PAGE EIGHT THE COQUILLE VALLEY 8ENTINE1. CO q UÌLLE. ■p CLASSIFIED OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST Í, IM*. WBW How Valuable Is The A.W.S. Service? condition. Phone 600JJ, Friday. Mrs. Clifton Brockmann. * It I L. C. One C«l a Wer^ Each IneertiM Ne Adv. leae ihan M «ente WANTED—Cook. Cook’s Helper and HAVING TROUBLE WITH FLEAS? 'j How valuable is the Aircraft I 7:30 • m- Ho*y Communion, 8:45 Sunday school classes for ev­ Fountain Girls. Apply at once; Ask us what to use. Farr A El ery age and capable teachers for all. yarning Service — its ground obeer- ll:°0 a. m. Morning Prayer with good wages. No experience nec- ‘ wood. WANTED — Water wells to drill. Mrs. Bertha Byrd, superintendent. ver, filter center and information ^n?on . »- ------------ — - easary. Roxy Fountain Lunch, it I Have new and up-to-date equip­ 11:00 Morning worship; the pasto>' . .. i FOR RENT —Sleeping room, Quiet center installations? ment and heavy pipe where needed. ____ I speaking 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Adults. Inquire Flora FOR SALE—1837 Chev. Coach. First I location. Put that question to officials of the Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. 6:30 Christ Ambassadors moti. class mechanical condition, private­ E. Dunne, 3S1 So. Henry St. tfs Royal Air Force’s Fighter Command 30t4*tf Arthur Hensley, president. ly owned. Second House, Bandon Pioneer Methodist Church during the precarious days of 1840’s GET BABY CHICKS NOW — Pro ­ 7:30 Evangelistic, a delightful song Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor Highway. Phone 8R22. It* BaUte ' For Britain and you will I FREE! If Excess acid causes you ...- - ,r - -------- duce winter eggs and holiday meat promptly __ __ get _________ _____ 8:45 Sunday School hour, classes service, special music. The pastor pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ a resounding “ Swell." ' WANTED To Rent—Furnished house ; and help our country overcome " Just ask any member of the Ameri- |and ruoms for aH make P' Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting. This the Bible. ing, Nausea. Gas Pains, get free Howard Seelye, P. O. Box 223, Co- i on finest started Chicks. Wm. ; with distinction in China and he moat i 11:00 Sunday morning worship service is wgll attended, join it. sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug quill«. It* J Ziedrich, 801 North Taylor, or . likely will give you the same answer |hour- Thu la aI» hour of helpfulness, Wednesday 2:30 Women's Mission­ Company. 22tl0* I phone 75L, Coquille. Ita with the same degree of positive-I 7:00 Youth Fellowship meeting ary Council meets at the church WANTED TO BUY — Old horses, PERMANENT WAVE, 58c. Do your ; Don McLarrin leads this Sunday eve- lower auditorium. cows and calves for mink feed. B. Keys made tor all locks. Stevens own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Friday 7:30 Bible Study conducted The truth is that . the Aircraft ! nln<- T. Hepler, Leneve. Phone 8R5, Cash Hardware Coquille. Ore. tf | Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ by the pastor. Warning Service aa it is operated in 1 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour, Coquille. 28t4*s I ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy the United States is a system which help Flammable liquids for tanks and to do, absolutely harmless. Praised HAYING EQUIPMENT — We have has been tried and proven in the mak® thu an hour of blessing First Church of Christ, Scientist by thousands including June Lang, Carriages — Rope slings — Hay pianos are being carried in such stem crucible ot war. ” • - | ! 7:30 Wednesday evenings, choir re- Coquille, Oregon *. non-metallic containers as glass, I The British were the first to test hear»®l hour, . Mrs. M. O. Hawkins glamorous movie star. Money re­ forks — Pitch forks — Salt — vitrified clay, properly treated card ­ Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. i funded if not satisfied. Barrow Sulfur. FARR & ELWOOD. s its capabalities. There is little dif- dl^U _ board, and plywood. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Drug Company. 24tl0* 7:30 Thursday evenings mid-week ference between their organization FOR SALE—Level 8 acres. Two bed­ | Subject tor next Sunday. ‘'Spirit Bible study and prayer See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in room house. Electricity. Spring. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE and ours. They, too, combine the acti- .services, Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 ETATS OF OREGON FOB fvities of ground observers, radars, houp- 3 Acres timber. Fine garden. Pret-1 Coquille .for Diamonds and Watch o ’ clock. COOS COUNTY Plaintiff rilUr and Information Centers September 5th and 6th, 11:00, ty location. Not incumbered. Rea- jim MIE HASSEN^ Strap«. v tfs Free public Reading Room at 255 ' to provide the fighter command with 2:30 and o’clock, something ex- son, disability. Box 3, Prosper Rt.,1 vs. ,W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every ROBES AND BLANKETS that laat a an accurate “Flight Picture." )tra- Looking forward to Labor Day Bullards, Oregon, 28t3*a DORA ERICKSON HASSEN, day except Sunday and holidays from lifetime; 100% All Wool and An­ ; ■' , ' | Defendant. Thus, it made no difference that we »lan for a Laymen’s meeting un- 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. ' gora, from our own flock, *15 i^torX^de^XeZ DO^jERICKSON HASSEN: the RAF was outnumbered during the der tbe direction of Sam Mackin, of - j - hl of -a th- — u- «*.«.*^* —i-i Cottage Cottaae Grove, firnvi» and Piirunnna) each. See them at 601 North NAME OF THE STATE l heighth the m Nazi's savage aerial and FrniMit Ernest Purvance, Wm. Í take that trip. Thto service is free OF OREGOf", Taylor or phone 75L. IN, " You are hereby re- btows. No matter where the Germane of * our own ~ group. At Christian Science Churches Ita I and may save you trouble and ex-1 quired to appear and Ziedrich. We are ------- not what may ---------- become ?K2T“L^i! d Jk! Struck, Spitfires, Hurricanes and ------ we - --------- “Love was the subject of the Les­ a . * 1 per we away from home. Thornton! complaint filed against you in the Beau fighter* were always on hand to but we must remember that there is son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ above-entitled suit, on or before the FOR SALE or Rent—4-room house, them. vi Of evurw, course, the Germans , ; something must — do — if we « are to Scientist, on Sunday, August I. Tire Service tfs, day of the t(me preM:ribed rioea in greet mem. in» vrx-ru»*i»a - we --- ------ with complete bath. Gas Water this rnin< - August 5, 1843, and - - - — ~ ' ... 62M. . s____________________________ last day of which is September 2, ‘ Pastor, A. L. Perry Among the citations which com­ . - _ - , ’£JGHT GARDEN PESTS — Ask us 1 1843; and if you fail to appear and not know that no matter from what AU are invited to attend. If your prised the Lesson-Sermon was the FOR SALE—New Norge DeLuxe what to use on them. FARR & answer said complaint by said Ume, direction they proceeded to bomb Eng- child does not go to Sunday School following from the Bible: “I will Roaster for »25. Also 10x12, 5tt ZU1 U).uthe Court for ,Und the Filter Command con- elsewhere, we urge you. to aend them, mention the lovingkindnesses of the ELWOOD. - s 1 the relief prayed for therein, a sue- . foot wall Army drill Wall Tent,, , cinct statement of which is as fol- I Roller knew their every move and Sunday School, 10 a. m. Lord, and the praises of the Lord, ac­ »30. Giri wanted to help with For Refrigeration Service lows: was able to dispose of *■ hi* precious ’*------ '— Preaching service 11 a. m. cording to all that the Lord hath be­ ■ housework. H. E. Wood, 275 North phone 168J—write Box 307, Co­ ’I . FIRST: That the bonds of matri- firhter. accordingly. ------------------------- •-<• It is apparent j Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. stowed on us, and the great goodness Henry. lt« quille. O. H. Garnier, authorized I mony ' now existing between plair 'and th the cured at Southwestern Motors. hunting, fishing. Located Brewster City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore- •ban,b*e« “* London with w«n night u.|fn> aa- »»- dering pollen, from one human mind “Science and Health with Key to the Additional mechanics and body VaUey. Write M. Harvey, Box uAiiltw — —»_ lodg _a_ ­ gon, pursuant to the order directing saulte. They lost 187 nlanAa planes 4n in OA 24 : 4^. to another, Sl_Jl_. finding . — unsuspected Scripture” by Mary Baker Eddy: men are now employed and quick 463, Newport, Ore. 28t4s publication thereof, which order was hours through the efficiency of the ment, if virtue and truth build a “The starting-point of divine Science service can be given. '»'ad‘!.o«11* guided of course strong defense.—Mary Baker Eddy. is that God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick , by the Honorable L! D. Felsheim, T”. “ " *r“*"*a DON’T NEGLECT YOUR County Judge of Cooa County, Ore- i by the A. W. S. It was then that Hit- that there is no other might nor Mind, Deering Milker Parts and Dairy 1 CAR . gon. ler decided mass bombings of Eng- —that God is Love, and therefore He Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb A new process has been devetoped Drive in to your Buick and Chev­ Harry A. Slack, < Und too costly I ^«ti^te*Building h*d —ded Company. a for dehydrating and packaging mo­ is divine Principle. rolet dealer today for free esti­ 1 - . .J_________ To grasp the reality and order of lasse*. „ mates and easy payment plan ASHING MACHINE REPAIR-We ------- for her very life for it ia no aecret 2815 - Coquille, -- Oregon. being in ita Science, you must begin terms. service all makes of washers. ] _____________ ____ - __ now that invasion of the islands NOTTOB TO CRRDrrORJB - / in ita Science, you rnuet begin by Xon^t'st.