The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 05, 1943, Image 1

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NO. 29.
A.W?S. b AVital
Part Of Pacific
Coast Protection
Thia is the tag-end of the Aircraft
Warning Service week and the Sen­
tinel wants to pay tribute to those
of the Coquille 'Station who have
amassed a lot of hours of service on
the watch towers. These are reported
by Chief Air Warden Fred Bull,
for the Coquille tower, and we only
regret that more of the stations have
not made similar reports.
Following is the list of those who
have already put in 500 or more
hours on duty:
Earl Benham
" ,
Jim Bunch
Gerald Ulett
Jack Axtell
Sherman Gregory
Ernest Whereat
Guy Kelley
E. Erickson
E. Briner
Dr. T. De La Rhue
George Brooks
Grant Wilcox
Gordon Hamilton
Robert Harris
Those in the 100-hour observer
class are:
Jack Cooper
Jack Page
Ted Bennett
George Adams
Carl Mathews
Floyd Jarvis
Kennett Lawrence
Earl Livingston
Van A. Spores
Leonard Homenyck
Wayne Goodman
Glen Hutton
E. C Kidd
C. M. Hannevold
Some of the posts are keeping a
private log or diary of the past, and
each set of observers jot down little
items of interest to the community
in which the post is situated. They
do say that these diaries are mighty
Council In Session | Coos&Curry Counties
For An Hour
Pioneer Assn. Now
Has 128 Members
Monday Evening
Three Men Qualify
Here For Army
Aviation Cadets
Of the seven who took the mental
and physical examinations at the city
hail here last Friday for enlistment
as Army Aviation Cadets, three were
successful, Major Eric K. Shilling re­
ported, and they will go to Portland
later this month for their final physi­
cal at the air base in Portland.
The three who pasesd were: Lud­
wig G. Scharfer, 166 South Coulter,
Coquille; Ernest E. Benham, McKin­
ley route, and Joseph E. Bosco, Bul­
lards route.
Major Shilling says the exams are
no pushover, in fact they are quite
stiff, and that it takes a young man
of keen intelligence to qualify. Those
who failed in the mental test here
Friday are eligible to try agajn in
30 days.
And he added that the Army is in
need of flyer»—pilots,
gunners, etc Major Shilling said the
percentage of those who qualified
here last Friday is just about the
same as have been accepted else-
• A short session of the city council
The Coos and Curry Counties Pi­
was held Monday evening with oneer Association is planning to
Mayor Wood and all councilmen, start a museum and collection of ar­
—------------------- ---------------------------
ticles of historical or early Oregon
A Greyhound bus, totally destroyed side and with its wheels in the air. except Dr. G. E. Stark, present.
Coos county, which has title to Lot origin, and this was the primary pur­
by fire in the canyon, seven and one-
R. J. Gouvion, who was on his
half miles above Myrtle Point, late way to Coquille from Los Angeles to 11, Block 23, in Elliott’s addition, a pose of incorporating and charging a
yesterday afternoon, is a mass of buy a tract of land near Bandon Vacant lot next to the S. D. Pulford mefnbership fee of $1.00—to raise
twisted metal wreckage, on the river from Goo. E. Oerding, was sitting home, had previously reported an funds for meeting expenses.
Those interested in early Oregon
side of the highway, but none of the near the rear of the bus. When it offer of $150 for the lot, against which
40 pasengers coming this way from stopped its careening flight and the city has claims for improvement history and the collection of museum
To protect those liens the pieces are urged to hand their names
Roseburg were seriously hurt, al­ someone got off his head, he helped liens.
though four are in the Mast Hospital get passengers out through the holes council had purchased the lot and and dollar to either President Chas.
at Myrtle Point this morning re­ that had been chopped in the bus then sold it to the bidder for $150 Stauff or Secretary Inez R. Chase,
ceiving treatment for cuts and bruises body. And he adds gasoline was and a resolution adopted authorized without waiting to be approached >
when the bus rolled over and came to spraying in all directions from the the mayor and recorder to execute a and solicited fbr a membership. Mr.
quit claim deed for the property.
