THE COQUIMJl XAIXET 8ENTINEL, COQUILLE. OBEGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, 1943. —!-” Ben S. Fisher Talks At Rotary [Intrigue» Romance Top "Assignment Mrs. E. N. Harry brought in to the In Brittany" At Roxy Sentinel office Monday a couple of the huge Walla Walla Sweets onions, Thur., Fri., Saturday Specimens From Victory Gardens Ben S. Fisher, attorney of the Radio Corporation of America of Washington, D. C., former resident of Coos county, gave a very interesting which measure 4'4 inches through M-G-M’s “Assignment in Brittany” talk to the members and guests of the and which came from- her Victory Rotary Club at their noon luncheon Garden. They were planted in late brings Helen Maclnnes* poular novel meeting at the hotel Wednesday spring and Mrs. Harry did all the to vivid life in a thrilling story of Speaking of Washington, he said it work—planting, hoeing and harvest­ espionage, an amazing masquerade ! and a tender romance at the Roxy was a city of confusion, that the con­ ing her crop. Another garden product in the Sen­ Theatre, where {«¿will be hown Thurs- stantly changing heads and personnel of the various alphabetical depart­ tinel window is a treak of nature. i day, Friday, Saturday. It serves to in­ ments made for difficulty in getting The vine to which the small veg­ troduce to American screen audience* anything done and that we should be etables are attached is a potato, but ¿Pierre Aumont, brilliant French actor grateful that things on the war front instead of being tubers, the small who while serving with the French were in so much better shape than spuds, which do not greatly resemble army figured in many outstanding battles and won the Croix de Guerre potatoes, are on the vine. on the home front. before the Nazis overran the country One thing, he stated, that did not he escaped from. , make for orderliness was the vast in­ Harold Glenns Here From crease in population in the past two Aumont plays a British secret or three years due largely to the added Redmond—Tell of Dr Glaisyer agent who poses as a French poilu, Mr. and Mr*. Harold Glenn left Bertrand Corlay, whom he resembles. bureaus and consequent increase In government employees. I| , Monday for their home in Redmond, He goes to the impersonated man’s He gave a description of ths new where he is employed, after «pend- village to hunt for the secret hiding Pentagon Building which he said ' in« a week in the valley with their ¡place of the German U-boats, bi his covers twenty-two acres of ground parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn masquerade he meets Corlay’s sweet­ space and houses between forty and at McKinley and Mr. and Mrs.R. H. heart (Susan Peters), with whom he fifty thousand government ’em- Southstone. " /ails in love. He1 learns that Corlay ployees. It has twelve cafeterias and I Harold »ays the Dr. W. V. Glaisyer ■ 1« mixed up with the attractive Signe a fully equipped hospita'l and is oc- family is preparing to move from Hasso, who turns out to be a Nazi cupied principally by war department Redmond to Portland where they j spy. _ i After a series of incidents’ in CmloyCffS have hmiirkf bought es a hnmn home. Thn The doctor ic is _.L!_ which he risk* his life, he locates the —w.—— a «-»«_- •a— kk , bet­ submarine nest and manages to get The building cost seventy-five mil- i looking and feeling ------ considerably lion dollars against the architect's ter now and gets around in the yard word to the Commandos. In a drama­ estimate of twenty-five milion and by the aid of a cane but he has no tic’ raid, the Commandos blast the is located across the Potomac river use of his left arm and hand, Their nest to smithereens. daughter, Dorothy, is with them in Virginia. Aumont glories in his role which Mr. Fisher said we did not realize while her husband ia in the armed closely parallels his real life experi­ how fortunate we were to be living se^ice. ences. Susan Peters performs a dif­ on the coast. He said when he left ficult role with dramatic power and Washington it was »8 degrees, in St. Miss Hasso is arresting as the fem­ Geoge E. Oerding Sells Louis it was 98 and in Oklahoma, inine spy. Richard Whorf. Aumont*. where he went to visit his son, it Two Coquille Properties | first enemy, later turns out to be his The