ÖftBGON. THUMDAY, AUGUST S. IMS. Child Singer Tonight B.P.W. Plans Red Cross 100 Pe rife n f At Baptist Chtfrch tl Iveek were Luis Robison last Friday. Mrs Betty Jar­ rett on Saturday, Gene Nosier and Carl Starr on Sunday, Electa Fair and Grace Hatcher on Tuesday, Mrs. , Wayne Cordray and baby and Mrs. W. F. Breedlove and baby of Sixes, yesterday. sun underwent an ap- I Friday. The Business and Professional Lieut. Leonard Farr Here To Sergeant Carl Johnson Here top was brought in Richard Women’s Club met Monday night at Receive Third Masonic Degree from Arago on Thursday, where he Friday For Lodge Initiation the home of Bess Maury, with Flor­ Lieut. Leonard C. Farr came in Sergeant Carl D. Johnson, son of , had fallen from a load of hay, suf­ ence Hallock, president, in the chair, j Monday from Camp Adair, where he Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson of this fering from fractured ribs and head During the business session Red Cross j ; is in the Army Medical Corps, and city, arrived home last Friday from injuries. He was able to leave the More than 180,000 new war Rbus- work was discussed at length with hospital yesterday. that evening the M. M. degree was Geiger Field near Spokane on a the decision made to try for one Elmer McCue, who suffered face ing units were completed and made i conferred upon him at a special com­ three-day furlough and that night available for war workers during hundred per cent of the members to munication of Chadwick Lodge, A. F. had the pleasure of receiving the and eyes Injuries when dynamite he the first four months of 1843. become associated In some way with , was handling exploded in his face at i A A. M. He had a five-day leave E. A. degree in Chadwick Lodge, A. the effort. and visited his parents in Marshfield F. A A. M. He received the work and the logging camp, was brought to the Bring your used band instruments Gladys Gano reported a shortage until this morning. instruction from his father who is hospital on Friday. of personnel in the Committee on An eight-pound baby girl was born in to Norton’s. We will pay you i He has made application for a W. M. of Chadwick lodge. Tjiat is an Registration and Information of Civ­ cash for them. » transfer to a newly organized branch honor that some times happens, al­ to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hubbard, of ilian Defense, due to three of its of the Medical service, called the though not often, that a Mason can Coquille, on Friday and an 8 Vi pound members moving out of' town. baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. members were addgd M*"cal Adminirtratlve Corp-, and In preside at the initiaUon of his son Two new club <' Ray Riley on Monday. The father into the mysteries of the order. renine. th.v bains Pearl “ h« ” “ “ month «P** to tr * n ” Monday evening, they being Pearl «jSTcALAMlNK LOTION Carl is looking well and Army Life is in the Army. ferred to a new hosiptal unit just VsSft DiKoniMt of lunbum. A fg Smith and Leila McClurp. , Tike Cook, mail carrier, entered niaor Aia iiriuuon, gg J Two letters from members were! being formed at Camp Ellis in Illinois. appears to agree with him. The other for treatment on Sunday Privately Lieut. Farr expressed the two degrees will probably be con­ a*-«— read. Edith Dunn, who will not re- I Chas. Holverstott, whose accident turn to Coquille this fall, writes she! hope that from his probable new lo- ferred by the Spokane lodge for is told of in the Fairview items this w "“.T "‘'¡cation he would be sent to Europe Chadwick. will teach Domestic Science at Crow, , li­ week, was brought to the hospital on Ruth ’Towne J sen» * “t,her ih1m the ig,anda in the Pa’ near Eugene. Monday. Cl lie. Thurston Gremsgard Does Not greeting and stated she will not come Mrs. Aaron Smith on Monday and 1 west this year owing to transports- ' Think Much of South Pacific Mrs. Viola Cotton on Tuesday under­ LOLITA JEWELL WATSON ' tion conditions. Ruth is located in Coquille Boys At Navy Because of shortage of Mrs W. H. Barrow received a let­ went major operations. Five-year old singer, Lolita Jewell Texas. Camp at Farragut, Idaho ter recently from her brother, Thurs­ Extra Help, the Maxine Whereat and Russell John ­ Watson, will be featured in the mu­ The program for the year book was For the next tew weeks, men from ton Gremsgard, who is a Pharmacist son were brought to the hospital on sical program at the Baptist church presented and adopted. I Coquille, Oregon, will be learning Mate, second class, in the Navy and tonight (Thursday) at eight o’clock. The program for the evening in-, the Navy way of doing things at who is stationed somewhere in the