which they plan to re-open for busi­ ness in about ten day*.. Neither Mr. nor Mr*. Bailey need any introduction to the people of Co­ Mr. and Mis. Alan Bailey and baby quille and both are experienced in who have been in Tucson, Ariz., the operation at a confectionery *uch a* the Roxy. where he was employed by the South­ ern Pacific for the past six months, returned to Coo* county last week and George E. Oerding Sells on Monday of this completed a deal Hobart Sehaer Home with Messrs. Wood and Claver for the The home and lot owned by Mr. and purchase of the Roxy Confectionery Mrs. Hobart Sehaer on the Gould- TlThe Baileys Buy ' Roxy Confectionery Mr*. Markie Sherrill, who went Mr*. R. K. Skyle*. deputy in Coun ty Clerk Oddy’s office who had taken 1 east the first of June expecting to Join her vacation recently, returned last her husband, Lieut. Richard Sherrill, Thursday evening accompanied by ' of Marshfield, arrived on the Atlantic Mr. Skyles after they had- spent a coast after he had been sent west and week on a northern Oregon beach. he is now a flying pilot somewhere Mr. Skyle* had Just returned from in the Pacific. Mrs. Sherrill visited Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, I relatives in Washington, D. 6., and where he had been in officers’ train­ | in Kansas and arrived home last ings but was rejected on account of ■ Friday. She expects to remain here eye affliction. He expects to be for the present with her parents, Mr. . railed to the service, however, in a and Mrs. L. J. Smith. She entered on her duties yester­ week or two. day as a clerk in the Coquille Ration Board office in the First National Bank building. . , HELP YOURSELE ¡o BETTER HEAL TH ./MULTAMI ns Mr*. Lyle Bishop left for California the latter part of last week for a ten-day visit with her mother, who is ill in Santa Barbara. [THUR. FRI. SAT JULY 29 - 30 - 31 EVERY HOUSE HAS ITS SECRETS P l .:. AND THIS ONE MORE THAN Supplement your diet with a well-balanced, rich source Mr. and Mr*. G. C. Nelson were Miss Norma Lea Peal, a senior in Coquille visitor* last week from Cal­ tlie Mapleton High School, is a house ifornia. He was formerly the Co­ guest here of Mr. and Mr*. Morri* quille representative of L. L. Thomas Harvey.' Miss l4arl was Mr.,1 when the latter conducted a music Harvey’s office secretary this past house at the Bay, and they may de­ school year. cide to return to Coo* county. Don Farr, manager at the Farr & Mr. und Mrs. Harold Neal are Elwood store here, left Monday eve­ happy to return to Coos county. He ning on a business trip to Portland. is in the Coast Guard and has Just been transferred from Longview, M. F. Pettit, F. C. Hudson and L. J. Wash., to Marshfield. Cary left Sunday morning on a busi­ ness trip to Portland, expecting to be home today or tomorrow. The only wav merchants can secure stock* now is to co to the markets and pick out ,.ie merchandise they want and In order to' improve the usefulness they’re not sure of getting it then. and efficiency of the Air Raid Prac­ tice* which are held every other Earl Schroeder ha* been appointed Thursday in Coquille, Chief Bill Bar­ agent for the Oregonian in the city row has called a meeting of all of Coquille, effective August 1st Air Raid officer* for tonight, Thurs­ Phone-201 for service. Mrs. Tom Riley will remain rural represents-1 day, July 20, at the city hall at eight o’clock. All Incident Officers, Zone tlve. Chief, Control Board Workers, Dis­ trict Wardens, Chief* and Member* R. L. Medley, who Is taking hi* two of Police, Fire, Ambulance and Mes­ weeks of vacation from duty with the senger Services are particularly Mt. State* Power Co., and hl* family urged to be present. are spending this week at their cot­ At the meeting it is proposed to dis­ tage on Croft lake. cuss way* and means for improving the regular practice* and lay plans Mi*. M. G. Dunn, sister of Mr*. for ensuing practices. R. L. Stewart, came in Tuesday It is the purpose of th* Air Raid morning from her home in Eugene, Precaution Service to increase the re­ for a few days’ visit at the Stewart sponsibilities and scope oil the Block home. Warden*. Each Block Warden is urged to display the Block Warden Insignia in the window of hl* home, to make himself known to each householder in his respective block, to keep himself posted a* to number of people in eacp house in the block Margaret Belloni returned home and know at all time* any condition Wednesday following a week's