home on 550 E. Seventh street, was 98 and that the humidity was ’comrade and gives a finely balanced owned by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swigart, very high. was sold to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rob ­ Mr. Fisher was accompanied west ertson, who bought it for investment' by his wife and daughter. Last week a challenge was deliv­ and have already rented the property. ( ered to the Lions club for a soft ball The Swigarts are located in Albany, game and President Lundquist read where Mr. Swigart is working in a '1___ a letter from them accepting the chal­ plywood plant. The house of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ lenge and a tentative date of next Thursday evening was set for the ald Shore, located at BIS No. Heath, was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bishop. game. Rotarian John D. Carl, of Arago, He is a mechanic in the Southwest­ was present as a guest as were also ern Motor Co. garage here and Mr. the following: Geo. H. Jenkins, Geo Shore is located in Marshfield. . i Ulett, Bob Harris and Ray Jeub, of the local Lions Club; Ron Burr and R. E. Keever, of Coquille, and Dale Lillebo, of North Bend. Bachelor Girls Shower Gladys May .. H8 _ _y _ performance. Other principals in- elude Margaret Wycherly. Reginald Owen, Miles Mender, Sara Pad^en, John Emeqy. George Colouris, Darryl tiwinhan and Juanita Quigley. Jack Conway, an experienced hand at direction, blended thrills with heart interest, and Charles Rosher’s photo­ graphy ia unique. Lennie Hayton provided the musisc score which lends an effective and dramatic touch to the picture. ★ * tokat you Buy toiik WAB BONDS ’ Like a single flag in the “Wig­ wag” system, the purchase of a War Savings Stamp or Bond, in it­ self has an infinitesimal effect upon the entire war effort, but when 130 million determined people sei their minds to make our War Bond drives successful, the result is anything but infinitesimal. u s.-i mmrf Demrtmmt Good Music Everyone Invited Calling card«. So for 91.00. Reopening Roxy Fountain Lunch Under New Ownership at 11:00 A. M. Wednesciay, Aug. 11 Featuring Noon Day Merchant Lunch Stop in Before the Show and Try Our Special Dinner Midunner garden plates Now’s the time of year to take a careful look at the fresh vegetables on the market, for varied menu in­ spiration. The ways you can serve these garden treats are almost limit­ lees—and llwy do wonders for lazy < appetites. whole meal on one plate! Arrange shredded greens on iargs plates. Lettuce, ocher salad greens, or crisp, raw spinach may be used. In the center of each plate, place large tomatoes hollowed out and filled with chopped egg, meat or chicken salad. Around the tomatoesC arrange a circle of chilled, cooked pees, then another circle of sliced, pickled' beets. Pass ths salad dTBasing separately Hot cheese biscuits or toasted cheese sandwiches are delicious with this. And custard or pie fits in well for dessert. COMBINATION SAL AB HAT«— A MIDWMMU PtATTM —At one side of a large, bested platter, place pastry shells filled with creamed, diced, hard-cooked eggs and peas. In separate groups place mounds of sauteed, shredded cabbage, broiled tomato halves and broiled fresh peach or apricot halves. Serve with toast or crackers, and follow with a fruit bread pudding. HOT WIATHtS SALAD BLAH -Place in separate lettuce cups .a generoue serving of potato salad, chopped spiced beets and cottage cheese, and cooked, green string beans. Garnish with cucumber and carrot strips. Serve your favorite dressing sepa­ rately, and pass a plate of oven-hot muffins. Apple pie and cheese will polish this meal off. MOSI BABBCN BMCIAL IMAB Also Featuring Sandwiches and Salads ALAN BAILEY C L!—J-LJ The Industrial Repair Co. You’ll find move delicious food ideas in Julia Lee Wright’s article thia week in Family Circle Magazine. It is entitled Victory Garden Specials and real specials they are, too. Get your copy from your Safeway today. Safeway Homemakers’ Bureau JULU LEX WRIGHT. DtnMav X“ MCTAfeLÆiNG"PRESSING BLACKSMITHING * SONOTONE HEARING CENTER AUGUST 12th COQUILLE HOTEL Coquille, Oregon Mr. Sam Mete, Consultant Sonotone of Portland J■ 321 Failing Bldg. Portland, Oregon —J — . .... ■ . Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes effective on June IQ, it ia highly desirable, from the auto- ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­ lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license > of his car is not suspended, pending court action to deter- k mine where the fault lay. FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE E. E. (Spike) Leslie Office Phone 5 Blue Stamp Values PeM PH«» Votes Vstes SPLIT PEAS lb. pkg. IO- Green or Yellow—I points 1 ^5» PORK & BEANS 1744 oz Mt Heins—12 pointe LIMA BEANS 1 lb. pkg. 1Of 4 Pointe «^V GREEN PEAS 2 cans O C- Gardenside—18 points Beets Del Monte No. 2 IA- t Diced—9 points can CREAM CORN 2 cans OQr Country Home—14 points Grapefruit Jce 46 ozcan 41« Adams—I points W IV PEARS Ray Crest O1« IS pointe No. 303 glass * 1 ** PEACHES Red Tag IQ« IS points No. 303 glass 1 Res. Phone 95L ' IL 14c lb. 13c lb. 18c lb. 15c lb. 5c lb. 9c / Special Valves / SALT, Maximum 26 ox. pkg. KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 4» lb. sk. |1J7 CORN MEAL, Mammy Lou, Yol. 1 lb. ik. 36c BROWN RICE, MJB 1 lb. pkg..................... 12c SOUP MIX, Minute Man, Asst. Pkg, RAISINS, Del Monte Seeded 15 oz. pkg. 13c CLAPP S OATMEAL, baby food, 8 oz. pk. 15c PAROWAX PARAFFIN 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c Edwards COFFEE no stamp needed! lb. 27c Nob Hill COFFEE whole roast lb. bag 24c NABISCO BRAN — 100% lb. pkg.......... 19c SOIL-OFF Cleaner quart ......................... 60c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER can 2 for 15c WHITE KING SOAP gran. 22 oz. pkg. 23c IVORY SOAP medium bar....... ................. 5c SIIINOLA WHITE LIQUID 10c bottle 0c 4 Red Stamp Values SHORTENING 3 lb jar ÀA- Royal 8aUn — 12 points SHORTENING 3 lb jar 71- Spry or Snowdrift 12 pte. ' SHORTENING lb ctn A7- Crises — 4 points « Z v. OLIVE OIL 4k pint can A Q-. 3 point. "TWV PARK A Y OLEO flQ- 8 pointe — 2 lb. ctn. CHERUB MILK baby can Ke or Pet, Bordens, etc. *4 roint ** ★ WELDING' * B of Coquille MACHINING Visit' BEETS fresh, local lb. 6c PEAS - -, - . - CANTALOPE The Dalles TOMATOES Calif. Field - PEACHES Hales - - SQUASH „ _ White Summer ONIONS Local Bermudas . - Saturday August 7 ' Better Hearing Safeway Farm-Fresh fruits and vegetables Visitor« Welcome DANCE DEAFEN 20 Minutes Will Tell You How Much Your Hearing Can Be Helped For Auto Liability Insurance A. F.* A. M. Stated Communication Coquille Eagles Shakespeare. While it is not required by law that auto drivers have Chadwick lodge No. I There were 22 past worahiptuT ' masters of Masonic lodges present at the special communication for Past Masters Night of Chandwick Lodge Tuesday when the Master Masons degKe was conferred by the lodge’s former masters. Don McCune and Ray Jeub shared the honors of oc­ cupying the W. M. chair. After the session the goodly attendance en­ joyed a late lunch in the dining room below. One of the visitors was Mas­ ter Arthur Christensen, of Blanco lodge at Marshfield. We carry a complete line of V- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, . Wigwog___ Washing Machines and other.equip­ Frequently the Navy, the Coast ment. Washer Service Co.. 365 W. 16tfs Guard and the Signal Corps finds it Front, Coquille. Phone. * expedient to relay messages without ----- , i benefit of telephone, telegraph or Trespass Notices. primed on cion. | radio. That is when the semaphore for sale at this office. system is employed. TUESDAY, AUG. 11. 4:46 F. M A surprise kitchen sbtrwer for Gladys May was a feature of the reg­ ular Bachelor Girls meeting Wednes­ day evening at the home of Margaret Stewart. Girls who were unable to be present sent gift« and many lovely thing« wrapped attractively and tied with ribbon« and flowers were re­ ceived by the honor guest. Miss May la to be married Aug. 22 to John Billings, of Ashland, Ore. Members present last evening were: Phyllis Belloni, Gladys May, Donna Dean Bosserman, Maxine Johnson, Marguerite Robinson, Lydia Hol­ stein, Alys June Fox, Eunice Howe, Margaret Belloni. Master Mason Degree Conferred There is between my will and all By Chadwick Past Masters offences a guard of patience.- DAD GCTS fi&SQNAL-ADrtCE .... I Pork Roast Pork Chops Veal Steak Halibut Salmon Salt Cod Spic. Anchovies per Pound Points 35c lb 7 38c lb 9 31c lb 6 39c lb. 49c lb. 23c lb. 3l/j lb kit 98c