L. COQUILLE, OREGON, TMURSBAY. JULY «9. 1968. . fage erven .'"J11 — I « for appendicitis. Bring your used band instrufnents Relief Corps Meets Church of Christ Mrs. Robert Fish and boys and I in • to Norton’s. We will pay you | On Wednesdays East 4th A Coulter i Mrs. Glen Zeller and George, ''¿sited One Coat a Ward Each cash for them. s ( , Liston Parrish, Pastor Douglas MacArthur Relief Corps, i i Mr. and Mrs. Dun Powell and Or­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Na Adv. leas than 25 Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Bible Study WANTED To Rent—Small furnished No. 56, met in regular session last ville Lawton of Eugene, were guests Miller test Friday. at Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler last and prayer meeting. We will study house or good apt., dose in, by Wednesday with the president, Mabel Mr. and Mrs. OUvei Myers, of Myr­ WANTED — Water wells to drill. Aug. 15. Howard Seelye, P. O. box Von Pegert, in the chair, and regular week-end. Mrs. Powell was formerly tle Point, visited at the home of Mrs. church discipline this week. , Have new and up-to-date equip­ Verde Lawton and was with her sis ­ business was conducted. Yesterday 223. M. Bible School 9:45 a. m. T. Ralph : Ida Myers Thursday evening. ment and heavy pipe where needed. the Corps met with Mrs. Mary ter, Mrs. Ralph Zenor, (Luella Law­ J Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl were Harry, Supt. You are cordially in­ Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. STRAYED t - One yearling Jersey Schroeder for a potluck dinner and ton) for a short time three years vited to join us in the study of God's 30t4*tf heifer, dehorned, and underbit in to make bedroom slippers for boys ago, when Mrs. Zenor was pastor of Mon lay evening guests of Mr. and , word. left ear. Finder please notify J. in the service. They are made of a the Fairview church. They Returned Mrs. Ralph Long. Morning Worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s FREE! If Excess aufd causes you Rev. M. D. Remple, of Coquille, L. Smith, Rhone 56R it heavy' material, very easy to make to Eugene Sunday afternoon. Orville Supper and special music. Message, pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigps- Lawton was to report on Tuesday for , conducted the regular Sunday morn­ , lion. Heartbum, Belching, Bloat­ FOR SALE—Level 8 acres. Two bed­ and several pairs were completed. his physical, prior to entering the U. ing church service. Sufulay school “Empty Cisterns.” —Press Correspondent. Jr. C. £. 6:30 p. m. ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, ’ get free room house. Electricity. Spring. followed with an attendance of 31. S. Army. Young People's C. E.. 7:00 p. m. 3 Acres timber. Fine garden. Pret­ sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug A special vocal duet was given by G. B. Dow is reported very IU at PIMPLES DISAPPEARED Evening Service 8:00 p. m. We Company. 22tlOt ty location. Not Incumbered. Rea­ Miss Frances Hall, of McMinnville, his home here in the vaUay. The OVER NIGHT invite you to our informal evangel­ son, disability. Box 3, Prosper Rt., and Mrs. 8. C. McAllister. There will Yes, it is true, there is a sate harm­ family is planning on moving to Co­ GLASSWARE—Koex Sharpe Crys­ Bullards, Oregon. 28t3‘s ! be services again next Sunday, istic service. Message, “Given to less medicated liquid called Kleerex quiUe. 1 tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to Christ.” Mrs. Rube Day and Miss Mildred ■ preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday 32.00. You must see it to appre­ FOR RENT — Furnished two-room that dries up pimples over night. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Choir Prac­ i school at 11 a. m. apt. Plenty fresh air. Bath. Adults. Many report that they had a red sore Bell have been guests at the Gordon ciate its Beauty. J. A. Lamb Com­ tice. Don Farr, director. Mrs. Avon Wilcox was a Monday pany. <, a No animals. Close to business sec­ pimply face one night and surprised Bell home the last week. Mr*. Day’s guest at the Nile Milter home. is in Marshfield and Miso Bell ! tion. Inquire Flora E. Dunne, 351 their friends the next day with a home Pioneer Methodist Church Mrs. Ida Myers, Mrs. Stanley Hal- HAY So. Henry St. tfs clear complexion. There is no risk. is from SeatUe, Wash. Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor , ter and Ma.,and Mrs. S. C. McAllister 'Ira. Louise Langenberg and grand­ Alfalfa — Oats & Vetch 9:45—Sunday School. TOR *RENT—Sleeping room. Quiet The first application must convince of Sweet Home have been 1 were Sunday callers at the home of Buy Now While Available you or you get your money back. Join daughter ' 11:00—Sunday morning worship. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. location. Adulta. Inquire Flora EATON FEED STORES 28t4 the happy Kleerex users who are no ilsiting at the L. L. Buoy home the 7:0<>—Youth Fellowship. Mrs» Lawrence Rackleff sold her E. _ Dunne, 3S1 So. Henry __ St. ___ 1,8 longer embarrassed with unsightly past week, Mrs. Langenberg and 8:00—Sunday evening fellowship car and also the ear belonging to her ROBES AND BLANKETS that last a FOR SALE—House and lot. 70x100. PlmPle«- For sale by Barrow Drug. Mrs. Buoy are sisters. The visitors i son, Ellis, who is in the service and hour« • lifetime, all wool and Angora, from 10t8s are returning home this week-end. 7:30—Wednesday ^buir rehearsal. Write J. N. McNair, box 463, .Co­ Co. purchased the car belonging to Mr our own flock. See them at 601 Word has been received from Jack quille, Oregon. x 28t2’s 7:30—Thursday mid-week service. North Taylor or phone 78L. Wm. _ ________ _____ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Saylor that he is being sent to a and Mr«. J a me« Lewellen, who are 10:00—Thursday, August 5, Wom­ Z1*dftch‘ * «• i WILL PAY Cash Tor late XdeTcar. Notice is hereby given that the now in Florida. school where his schooling will last undersigned, on the 9th day of July, en’s Society for Christian Service. Must be in good condition, Call 1943. filed in the County Court for 39 weeks. He formerly was at a FEED YOUR DOG ecnomical and What have you contributed to the It* Coos County, Oregon, her final ac­ -■amp in Kentucky. nourishing GAINES DOG FOOD. ' at 437 N. Hall street. churches at this country in the form count in the matter of the adminis­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacsbn, of Farr A Elwood. of service. s FOR SALE—Thre^-acre ranch, all tration of the Estate of Florence Ger­ Judge King granted five divorces Moran, Wyoming, are guests at the trude Levy, deceased: and that said cleared, young orchard, good gar­ ' in Circuit court here on Tuesday and Court has made an order fixing Tues­ L. L. Buoy's. Mrs. Isaacson is an aunt FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ den spot. Pasture for one cow. Six day, August 17, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock of Mirs. Buoy and a sister of Mrs. R. denied one. Those granted were in The Assembly or God vice on Milking Machines, * Farm room modern house. Three room A. M., at the County Court room in M. Noah. 2nd and Reath the cases of: Water Systems, Tractors and Farm Coquille, Oregon, as the time and house with electricity. Electric L. C. Pentng. Cedrick G. Moody vs. Florina Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah, Billy and Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com- place for hearing objections thereto, pumping system. Chicken house and for the final settlement and Bonnie Ellen, and Mrs. Don Noah Moody. t-ny. Note—For Quick Service, and barn. One mile north of Co­ distribution of said estate. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school with Cleo Yvonne King vs. Leonard L. and family of Kentuck Inlet, at the small machines should be sent to Dated and published first time quiUe on Fairview road. Harry classes for evwy age. Bertha Byrd, King. Buoy and Amanda .Johnson - homes. our shop.. ■ ' Cooper. 27t4* July 15, 1M3. Robert T. McCollum vs. Glessie superintendent. 