The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 29, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Aircraft Warning
Serivce Week
Chas. Stauff, New
Pioneer Assn. Pres.
Tea far Visittag Yaung Malren
Mrs. Guy Mauney entertained
(Continued from Page One)
■ Wednesday at tea, from three until
ni- ' five o’clock, for the pleasure of her
lustily in singing “My Old Kentucky
Home" and “God Bless America.” ter Centers, then plot the reported ' sister, Mrs. John Philip Cahn, who
Rev. W. S. Smith gave the invoca­ plane* so that they may be identi­ with her husband is visiting here
tion in his usual pleasing and satisfy­ fied by Army, Navy, br civilian air­ from Stockton. Calif.
Mr*. Cahn,
craft authorities. If they find any nee Margaret Paulson, and Mr. Cahn
ing manner.
The constitution and by-laws, as plane, so plotted, unidentified, orders met while both were attending Stan­
previously published, were adopted are immediately issued by the Figher ford University.' Both were inter-
unanimously, 'rtiis now legalizes the Command to intercept the aircraft I ested in dramatics and much has hap-
Coo* and Curry Pioneer Association in question. This is a 24-hour a day, 1 pened since. While Margaret was
as soon a* the incorporation papers every day of the week job, without east in a stock company, Mr. Cahn
which our air protection could not was directing the shows. The first
are duly filed.
The report of the nominating com­ function.
year of their marriage they spent in
The main effort* in holding a con­ Hollywood, Mr. Cahn studying and
mittee was approved and the follow­
ing officers for the coming year were centrated Aircraft Warning Service writing. He is a writer by profession
unanimously elected, two of the di­ Week are four-fold. First, the recog­ and will have a story Ih Liberty
rectors, as provided in the constitu­ nition of persona now serving a* vol­ magazine in the August issue. Screen
tion and by-laws, being from Curry unteer* in the vast Aircraft Warning writing,is hi* ambition. He has been
county, all the others from Coos coun­ Service for the «work they have done. in the Navy Air Corps but hay fever
Second, to make it a sustaining pro­ interfered and he hopes to pass re­
President — Charles Stauff, Co­ gram, keeping these full-time volun­ quirements to get in itu
1 the Army soon.
teer* on the jotj; for they have learned
Mr. and Mrs. CahiT**
m T i visit here for
Vice President — Miss Genevieve to do their work efficiently, and have the past week has included a trip by
spent many month* gaining valuable boat up the Rogue River to Agness,
Sengstacken, Marshfield.
Sec -Treas.—Mr*. Inez Chase, Co­ experience. A* in any organization Visit* to logging camps and swimming
these veteran* are, indeed, valuable. parties. They expect to leave in a
quille. .
. ,
Directors—L. H. Hazard, Coquille; and must be made to feel that they day or so for their home in Stock-
Judge Dal M. King, Myrtle Point; are still needed. Third, the identity ton.
J. Albert Matson, Marshfield;'Jack of the wings of the AWS, though fa-
Old friends of their mother* and
Kronenberg, Bandon; H. G. Kern, miliar to its members, mean very the young friend* of their own were
The included in Mr*. Mauney'* guest list
North Bend; Lex Cope. Langlois; , little to the Ijen^rai public.
Aircraft Warning Service is an ac- of those invited. A very lovely tea
Judge A. H. Boice, Gold Beach.
The audience was very much dis- tive part of the Army Air Force, and i table with decoration details in pink
appointed at the announcement of the the members of the Ground Observer and white wa* presided over the
illness of II J. Simpson, of North Corps and the Aircraft Warning first hour by Mr*. Fred Belloni and
Bend, a pioneer, who it had been an­ Corps are as much a part of the Army Mr*. H. A: Young; the second hour
nounced would be one of the speak­ Air Force a* any pilot or other mili­ by Mrs. H. W.’ Pierce and Mrs. J. 8.
tary personnel. We would like for Barton. These were all mother* of
Mr*. Alice Maloney, now of Berke­ the letters “AWS" to be as familiar to •‘Pirate*," of which the guest of honor
ley, California, but originally a the public as are OWI, OCD, or OPA wa* a member in her girlhood days.