Tuesday for tonsilectomies. Arlene, aix-year old daughter of will be closed each Wednes­ The 'musical program precedes the eluded music of England. T. Verses ’„—: “ Farragut, Idaho, and preparing South Pacific. He said there is lots Marion Lakey of Myrtle Point, Un­ . four-act sacred drama, "The Crim­ from “God Save the King,” “Amer- 1 themselves both physically and men- day hereafter until further of fruit there, cocoanuts, bananas, derwent a tonsilectomy on Tuesday son Cross,” which is being presented lea,” und the International Hymn tally for a vital job as, a member of notice. etc-, but not any places in which to and the three-year old son of Mr. by thé Watson Players. Lolita Jew­ were sung by the group, all of which the United States fleet. The boys abend money. He says he attends and Mrs Geo. Bender of Myrtle Mrs. Menning, Prop. ell’s father, Rev. Ray Watson, is are sung to the same tune. A short Bt the Navy camp there are: Clif- church in a little thatched hut and Point—Terry—was operated upon for the director. The drama depicts the hlstory of the hymn, "God Save the ford Payton. son of Mrs. Ettle F. adds that any glamorous pictures we appendicitis. persecution of the Jews in Germany King” was read. Payton; Elmer Wallace Goodwin, in the states might see of the South — - under Hitler. There are ten charac­ The committee in charge of the wn of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Good­ Seas should be taken with a grain ters in the cast. Mr. Watson also evening served a delicious lunch. wjn; and Jim' Gordon Riley, son of of salt doubles for two German Jew broth­ ' The committee members were Ida Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Riley. Having lived in Coquille long ers, one in New York city and one Owen, Gladys Gano and Ida Oerd- _______________ . enough to be in love with the Coos -in Berlin, Germany, Mrs. Watson ing. Members present for the meet­ county climate, he adds, “If I ever ploys a leading part and the rest of ing were: Jennie Price, Annie Robin­ Bill Ray At get back to ,Coquille it will take a the east is from Marshfield and North son, Ruth Beyers, Florence Barton, Corsicana, Texas ------ of a lot to get me out of there Bend. Heard in the musical program Ida Oerdjng, Edna Kern, Georgia just received at the William L. Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. again" besides Lolita Jewell will be Joyce __ ___ _ __________ _____ _ Richmond, Inez Rover, Bess Maury, M. W. Ray of Coquille and who was He praises what the Red Cross does Watson, 11, and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. nattje Lee Holimon, Clara Stauff, a C. H. S. graduate in May, has ar­ for the boys in the service and ad­ Watson in violin duets. The public is Gladys Gano, Leia Elrod, Eva Stev- rived at the Corsicana Field Aviation vises the ladtes to do everything that invited and admission is free. iens, Ida Owen, Edith Walton, Flor­ Cadet Center at San Antonio, Texas, the Red Cross asks instead of devot­ ence Hallock and Idyl Godard. where he has been assigned to the ing ail their time to cards, golf and Air Force Training Detachment for their own amusement. Mrs. Pierce Hostess 'primary flight training. • Mrs. Don Pierce entertained lul Neighborhood Bridge Club i Mrs. Irving Larson served a one- ; • _______________ Friday evening for Mrs. Leonard P. F. C. Clarence Campbell, of An Eight-Year Old's Birthday include the following items in attractive patterns Witcosky. Contract rummy 1 waa ------ fifteen luncheon yesterday to mem- - . son ------- player, with first prize awarded to hers of her bridge club. Mrs. L. A. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Campbell, came ■ Party On Friday and shades Mrs. B. L. Barkwell, consolation and Greene and Mrs. Frank Jameson In Saturday on a two weeks' fur- Miss Le Anna Pownder entertained j were guest subeUtutes. Mrs. Harold j lough. Clarence left Coquille last a guest prize to Mrs. Witcosky. At- l<3* . ____ _ ..t-A U-IJ kl-L i ‘TV____ - 1__ «__ . - - . - . -------------- . . ■ several guests last Friday in honor . v.sasg ••••«. held high score, Mrs. Fred wwvillW» tending were Mesdames B. L. Bark- - mo Stromquist December tUI for VOMV basic U«lIlUlg training VI1U ’and ' of her eighth birthday at her home, well. Craig Perrott, Ray Detlfesen, i, I Hudson was second high. Others at- f schooling ’ " ’ in California and. _ is now Ml S. Willard St. Many games Denton Ellingson, Roy Abbott, Edna ■ M,s 1 Fighter Control Squadron •t ' were played and gifts presented. Re­ Mrs. Kennett McChord — Field, Wash. Robison, Alton Clausen, C. W. Briggs, Mrs. Frank “ ’ Martin ” “ and ' “ -............... freshments of ice cream, a beautiful j -------------------------- Monroe Swindall, E. E. Benham and Lawrence. deeorated cake with Le Anna’s name Carl Gilbert. ’ i Golden Memorial Dinner and age, and punch were served. « Geo. P. Laird An Outstanding IIn Portland August 20 Guests attending were the Misses i (SAarlene Cooper, Donna Milligan, Ore. