enabled them to hear well again.
11 You must hear better after making
1 this simple test or you get your money
I' back at once. Ask about Ounne Ear
t Dr .ps todav at Barrow Drug Co.
Playground News