Stuaff has, however, appointed chair­
rest in the berry vines with its wheels punctured tanks.
The appointment of J. O. Beagle men in each community to solicit
sticking up at an angle ot 45 degrees.
Passengers, many of whon^ were
The accident was the result of young people, were loaded into the as city police officer was. confirmed membership. At the present time
there are 128 who have responded to
another truck accident earlier in the highway trucks and other passing by the council.
The fire department is preparing to the invitation to become members
afternoon. Wm. Howard Stumbaugh, cars and started for Myrtle Point.
have a steel water tank, seven feet and this number should be doubled
of Myrtle'Point, was driving a truck
Soren Buss, of the Southwestern
long, by 18 by 36 inches, installed on or trebled. Since our last issue the
load of logs up the highway toward
Motors her«, who had been called to
the International fire truck, the Isler ( following have become members of
Camas Valley and at that point a
get and bring in the Francis car,
Sheet Metal Works offering to fur- the association:
spring hanger on the truck broke,
said the last of the passengers and
j nish and install the tank for $246.
Dr. J. R^ Bunch, Louise M. Bunch,
throwing the truck out of control and
the bus driver were just leaving as j Rod Creager's request that the
J. S. Barton, Michael Brewer, Mabel
it crashed against the bank. The
he arived and he had not been there
parking space between Thornton’s E. Hazard, J. A. Lamb, Lans Leneve,
impact caused the log chains to
more than five minutes when the bus
Tire Service and the Pacific Feed A John C. Merchant, J. W. Martin, V.
break and logs were scattered all
took fire.
Seed Co. store be marked “no park- R. McCurdy, Clarence Osika, M. F.
over the highway.
The truck driver, Stumbaugh, had
was referred to tho street com- PetUt, f. H. Peterson, J. L. Stevens,
Just at that moment Richie B.
Guy Stem, Jr., who had been in the Francis, of Marshfield, who was left his truck against the bank, wait- mittee. The reason for his request Mrs. J. L. Stevens, Agnes Schroeder,
Navy since May 18, 1842, and eight driving out to Medford for induction ing for the state police to come and ' ja that logging trucks, upward of 50 George Krunenberg, Ned C. Kelly,
months of that time out of continental into the Army, was passing and one check on his accident before moving feet long, can not draw up to the M. D. Sherrard, S. F. Stevens, O. T.
United States, returned home last of the logs caught the front of his his truck, but the fierce blaze of the pumps for gas if there is a car parked Gant.
Friday on a 30-day leave and ex­ car, badly damaging it, but not in- burning bus compelled him to move on that spot.
A silver pin found in the grove after
it before the officers arrived.
pects to return to Alameda, where
Mrs. Grace Hall, one of the owners the annual picnic on July 25 can be
the occupants of the car.
his vessel is docked, on the 16th of
The passengers on the bus who of the Watson House, reported that secured by applying' to either the
frqpi the highway crew were
this month.
endeavoring to get the logs off the could not escape because the win­ the sidewalk on the south side of the president or the secretary.
Guy met his parents, Dr. and Mrs. highway when the bus from the south dows and doors were jammed until rooming house was in a' dangerous
C. G. Stem, at Eureka, Calif., where came along. The driver, V. O. Dan­ holes had been cut for their escape, condition and wanted to know if the
his sister, Mrs. Amanda Sutton, re­ ielson, saw a clear spot to drive were fearful the whole time that the city could help with a retaining wall
sides and, after a few days there, he through by crossing over to the river fire would start, but the conflagra- to prevent the ground from caving
and his mother came home while the side of the highway, the obstructing tiorr was like a delayed-action bomb in under the walk. The matter was
doctor went on to Berkeley, Calif., logs were not within three feet of the and all have reason to thank God referred to the city engineer who is
J. P. Beyers was present Tuesday
to attend a week's clinic.
yellow line on his orginal half of that their injuries were no more se­ to investigate what is needed there noon at the Coquille Chamber of
Guy is wearing four pins awarded the pavement and the other half waa rious.
and report *at the next meeting
Commerce dinner meeting in the
by the Navy for engagements with entirely clear.