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Agent An invitation has been extended to SUNDAY DINNERS George P. Laird is being congratu­ Coquille people who can to attend the Shirley Ann Brown, Marcia Mauney, lated on attaining the honor of a Golden Memorial dinner in Portland Dolores DeCosta, Karen Anderson, vice-presidency of the Leaders' club Friday, Aug. 20, at Masonic Hall. Bobby Jean and Marian Alice Harris, of the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance This dinner is a part of the plan to Diana and Karla,Schroeder, Sharon Also in stock are some strongly-built company. Word has been received celebrate the Old Oregon Trail Cen- and Charles Saas; the Meedames and Maude Bean,- Minnie McCarthy, from the home office in Portland tennial. ________ _______ ---------- The _ invitation came from Margaret Spores, Agnes Lewis, Ma­ that Laird qualified for membership Walter Meacham, executive secretary OUR SPECIALTY in the Leaders’ club on a double basis, ot the Old Oregon Trail Commission. rion Anderson, Constance Pownder, hostess, Karl B. Stain, of North Dinners $1.00 and $1.25 Mrs. Inez Chase, Mrs. Annie Robln- -— and The Eagle» will-hold a dance st gon, Chas. Stauff and others are hop- Bend, and the guest of honor Coileen Ji ♦ pendectomy 1 Fuhrman's Pharmacy Town Cafe New Shipment PURKEY FURNITURE STORE Dovenos - • $69.50 to $89.50 Occasional Chairs $13.95 to $21.50 Rockers - - $14.95 to $19.95 PlayPens ■ ■ $ 7.50 to $11.50 Cribs - - - $10.95 to $22.95 $ 6.95 tó$ 7.95 High Chairs Southern Fried Chicken Walnut Finished * Dining Room Chairs Sea Foods Open Every Day till 8:88 p.m. TOWN CAFE Gravel Ford Aug. 7, They of the kitchen thia Saturday night, to be able to attend. Coquille Shop at Norton’s for service men’s also will have charge wlu hokk Historical Exhibit Week, and serve lunches. beginning Sunday, Aug. 15. Anyone greeting cards. We have a large as­ ■’-'having any relics of Pioneer days, sortment. 1 i should not fail play in store time. I An interesting and attractive tive booklet entitled “Wagons West” ! was mailed to Mrs. R. A. Wernlch by I the Commission which tells facts of the “The Great Migration—1842.” In DRAMA j a foreword by Gov. Earl Snell it says: Keg. Price Description I "This year we are commemorating I the one-hundredth anniversary of the I founding of the Provisional Govern­ Cotton and Rayon Print ment at Champoeg, the coming of the first covered wagon train to the /0.P5 valley of the Willamette and Fre­ in Germany mont's expedition through Central Oregon. Those closely linked events made a two-ocean country of I United States. I Arm Chairs to match at $7.50 WATSON PLAYERS Present GREAT. THRILLING SUMMER CLEARANCE The Crimson Cross” Depicting 4 Acts — 10 Characters the Persecution of the Jews 4 under Hitler $8.95 Tonight (Thursday) at 8:00 at the Baptist Church Clearance Price Summer Dresses one and 2 pc. Styles 12-20 $6.95 Summer Dresses one and 1 pc. Stules 12-20 $8.95 7.95 Summer Dresses one and 2 pc. styles 9-15 $5.95 05 Summer Dresses one and 1 pc. styles 12-20 $4.95 ¡ Two pc. Coat Suits Coquille, Ore. ALSO MUSICAL PROGRAM Bv the Watson Family ADMISSION FREE — OFFERING Mrs. Frank Denning, sister of A. Elrod of this city, passed away McAuley Hospital on the Bay last Saturday and funeral services were held over there at 2:00 p. m. on Tues­ day this week, interment being in Sunset cemetery. She was past 58 years of age. hav­ ing been born in North Bend Dec. 8, 1887, and had spent all her life on Coos Bay. She was a prominent member of the Marshfield Eastern Star. j Besides her brother here, she is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs Mary Elrod, and two sisters, . Mrs F. A. Sacchi and Mrs. Frances McLeod, all of Marshfield. BUY YOUR INSURANCE A and be protected under the new law FIRE LIFE $5.95 and have protection and have security for old age ACCIDENT and HEALTH BIRTH CERTIFICATES 17.95 Pastel part wool Suits 12-16 $10.95 First, Aid Car la Not Yet Fully Equipped - Thesirirt-etd ear whlrtTthemquTlTe Eagles lodge presented to the city recently has not yet been fitted up with all the paraphernalia, stretcher, etc., with which it is to be equipped, but the Eagles now have $150 on hand for the purchase of equipment and expect to give more dances, the j proceeds of which will be added to ' that fund. GEO. . OERDING I Lorenz Department Store