The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 12, 1943, Image 1

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    The Coquille
1 —
Gurney Babe Safe
In Mother's Arms
Guards At Plant
Take Two Shots At
Prowler Monday
For the third time, at midnight
last Monday night, the guards at the
Smith plant took shots at a prowler
who ran when ordered twice to
“Jlalt." The felloW was about 30
yards distant and in the darkness
the bullets did not find their mark.
There are eight patrolmen on each
of the two shifts at night, one coming
on as the other goes off at midnight.
Just before the change Monday
nigttt one of the guards heard a noise
and a little later another guard told
him thqf a second noise came from
near the machine shop on the dock.
They did not go to the guard change
but separated and endeavored to
slip up on the prowler but evidently
he sensed their coming before being
called upon to halt.
The two previous affairs also hap­
pened about midnight.
F. S. Emery, who is in charge of
the guard detail, said yesterday that
he thinks the fellow might have been
some local punk who thought it an
opportunity to steal something during
the guard change but that it might
have been a tramp or transient.
Mr. Emery again warns Coquille
people very strongly not to be any­
where around the plant at night for
the patrolman have orders to shoot
to hit if the prowler does not halt
when commanded twice to do so.
Someone is going to receive a dose
ot hot lead if he doesn’t stop fooling
around there after dark. >
It was with a sigh of relief by
even six year olds, up to octogen­
arians, that the news of the recovery
of Judith Ann Gurney, kidnaped
from an Albany hospital on Tuesday
of last week, was received this week
and the feeling was shared not only
by the people of Oregon but by
those in all sections of the United
The caae created a more personal
feeling in Coquille than in most cities
for the baby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Gurney, were for three years
residents of Coquille, having left here
for Albany abosrt two years ago.
The kidnaper was a woman who
lived a few blocks from the hospital
and her act appear* to have been
caused by frustrated motherhood—
she desired to have a baby and could
not. Her name is Mrs. Catherine
Wright, wife of Sergeant Jesse
Wright who is stationed at Camp
Adair and she is now lodged in the
Linn county jail.
Diapers hanging in the garage at
the Wright home lad to the unravel­
ing of the mystery, for they were
seen by a neighbor who knew there
should be no'baby in the Wright
The claim is made that her mental
aberration resulted from shell shock
at the time of the Jap attack on
Pearl Harbor but a man in Loe An­
geles says he has been, and he does
not know when he ceased to be, the
husband of the women and that her
mental condition resulted from a fall
down a flight of steps.
Whatever the reasosn for her con­
dition may be she is hardly a woman
whom it is safe to have at large. ■
Mrs. Gurney is back in her home
now and the family of four is again
j <.
685 Coos Co. Lambs
Shipped By Track To
S. F. In Two Loads
Selectees Left For
Fortland Monday
Questions On
Home Slaughtering
Relia For Oregon
Historic Exhibition
Week Are Needed
Many of the 56 men called to
(By Rationing Board)
port in Portland on Tuesday this Qnestton One:
week for examination and, if ac­
May a farmer who lives In town but
cepted. Induction into Uncle Sam’s «(dually operates his farm kill an
service, left by bus from Coquille animal and bring the meat to hl* town
Next Sunday, Aug. 15, is the first
Monday evening.
They were the home point-free?
day of Oregon’« Historic Exhibition
group called by the Coquille Valley Answer:
Selective Service board, and Mrs.
If the producer or farmer does not Week, a period set aside by the Old
Pearl Jackson, clerk of the local reside either at the place where the Oregon Trail commission which cel­
board, says this list exhausts the slaughtering was done or on the farm ebrate* the centennial of the Pioneer
list of married men who may be called of hi* and wishes to consume the trek to Oregon, and everyone in
prior to October 1. Those accepted food elsewhere, he must give up ra­ Coquille and vicinity is urged to help
at the induction center Tuesday will tion points equal to the point value make this Historic Exhibition Week
have a two or three weeks* leave, of the food. These points must be the success it can be.