daughter of Mr. McCormac, pioneer Last, but not least, an effort toward
Assisting In the dining room were
family of Marshfield, gave an inter-1 recruiting new volunteer* will be Mesdame* Stanley Ayr»*, Luckey
esting talk on the historical research 1 made. In many of the areas, an Bonney and Harry Slack. Receiving
work she is doing on the southwest- | acute need for additional volunteer*
with ths hoateaa and guestt of honor
em part of Oregon. . She made an I* felt, while in other*, a waiting list were Msadames J. A. Berg, George
appeal for any information regarding I* quite desirable because tMsre are Chaney and Walter Paulaon. Open­
the very early »ettlers, miners, de- J constant change* In personnel, so it ing the door upon the arrival of gueat*
scription of historical trails* historical is necesary to make an effort toward were the two charming daughter» of
stories, and even recipes of olden recruiting in practically all ereas the hostess, little blue-eyed, curly-
Thu* the policy of AWS Week will be haired blond Marcia and Karen, look­
A. G. Beals, father of Mr*. Robert recognition of the AWS by the pub- ing almost like twins,
Adam* whose husband is one of the i lie, a sustaining program to keep
state police located here, and Mrs. ! people on the job, identity of the Bachelor Girb Club
Beal* were here from Tillamook on ’ AWS a* part of the Army Air Force,
In the absence of the President,
a visit and were interested guests and recruiting to get extra personnel, Margaret Belloni, vic* president Doro­
and observers of th* day’s activities. I
* -------------------------
I thy toffee, presided last Friday at
Mr Beals is really the father of ( a
| p
the regular luncheon meeting of the
the museum now located at Till»- /appeal TOT lYIOr®
Bachelor Girls Club. With no busi­
mook, which ha* between five and six n
• Z*
LI a I r»
ness for transaction there w*a more
thousand piece* in its collection, 800 •'CU VlOSS rlcip
time to sing and to enjoy th* ever
of w.hich are photoograph*.
tempting luncheon served by the Co­
When called upon to address th*
(Continued from Pag* One)
quille Hotel. Giri* attending were
gathering Sunday he especially com-'“«1*
•» 1«Mt- » “»at by th*
Margaret Stewart, Alys Jun* Fox,
mended th* association for it* deter- flrat * 8*Pt*mb»r
MU have made
mination to start a museum and!« ,alr «bowing and be all set for 8 Phyllis Belloni, Lydia Holstein, Desma
Dean Boeserman, Maxine Johnson,
pointed out that they would be ; «reatar lncreaa*d f«» «nd winter PUt-
Marguerite Robinson Gladys May and
erecting a monument which would be pul” 'Ve must all remember that
Aloha Allen,
enduring to the end of time and their 'our boF«' wherever they may be,
efforts more appreciated a* time went ;ar* doin“ thalr
8nd we must
on and future generations would rise i conhnue to support .them, here st Rurpriae Birthday Party
U. E. McClary was completely sur­
up and called them "Blessed.” Many bom* in every posible way, ’
priceless relic* are easily and rapidly
Arrangements are still under way prised on Tuesday evening when fol­
lost and can never be replaced, he: toward securing a permanent work lowing a special family dinner in his
They are usually found in r°om and. it is hoped, to announce honor at his home, a group of hi*
men friends arrived for tue evening.
cellar* or attics, in boxes, barrels some headway very soon. There
July 27 happened to be the date of
and trunks that are often thoughtless­
Disk’s birthday, His wife had planned
ly discarded as being useless. “We ing machines; an ironing board ha* i
often put something old away in the been generously loaned by Mr*. Jane a stag party wi|h him all unaware.
Cards of course was the diversion.
cellar or attic for safe keeping, when, Martin, an electric iron by Mrs
Frank Greenough and Otto Rentner
in reality it 1* put in a place where Wm. Mineau and another by Mr*.
high score for themselves.
it is out of the way and would be
Those invited worn as follows; Claire
the last thing to be removed from the those women who hav* contributed
Gray, D. E- Baekieff, H. W. Pierce,
building In case of fire or any other * toward the needle and safety pin
boxes placed at Lorenz, Slater’s and Don Mdnery, Earl Leslie, Stanley
destructive force,” said Mr. Beal*.
Ayres, Don McCune, Wm. Barrow,
He »aid he wa* happy to be a pioneer Penney’»,
Old wool pieces, cut into square* Andy Anderson, Georg* Maynard,
of th* Oregon coast—he came west
as a boy nearly half a century ago 4 in, x 4 in. are asked for the making Roy Boober, Frank G reenough and
from Pennsylvania—and crossed the of afghana; also old wool coats, suits, Otto Zentner,
Coast range from Salem to Tillamook etc., for bedside slippers, pieced
PsteioUc Program At Grange
when there were only Indian trail* quilts, etc. This class of work is
The Coquille Grange which meets
and the snow was ten feet deep on particularly suitable for group sew­
the Woodman hall, enjoyed a par­
the summit.
