The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 05, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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Fairview News
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Her­ Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett, of Nor­
Thomas Williamson, on Tuesday, paid
bert visited at the home of Mr. and way.
The church members pre­
a like amount for having an improper
The Auxiliary of Vuwnsend Club muffler on his car.
Charles Holverstott had the mis-
Miss Bernice Gillespie, daughter of Mrs. C. E Schroeder in Bandon last sented Mrs. Bunch with a beautiful
inyrtlewood piece .
fortune to fall and break the large Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie, tee- ■ Wednesday.
No. 2 met with Mrs. Esther Briner
Mrs. Melden Carl entertained the
bone in his left leg just above the 1 came the bride of Mr. Vernon Trigg,
on July 29, a good crowd being pres­
ankle Monday noon He has been . son of Mrs. Rufus Rylander of Nor- | N. O. M. A. club members at her
ent. Meeting was opened by repeat­
peeling chittum along with his son,! way, last Wednesday evening at 8:50
ing zfn unision the Lord’s prayer;
Everett Willard was fined $5.00 in
Kenneth, and brother-in-law, Tom I at the Methodist church in Myrtle following guests were present: Alta ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn and song, “God Bless America." and salute
court last Friday on a
Benham. It took Tom Benham just Point with Rev. T. J. Pryer officiat-
to the flag.
reckless driving charge. Two officers
Stevens, 1 Lodema
houuf guefte of Mr anrf Mrg
eleven minutes to get from where ing. The ceremony took place in Ellingson, Mary St*v*ns.
The charter was draped in memory were sitting on the city hall steps
the accident happened one and one- the presence of the members of their Kribs, Ferryl DeJamette and Ruth George Glenn.
of the members whp had recently when he drove from the east and
half miles in brush to the Cook immediate families and just a very! Clayton.
A family reunion was held at the passed away.
; swung around the Roxy corner at a
Miss Ethel Fish was a Monday
ranch at the head of the valley, ¡few others. The bride was dressed
George Glenn’s Sunday . Those for
Working on ruga was the order of pr^Nted speed.
... of Kline’s men went to ’ help, in a full length gown of white silk lcaJJ*
016 Melden Carl home
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ivyl Frye the day. It was voted to hold the
Hugh Parsons paid a $10 fine last
taking a stretcher and, ip relays, jersey with a tight bodice and full! Bruce BlihoP left last Thursday and children, Mr. and Mrs. Milford
club meetings separate from the Friday on an intoxication charge.
carried the injured man out.
Mast and son, Mrs. Lee Mast, Mr. Auxiliary meetings as it has been
Elmer Usher, arrested Saturday
was three o'clock before they got her head and carried a bouquet of trainln< for service.
and Mrs. Harold Glenn and daugh­ held together before, so the first night charged with being drunk and
and ®*rs- RalPh L°ng and Mr. J ter and Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn. meeting of the club will be held at
out. He was met by Mrs. Holver­ white earnations and white gladiolus, j
Melden Carl «nX»F«d a pic-: McKinley Grange was held last the home of Mrs. Alma Halter at 997 fighting, was given a $10 fine, sus­
stott and taken to Knife Hospital in Mrs. 8. C. McAllister sang. “Yours” ¡8nd
Coquille, where he will be hospital­ and “Because, ” accompanied by Mrs. nlc near Brld«e 1Mt 9»>nday I" the Saturday night with most officers I North Henry on August 5 at 8 o’clock, pended for one year on condition
ized for several days.
O. H. Aasen, who also played the evenln<
a11 had lunch at the present. The executive committee is Anyone who desires to do so is wel- that he leave town at once.
Jack Moomaw of Sixes and Ed
; Carl home.
Lula Marie Lindsay
returned, wedding march.
to ....
investigate piano luuvia
tuners anu
and ocrv
see t-vutv
come to unvuu.
attend. r-xzvxrx
After tutivticun
luncheon was
Neal, arrested for being drunk and
After the simple ring ceremony
Mr “nrf
with Barbara Barton last week and
to having the Grange piano tuned, served by the hostess an invitation
will come home next Saturday. The they all went to Norway and enjoyed “nd Mr a"d Mrs. 8. C. McAllister 'Grange voted to pay Mrs. Lee Mast for the Auxiliary to meet with Mw. fighting Sunday, were before the re­
used 1 oi^ the Ju- ! Mary Keck on August 12 was ex- corder Monday morning. Neal, who
Bartons live in Roseburg but for­ a lovely reception at the groom’s'drove to Camas last Sunday and J25.OO for shakes
--------- --------
admitted he was the aggressor, was
__ hall;
_ ______
merly lived in Fairview valley Bar- j home, The bride and groom cut the »P*01 ‘he day with Mr. and Mrs. ■ venile
also to raise quarterly , tended.
fined $10 and Moomaw’s fine was
bara had been visiting several days j lovely three
__ -J * tier wedding cake, Geor8® Gillespie at the look-out at Grange dueB /rolrl 50c
. _ „ —.