Many of the relics which could be
depending on whether they are as­ given up to the Board nearest his
signed to Army or Navy duty.
residence within ten days after the displayed are valuable and they will
The list of those called for ex­ food is removed from the farm or be guarded most carefully in the
amination Tuesday include:
other place of slaughter. This ap­ «tores where they are to be oe ex­
Niel J. Carlson, Marshfield. .
plies to a farmer or producer who hibition. The list of such places in­
cludes the Lorenz Department Store,
U. George Wilson. Bandon.
lives in the city.
Purkey Furniture, Cow Bell Dairy,
Ralph H. Boak, Bandon.
Question Two:
Spencer d. Long, Bandon.’
May a c(ly worker who lives on a J. C. Penney’s, Geo. E. Oerdlng's of­
Rex B. Cornelius. Port Orford.
small place in the suburb« kill an fice, Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Excel
Jack C. Woodruff, Sweet Home.
animal he raised and consume the Dress Shoppe, Hallock’s Dress Shop
Vernon Ray Bradford, Castle Rock. meat without surrendering ration and Miss May’s Drees Shop.
it is hoped that before many moons
'Lloyd H. Levison, San Gabriel.
May he have it custom
’have passed that these relics of pi­
Earl F. Phillips, Reedsport.
slaughtered point free?
oneer days may be housed in a
Lee F. Beck, Marshfield.
to be located here in Co­
Charles K. Dietz, Sweet Home.
A city worker who lives on a small
Robert H. Cotton, Myrtle Point.
place io the suburbs or on a small quille, and which the Coos A Curry
Harry E. Crowley, College Place, farm-,,may ^laughter livestock he Counties Pioneer Association is at­
raises and consume same at the place tempting to get started, but just now
Earl R. Butler, Myrtle Point.
for his owrt home consumption with­ these relics are wanted in Coquille,
as they are in every city and town
James G. Me William, Gaylord.
out surerndering ration points. He
in Oregon, in connection with the
Henry C. Philpott, Bandon.
may have it custom slaughtered point
Oregon Trail observance. It is
Richard L. Hill. Bandon.
free; howevef, he is to sign a certi­
Bill Level Hart, Bandon.
ficate in duplicate which may be not possible to enumerate all the
relics, pictures, fire arms, spinning
Richard G. Ray, Coquille.
secured from his local War Price and
Burrll Mangrum, Reedsport.
Rationing Board, a copy of certificate wheels and other household or ranch
equipment which may be of pioneer
Edgar L, Capps, Bandon.
la enclosed.
origin and lying unseen by human
Question Three:
Jack L. Eads, Myrtle Point.
at homes all over the valley, but
U a “resident producer" may kill
Wallace L. Moore, Coquille.
meat for home consumption point- each and every such article will add
Lyle W. Gisholt, Coquille.
free, who may qualify a* a resident to the interest of this Historic Week,
Eugene B. Peterson, Bandon.
and everyone is urged to bring them
Donald Robert, Coquille
to light and let them be enjoyed by
Allan A. Moore, Coquille.
the general public.
A fanner who resides upon a place of
VerUn E. Sell, Riverton.
Coquille seldom, if ever, falls down
hi* own is qualified as a resident
Curtis W. Townsend, Powers.
any notable undertaking and tills
may slaughter live­
tí producer and
William W. Wilkin», Coquille.
is one in which the whole state is
stock for his own consumption point- ,
Raymond M. Snead, Bandon.
free. This also applies to one who
Joseph E. Bosco, Coquille.
Lot’s make Coquille's exhibition
resides on a small place in the
Harold T, Caffey, Myrtle Point.
one of which we can ail be proud!
suburbs and has livestock under pro­
, Broadbent
The first shipment of lambs sold
by the newly organized Coos County
Livestock Marketing Association sold
well on the South San Francisco mar­
ket this week, according to a report
just received from tile commission
company who had charge of the sales.
Two truck and trailer loads, includ­
ing a total of 685 lambs have been
shipped to date.