Speaking further of the pioneer as­ to hear from more church, lodge and ticularly . imprwaaivo program last
Seventy-five Friday evening. Mrs. Florence Hal­
sociation and museum in Tillamook, club sewing groups.
he said they had between eight and completed articles have been turned lock had planned ths arrangement
nine hundred member* with 3800 in I in to Coos county Red Croa* head­ with emphasie on the patriotic. "The
the treasury, and that the museum quarter* since the first meeting of Story of Independence,’’ was th* sub­
exhibit* are housed in the former 'July 8th and Mr*. Bunch has already ject of a good paper by Cora Mackey,
Tillamook county stone court house, turned in, 1090 surgical dressing*. Ar The Story of th* Flag " by Mr*. E.
given for the purpose nine year* ago. usual Mrs. L. A. Lundquist will have M. Briner, was followed by “Th*
It is second to none in the state ex- °° hand «i»npl», cut-out material» and Story of the Liberty Bell," read by
Mr». Joe Varney. An amusing song
cept what may be preserved in »«mples for home sewing.
Mr*. Phil Alborn, 316 So. Heath was sung with »very one taking part
The program was over by about *treet, phone 94J, has yarn on hand in pantomine. Refreshment* were
three o'clock and the pioneers began (°r knitting; also printed instruction*, served in the dining room with the
to leave for their homes soon there- She will be pleased to help beginner*, table attractively decorated in the
Mrs. Kesner may be contacted at national colors. Mr. and Mrs. Giles
130 W. 2nd, phone 163M, for all sew- from Tillamook Grhnge were present.
If •£
* *
•*. I ,inM matertals' samples, patterns, etc., (
tor «ny information desired. For Soroptimht Committees Named
isurgical dressing classes, phone Mr*.
Member* of the Soroptimlst Club,
Grover Gouthier, who live* ju«t j r Bunch. 13UM.
with.their president Florence Barton,
beyond Johnson Mill, entered the I Make a ring around Augu*t third
, in the chair, enjoyed a fine luncheon
hospital last Thursday for treatment. on your kitchen calendar and plan
¡Tuesday at their regular meeting at
Claud Lemon, employee at the to be at the Red Cross meeting. Your ' the
hotel. _______________
A hit number for
plant here, was quite seriously in­ help is greatly needed and I* earnest- the entertainment was the song,
jured last Friday when he was hit ly solicited.
' “It’s a Orand Old Flag," sung by six
from the rear by a lumber carrier and
---------------- ---------
year old Bobbie Jean Harris and *c-
jammed up against a solid plank. He
Mr. and Mr*. L. H. Barber, who companied by Z*ttl* Hawkin*.
wa* brought to the hospital for treat­
have lived here for some time, left
Announcement by the president was
. x
Monday afternoon with their last load made of standing committee* as fol-
Willi* Wilt ox. a ten-year old Fish- of household good* for Lebanon, Or*., low»: Attendance, Edith McNelly;
,le“r which
• S»-er.'budget and finance. Be,. MaSry.
(Continued from Page One)
D6lle Knite Hospital l°r
Mr*. Clarence McNair, on Tuesday,
and Rose Marie Peart, yesterday,
both underwent operation* for re-
moral of tonsil* and adenoids.
Dismissals the past week were
Johnny Wasson and Carl Junior El-
ver* on Sunday, Robert Doyle on
Monday, and O. C. Hollingstead, of
------- — Calif.,
Tse Holliman; dub history, press,
j and publicity. Edith Littler; grtev-
anee, Marion. Wood, Hasel Hanna;
1 hospitality and social, Flora Compton,
Buelah Norton and Susie Folson;
, legislation, revision, Wilda Schroeder.
Buelah Norton; membership and
classification, Susie Folsom, Pauline
Pettit, Wilda Sehroed«r;
Muriel Dae Ardath and Zettie Haw-
Program For Two Day
Teachers' School
At Valley View
Howdy Folks
Ten Merchants
To Display Relics
M&WAuto Service
The Industrial Repair Co
J. P. Is Lenient
With Truck Drivers
Justice of the Peace Fred R. Bull,
in order that there be as little inter­
ference as possible In the hauling of
log* and production of needed lumber,
permit* the driver* of truck* who
have been summoned to appear be­
fore the J, P. by th* state police, to
come in later and settle tot all
chargee at one time during the month.
The following ar* th* name* appear­
ing on hi* record for the past week:
July 23, Edward LeRoy Mattin for
combined overload, and Harley Le­
Roy Miller for trailer overload.
