r ♦ • TH1 CO4U1LL1 VAlXlY WN T INU, CUQUIMX ORE GO N, T MUBBI Wr A tMW T A -tMfc------- PAGE FO Ut The Sentinel H. A. YOUNG. «Alter TWENTY YEARS AGO About Christmas Mailing Over Seas present the identification stub which was detached from the application blank A new process has been developed for dehydrating and packaging mo­ lasses. (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday. August 3, 1333) President Harding Passes—Suffer­ ed a Stroke of Apoplexy at the Pal­ ace Hotel at San Francisco Last Evening and Died at 7:30 P. M. Wanted/ Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing T.o make this simple, no risk hear­ ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ ened, bothered by ringing buzzing head noises due to hardened or coagu­ lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine Home Method test that so many say has enabled them to bear well again. You must hear better after maxing thia simple test or you get your money back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Drops today at Barrow Drug Co. from some reach ALL HONOR TO TH« AIR­ WARNING WARDENS The Coquille river claimed another victim Monday noon when Harold L. All honor is being paid this week to. the hundreds of men and women, i Ashton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. The young boys and girls in Coos county, and Ashton, was drowned. to the thousands along the Pacific man was out in a canoe, on the' op­ roust, who have so steadfastly and posite side of the river from where without remuneration, devoted hours the family resides, and just below upon hours to the Air Warning Ser­ the bridge. Just how the canoe came vice. Theirs is.a monotonous duty, to capsize no one seems to know. . . sitting hour after hour watching for Several boats and divers were sum- the approach of possible enemy moned and efforts to locate him were planes but they have given of their made, although unsuccessfully, until time unstintedly and this week’s rec­ “Shorty” Martin arrived with his ognition of their services is timely boat. .,. All efforts to resuscitate him were futile. and patriotic. I It may be that not one of the thousands who stand watch between the Canadia and Mexican borders, alone the Pacific littoral, will ever »ee or hear an enemy plane, but the possibility exists and in this pre­ science and wonder whether he felt paredness may lie our protection any remorse over the slaughter of some time before "unconditional sur­ human beings for which he is guilty. render” of our enemies, from forest One quotation attributed to him may destruction by fire or the bombing of be considered prophetic. When ha industrial centers, cities and towns. wrote: “There are those who have to Besides the honoring of these be crushed by truth before they can faithful “eyes and ears” of the A. W. understand it,” he probably did not 8., the week is also being used as a ' vision the day when he would lie period for enlistment in this volun- crushed amid the ruins of his dreams tary service by those who are willing of grandeur. , to spend a few hours each month in 1 • helping protect our great country • The Japs are out of luck If they from attack. Help the United States had made plans to fire our forests and its allies to win the war. ¡with incendiary bombs this week. • *. Marshfield office. Lowell Simpson took the place of warehouseman here vacated by Mr. Nosier. Our county commissioners are planning to establish auto cam(M on the highways of this county where tourists can stay for the night with­ out trespassing on private property. The Norway Orove and another at Glasgow are being talked of. Fragment» of Fact and Foneg EVERYONE CAN (Horten the war by keeping '•yes aloft* in the Aircraft Warning Service. You Can Serve by (igningtp during Aircraft Warning Service Week, August 1 st to August 7th. On the long, hot watches of the daytime, for refreshment try a delicious wine 'cooler” and on xTTX the long, cool night watches try a 'keep-awaker* of hot, spiced wine, , T hi T own P omp BY _ inspected early was guilty of its waste in any way. protesting the demands of labor for overseas for non-combat duty, which . o a rollback in food prices. The grange is now forbidden. Army Wacs have As a child, did you ever stare at P®rticularly strong in Oregon and always been eligible for overseas yourself in the mirror until you felt Washington and is poltically influen- duty, and the navy would like the your sense of identity slipping and tia* in S7 «tat*« What is has to say same eligibility for their Waves, you had to break the spell by look- wiU> therefore, be given serious con- However, some navy brass hats say ing away where familiar surround- «¡deration by members of congress no to the idea, plus a whole flock of ings restored the normal reflexes. fronl agricultural districts who com- senators. High ranking naval offi- Possibly that was self-hypnotism. i P°«* the so-called farm bloc and they cers say sending the Waves and One’s mind also veers away from 1 W,H not reat content until some Spars overseas would be sure to de- the latest scientific pronouncement changes have been made in OPA velop into one grand headache for that planets exist outside the solar. PoHclea- 'a11 concerned They point out that system and that “dark companions” The OPA Laad- rect our thoughts along familiar ,r* ot organized labor favored this channels even as the child with the plan when Present Roosevelt’s sub­ mirror cannot long endure the search- 81 d^ program was being discussed in ing for the core of consciousness. congress and to it the grange has now