The heavier lambs sold on last
Monday’s market at 13 *4c per pound,
while the lighter ones which were in
slightly poorer condition, sold for
Uli and 12c per pound. These price«
are considered good in view of the
recent reports of a congested market
for livestock, representatives of the
association said today.
The shipping association was or­
ganized this year to encourage the
marketing ot laiqbs and other live­
stock in small numbers and when
they are in prime condition.
lambs shipped to date have been
graded by H. G. Avery, assistant
marketing specialist, Oregon State
College, who has been working
with the -marketing committee and
county agent in arranging shipments.
Producer* in the county may ar­
range to Include lamb*, or other kinds
of sheep, in any future shipment by
contacting the County Agent’* Of­
fice, or any memetxr ot the committee
which includes Jtv H. Christensen,
Bullard* Rte., Coquille; Robert E,
Smith, Bandon; Bob Geaney, Co-'
quiUe; E. L. Detlefsen, Coquille, and
L. W Lund, Gaylord.
The truck* which transported the
lambs to San Francisco were huge
affairs, 80 feet in length and the
shipment Friday consisted of 331
lambs and Saturday’s load contained
This now shipping system permit*
the lambs to be
clear through
Funeral services for Russell E. without unloading for feeding
Danielson were held at the Schroeder
Chapel here on Monday this week,
Iler boy an animat
i Rev. Chas. O, Brown officiating- In*
terment was in the Masonic cemetery
hire a farmer to feed it or rent pas­
Clifford E. Anderson,,Coquille.
Mr. Danielson passed away at the
ture for it for 80 days, then slaughter
Verne M. Cornelius, Coquille.»
i Emanuel Hospital tn Portland of
the animal or have it custom slaugh­
Howard V. Schnur, Norway-
American Rod Cross, 746 Coquille
The Coquille Youth’s Advisory
pneumonia, on Aug. 4, aged 38 year*
tered and consume the meat point- branch, is continuing to forge ahead.
Glen E. Gosline, Coquille.
Since the war started he has been Boys’ Club and a Girls’ Club in Co­
Allen E. Black, Seattle.
Sewing and knitting as usual will be
an instructor in machine tooling and quille, is asking everyone, whether
Waldo Emerson Brown, Provo, Answer:
continued during the mouth of Au­
lately had a position In the shipyard* they dance or not, to mark the date, Utah,
A city dweller may not hire a farm­ gust.
Saturday, Aug. 21, fh red and save
at Portland.
er to feed livestock or rent pasture
John T. Norton, Burna. Oregon.
Due to the balance of the month
He leaves to mourn his loss his that date for the dlnce which the com­
for it for sixty days and slaughter being an unusually heavy one for
Albert C. Bayless, Colusa, Calif.
widow, Edna Halter Danielson, and mittee will sponsor in the Coquille
the animal or have it custom slaugh­ housewives, it* has been decided to
Ronald Lee Weaver, Roseburg.
three children, Lila June, Gerald Community Building that evening.
tered and consume the meat point- postpone the opening of the proposed
LeRoy Chadwick, Blythe, Calif.
and Phyllis; his mother, Mrs. Mary Tickets are to be 11.10 per couple,
Bernie C. Holt, Ponca City, Okla. free.
sewing room until shortly after the
McMullen, of Bandon; one brother, including tax, and extra ladies will
Qwtstisa Five:
Rolland F. Beals, Visalia. Calif.
opening of school at which time the
A farmer operates two large farms. bulk of canning, pickling, school
Robert C. Danielson in the navy be charged 25 cents.
Robert B Pringle, Dalia*. Texas
The Coquille police have started a at Miami, Florida, and four sisters,
These clubs,are one of the most
He lives on one and the other is op­ sewing, etc., will be pretty well taken
Richard C. Warner, Broadbent.
campaign to avert, if possible, the
Mrs. Elsie Plasterer, Seattle; Mrs. worth while projects to be started in
erated by a tenant family. If he care of.