July 27, Otis M. Kirkland, driver
axle overload; Vernon R. Cottrell and
R. L. Wilson, trailer overloads; Wm.
Howard Stumbaugh, combined over­
Gard st Thanks
We take this opportunity to ex-
press our sincere thanks for the kind­
tomy on Sunday.
iG.orgt.nna Vaughan and
A seven pounds, four ounces, baby------------------------------------------------------ -[fiyrant; civic and service, May B*r- ness and sympathy shown us during
pur recent, bereavement and for the
Wayne Cordray of this city on Sun-
A baby girl, who has not yet been
named, was born to Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Breedlove, of Sixes river, July
26. She weighed nine pounds.
Mrs. Emma Brown, of Bandon,
entered for treatment on Monday.
Julia Cotter, of this city, wa»
2:40-3:30—Stunt*. Opportunity for
A corresponding meeting will be
held st the Bunker Hill school on
| Mamie Rebekah Lodge held its
August 4 and 9. The school* have
regular meeting in the I. O. O. F.
been arranged in two places instead
Hall, Tuesday evening, with the
The following is a program for the of one in order to save transportation.
Noble Grand, Mr*. Florence Hallock, two day teachers’ school which is
in the chair. Routine business was being scheduled to be held at the
Card of Thanks
attended to. The resignation of Miss Valley View School on Monday and
For the helpful sympathy and for
Edith Gruenewald as Left Supporter Tuesday, August 2 and 3. This meet­
the many acts of kindness shown us
of th* Noble Grand and as Trustee ing will be announced by Mrs. Wanda
during our recent bereavement and
was accepted.
Two new officers Volck, Langlois.
for the beautiful flowers at the ser­
First Day
were installed: Mrs. Maude Greene
vices held for Marvin Kloster, we
9:00-9:20, group singing led by
as L. S. N. G. and Mrs. Jane Burch
wish to thank our friends.
as musician; the installing officer Mr*. Betty Barton, Coquille, accom­
Mr. and Mrs. I>- M. MacPhersun
being Mrs. Mildred Schaer, the Dis- ' panied by Mrs. Dena Pierce, Fair­
trict Deputy President, and Mrs. view. ___ ________ ____
Ruth Beyer* acting a* Grand Mar-1 ] Skit—“Milkmaid Drill,” directed
Old papers 5c a buneà
shal. The new finance committee by Mrs. Darrel Cox, Myrtle Point.
for the term was appointed, includ- i | 9:20-9:30—Welcome,
ing J. P. Beyers, Fred Schaer, and Mulkey county school superinten- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF. THE
1 dent.
Mrs. Bonnie Walker.
9:30-10:00— “Overview of Social In the Matter of. the Estate of John
The matter of the annual summer
P. Messer, Deceased.
picnic with the Oddfellows was dis­ Studies," Mis* Florence Beardsley,
Case No. 2620
Department of
Education, i
cussed and arrangement* were made State
Notice of Fiimi Account *
to meet with their committee for fur­ Salem.
ther plannnig. Announcements were
that the undersigned ha* filed in the
County Court of Coo* County, Ore­
made that the sewing club would
10:20-11:49—Department* •>. •
gon, his final report and account as
meet with Mrs. Katharine Erickson Advanced
executor of the estate of John P.
“Practical Teaching,” Mrs. Betty Messer, deceased, and that the court
Tuesday afternoon and that the Past
has set Saturday, the twenty-eighth
Noble Grand* club would
with Barton, Coquillk.
Maps, Miss Florence Beardsley, » I (28th) day at August, 1943, at the
Mrs. Ethel Leach on the Bandon high­
hour of ten o’clock (10) A. M., of
way on Friday, August 8. Mrs. Ruth ' State Department of Education.
said day, at the County Court Room,
Beyer* is transportation chairman for
Coquille, Oregon,, as time and place
the latter event and and Past Nable grade* 5 and 7, Office County Super­ for hearing objections to such final
account and tiie settlement of »aid
Grand needing a way to gpt to the intendent.
meeting is asked to make her needs Primary
M. O. Hawkins, ,
School studies, Mis* Mary Donald­
Executor of the estate of
P Messer, deceased.
For the next regular lodge meeting son, Oregon College of Education.
11:49-1:00—Victory garden pot­
it was decided to have a potluck sup­
per in the- lodge dining room. That luck.
will be on Tuesday, August 10, at 6:49 j 1:00-1:19—Health program in Coos,
p. m. The committee appointed to Mr*. Ethel Littler, Coos County Pub­
take charge of the supper consists of Uic Health Nurse.