vaca­ of sickness or helplessness in any tion at Springfield, where she visited home in the block. Each house­ her sister, M t *. Alfred Talion. holder 1* urged to know hl* block warden and feel free to consult with him or her at all time*. The Air Raid Precaution Service feel* that it is highly desirable for each block and each zone in town to be a* nearly self-sufficient a* possi­ Harry Hocamp left last Wednesday ble and not to depend too much on night for Seattle to investigate work­ relief from central source* in case of ing on the Alaska highway. disaster. The purpose of the meeting tonight is to bring about this condi- I tion as nearly as it is possible to do so. More Air Raid Workers are needed rih The Tocalset-up and any man or woman who is willing and able to Perry Luther Jarrett, whose wife help in this work is urged to volun­ is in the Belle Knife Hospital, came teer. Report to Bill Barrow at the in from Fort Knox, Ky., Tuesday Barrow Drug Store. night on a furlough. Hi* father, O. Jarrett, who arrived last week, is in Return From Buying Trip the U. S. Medical Corp* and ha* been stationed at Camp White near Med­ For Hallock’s Dress Shop Mr. and Mr*. W. J. McMitchell, of ford. Hallock's Dress Shop, returned last Friday by Greyhound bus from a six Relatives Who Were Here For weeks' trip to California, which com­ The E. E. Johnson Funeral bined some busy week* of buying Out-of-town relative* of the late for the store and some vacationing. E. E. Johnson, who cajne in last Sat­ They were successful in getting lot* urday for the funeral' were Mr. and of very nice things, an especially good Mrs. R. Stanley Dollar, of Walnut J unior line and many of the better Creek, Calif., and Mr. and Mr*. dresses. Ten day* were spent in San Tho*. Mehl, of Mabel, Ore. The Francisco on the way down for early ladies are sister of the deceased, the buying and In Los Angele* during former Esther and Ethel Johnson. Market Week both Pacific Coast Mrs. Philip E. Johnson also ar­ Traveler* and Los Angele* Apparel rived last Saturday, coming up in held style show*. It was strictly a her car from their home in Glendale, sellers’ market, not a buyers, accord­ Calif. ing to Mr*. McMitchell. But sb* added: “The manufacturers are build- ing business for the future and are very patient and as helpful a* possi­ ble.” Merchandise is rationed,, based on former sales but Mr*. McMitchell A. G. Beales, of Tillamook, told says she ha* lots of nice merchandise the Rotary Club how “the Tillamook ordered. They spent two week* south of Los County Historia] Museum was es­ tablished in that town and also of the Angeles vacationing and stopped on method* used in raising money for their way home in San Francisco, its upkeep and perpetuation, at the buying for the fall market. club’s noon luncheon Wednesday. According to Mrs. McMitchell they He also told of the front page story were glad to get back from the cities. carried by the Christian Science Mon­ People In small places are much itor about the Museum and stated better off, she said, even though not that last year they had over a thou­ making big money. Those who are sand more visitors registered than doing so are not happy Jiving the way Chase addition to Coquille, has been i sold by George E. Oerding to J. P < and Ruth Beyers. Mr. Sehaer is em­ ployed on the Bay in defense indus­ try. The Beyers' purchased the home for investment and immediately FOR RENT—-Pasture for cow in town rented the property. J. S Smith, Phone MR. Caking cards. 5o for *1.00. of Vitamins A, B, D, G. One Multamin Capsule has a Vita­ min A and D value equal to three tesspoonfuls of cod liver oil of U. S. P. Standard. Multamin* are a good source of Vitamins Bi and G, too. Protect your health.... Take Multamin*. IDA LUPINO Air Raid Practice Tonight Fuhrman's Pharmacy ARMA NEACIL t»*21 FAMOUS AUTHORS JULY 30 - 31 August 1-Î.3 I I Charles R. Rogar* harp** I They've ■a aw aw BoAAM **w wW* Wwii S funnier! n MURPHY Ann« SHIRLEY Carol« LANDIS stir it lick liMf'i . Matinee I SUNDAY Mr. Beales Urges Opening Of Museum ' ' August 4 Adults 30c j ■' torical Society in Portland. Mr. Beals urged those present to see to it that a place was made avail­ able in this county for the preserva­ tion of irreplacable historical article* before they became lost or destroyed. Vice President J. S. Barton was in the chair in the absence of L. A. Lundquist. MATINEE SAT. 1:45 With ANNABELL r *• V-JL---' - ’ - - V-’, 4 JOÑN SUTTON