^Phone 17. ""tfs SOUthW®St®FII MotOFS ^S^W^ f ’^REGON*^!!^^j l^n*'1Y** huf1» in balance of Notice la hereby given that the STATE OF OREGON IN AND” "““VJ" undersigned was. on the 1st day of reckoning God as the divine Principle FOR THR COUNTY OT COOS : tS*lr d'»P«rate defense against Mar­ July. 1843, duly appointed by the of all that really is” (p. 275). ----------- i-------------------- :____________ | BUICK CHEVROLET in the Matter of the Estate ot John |»bal Goering’s raiders. It was then County Court of Cooa County, Ore­ Rent a good book at Norton’s—10 Ujay **' tllat Cburehill was moved to remark, gon, as administratrix of the eatate, of cents for three days. s 1 Grape seeds yield an oil for tex­ Louis A. Sonneland, deceased; and Alfalfa — Oata & Vetch Netteerf Ftad Aoromst "Never have so n»ny owed ao much all persona having claims against tile and leather finishing. FOR SALE—Three-acre ranch, all Buy Now While Available 9™,’ “ ______________ . . said estate are hereby required to In fact, during a recent series of present them to me, with proper cleared, young orchard, good gar­ EATON FEED STORES 28t4 speaking engagements in Portland, vouchers attached and duly verified, den spot. Pasture for one cow. Six ’ gon, his final report and account as at the office of O. C. Sanford, attor­ SSJS “ «tar Colllnfc . AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. room modern house. Three room ney, in Coquille, Oregon, within six A WELL PLANNED ucveascu, and unu that mat the me court Publk authorities in London, England, nontha from the date of this notice. Bring your car in—we can start Messer, deceased, house with electricity. Electric Dated and published first time July SEBVICE work at once. Southwestern Motor has set Saturday, the twenty-eighth •aid, "Brere is no' finer job that an pumping system. Chicken house I (28th) day of August, 1643, at the 8, 1843. Co. S hour of ten o’clock (10) A. M., of old retread from the last war can do and barn. One mile north of Co­ Helen M. G. Sonneland, can do much in lessening quille on Fairview road. Mid day, at the County Court Room, than thia work in the Aircraft Warn­ 25t5 Harry Administratrix of said Estate. FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser- Coquille, Oregon, the grief of ‘the bereaved ing Service. Our Rioyal Observer , as time and place Cooper. 27t4* 1 ijections to such final Corps accomplished a mission that vice on Milking Machines, Farm for hearing objec ------ ---------------------- Water Systems, Tractors and Farm, “nd the •etUement of said played great part in inspiring the HOME WATER SYSTEMS—We have them. FARR A ELWOOD. '• Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com- Prime Minister’s new famous remark. M. O. Hawkins, , t-ny. Note—For Quick Service, Executory!the estate of I had the distinct privilege of serving small machlnas should be sent to 2815 in the Royal Observer Corps through­ Coquille and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed our shop.. a NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT out the Battle For Britain and the IN So. Coulter St. «• Seed Co tft Notice is hereby given that the blitzing of London. And, gentlemen, STILL TAKING ORDERS FOR undersigned, on the 8th day of July, FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser any of you who have smelled the BABY CHICKS—Place yours now. 1843, filed in the County Court for vice—call 3-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ FARR A ELWOOD. s Coos County, Oregon, her final ac­ smoke of battle can appreciate with pany. tfs count in the matter of the adminis­ me, the grand feeling it gives one to Oregonian Subscribers: Please’ FOR SALE—8-room modem home, tration of the Estate of Florence Ger­ be a part of the action. There la no trude Levy, deceased; and that said PAINTING? Use Republic paint, help your carrier by having your large living room with fireplace, Court haa made an order fixing Tues­ finer service you could give to your do a better job for leas. FARR & paper money ready at his first call. 2 baths, kitchen wired for electric day, August 17, 1843, at 10:00 o’clock boys over there, than to assure them ELWOOD. s Remember be must pay his paper stove. Large lot 100x865, double A. M , at the County Court room In that you are doing your part over obligation before the 10th of the garage, cow barn and chicken Coquille, Oregon, aa the time and here. May I urge you to think deep­ FOR SALE— “Farmers' Bargain*”— place for hearing objection, thereto, month. Thank you. houses, all electric wired. Location, and for the final settlement ana ly whether or not you can play a part Pups — Pigs — Bull — Wood NOTHING OVERLOOKED 751 W. Fourth, four blocks from distribution of said estate, in thia great service.” Ranges — Horses — Heifers. See Dated and published first time down town Coquille. Plenty of In China and Burma it was much FARR A ELWOOD'S “Swap Earl L Schroeder Pi July 15, 1*43. no matter how large and elaborate fruit and berries. Renters will va- 26t5 the same with then Col. Claire L. Board" s Anne Mansell, Administratrix Coquille, Oregon ' cate Aug. lat. Small down pay­ the scale upon which the funeral Chennault’s A. V. G. Wit a the help FOR RENT — Furnished two-room ment. See \ym. Ziedrich, 601 N. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of the Chinese, one of the moe. re­ arrangements are to be made. That STATE OF OREGON FOR apt. Plenty fresh air. Bath. Adults. Taylor, or phone 75L, Coquille. Ito markable warning system, the war is our policy—that is our proud COOS COUNTY No animals. Close to business sec­ has seen was devised. It is said to JOSEPH L. CARSON. Plaintiff, claim after many years of experi­ tion. Inquire Flora E. Dunne, 351* BEE SUPPLIES—Our stock is still have been so good that the A. V. G. fairly complete and more on the ELSIE PAYNE CARSON, Defendant. So. Henry St. tfs ence A conference with us will l>r. De La Rhu* knew the strength and objectlvea of Sammons Case No. 12878 way. FARR A ELWOOD. s b» te v<>ur advantage. the Jananese raiders before they left Eyesight To—ELSIE PAYNE CARSON: WATER PUMPS—We carry a full IN THE NAME OF THE STATE their haset. line of replacement pumps for □E LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk Specialist The sum and substance of the fore­ en, Parts and Dairy Supplies Ge’ OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ worn out water systems, also have quired to appear and answer the Examined - Glasses Fitted them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tf r complaint filed against you in the going is that the Aircraft Warning ' centrifugal and rotary power Service is an integral part of a I above-entitled suit, on or before the pumps in stock. J. A. Ijimb Com­ Reception room jointly with GARDEN HOSR—Juel received a last day of the time prescribed in the fighter command. With it, one fighter pany. s Dr. J. R Runet shipment. FARR 8t ELWOOD, s Order for publication of this sum­ plane Is worth sixteen, according to I Coquille > I^IrO Baildins mons, which prescribed time is once U-J LOST—Bulova Wrist Watch, July 20, ¡PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. IIM»H a Week for four (4) weeks, or five (5) the U. S. Army Air Force’s own in Coquille. Watch number: , Katoominlng and wood finishing— consecutive issues of the newspaper reckoning. Futhermore, the United State» is ' V D030204. Reward for return to, 1843 Wall PapoFA-Imperial, Pitts­ herein mentioned, the Coquille Val­ ley Sentinel, the first day of which forutnate to have obtained the ser­ Carol Pinkston, 544 North Heath, i burgh and BiFge. No raise in is July 22, 1843, and the last day of Coquille. Phone 254M. It’s vice of hundreds of civilian volun- 1 prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone which is August 18, 1843; and if you teers in the Aircraft Warning Ser­ fail to appear and answer said com ­ 286 Coquille. 275 North Henry PAINT UP—CLEAN UP—We carry plaint by said time, plaintiff will ap- St. ' lltfs ^.t«4he Court for the relief prayed vice. It it were not foT them, the High School a full Line of High Quality Paint Credits therein, a succinct statement of Army would be forced to use soldiers for every purpose, including Mir­ FOR RENT—2-room Furnished Cabin which is as follows: in every single position manned to­ Given acle Wail. Be sure and get a copy at 045 North Coulter. Ben H. FIRST: That the bonds of matri­ day by a volunteer. This would .,i our New Paint Styling Booklet mony now existing between plaintiff Owen. 27tfs amount to ten infantry divisions—on —Free. J. A. Lamb Company. and defendant, be dissolved, and that plaintiff be awarded an absolute de­ the Pacific Coast alone. cress of divorce from the defendant. SECOND: For such other and fur ther relief as to the Court shall aeem Rob,rt L Gr*m’ I Easy Budget Plan GANO FUNERAL HOME Attention to Details ^NOTICE The Oregonian Agency SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, la«. I MISÀ INEZ ROVER Instructor of Piano Wanted/ Men And Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Phone 83 Night Phone Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick Coquille VaUey Sen of general circulation in the City’ of Coquille, Cooe County, Oregon, pur­ suant to the order directing publica­ tion thereof, which order was made on the 20th. day of July, 1843, by the Honorable Dal M. King, Circuit Judge. Harry A. Slack, Attorney for Plaintiff, First National Bank Bldg Coquille, Oregon. ffdhIOrffearing~ To make thia alm Ing test. If you are ehed, bothered by head noises due to h luted wax (cerumen Home Method test 1 has enabled them to bear well again. You must hear better after making this simple test or you get your money back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Drops today at ”-------- *“...... Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Farr A Elwood Bldg W. Second St.