26t5 Anne Mansell, Administratrix Don Noah is in McAuley hospital with SAVE Costly Delays — By checking 11:00 a. m., morning worship. McCollum.. an infected eye. FOR SALE—90 Sixteen Mo. old lay­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Missionary day. your Farm Machinery in advance Mary L. Grove vs. Bernard Grova. Harold Norris is again located in ing N. H. Hens weighing 5H to 8 STATE OF OREGON FOR and order necessary Repairs NOW. 6:30 p. tn., Christ Ambassador’s Kate S. Sanford vs. Geo. W. San- California. Word was received this COOS COUNTY lbs. $2.00 each for the whole flock. young people’s service. Genuine IHC Repairs. J. A. Lamb week that he is in training at Santa 'ford. P. O. Box 187. Phone 54J. 27tf JOSEPH L. CARSON, Plaintiff, vs. Company. a 7:30 p. m., evangelistic meeting. The divorce denied was in the case Ana, Calif, He has had several hours PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do your ELSIE PAYNE CARSON, Defendant. of flying, ineluding ‘‘stalls," and >f Wm. M. McCommis vs. Ida R Special muaisc. The pastor speaks. Summons Case No. 13979 FARR A ELWOOD »till have plants Tuesday 7:30, prayer meeting. own Permanent with Charm-Kurl To—ELSIE PAYNE CARSON: ‘‘spins’’ and finds his work interest- 1 McCommis. for your late garden. s Wednesday 2::30, Womans Mis­ Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ing and he loves to fly. He left sionary Council meets at the church. ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy OF OREGON, You are hereby re- Jamestown, North Dakota with a Pioneer Association Thanks FRUIT JARS for canning. We have I quired to appear and answer the Friday, 7:30 Bible study conducted to do, absolutely harmless. Praised ' complaint filed against you in the character grade of superior. quart jars for the extra canning For Assistance Rendered by the pastor. by thousands including June Lang, above-entitled suit, on or before the you’ll be doing this year. See FARR Bob Doyle has been in Belle Knife The executive committee of the glamorous movie ster. Money re­ last day of the time prescribed in the hospital, following a severe burn. A ELWOOD. ■ Coos - Curry Pioneer Association funded if not satisfied. Barrow Order for publication of this sum­ Grange met Saturday for this regu­ First Church of Christ, Scientist mons, which prescribed time is once AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. Drug Company. 24tl0* a week for four (4) weeks, or five (8) lar meeting. Mrs. Elmer Goodwin of wishes to publicly thank those who CoquiUe, Oregon Bring your car in—we can start consecutive issues of the newspaper Coquille, served refreshments of helped make the picnic dinner and Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. DE LA VAL SEPARATORS and Milk ­ i program Sunday the success that it work at once. Southwestern Motor herein mentioned, the CoquiUe Val­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Co. . 91 ers, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get ley Sentinel, the first day of which sandwiches and maple bars. Their was—The Cow Bell Dairy for mak­ Subject for next Sunday, "Love.” --------------------------------------------------------- 1 them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tf» is July 22, 1943, and the last day of son, Elmer, has left to joint the navy. ing and serving the coffee; George Mrs. Clarence Deadmond took her which Is August 19, 1943; and if you FOR SALE—One long 2-year old ’ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Folsom for connecting up the loud Guernsey Bull, good and gentle. FOR RENT—2-room Furnished Cabin fail to appear and answer said com­ father, G. B. Dow to North Bend . speaker;- Miss Leah Rover for keep- o’clock. plaint by said time, plaintiff will ap ­ st 948 North Coulter. Ben H. Free public Reading Room at 255 Call at ranch and take a look at ply to the Court for the reUef prayed Tuesday to see a physician. lng the Library open that afternoon, Owen. 27tfs for therein, a succinct statement of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan have him. At a fair price. J. C. Mc­ and the speaker! and committee W. Second. Roxy Bldg., open eveiy received word their eon, ‘‘Bud," la day except Sunday and holidays ft uno Adams, on Bothel Creek in Coos HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy which is as follows: FIRST: That the bonds of matri­ probably on his way “overseas” by members who were instrumental in 12:30 to 8:00 p. m. County. -’’ 26t3* my and all arrangements. and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed mony now existing between plaintiff now. He is in the U. S. army. and defendant, be dissolved, and that A Seed Co. tfi BRING Your Tire TrouWes io Thorn­ plaintiff be awarded an absolute de­ • Mrsa Gordon Bell made a busines» I The Holy Name Catholic Church ton's. the moot completely equipped FOR BALE—Two good Milk Goats, cress of divorce from the defendant. trip to Marshfield last week. Mass at 9:30 a. m. evety Sunday. SECOND: For such other and fur shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ giving milk. See W. H. Slbold, 789 ther relief as to the Court shall seem k Shopping and on business on the perienced workmen. Beet quality bay Monday were Mrs. W. J. Wheeler N. Taylor St. Coquille. 