I PAOR F1VR -W T~1 ■’ "T spect the highway system in this dis- i killed hundreds, yes thousands of ent rate of slaying, our game ani- trict and to determine which projects duck* on the old ranch each season mate and birds will soon go th* way By R. T. Moore should be listed for improvement or j you fellow* go out and get your buck, of the buffalo. The best definition of Freedom construction in the poet-war period. Center T* Get Paid * . or seek to kill it. So I am asking Thanks a lot for your tetter, Jap,-<- that I have ever heard was the text In my opinion the Highway Com­ LANS LRNEVE you just which of us to the best hope to hear again from you some I Coo* county own* considerable tax of a »ern»on preached by the pastor mission is on the right track when title land in the area covered by the V-’1’-' ■ ■ ....... •' ■■ ■ '♦ sportsman? Is it fellow* like yoy, time, for it to opinions like yours and We are in receipt of a letter from who kill and kill and kill, or to it idea* expressed so ably that cause of th* Bandon Presbyterian Church they advocate doing the bulk of the airport at North Bend. This prop­ on July 4. It was this: “Freedom to work ourselves and not relying on erty has been taken over by the an old friend (at least I thought him fellow* like me, who seldom kill? sportsmen in general to pause and not the right to do as you wish, It to Uncle Sam except as he comes in airport administration, along with a such, until I received his letter, but “If the deer, .elk and ducks hadn’t reflect. And as to which of us to thh the responsibility for always doing as a helper. In this way we will , lot of privately-owned land, and all now I have my doubts about it). been warred upon constantly and beat sportsman, well I have only one The letter in question come* from were killed a* I have killed them, comment to make—no teue gentle­ the right.” maintain control ever our own ex­ of it to being bought by the Navy _ ___ man will hide _ behind __ ___ of them “the brush,” The invasion of Europe via Sicily cellent highway system and will not department through condemnation one Jap Yoakam and in caie you are there would be an abundance ix. no* acquainted with him, we might today and no game laws would be j (meaning your whiskers, of course), bring» up the subject of what th* have to stand in line with hat in proceedings.^^ . that enli*hten you to tbe extent that Jap necessary for their protection, *“ At'one'time it was reported and take as many pot “shots” at a Allied Nation* have to offer those hand waiting for Federal favor the county wa* expected^donate : .X.vvwlLm?“^! “ ,lght The Highway Commission is one fellowman us you have at me. But suffering people, to replace the Nazi­ sm and Fascism under which they of the beat the state has ever had the land tor the airport. Th* County i ,p°r‘""en general, but am merely when it comes to really conserving ’P°rt‘ng a P°ln'iT1“ out that more conservation the game, we have to hand it to you— have lived and died in recent years. and can be thoroughly relied upon iCourt, however, at no time con.id.red So oftqn freedom to misunderstood to do a good job for the entire state. l.uch a donation as it was Mt the j beard that would be the envy of any ■ on the sportsmen's part would mean you’re a good sportsman. It’s truly a [ more propagation fdr our game ani- shame that such sportsmen as your­ and misused by the so-called Dem­ The Governor is fortunate in having I county taxpayers should not be called disciple of The House of David. We assure you that it to not owing • mats and birds. self are so far In the minority. ocracies. Under no other System of secured the services of men of this i upon for such a contribution to a to Jap’s size that we are publishing I “I hope to see this in print, a* I government conceived by man is the calibre. They are accustomed to get­ , federal project. taken from his letter, but | am a reader of your column and I’d Bring your used band instruments citizen required to exert as much ef­ ting things done well and cheaply poIeheofC^ctai^tor Compensation I comments owin* our f“irness in publishing J like to see if you are sportsman in to Norton's. We will pay you fort to live rightly than untter dem­ and the entire state will benefit dur­ m the condemnation suit fo/ChTsum co’nmente ‘he readers of this enough to publish it." Unquote. cash for them. * Unquote. ocratic rule. Because so much is ing their Administration. of $7,500.00 and July 16 receiv^ ot 8 tavoraMe nature We appreciate Jap’s comments and demanded of the individual citizen Calling carda, àc tor J 1.00 or not besides, we that some agree with him avssa^ The settlement of the Wallace- a letter from headquarters of ... À - figure -- wavaa kf» conserva- fully that in the administration of hi* govern­ the 13th ( fellcw'tt comments may tion means propagation. ___ _______ However, ment under democratic rule it to nec­ Jones feud by thé farthing of still Naval district, Seattle, that the offer o( the big Fi».™. «■ „ . ' . , . . prove as interesting to you as they in self defense we will state that essary for him to become well enough another alphabetical bureau comes , has . been accepted and that the De- djj jo us K» freeh water carp are not protected in educated to be able to pas* on ques-“» 8 «re8‘ disappointment to most partment of Justice attorney hand- ; youreelf Utah^-that they devour trout by the tion* of domestic and foreign policy Americans. ling the litigation ha* been instructed | „ .X. A , J. ! youwlt Kodak Finishing .