Oliver J. Griffith, Bandon.
wrecking of the bridges within the
Florence Schmidt, Myrtle Point; Mrs. Coquille in a long time and the funds
kill* an animal on the farm where he
Orville H. Parker, Myrtle Point
Due to the kindly co-operation of
city and their firgt step was the tag­ Mary Jean Kennard, Cincinatti, Ohio; from this dance will go towards fi­
Robt. L. Greene, vicar of the Epis­
ging of the truck and trailer driven
Mrs. Dora Train, Myrtle Point and his nancing club rooms in the basement
Calvin C. Williams, Coquille.
copal Church, and Mrs J. A. Moore,
(Continued on page three)
by Bill Evans, on Monday this week. grandparente, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. of the Community Building with
Alton H. Hubbard, Powers.
St. James’ Guild president, our local
The Henry street brige and the
games of various kinds, furniture
Panter at Bandon.
unit will meet one afternoon each
Fourth street spur are both posted
and other needed equipment.
week in Guild Hail for the pur­
as not being safe for more than five
Every Coquille resident, should be
pose of sewing, knitting, crocheting,
tons gross weight and the claim is
interested in contributing to such a
cutting out wool squares, etc. This
that the truck and trailer tagged
fund and in helping the committee
work will not be carried on as a
weigh seven and one-half tons, un­
to provide good entertainment for
Mr. and Mr*. Cha*. Briggs are en­ church or club project but will be a
the city’s young people.
The tentative date for the Coquille joying a visit from his mother, Mrs.
Red Cross sewing room open to ev­
Mrs. Sadie Buchanan, who had
Wm. W. Brown, owner of the truck,
service dubs’ soft ball game has been Pearl E. Briggs, who arirved last
eryone who is Interested in helping
entered a plea of “not guilty" be­
changed to tomorrow evening, Friday, Friday from her home in Loe Angeles
the war effort.
fore Recorder Leslie yesterday and
the 13th, which should make it cer­ and who expect* to leave tomorrow.
Thia week we extend thanks to
pasted $10 bail. The trial is set for passed away at the county farm last
tain that one of the teama, at least, This is Mrs. Briggs’ first visit to Co­ Mrs. Jack Dolan tor a large amount
Friday and graveside services, Rev.
two o’clock this afternoon.
will be unlucky.
quille and she is seeing for the first of wool squares sent us. Also to
R. L. Greene officiating, were held in
The challenge was issued by the time her two younger grandchildren.
members of B. P. W. for their assur­
the Masonic cemetery at 10 a. m. on
Rotary club and the Lions club, by
Although she had never been in ance of Red Cross help and to Mrs
Tuesday under the auspices of the Van Otten that their daughter, Anne,
it* president, Furb Emery, accepted Coquille before there are many Co­
F. S. Emery for a large amount of
Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries. She had was quite seriously ill in the hospital
the challenge, mast effusively. No quille people who have wished to safety pins for soldiers* sewing kit*.
been at the farm about three years.
admission will be charged and the meet her for she is a tapestry artist,
She was born at Iowa City, Iowa, Barton left Monday and returned
public is invited to come out and see the No. 1 in the United States, and
Work started yesterday on the Jan. IS, 1872, being six months, 31
these staid business men cavort her paintings are scattered all over Mr. and Mrs. Pelts Here
oiled har<|-surfacing of Wilard street days past 71 years of age. She has a vinced that she was recovering. The
around the diamond.
i the world. Some of her tapestries Sunday From Klamath Falls
west of the Liberty Theatre, by the brother living in the middlewest and doctors found it necessary to perform
' were on display here a few years
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peltz came
State Highway crew. District En- a daughter-in-law in Portland.
from Klamath Falls last Sunday
gineer Robb did not think there would
Mrs. Briggs developed the method and
ajau spent the
u,w night as guests at the
be sufficient funds for allocation to
Funeral services were held at both mother and babe, a boy, are
Coquille to surface the center of the Schroeder Bros.* chapel at two
a way as to leave the finished article They were accompanied by Mr. and
street west of the Sentinel building, o’clock Tuesday afternoon for the six was two months premature.
still pliable and she has acted as in­ Mrs. Cliff Hoag, of Klamath Falls.
