F PAO» fW6 | Items About Local Boys ln Service Joseph R. Willis Made A Sergeant At Roswell New Granddaughter Mrs. J. A. Houdyshell, former Co- Duane Fitzgerald Is Now An Army 1st Lieutenant Three Knife Boys In Air Corps Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knife last Fri­ day received a letter from their son, Willard, one of their three sons in the Air Corps serving their country. Their youngest son, Arlington, is in the Navy, stationed at Kodiak, Alas­ ka. Their eldest son, Bud, who re­ cently took the Army examination prior to overseas duty, was last heard from at Baton Rouge. La. Where Willard’s letter, which follows, came from his parents did not know as he is overseas: ' "We are having things fairly easy here now. The weather is nice and cool too, so 1 am catching up on my sleep. I have already seen most of the shows that cyme here so there isn’t much to do. They are getting more stuff in the px. ail the time and that makes it better. I arrived here too late to sign the payroll so won’t be sending any money home for a while, I think 1 will be paid about the tenth of the month. How are the Newtons taking Bud's leaving for the Navy,? At least you don’t have to -worry about ’them* taking many more of your bo^s.” *" I Second Lt. Duane S. Fitzgerald, of Coquille and sdn of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Fitzgerald, has been promoted to first lieutenant, says a bulletin from the War Department, sent from Kearns, Utah. A IMO graduate of Oregon State University, where he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and before that a graduate of Coquille High, Lieutenant Fitzgerald was a logging engineer with a Granta Pasijf Ore., lumber company before being called to active duty In September, 1M2. He attended officers training school at Miami Beach, Fla., and has been serving with a training group at the Kearnes Army Air Forces basic training center. have had in a year. Beautiful colors and upholstering $109.50to $139.50 Marriage Licenses Neighbors Enjoy Wiener Roast At John Martin Home Aug. 8—Wilfred John Greiner and Mary E. Gallop, both of Empire. Several neighbors gathered at the They were married by Justice F. R. John Martin home on the Mat^Kfleld Bull at his office here last Friday. Fred G. Vetter of Arago Highway, last Sundag evening, where Aug. »—William Kynsi and Flor­ Has Been Made A Sergeant a weiner roast supper was prepared ence Haskey, both of Aberdeen, Geo. Vetter,’ of Arago, recently re­ in the beautiful outdoor fireplace. Wash. They were married by Jus­ eeived a letter from his son, Fred After supper, accordion and banjo tice Allan A. Hall at his office in O, who is stationed somewhere in music and singing were enjoyed. Marshfield on Monday. the Pacific, that he has just been pro- I Present were: Mrs. Anna Rooney Aug. 10—Mathew D. Coy and Mar- moted and is now wearing the. three and daughter, Bonita Mr. and Mrs. [cells George Matthews, both of stripes of a sergeant on his sleeve. Donald Wheaton and daughter, Mar­ ' Marshfield. Justice E. A. Dodge said Fred enlisted some time ago and was jorie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheaton, ‘ the words making them man. and sent to duty outside the U. S. within Mr. and Mrs. Amos Payne, Mr. and wife, at his office in Myrtle Point on ' two months after he had signed on Mrs. E. E. McKee and son, Cecil, Mr. Tuesday. {the dotted line. and Mrs. Alex Mackey, «Mrs. Evelyn 1 At Myrtle Point on Saturday Jus- Benham, Mrs. Helen Beyers, Jim lice Dodge performed the wedding Dumas, Mrs. Bessie Waterman and {ceremony, at the Lyle Carver home, I son. Michael, Mias Carol Zwlcker and for Volloa Davis Marsden and James the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Maher on a license issued in (• Martin and son, Bruce. Lane county August 6. Two Hard Maple Sofa and Matching Chair Sets $109.50 PURKEY FURNITURE Joseph R. Willis, who was em­ ployed at the plant here prior to en­ tering the Army last October, has just been made a sergeant at the Roswell, New Mexico Air Field, ac­ cording to a press release received from there. Before coming to Co-,1 qullle he attended high school at1{ Petersburg, Ind., where his parents i1 reside. Shop at the Goodyear Store Gladys May On Vacation— Will Be Married Aug. 22 Miss Gladys May, of the local bank’s force, left Saturday on a week’s vacation which she is spending with her mother at her old home in Dallas, Ore. She will be back in the bank next week for a few days be­ fore resigning her position. She will be married to John S. Billings, in the Salt Creek Baptist church, six mifts north of Dallas, at 2 p. tn. on Sunday, Aug. 22. Kitchen Knives Clothes Line Slicers, Bread, Butcher Knives 100 ft, -will not stretch $1.50 $1.29 Silex Coffee Makers $2.65*., Silex Coffee Makers Popular 2-cup model $1.45 | Attended Church of Christ Conference at Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Liston Parrish re­ turned this week from a week at the ¡Young People's Conference held at Bridge. Both Mr. and Mrs. Parrish were members of the faculty. Young people attending from Coquille were I Ramona Cunningham, Dale Hooton, {Tom Boots and Ralph Wolgamott. Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Tom Boots was elected vice president Special communications of Chad­ of the 1944 conference. wick Lodge, No. 88, A. F. A A. M., have been set: Friday, Aug. 13,1 work in E. A., and on Tuesday, Aug.! 17, work in M. M. Visiting brothers invited to attend. R. C Johnson, W. M. I WHATS TODAYS NEWS ABOUT Beverage Sets Ice-lipped Pitcher and 6 glasses 4 Synthetic rubber tiret Leather billfolds in color for ladies and new kit books for service men boxed for mailing, are only two of the new gift items just received at Nor­ ton’s. Start your Christmas shopping now while you can get the things you want. s 98c House Broom ionisieret 4 rows of stitching Beautiful design, 3 piece 98c $2.65 Foldette Lunch Box SUNDAY DINNERS Southern Fried Chicken Kodak Finishing AMAZING MINUTE MOP Scientifically Resigned. |C Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St. Phone M I___ S herwin -W illiams P aints Al