) Six new members and six renewals $5. .Both are to pay Aug. 10,.
was served with ice-cream, s‘6nal Tree Station.
at the Lindsay hofne.
j ¡which
_____ ____
Mr. and Mrs. Art Morrison moved were admitted at this meeting.
. Walter Smith, arrested by the
- „.„u
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Schiel -were inU( Mr
Mrg Jay
»«_ and
j **—
. .. rreeman
Press Cor.
Mrs. Lillie Johnson, of Coquille, L
1 coffee
punch -u
and also .. a lovely
on Monday, was turned over
to the following guests:
®*. "*r- *nd ■*’*•. house this past week-end.
........ —------
and Mrs. Juanita Heddon, of Marsh- ( angel - cake ...................
* ' 8und*y
to the county court and it was there
j •
nnd . _____
Mrs. Vernon Trigg.
,____ ! ,_____
&*rs. , Claude Hall has moved to 1 Justice Court Cases
field, visited a couple of days last l Mr.
... —
...... Mr. ____
ordered that he be taken to and kept
week at the home of their parents, Mrs. George Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs.
____ , ( . Jim Mullins is visiting at the home - Coquille.
—•__ ?. She left Sunday and ia j
Mf. and Mrs. J. A. Deadmond, re- Rufus
J Jamily, Mr. and ' now ]jV[ng ¡n the Knife Apartments.
Rylander and Mrt. Rylander, ,d his brother
**’ Bu,,o<’k’ 0,1 Ju*y
for “ at the county farm. <
Mr. and Mrs. _____
John _ Mrs. Clarence Mullins this week.
The McKinley Observation Post comhlned truck overload, and Neil [
turning to Coquille Saturday of last Sr.,
|__ w of
_ _______
Delivery of five merchant ships a
Trigg and
and Mrs.
Mrs. Edith
Edith Broner,
Broner, of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow )haM
been ------------------------
manned uim,at -,-.
Metzger on Monday, for a
z min-
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Noah «nd fam-’California; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trigg, nnd Mr and Mrs Stanley Halter ute this part four weekg and there trailer overload, were summoned by day has now become routine, accord­
ing to the U. S. Maritime Commls-
ily, of Lakeside, visited in the valley i of svljr
Point; Mr. • —
Mrs. — Tyrrell
Bend Sunday
•** are 25 observers who have
* wc *Ullli(
• —
100 the state police to appear in Justice
' siun.
! Woodward and Mrs. Mary Greenleaf, B
,, „ there.
hours or more of service and who are . Bull's court here.
last week-end.
■ ■ - XJ f Ur — 41.
Bud F. Hagedorn paid a $5.00 fine
Lindy ___________________________
Lou Holverstott returned on ______
of Arago;
Rev. and Mrs. T. F. I Mrs. H. E. Watkins was a Thursday ¡entitled lo an arm band There are
Tuesday of last week'from Seattle,; Pryor, of Myrtle Point; Mr. and Mrs. evenlnH dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. '^so a number of 500.hour and 1,000- last Saturday for passing without
Extract from the osage orange
Marlin tree is used to tenderize beef.
(hour observers.
The Observation sufficient clearance,
where she had visited her two sis- g. C. McAllister, Mrs. O. H. Aasen stanl*y Halter,
ters, Mrs Dale Thurman an<j Mrs. and Mrs. Grace Rackleff, of Arago,
Post is sponsoring a dance for this
Clarence Gibbons.
and Mrs. Charleé Gate, of Klamath Nlnru/nv Nlnu/C I fame
Coming Saturday night at the Mc-
Kinley Grange hall. The admission
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Trigg will be at nuiwuy
visited G. B. Dow Saturday after­ home at their new home at Norway.
Saturday evening dinner guests of
** 35c P*r Person and a free
noon in Keizer Hospital and reported
I Mr. and Mrs. .J. H. McCloskey were ¡lunch will be served to all. This is
Mr. Dow somewhat better then but
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bark- Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Berber, of Myrtle I not an invitational dance. Everyone
he returned home that evening and low came in from Portland last ’ Point, and his parents, from Helena, ¡is welcome.
Monday was reported not so well.
Monday and have been at their home ' Mont.
' .
Mrs. Gordon Bell and her sister- in Arago. Mr. Barklow was working I ‘ Miss Anita Tedsen was a Tuesday
Each round of ammunition fired
It is a pleasure to announce that 1 have become associated
in-law, Miss Mildred Bell, spent on the North Bend airport the past II overnight guest of Mrs. Dick Sher- from a big gun requires four sep-
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­
several days visiting on the bay last week.