The Bartons found it quite hot out
and that job will probably be done months old baby of Mr. and Mrs.
The Aircraft Warning Service is to
structor for other artists who de- Mr. Hoag was Harry’s instructor
next year.
Floyd King, of Powers, who died in the Willamette valley and also hold a picnic in Myrtle Orove here
sired to produce tapestries.
when he learned to fly and the latter
Willard, being a two-way street last Saturday here. Wayne Floyd difficult to buy meals en route.
Sunday and Chief Warden Fred Bull
to enter the Army Air Corps
heretofore, between Front and Sec­ was his name and he had been ill
says every air warden in the county
very soon.
ond, the center of the street should only two days.
is expected to attend. The entertain­
The visitors were a help to L. H.
continue to be available for parking. - Rev. R. L. Greene officiated at the
ment is to be impromptu. The A. W.
Hazard whom they encountered near
S. will furnish coffee, cream and
services and interment was in the
the county farm just about dark Sun­
sugar, but those attending must bring
Masonic cemetery. '
The Lawrence Gulseths Here
The name “Coquille" la to be giv­ dishes and baskets.
The golf match between the Lions day. The lights on his car were
He was born here In Coquille last
Lunch at 1
From San Diego On a Furlough
Club and the Rotary Club will be dead and Harry furnished him a fuse
February 33. His rtiother was one en one of the new tankers being o’clock. -
Corporal and Mrs. Lawrence Gul- of the Bundy girls. Besides his par­ built at the Kaiser Swan Island ship­
held next Sunday morning, starting which brought them back to their
seth arrived here at two o’clock last ents he is survived by a two-year old yard in Portland, according to an sn-
ten o’clock at the Coquille Valley usual brilliance.
County Employees' Withholding
having driven
Surprise Civilian
Defense Practice
; Russell Danielson
; Buried Here Monday
T in Ro d G ross
Dance For Benefit
Young People's Clubs
Work Continues
Heavy Trucks Must
Stay Off Bridges
Service Club Soft
Ball Game Friday
Two Funerals
Here Tuesday
Tapestry Artist À
Coquille Visitor
Their Daughter And
Babe Doing Well
State Is Paving
Center Of Willard St.
A. W. S. To Have
Picnic Here Sunday
Game Next Sunday
Tanker To Be
Named Coquille
orpe and she is employed
in a service organization office. On
Monday they accompanied her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nosier, out
to the Nosier cabin at the Ko-Keel
Klub grounds in Brewtser valley.
They expect to leave next Monday on
the returti trip south. Lawrence looks
as though life in the service agreed
with him.
home last Friday evening. After he
was able to leave the hospital they
spent a week visiting in East Port­
land and stopped Thursday all night
at Dorchester House bn the coast
above Newport. Mr. Norton is feel­
ing very well now and hopes to be
in from his ranch next week to per­
mit his friends to see that he is much
improved in health.
and cities In Oregon which are to be
thus honored and the first to be
christened will be the Champoeg in
It can be suggested that M the op­
portunity offers it would be a fine
display of appreciation if Mayor O.
L. Wood and other city officials of
Coquille were present when the “Co­
quille” is christened and launched.
Leneve reports
formerly, under the five per cent
Victory tax plan, from the salaries of
county employees totaled
$1400 a quarter, or three months
time. Under the new Withholding
Tax plan, hg has this week deposited
to the credit of the Internal Revenue
Department the sum of >1379.87 for
the single month of July.
wm include prtze for Io
drive on No. 1 hole and also on No.
8; closest to the pin on No. 9; lowest
score on blind hole; lowest net score;
lowest gross score, and also for high­
est score.
Refreshments will be served at
the end of oentest under the trees at
No. 18.
Just Had Too Much To Drink
Sheriff Wm. Howell went up to
Powers Sunday in response to a call
from there that a crazy man was an­
noying women.
He found James
Wickersham, who had imbibed too
much Wine. When taken before Jus­
tice Bull here on Monday he was
sentenced to five days in the county
jail on a drunk and disorderly charge.