CO4UUXB VALUT SENTINEL. COQUUXt, OfclQON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, IMS. PACK TEN I ------ Minor Mention Mr. and Mrs. Vern Oderkirk re­ turned la»t Thursday evening from their three weeks’ vacation trip, dur­ ing which they visited their daughter in Portland and Mr«. Oderkirk’« par, ents in Seattle. E. T. Stelle, manager of the bank here, left on a two week’« vacation lust week end. Accompanied by Mrs. Stelle and their daughter they'went to Eugene where they will make their headquarters for the period. Mr. and Mrs Louis D. Donaldson accompanied her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Slater down from Portland last Thursday. Louis came principally to see his parent«, Mr. and Mr«. J. D. Donaldson who reside near Riverton on the North Bank road. The Louis Donaldsons reside at Omak, Wash., where they operate à variety Mrs. H. S. Norton left Sunday for «tore. Forest Grove to be with her daugh­ Frank Colvard of the Coquille ter. Joy, for a few days. Word had just been received that her fiance, a Sjpdio left the first of this week on Forest Grove boy and a pilot on a an eastern business trip which will bomber* was missing in action. He take him to Denver, Kansas City and had just recently received the dis­ Little Rock, expecting to be home tinguished flying cross for meritori­ about Sept. 1. There will be no photographic work at th,e studio dur- ous service ing his absence but kodak finishing Mr and Mrs. E. D. Webb were here will continue as usual. from Gardiner, where he is cashier of-the bank, for the week-end, com­ ing down Saturday and returning Sunday. < Jack Cooper intends going to Portland by tonight’« train for an­ other check-up on his leg which was injured in a logging camp accident four years ago. He will return Sat­ urday. --- _ _____ _ Mrs. Fred Lorenz Ratanu From Visit In Utah Mrs. Fred Lorenz returned last Friday from a month’« visit with Capt. Lorenz at the Dugway Proving Ground at Tooele, Utah, which is one hundred miles south of Salt Lake City. She enjoyed the trip and visit but found it almost unbearably hot,' the thermometer getting up to 110 degrees every days in the office and way above that In the sun. , The camp was laid out on the des­ ert and due to the nature of the testing operations carried on there, extra precautions are the rule for civilians as well as the service men. [THUR. FRI. SAT AUGUST 1 "•'"7..... ...... Homes Of Those On Relief Not Included In County Sale The county court agreed with the Coof County Relief Association that the homes of elderly people, which have been foreclosed by the county for delinquent taxes, should not be included in the recent sale of such county-owned property and they ' were withdrawn before the sale was held. The Relief Association has funds with which to make monthly pay­ ments on the delinquencies—on about the same basis as rent—so the coun­ ty will lose nothing by this charitable consideration of the elderly people I who would not be happy if forcibly moved to new quarters, Chairman R. ‘ F. Milne, chairman of the Relief As-' i sociation, states. St ND * CREET INC CARD Fuhrman s Pharmacy Open every night until 8 AUGUST j Lee Stonecypher went up'to Port­ Janet Lewis accompanied Mr. and land Monday and brought back new Mr«. Alfred Wells to California for equipment and a cooler for the pack­ a vacation trip. ing plant he and his brother, Morria. operate on the J. E. Ford ranch along Jackie Lou Wells is staying with the highway beyond Cedar Point. Mr. and Mrs. diaa. Lewis while her parents are in California. joying a visit from hl« aister, Mrs. Lena Gait, who arrived last week from Leavenworth, Kans. She in- tends to go down to California for a visit next week and will return from there to Coquille. George Raft, Sydney Greenstreet Star In "Bpckground To Danger" At Liberty A plain white envelope is the mag­ net for murder, kidnapping, wild pur­ suits and breathtaking suspense in ‘‘Background to Danger," the new Warner Bros, film scheduled for the Liberty Theatre for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. George Raft is cast as a tough, hard-hitting G-Man who run« head- on-into trouble galore when he is given the envelope, supposedly con­ taining money and securities, by pretty Ana Remzi (Osa Massen) whom he meet« on a Bagdad-Istanbul express, nearing Ankara, in Turkey. The envelope contains, however, material that a sinister crew of Nazi agents are after at any cost. Headed by the suavely ruthless Colonel Rob­ inson (Sydney Greenstreet), they put Raft into hot water. Raft is kidnapped by the Gestapo but is rescued by Peter Lorre and Brenda Marshall, playing two Rus­ sian counter-espionage agents. Raft learns that the envelope, stolen from his hotel room, contains Nazi-forged plans of an alleged Russian plan to attack Turkey. Determined to thwart this scheme to win Turkey over as an Axis ally, Raft tracks down the Nazi agents and successfully foils the plot. Besides Raft, “Background to Dan­ ger" stars Sydney Greenstreet, mas­ ter of villainy, who scored in "The Maltese Falcon," "Across the Pacific" and "Casablanca.” A strong sup­ porting cast is headed by Peter Lorre espionage agent. Others Tn the' cast include Daniel Ocko, Kurt Katch, Frank Puglia, Turhan Bey, Willard Robertson and Osa Massen. "Background to Danger’ was direc­ ted by Raoul Walsh, from the screen play by W. R. Burnett, based on the popular novel by Eric Ambler who wrote the recent “Journey Into Fear.” Leonard Enaele of the U. S. Army Air Corps has written his mother, Mrs. May Enaele, cf his promotion 1 from Staff Sergeant to Technical Sergeant which occurred July 15. Sometime after the middle of June, Leonard cabled his mother and his wife here that he had arrived safely i In England, where he iq doing well. Leonard is a radio operator on a fly- ! ing fortress. > Here for the Grover Gouthier fun- ! era! last Sunday were his brother,1 Steven L., of Eureka, his wife and [ their son and daughtqf and their wife and husband; Geo. Newton, I brother of Mrs. Gouthier, and his . family from Eugene, and^ Mrs. Gou- thier's sister, Hazel Newton, from I Seattle. PROGRAM GUARANTEED TO BE FUNNIER THAN MUSSOLINI ON A BALCONY "Back Ground To Danger” ACTION! ADVENTURE! MYSTERY! it Cindered« Swings It” RHYTHM AND ROMANCE! MUSIC AND COMEDY! SP rm ampt ARTHUR'M'CREACOBURN ‘GEORGE STEVENS' 11__ T» The Archie Ames Baby Buried Yesterday At Norway Services were held at the Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries in Myrtle Point at two o’clock yesterday afternoon for Archie Albert Ames, eleven months and xeven days old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ames of this city. He died at the Ames home here, 355 North Henry street, on- Monday, and was their only child. {JA zm É io - Ji4*v FEATURE NO. TWO - NEWS -o- CARTOON Eves. 11c • 50c AUGUST 11 . — -ax *Mh " - -md«t ADULTS 30c à fffnll swv/sfs MATINEE SATURDAY 1:45 Mat. lie.- 30c Eves, lie • 40c Mphfaftnl-iiitantm NEWS — COMEDY