However, he got
Some of the baggage was recovered
hotel Tuesday noon, to talk about
the enemy that he has been in. He out a little too far on the soft shoul­ but some of it was destroyed by the
the museum which the Coos A Curry
landed on one island in the south Pa­ der and the bus turned over oq lta
Pioneer's Association hops* to gel
----- ——j
cific. under enemy fire, and has had
startadauon. He has been appointed
a M e$ ewectaMaa rwEMt dvagRP
a committee of one to find a location
make interesting reading if they could
Public hearing on the Coos county for such a museum where relics, pic­
be told. He was in the Guadalcanal
budget for the July 1, 1943. to June tures, etc., from southwestern Ore-
zone for eight months but came
30, 1944, fiscal year has been act gon can be collected the preserved.
through without a scratch.
Grover C. Gouthier, of the Johnson
As he suggested, the nicest sort of
Coquille Red Cross held a meeting by the county court to be held in
Whils gone Dr. Stem also visited
his mother in Santa Cruz and Ma Mill section and who • had been af­ on Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. in Ameri- the county court room at 10:00 a. m. a building for such a purpose would
sister in San Francisco. He returned flicted with heart trouble a week or can Legion Hall, presided over by on Friday, Aug. 27. Any taxpayer be a log building back of the Com- -
,lc .
? . more previously, passed away at the Mrs. Bard Keener, production chair- may attend the meeting and express munity Building in Myrtle Park,
* Coq,uUle
does not expect to be back in his of­ hospital last Thursday and funeral man, in the absence of Mrs. J. A. his opinion on any item in the budget but that idea is out for the duration.
Another idea he suggested was that
fice for treatment of patients until services were held at Schroeder Bros. Berg, general chairman, who was at that time,
Mortuaries here at two d’clock Sun­ called out of town very suddenly.
I The proposed budget of $769,199.24 wall cases or cabinets, with glass front
Aug. 26.
day afternoon. Rev. Chas. G. Brown
Although the attendance yas small is divided among the folowing five | doors, be built and placed around the
------ —general
---------. fund, $403,245; coun­ walls of the southeast room In the
officiated and the pall bearers who new ladies are generously responding I. items
bore the body to rest in the Nor­ and production is increasing steadily. ty school fund, $77,440; genera) road Community Building, the room that is
way cemetery were Theo. L. Clin­ Since July 8, 191 completed articles fund $128,814; bridge fund, $18,200; not yet finished. Such cases would
ton, Noble, Philip and Adrian Stan­ have been sent to Coos county Red market road fund $51,500,
be but 12 or 14 inches deep and there
ley, Roy Rhule and John Harding.
are many items of historical inter­
The following is a fair Illustration
Mr. Gouthier was born Jan. 5, This is exclusive of knitting and sur­ for the year are estimated at $412,- est in the two counties which could
of how rumors grow by word of
1888, at Petrqlia, Calif., and was six gical dressings.
211.1$, leaving $356,988.05 to be not be put into such cabinets.
months and 24 days past 55 years of
Another idea was to rent a room,
Mrs. Phil Alborn, phone 94J, re­ raised by taxation. As was stated
At an early hour Tuesday morning
age. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. ports that she has more yarn for in these columns three weeks ago, the is a small rental could handle it and
of last week an incorrectly coded
Frank Gouthier and while a small knitting toe sox and bed sox: also tax rate for county purposes will be use it until suitable quarters could
message was delivered io the Civilian«
boy came with them to Fishtrap, printed instruction for this work.
be provided after the war.
about 14.7 mills.
