t- * f V EleverfLog Hauling Permits Cancelled PAG« 8EVEN How Air Warning Service Functions ¡Timely Comedy Is 1943's Merriest Hit— I j 1 At Roxy Sun. to Tue. I 1 On recommendation of the State Highway Commission eleven special log hauling permits, involving the u*^ of 20 trucks, have been cancelled by .Utilities Commissioner Georg* H. Flagg. *s follows: A. J. and N. C. Standley, Camas Valley, Oregon; J. D. Bryson, Rose­ burg; Hugh H. Honnen, Eugene; Harold O. Nichols, Reedsport; N. E. Gannon, Jr., Woodburn; Howard Jenkin*, Myrtle Pqint; Mknley Wat­ son, Scottsburg; Alfred Baldridge, Reedsport; Donald Baldrige, Reeds­ port; Edwin Matten, Coquille, and Jack Baldridge and Ben Baldridge, hauling on the permit of the E. K. Wood Company. Reedsport. Commissioner Flagg promptly fol­ lowed the mandatory provision* of the act when the Highway Com­ mission filed its recommendation. The communication recited that th* haulers involved had been frequent offenders in overloading trucks to the point that safety of the high­ way* and bridges was endangered. Overloads of from five to 25 ton* , were cited. The loser* in this battle with th« law have an opportunity to re­ engage in log transportation by con­ vincing the Highway Commission that they will abide by the law* gov­ erning weight of loads, and recognize that protection of the state’s vast in­ vestment in highway* and their availability for the safe and rapid movements of troops is a prime re­ quirement by the War Department. Gems of Thought / DEFENSE Wise distrust and constant watch- fulness are the parents of safety.— Seeker. i I If you were a girl living atone in a I two-room apartment and found Joel McCrea taking a shower in your bath- There is between my will and all 1 room, what would YOU do. offences a guard of patience. - That’s only a small part of what Shakespeare. happens to Jean Arthur in Colum- Meekness excludes revenge, irri­ : bia’s “The More the Merrier," time­ tability, morbid sensitiveness, but not ly romantic comedy scheduled for its self-defense, or a quiet and steady local opening pn Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at the Roxy Theatre. When the F. B. I. storms into the According to advance reports, this NEW kind of movie al*«. shows YOU apartment investigating a rumor of Jananese spies, Jean is just about the what to do where there arc eight girls to every man, how to make lovj with most misunderstood girl ^Washing­ ton., The Government agent* don't! a thin wall between you and your understand; h^r fiancee fails to Un- : sweetheart, what happens when you derstand and even McCrea can’t un­ get caught reading aomeon.? else’s diary' and how to get married in a derstand. Only Coburn understands and he promptly puts matters right ] hurry. . • ! to the satisfaction of all concerned. Co-starring Jean Arthur, Joel Mc­ Adapted to the screen by screen ' Crea and Charles Coburn, the latest writers Robert RusSell and Frank George Stevens production has been Ross; Richard Flournoy and Lewis nailed as one of the most delightful R. Foster. “The More the Merrier” I comedies to come from Columbia also includes Richard Gaines, Bruce iStudioa since the Acudemy Award Bennett. Frank Sully. Clyde Fill­ i winning “It Happened One Night.” more, Stanley Clements and Don ' Filmed against the background of Douglas in its cast. • i ground of jam-packed Washington. I “The More the Merrier,” is all about 1» gorgeous Washington secretary ; ■ .. .. t . ’ • *■"*■*■ ***■" and strength of each flight to the *ho to rent her spare room. Th* above schematic diagram de­ Against her better - judgment, Jean ------------------ pict* th* complete action of the Air­ Information Center (4). The Con- . troller at the Information Center, Arthur. “ the secretary, perrmts craft Warning Service. The observer using the accurate “flight picture” Charles Coburn to take the room- (1) we a flight of aircraft and re­ using the accurate “flight picture' as a basis, can order fighter planes *ut "»»F for ore week! Coburn soon ports via telephone (2) to the Army to Intercept any Jiostild target and ¡‘•"ns that Mis* Arthur is vaguely Filter Center (3). The Filter Center can issue a warning to.Civilian De- ‘ "»gaged” to marry a minor govern- plot* and evaluates all observer re­ ment official who is bald and forty- port* and forwards the true course tense agencies (6) and (7). k ------- ■.......... ........... •J~---------------------- two .Convinced that the girl is not in love with her fiancee, Coburn starts I t ■ straightening matters out and sublet* half of hl* room to young Joel Mc- (By Mias Page, Supervisor) |Crea, an engineer in Washington on Have all you boy* and girls at­ I business. A communication from the office tended the Playground? Governor Earl Snell has designated ______ by Coburn’s persuasive If you Overcome uic week vve^n of lj * August rruguet »-15 w—aw a* “Quinine argument*. Je^n finally’consents'to of Price Administration jn Portland haven’t, you have been mining a the say* that that city ha* only a 80-day good tim< Many chlidr*n have at- Week” and has issued a call to all the arrangement* and immediately supply of Grad* I Urn and that Co- tended the Playground every day Oregonian* to check their medicine : chest* and, if any quinine is found n. fiutt tot OTVorctr. ' July 30—State of Oregon vs. Gil­ bert DeVarney et al. July 30—Robert H. Cotton vs. Theda 1. Cotton. Sult for divorce. July 31—Anna Pearson vs. Richard H. Pearson. Suit for divorce. July 31—Hasel Ruth Maguire vs. Harry Maguire. Suit for divorce. July 31—Genevieve Knokey vs. Howard Knokey. Sult for divorce. i Aug. 2—State Industrial Accident Probate Court News Wm. Buck, of Marshfield, was last Thursday appointed administrator I of the »8,000 estate left by Oscar Guiovsen who died May 30, IMS. Appraiser* named were W. B. Cur­ tis, B. A. Olsson and Max Fairtag. 'A MWSW uroMef transparent plastic for workers in noisy indus- trles I* custom-made to fit each worker’s ear. It reduces the intense distracting noise«, but let* the wear­ er hear people talking. Commission va. Alfred E. Roberts. Sult for divorce. Aug. 3—Luta Beebe v*. Roy Beebe. Suit for divorce. , ■ ' i none ii ? l