27t2‘s meet and equitable herein. Church of God materials and equipment used. All This summons is published in the and Mrs. W. H. Benham and daughter To make this simple, no risk hear­ work fully guaranteed. Thornton PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper Karen. Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. ing test If you are temporarily deaf­ Tire Service. 23tfs Kalsomining and wood finishing— of general circulation in the City of Pastor, A. L. Perry ened, bothered by ringing buzzing Friends of Mrs. Clarence Hatcher 1943 Wall Papera, Imperial, Pitts­ Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, pur­ will be glad to know she is recovering head noises due to hardened or coagu­ All are invited to attend. If your suant to the order directing publica­ FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ burgh end Birge, No raise in tion thereof, which order was made satisfactorily in Meney hospital from lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine child does not go to Sunday School vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone on the 20th. day of July, 1943, by the her second major operation in the Home Method »test that so many say elsewhere, we urge you to send them, has enabled them to hear well again. pany, tfs 286' Coquille. 278 North Henry Honorable Dal M. Kii Ing, Circuit last few weeks. The Hatchers who You must hear better after making Sunday School, 10 a..m. Judge. St. 11 tfs Preaching service 11 a. m. formerly this simple test or you get your money are living in Roseburg, Harry A. Slack, FOR SALE—Used Lang Restaurant I back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Young People’s meeting, 6:48 p. m. Attorney for Plaintiff, lived in Fairview valley. Dr ---------- ------- --- --------- - ------ Goldfish Aquarium, Range. Two ovens, 90-lnch top. WANTED First National Bank Bldg. or better still bring them. about 14x7 inches. Phone S4L. lt*s WtS Power Oil Burner, also grates for Coquille, Oregon. Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Wood of Coal. CAU 82L. Its PAINT UP—CLEAN~UP—We carry TO CREDITORS Mrs. Althea Harrah, of Fairview, I Notice is We Buy HIDES and CASCARA a full Line of High Quality Paint For Refrigeration Service undersigned was on the o< vtefted at the home of her parents, ! BARK, WET OR DRY. FARR A for every purpose, Including Mir­ July, 1943, duly appointed by the phone 168J—write Box 307, Co­ ELWOOD. s acle Wall. Be sure and get a copy County Court of Coos County, Ore­ Mr. and Mr». FSMTJIlie lives thgl _ quille. Q. H. Garnier, authorised oi our New Paint Styling Booklet gon. as administratrix of the estate of weekend. Frigidaire Service. 27tfs Mrs. Wm. Knabe spent several days ' —Free. J. A. Lamb Company, s Louis A. Sonneland, deceased; and all persons having claims against NEW FARM MACHINES—We have last week visiting at the home of her ! said estate are hereby required to A WELL PLANNED Two Farmall Cultivators and one DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick present them to me, with proper daughter and family, Mr. an J Mrs. | Deering Milker Parts and Dairy vouchers attached and duly verified, Mike Fairchild, at Scottsburg. She , i grain drill. See us for details rel­ SERVICE Supplies—See us. J. K. Lamb at the office of O. C. Sanford, attor­ returned home Monday. ative to Rationing Regulations.— ney, in Coquille, Oregon, within six Company. 8 Mrs. L. C. Parsing, of Coquille. ] can do much in lessening J. A. Lamb Company. s non ths from the date of this notice. Dated and published first time July »pent Wednesday visiting at the home the grief of the bereaved FOR SALE—Small wood Kitchen FOR SALE—8-room modern home, Range; price 818. See Archie 8 1943 ' Helen M. G. Sonneland, — of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. large living room with fireplace, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of Myr­ Gray, on Dean-Minard road, north Administratrix of said Estate. 