Defense head for this district that
where they passed away several years
The main thing right now is to
Mrs. Keener, 139 W. Second, phone
four Japs had landed on the beach
His mother, whose maiden 163M, will continue to have on hand
get the collection of relics started be­
near Floras lake, south of Bandon.
name was Mary Goff, was bom in a at her home cut-out materials and
fore more of them have been lost
Although the error was corrected
prairie schooner in which her par­ sampled for home sewing.
and destroyed. As A. G. Beals, who
within three hours—by five o’clock
ents came from the east, somewhere
told of the Tillamook museum here
Tuesday morning—the report had
There is an urgent need for clean
in the Oregon territory.
last week, said, “The important thing
spread all over Oregon and latest
wool that can be cut into 4x4 inch i Fred Bull this morning reports the
is to get a museum started: it grows
heard was that there were 35 Japs
squares for afghans; also for old changes of. three
rapidly as more people learn of it
in the party, all of whom had been Newton Gouthier; two sisters, Mrs. I heavy sports or overcoats for making in Coquille. One of them, the O. I.
and see what has been accomplished.“
Thorp house, at 608 East Ninth, was He said the Tillamook museum had
But the resulting activity that early Mrs. Delia O Niel, of MUI Valley, of yarn of any color or weight is also , purchased by his sister, Mrs. Mary
added about 5,000 items in the past
hour laat week proved that the Civ- Calif., and two brothers, Steven wante<j for single crocheting around ' ! B. Cross, who arrived here this
six months.
ilan Defense and ail units charged
wool squares.
1 morning from Shelton, Wash., to
To assist Mr. Beyers in securing a
with the defense of the Pacific coast ter Gouthier, who resides in Oregon.
To those women who do not sew make her home.
temporary location for a
The deceased formerly lived in the or knit or are working outside their
are on the job.
Mr. Bull thia week completed a deal
McKinley section but in recent years homes, yet desire 'to help in some for the purchase of the E. D. Webb museum. Pres. Geo. Oerding appoint­
has been a log scaler for Smith Wood- manner, material for card or game brick house on Hall street, south of ed a committee consisting of O. L.
Inc. He was well known table covers for service men’s cen­ the Roxy Theatre, and has sold the Wood. Phil Alborn and R. L. Stew­
ail over south Coos county and pop­ ters is suggested. These covers re­ home in which he has been living, art.
■■■ 1
ular with all who knew him.
quire square 36x36 inches of sateen at 425 North Henry, to Mr. and Mrs.
or other suitable material in fairly Pribble, who will occupy it.
Ben Fisher, who was in Coquille
On The Job Here Aug. 1
dark shades: one-half inch roll of
and addressed the Rotary Club here
cotton tape and a spool of rayon Good Price Paid For
A change in the personnel in the
yesterday noon, looks very much the
thread to match the material used
local state police office took place
same as. he did when he was district
Pen Of Three Rabbits
More large safety pins and large­
on the first of the month when Ken­
attorney some 20 years ago, except
Herb Wood is going in for rabbits neth C. Talley was transferred here
that he is a little more full in the
The B. W. Gurneys, whose day-old
baby was kidnaped from the Albany equipping the sewing kits that are in a big way. Not that he lias many from Salem. He replaces Paul T.
as yet but the three pure-bred New Riensche, who was transferred to the
When he went to Washington, D. General Hospital around
--------- 1 midnight
C„ thirteen years ago, it was to be­ Monday, were 1 formerly CoquiUe
The Unit wishes to thank Mrs. Ted Zealand Gold Seal Whites he did Salem headquarters.
come an attorney for the Radio Com­ residents but left here a couple of Bennett and Mrs. Wilson, of Heath purchase have cost him $56.75 de­
mission but for the past six or seven years ago. They lived on East First St., for offers of ironing boards for livered in Coquille, In preparation Fees Paid In County
years he has engaged in private prac­ street and he was employed in the the work room it is hoped to have for the buck and two does with
Clerk’s Office In July
tice, specializing in radio cases. He plywood plant.
ready soon; also Mrs. Jack Scorby for which he is starting his pens, he has
built self-cleaning hutches for hous- | Total fee receipts in County Clerk
says there is more money in that
wo°* material promised,
No trace of the baby nor the kid- • *X1X
ing the animals and they are painted Oddy’s office amounted to $1,029 30,
than in engaging in practice which naper has yet been found, according
white. IF is well known that most of which $463 was for recording,
requires attendance in court.
to the latest reports.