„u. ™ . ...................... 8 «Portsman, do you? And in a re- thousands and that the game com­ as well a* those that immediately af- * u wal hoP«d that the President ... to take the necessary steps to cause the same as usual encourages them being . feet his dally life. A democracy to wo«ld intervene in *ych a way as judgment to be. entered in the case. I | cent issue of your column you in­ mission formed your readers as to how you caught; that they are even used for ' no place for a slothful citizen and |40 once and ior 811 the Jur>8- In other words the. county will No Portraits cannot survive unless its citizen* are ■ dictional dispute between these able j realize $7,500.00 to offset the amount and your wife caught 53 pounds of fertilizer in that state. will be made fresh water carp while in Utah, on Regarding the ducks „and deer: if energetic, alert and intelligent. This “nd influential men so that* their ser- lot delinquent taxes it lost when the after Sept. 1 Utopia to never reached in practice vice* could be retained for the Na- property was taken over through one trip, and gave them all away to each sportsman killed as many of _. your neighbors. It is such fishing as them as our friend Jap, they would and a a. is only approxitnated by the great tirxn tion a* Pull value, Thanking eur many foreclosure proceedings. this that causes limits to be placed become so numerous, especially the « _____ democracies of today. It ta a high I r Instead, both are discouraged by customer* for past favors citizens on such fish as carp—when sports- deer, that no farmer’s crop would be standard toward which c_____ ^e submergened of their views be- M1»int from «• junction with U. S. old home ranch below Coquille. I I heartedly with him regarding the have seen the marshes alive with spirited citizen. United States dent 81 *• executive to demonstrated I Hi„hwau lnl___ n, Highway 101, north of Coquille, with ducks and thousands and thousand* fact that more attention should be to witness the svident short-: throu«h his tailure to make full use .oFthinTin wrìteìds” and yetdurtag !paid to con“rvl‘tlon. for at the pres­ the Seven Devils chrome access road. comings of many group* of people if t8l*nts of men of fine parts The request was granted subject ali those years the ducks that I actu ! composing our great nation. Th*reis!Hu »‘rength seems to lie in foreign to the conditions that the federal ally killed could be counted on my too much selfishness and greed and 1 diplomacy and a* a political leader, reluctance to place the good of the • U to the credit of both Mr. Wai- government will supply funds with finger* and toe*. And the last deer. which to pay costs Involved. Secre­ I killed was in 1916. nation above the good of the Indi-,11“* and Mr- Jone8 th,t the> h,ve ... ....... ............................ -a 1 O/./.dnturi ♦ kaa ******* sHlioH/tn tary H. B. Glatoyer of the highway “Now sportsmen like yourself have vidual. These people are' like childen accepted the new situation grace­ commission, in hi* letter to the court, d fully and have voiced their loyalty I , "" who play about the yard and trample said: "It is my understanding that on the victory garden which their to their chief and pledged anew their the federal government funds will Court, including the writer and the two commissioners, Lar* Peterson and father and mother have carefully desire to serve their country to the be available for this purpose." P. W. Culver, will be in Portland Fri­ tended and rely upon to furnish food best of their ability. A» Automobil« LhMlty ImurMM b A« b«k Inasmuch as the heavy trucking of day of this week to meet with W. H. for them all in the dark days of win­ chrome concentrates from the planta w«y to m««t E m r*quir«m«mi of tb« No « Oroyoo L*w, Homing, federal forester, in connee- ' The Connally-Smith Labor Bill to ter. Fortunately the nation is large of .the Krome Corporation and the tion with the exchange of lands be ­ ___ _ ____ ________ , ___ ________ still untested, although Mr. Biddle to you Utould discuss thi* m«M*r wtoh u* a* w« I mow enough and wealthy enough to sur- Humphrey* Gold Corporation is vive in spite of the destructive tac- ¡moving in the direction of prosecution pounding this portion of the county tween Coos county and the 0. A C. I MC« M w«ll M th« l«w. tics of selfish groups; and the great of certain leader* and member* of the market road steadily around the land administration. Th* court will majority of the voting public are Mine Workers Union in western clock, it Is considered logical that the be joined In Portland by the former II «lr««dy iiteorod, w«'l1 ch«clc to M« if you h«vo still intelligent enough to realize Pennsylvania. It to not surprising federal government should stand the county judge. E. L. Peterson, now A« two kind$ öS ütauiMC« liut you roally n««cL er state director of agriculture, under that in this crisis the nation must that the Administration is dragging cost of maintenance. whoa* administration as county judge its feet in enforcing this new law be­ come first. Because of the manpower shortage, With the Armed Forces operating cause of