IriU, (Margaret Smith), of Coquille. arate explosives; aerial bombs re-
Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
week at the Rube Day home and else­
Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie 11 Mrs. Julia Leep and Mrs. A. R. quire three,
pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It
where, returning to the Bell home came in from their look-out station I Bennett visited one afternoon last
here on Saturday. Mr. Bell and Mr. near Camas last Wednesday and week at the home of Mrs. Mary Burna
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
Day had been working at Powers spent a couple of days at their home 1 and son, “Bobbie” in Coquille.
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
and Mr. Day met Mrs. Day at the in Arago.
Yes. it is true, there is a safe harm­
Mrs. Orville Heath, of Reedsport,
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Bell home Saturday and returned to
Mrs. O. H. Aasen was a Wednes­ spent the week-end with her mother, less medicated liquid called Kleerex
Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no
their home in Marshfield that day. day evening dinner guest at the home Mrs. Martin Schmidt.
that dries up pimples over night.
of course, and I am—at your service.
Clifford Dow returned to Seattle of Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. McAllister.
Darline McDonald, daughter of
Monday after being home a few
A. B. Crawford entered the Mast Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDonald of and applied Kleerex upon retiring
days. He was called by the illness hospital in Myrtle Point last Tues­ Portland, is visiting at the J. H. Mc­ were amazingly surprised when they
of his father, O. B. Dow. Clifford la- day and underwent an operation for Closkey home this week.
found their pimples has disappeared.
stationed at the Lake Union Naval appendicitis..
Mrs. Julia Leep and Mrs. A. R. These users enthusiastically praise
Station in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Parsing, of Co­ Bennett spent Tuesday of last week Kleerex and claim they are no longer
Friends of the Albert Thommens quille, were Thursday guests at the visiting Mrs. DeBoer and daughter, embarrassed and are now happy With
are glad with them to learn that home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. Mrs. Ernie Wilson, who is home a their clear complexions. Don’t take
their son, Charles, has been heard Mr. Persing was helping Mr. Miller few days on her vacation while Mr. our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If
from recently and since the loos of with the haying.
Bennett helped Mr. DeBoer do some
CaUine cards. 5o tor >1.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller and repair work on the cheese factory.
his boat that he was well and safe.
Mrs. Horace Berry and daughter family, of Myrtle Point, were Satur­
The Brodie Shingle mill has been
walked to the Chas. Holverstott home day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nile shut down the past few days on ac­
Monday morning to visit and get Miller.
count of the sawyer having trouble
Mrs. Ivan Robison and Mrs. John with his back. However, théy ex­
some vegetables.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warden ami fam- McNair, of Fat Elk,
„ 'pact to r_
operations the latter
ily, of Eugene, visited in the valley callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
of t the
be week.
from Friday until Monday.
Mar- Frank Lane.
A. R. Bennett and W. W. Deyoe are
vene Henagin returned home with
Mrs. H. E. Watkins, Mn. L. M. building a new feed barn for the
them for a couple of weeks vacation. Aasen and Mrs. Jesae Dunning and: Peterson Bros, on the Arago road.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L- Buoy took Mr. Vonna Lee, of Washington, visited at
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bridge have
and Mrs. Don Noah to Portland last the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Mc­ (sold their residence at Empire and
Friday evening and returned Sun­ Allister last Thursday.
have rented the- Kellenberger Apts.
day. Mr. Noah is Mrs. Buoy’s broth­
lummtr He and
Mrs. Jesse Clinton, of Myrtle Ptent, — Norway for
er and he entered St. Vincents Hos­ and Mrs. Hazen T. Murray, of Wash-
brotheri Warren Bright of Port­
pital for treatment of an infection ington, visited at the home of Mr. . ]and, have purchased some timber
—J Mrs. Frank T Lane loci
. -
. . ...
last Tnoerinv
Tuesday. on —
in his eye.
Sugarloaf and are installing a
Mrs. H. E. Watkins had a latter mill which they expect to have in
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson have
moved into the new home they pur­ from her husband a lew days ago. operation in a few days.
chased from Walter Norris.
The He has been in a hospital in Hawaii
The Pleasant Point Needle Club
Norrises are leaving this week for with rheumatic fever and is now suf­ met July 29 at the home of Mrs.
their new home in Garden Valley fering with neuritis but said he was Harold Simmons with Mesdames
much better at the time the letter Ray Epperson, Frank Southmayd,
just north of Roseburg.
Mrs. Roy Enlund visited with her was written.