2 baths, kitchen wired for electric tle Point, and Mrs. Mary Mix, of , of Coquille Auto Court. lt*s stove, Large lot 100x663, double NOTHING OVERLOOKED Alameda, California, visited at the garage, cow barn and chicken GET BABY CHICKS NOW — Pro­ borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Robi- , Phene 1H < houses, all electric wired. Location, duce winter eggs and holiday meat nu matter how large and elaborate son Sunday evening. 196 80. Coulter 8L 781 W. Fourth, four blocks from and help our country overcome Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward and Mrs. : rhe scale upon which the funeral Vi down town CoquiUe. Plenty of food shortage. Reduced prices this 8. C. McAllister visited Mrs. Gus . arrangements are to be made. That fruit and berries. Renters will va­ week only on started Chicks. Wm. Schroeder, Miss Lois Robison and ; Phone 83 is our policy—that is our proud cate Aug. 1st. Small down pay­ Ziedrich, 601 North Taylor, or Bob Doyle at the Knife hospital Sun­ Night Phone 272X clslm after many years of experi­ ment. See Wm. Ziedrich, 601 N. phone 78L, Coquille. Its day evening. Dr. De La Rho* Taylor, or phone 78L, Coquille. Its A conference with ua will ence Mrs. Grace Rackleff returned home WILL TRADE 1940 International from a ten days visit at the home of Eyesight to v»ur advantage. Pickup, 4-speed transmission, M her daughter, Mrs. Charles Gale, at Specialist ton, for late model Sedan. Phone Klamath Falla. Mrs. Gale returned Chevrolet — Buick 604MM or see Charley Briggs. Its I ■yes Examined - Gia Complete mechanical overhaul. with her mother and has been help­ Fenders straightened and com­ WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We ing her pack and get ready to move Reception room jointly with service all makes of washers. plete paint job can now be se­ to Salem where Mrs Rackleff has an Dr. J. R. Bunch ' 385 West cured at Southwestern Motors. Washer Service Co. accounting job. Mr. Gale and a Cuqiiilir Bandon tfs Additional mechanics and body Front St. Phone 17. friend came in Sunday and spent the 1083 men are now employed and quick night at the Rackleff home, return­ See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in ing to KlamMth Falla again Monday. service can be given. Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moomaw, David DON’T NEGLECT YOUR Straps. tfs and Donna, of North Bend, are visit­ CAR . Drive in to your Buick and Chev­ ing at the home of Ben Moomaw and FOR SALE—Chester White Weaner rolet dealer today for free esti­ Mtes Nettie Halter and the min are Pigs, LeRoy C. Starr, Vi mile above High School Claaaial mates and easy payment plan helping with the haying. the highway on Lam pa creek road, Credite Affi* and the Mrs. Ward Evans visited at terms. in large white house. lt*s Given Modern homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Felsher *** Phone 89-L 105 W. 2nd Rent our FLOOR SANDER and do and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Willson in BUICK CHEVROLET your floors over to look like new Myrtle Point last Sunday. w floors. FARR A ELWOOD Mrs. Ida Myers was a Sunday din­ ner guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley CLASSIFIED ¡Fairview News 5 Divorces Tuesday I Wanted/ Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing Arago News .<■ fAttentioiw to Details! GANO FUNERAL HOME Southwestern Motors Easy Budget Plan SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, la«. MISJ INEZ ROVER Instructor of Plano Vrmjn 1.^7 Southwestern Motors to Buy-LateModel Trucks, Pickups and Cara. See Archie Bushnell At Southwestern Motors Coquille home at Reasonable 'Price and' also take care of children. Close to Smith Wood-Products a sign out in front of house on Riverton Ave., Coquille. Mrs. Geo. W. Morgan. 27t2*s Time to paint. See FARR A EL­ WOOD for a complete line of PAINTS for all your need» Calling carda, K tor 11.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gent RusaelT, Verna Rae, Ina May and Bonnie, of John­ son Mill, were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, Monday. . Gus Schroeder has been eating his meals at the Ward Evans home, while Mrs. Schroeder is in the hoepital. Mrs. Schroeder is. about the same. Willis Wilcox entered the Knife hospital last Friday and on Monday of this week underwent an operation Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr A Elwood Bldg. 5 W. Second St