1:19-1:49—Health Course of Study,
Mr*. Myrtle Benham, Mr*. Joyce
Miss Florence Beardsley.
Owen and Mr*. Bonnie Walker.
It’s going to be kjnda
After the meeting was closed there
tough, besides how hard
was a abort social hour, including an
moven is, to leave this old
interesting game in which prizes Advanced
¡>lace. Did you ever feel
Social Studies in 8th grade; Miss
were won by Mrs. Merle Kellenberg-
ike you had token root?
Florence Beardsley.
er and E. C. Briner.
Reckon it might be easier
if we don’t stop to pack.
| Social Studies, Miss Mary Donald-
;*oit. .
It will be three yean in a
Second Day
couple of more months
9:00-10:30—Departmen t*
since we uncrated our ini­
Return Teachers
tial shipment of Motor Re­
AU people in or adjacent to Co-
building equipment—“Th*
quiUe are urged to cooperate in mak- Florence Beardsley, Mrs. Martha E.
Finest Money Can Buy.”
ing the Historic Exhibition Week a Mulkey and Mrs’ Wanda Volck;
success. This Is a plan which the Langlois.
It’s no secret but a long
Old Oregoln Trail commission wish
story why we are the sole
to have observed in every town and
Reports; Report Cards; Keeping Be­
owners of such fine equip­
city in th* state, to celebrate the cen­
ginner* Profitably Busy; and Course*
ment in Coos county.
tennial and to honor the memory of
of Studies and Manual*.
the early pioneer* who settled in the
We hav* bored over 700
Regular Teacher*
Oregon country.*
motors, corrected (ground,
Hodgepodge DRussian Mis* Mary
Starting on Sunday, August 19, the
if you please) over twice
Donaldson, Mr*. Sylvia Craine, Par­
exhibition will last throughout that
that many sets of valves,
kersburg; Mr*. Rosabel Brown, Dora;
Everyone who has relic* of
and laid the foundation for
and Mr*. Cora Mackey, Roy.
the early day* should bring them out
a smooth running motor by
Help* in Making Schoolroom* At­
of hiding to one of the merchants
line boring the main bear­
tractive; Making Rural Teachers 100
whose name appears below. Article*
ings of all our motor re­
Per Cent; Withholding First Graders
to be displayed should be brought in
build jobs.
During First Week; One Day Without
a few days ahead of the time of show­
This equipment is still
ing. Early day picture*, «pinning
new and receives only
wheels, old guns, utensils, old shawls,
the simple care that we ad­
hand-made chair* and what not, are
vise for your motor equip­
a few item* of Interest among the
Social Studies, Mias Mary Donald­
ment and machinery.
many thing* which should come to son.
light at this time.
Merchant* who Primary
have agreed to have display window*
Tests: Self-administration of Cali­
are: Lorens Dept. Store, Purkey
fornia Test of Pre-prim«Ty Mental
Furniture, Cow Bell Dairy, Geo.
Maturity, Mis* Florence Beardsley.
Oerdlng, J, C. Penney, Fuhrman’s
Study of Stanford Achievement
Pharmacy, Mia* May’* Dr*** Shop,
Excel Dree* Shoppe and Hallock**. Test in 3rd grade, Office of Co. Supt.
Building Arithmetic Concepts, Miss
Any merchant who may deaire is
urged also to display a* many ar­ Inez Chase, Coquille.
ticles a* he wishes and to decorate in
the spirit of early day. Any person
in doubt or wishing further informa­
tion please feel free to call any one
of the following committee members
of Coquille
Mr*. R. A. Wmlch, 0. C. Sanford,
Mesdame* Ines Chase, Annie Robin­
ton, M. O. Hawkins, Pearl Ellingsen
or Mr S. M. Nosier.
Rebekahs Met
Tuesday Evening
for Hugh Jones.
Harley Jones, Mr*. Almantha
Philips, Mrs. Alice Eierdam,
Mr. and Mfs. W. C. Jones.
kins; program, Zettie Hawkins; ven­
ture club, Let» Leslie, Garnet Gant;
bonds and stamps, Wilda Schroeder;
service project, Edith McNelly and
Murial Dae Ar da th.
Repairing Aids Victory
Phone 46
E m 228J
At Your Service
It is a pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­
trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his Insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no
• oWwrtwt Gt
Fred R. Bull
436 W. Front
Phone 62-M
---------------------------------- - ------------- -J