Mike Daniela, Belle Lewellen, Ellis
At a school meeting held Saturday' Southmayd, Ella Bryant, Raymond
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beach
evening the Arago people voted to Thompson, R. W. Haughton, J. F.
last week.
Mrs. Roy Blohm had as her guest suspend the Arago high school for Schroeder, Lena Kellenberger, Harry
and will send Druliner,
her mother from Olympia, Wash. She an indefinite period
------- —
LX till VI .
W. . J. I. /A Anderson,
, J. L.
visited a few days last week.
the pupil» to town this next year. 3^^,^ A R Bennett and Julia
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams, of Myr­ The vote was 27 in favor and fom Leep present.
After the usual
I oountiful potluck dinner and a
tle Point, were guests at the L. A. opposed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow ,bort business meetfog the remainder
Ryan home Wednesday evening of
the afternoon was profitably
the past week. Mrs. Adams is the and Mrs. Ida Myers and Mrs. Mary
Murray, of Washington, were Thurs- tper)t ,n conversation and useful
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.
Mrs Perry Neal and Mrs. Bud day evening dinner guests of Mr. and | needlework.
Ryan, of Marshfield, were guests at Mrs. Oliver Myers In Myrtle Point, j Mr and ’Mrg Harvty Oant wtre
Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Short and bullneM visitors in Marshfield Sat-
the L. A. Ryan's Sunday last week.
¡Ml we<k
Bob Doyle returned home last Faith, of Coquille, were Sunday urday
Mrl Martha McNair, of Bandon,
week from Belle Knife hospital where guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nite Milter.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Milter and wag 0 gunday overnight and Monday
tie had been several days, being treat­
family and Harley Miller, of Myrtle | visitor at the home of her daughter,
ed for severe bums.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan and Mr. Point, visited at the home of Mr. and Mr, R R Rackleff
and Mrs. Earl Adams, Sr., of Myrtle Mrs. Nile Milter Monday.
Mr. andtMrs. Fred Yarbrough and
Willie Wilcox had hi* tonsils and
Point, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, Mrs. Jtay Campbell, of
' Earl Adams, Jr., to Marshfield last adenoids removed at the Knife hos­ Marshfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Thursday evening when Earl left by pital in Coquille last Monday.
Hubbard, of Myrtle Point, and her
train tar Fort Lewie to enter train­
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroe­
ing in Uncle Sam's army.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank der spent the day Sunday visiting at
Fish in Coquille.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Two Nortji Bend Men Plead
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Milter attended Hubbard of Powers.
the funeral services of the late Otto
Guilty To Assault, Battery
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Nelson
Two battery and assault cases from Pope at the Schroeder Mortuary in and family, of Coquille, spent the
North Bend, in which the accused had Myrtle point last Sunday morning. afternoon and evening visiting at the
______ of thia
been bound over to the grand jury by Mr. Pope was a former resident of A. R. , Bennett’s. Tuesday
Justice Olson at North Bend, were Arago and had been residing at the week Ralph Harry and wife brought
before Judge King in Circuit court home of his sister, Mrs. Henry Rad- his mother, Mrs. Phoebe Harry, up
here on Tuesday. Both defendants abaugh in Myrtle Point. He leaves > to spend the day with Mrs. Julia
another slater in Coos county, Mrs. ’ Jeep while they went on to Myrtle
waived grand jury investigation and
Ida Snyder.
, Point on business.
pleaded guilty.
Arago News
Townsend Club No. 2
City Police Cases
McKinley News
At Your Service
Fred R. Bull
We have in stock for Immediate Delivery
following sizes B. F. Goodrich truck tires
6.00 X 20
7.00 X 20
8.25 X 20
10.00 X 20
jrimken condition, had laid hands
on a girl over there. He was sen­
tenced to a year in jail and is to be
w u-/-.
paroled aiier
after 60
Geo. X Abram
_____ Johnston's trouble
was more of a family affair. The
judge sentenced him to six months
in jail and then paroled him imme­
diately for a two-year period.
Calling cara*, M Tor $1.00.
Bend Monday evening and spent the very much surprised last Sunday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. evening with a potluck dinner in
Floyd Fredenberg. On Tuesday mom- honor of her birthday by many
Ing Mrs. Fredenberg and Mrs. Aasen friends and relatives gathering for
left for Portland for a few days Mrs 1 the evening around their spacious
Fredenberg was taking her small outdoor fireplace.
Some forty or
daughter to Portland for medical I fifty people were present; among
treatment and Mrs. Aasen went along 1 them being Mr. and Mrs. Wood of
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.: the “Sy Ranch,” and Mr. and Mrs.
Haberly. Mr. Haberly has been quite (Harry Bright and two children, of
ill but is a little better at this time. Myrtle Point, Mrs. Julia Leep and