Elwyn Nosier Expected Home
rabbit diseases originate in filth and $368 for circuit court,
____ , $57.50 for
He and his family intend leaving
ite cqihr $«irtor .i«!E
Tmarriage license and $89.80 for mis­
j Elwyn Nosier, who was quite ae- will not be thus contaminated.
the nation’s capital.
We will watch his rabbit venture, cellaneous items.
Here Thursday, Aug. 12
rioualy burned in the Naval hospital
F.O.E. Dance To Be Held
A consultant foe the Sonotone . kitchen where he is stationed at Oak­ which will include the sale of fun
as of breeding stock, and
At Gravelford Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hickenbottom
hearing aid, from Portland, will be land, on July 11, is expected to ar­ as well
meat, with interest.
were Coquille visitors the past week­
The Coquille Eagles will give an­ at the Coquille Hotel next Thursday, rive in Coquille thia evening on a
end. He was formerly employed in
other of their popular dances this August 12, for a clinic to which any­ leave of indefinite length .for a visit
Chas. Roberts, jailer at the court the plant here but they now reside
coming Saturday evening, Aug. 7. one who is bothered with hearing is with his wife, who is employed in
This one will be held at Gravelford invited to come. He can tell , in 20 the county highway shops office; house sky parlor, left Sunday on a near Creswell in the Willamette
and everyone is invited to attend minutea how much your tearing can his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nos­ 30-day vacation which he will spend valley where thye have a 3,000 bird
in prospecting on Copper mountain. chicken ranch.
ier, and other relatives here.
be benefitted.
and dance to good music.
Guy Stem Saw Action
In The South Pacific
Location For The
Museum Is Needed
Grover Gouthier
Buried Sunday
server in their area. Take your place
in thia vital voluntror work for the
United States Army Air Force who
even now are carrying the war to
the people who started the whole
Attention is called to the local busi­
ness houses which are commending
these watchers with paid advertising
in this isue.
None Seriously Hurt
In This Accident
The Cooper Gardens truck -was
considerably damaged Sunday noon
but none of the three riding In it were
injured except Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Train's daughter who suffered a fore­
head cut.
A friend was driving the truck with
flowers down from Myrtle Point for
the Gouthier funeral here, for Mias
Lois Fenn. At the bottom of the
grade this side of the Norway school
house an empty logging truck met the
Cooper truck and on the flat at the
bottom the logging trailer skidded
and one of the rolls caught the truck
just in front of the windshield,,
knocking the car off the pavement
and into the ditch.
--------- r.
Names of 4th Prize
Winners Wanted
• >
. .
, Secretary C. O. Caughell reported
at the Chamber of Commerce meet­
ing Tuesday noon that one prize
awarded at the Fourth of July cele­
bration parade had not yet been
paid because he could find no one
who knew the names of the young­
sters who prepared and showed the
The entry was tne Victory Garden
presentation by children.
If they
will apply to Mr. Caughell they will
receive the prize money.
, JfcMW,
_ EwHMam
L mb M i To
_ JTjMWWxili'i*
Reopen Wednesday, August it
The reopening of the Roxy Foun­
tain Lunch, under the ownership and
management of Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Beiley, is scheduled for next Wed-
nesday, Aug. 11, at 11:00 a. m. They
plan to make a speciality of mer-
• chants’ lunches at nqon and also light
meals in the evening prior to the 7:15
Report On Local
Red Cross Work
County Budget 4
HeortngAbgMst 27
How Jap Rumor
Started Last Week
Three Coquille
Homes Sold
Looks To Be The
Same Ben Fisher
The Gurneys Left
Here Two Years Ago