the loose wording of the th* late season, and other «ir*urn. the proceedings were begun. Considerable progress ha* been smoothly in spite of the rather me­ law itself and because of th* Influ­ stances« Oounty Roadmaster Robb’s diocre support they are receiving in ence of National socialist groups in department is pleased to have, the made in the exchange proceeding* but “INSURANCE THAT INSURES** the production line* there to yet hope the personnel of th* important Fed­ state highway department assume the there to still much to be don* before the big task can be accomplished. A that th* nation will be pulled togeth­ eral agencies Involved. job of maintaining that portion of Th* Title Company, Phone 21J It to a singular thing and on* not number of rancher* in the district af­ er and will function smoothly from the North Bank road. ■ ' ' Bldg. 3U S. Taylor St fected by the exchange have already now on. Much depends on the action yet explained satisfactorily that the The county road crew is working taken during the summer to ruthless­ 30-day strike notice and the secret feverishly to get around to the var­ made application to purchase grazing Coquille, Oregon ly stamp out the petty bickering and ballot features objected ta by the ious parts of the oounty during favor­ lands that Coo* county expects to re­ * * RterssMrtlM TW -nSveum. Hartftte ceive in the transaction. While no Administration are embodied In th* muddling in Washington Thoughtful able weather In order to get a* much citizens are hoping anxiously that the Railroad Act and have been found to maintenance work done a* poeaible. promises can be made, the County operate very well in practioe Court has in mind giving first con­ President will be successful In his Because of the necessity of doing One canot not help but come to the sideration to those most interested by effort to perform this arduous task. several important and urgent jobs for conclusion that the real reason for virtu* of having leases on such fed­ the military authorities early this th* objection was not that those fea ­ eral land* as may lie adjaoent to their Conspicuous in the trena of think­ season, the county work has been de­ ing during the last days of the recent tures are unworkable but because layed somewhat, but the crew 1* private holding». session of Congress is the drift toward they were not/acceptable politically. “hitting the ball" now and much la A showdown to approaching on U»to restoring to the several states msny expected to be accomplished within of the rights which had been volun­ matter tn th* multitude of strike no­ the next few weeks, tarily released to the Federal Govern­ tices that has arrived on the desk of ment in the internet of overcoming th* War Labor Board during th* past ton days or *o, It is a sad and dis­ Prosper Data Rr*«|a*4 the late depression. graceful thing fhpt the war effort 1 The County Court granted the re­ Congressmen are receiving a great should be impeded in any way by quest of petitioners from the Prosper many letters from constituents, par­ stoppage of work- Much responsi­ community to re-establish a voting ticularly farmers, protesting against bility rests upon labor, industries precinct there. Several years ago • Federal regulations and insisting tgpon change in boundaries was made which restoration of State control over Ag­ and the several Federal b«r«*w» in­ placed the Prosper community in the riculture. The clamor Is becoming volved to s*e that discipline to rig­ idly maintained and the no-*trike Parkersburg precinct- so great that It Is safe to predict ac­ The petition ashed that all of that pledge kept- W* have had altogether tion in that direction when Congress portion of the prosper school district tqo much of th|* sort of thing and convenes next September public opinion win hardly tolerate (No, 60) lying on the south *W* of th* Coquille rim be made a voting Jt shoujd be kept eternally before another wave of strikes. Plage at the Prosper school house. the public that the reliance on the The change will not add to the cost Mor« Coon Co, Young People |n Federal purse for the construction of holding elections inasmuch a* the of public Utilities or for the operation “K*pp Orpffon Di*«n'’ Guard* Parkersburg precinct has had two of any quasi-pubti* business jngtitu, Sjxty-fotir young people of Coo* election boards, while now Parkers­ tion* mean* the surrender of the tax­ County are now member» of the Ore­ burg and Prosper will each have one payer's right of veto via th* ballot gon Green Ouard Thi* organization board, This is not true technically but it is to the youth activity of th* state­ That are* along the highway east true practically. For the individual wide pampaign to prevent farm and at Bandon, Including the Wintersville vote, though having control over forest fire* The latest reports show community, »till remains In the County and State officialdom, has Karen Bgrklow, Evelyn June Hall, Parkersburg (Bear Creek) precinct, no control whatever over the yM‘ Martelle Roper, Jteggy Kinch*|oe, The total registration in the Par. army of Federal employee», Only by Sylvia Elain* Hall, .11 of Myrtle kenbqrg precinct, depording to the concerted action, very slow and dif­ Point: Georg* John*oti, Bob J«nkin*. records ip County Clerk eddy's of- ficult to obtain can th* latter be re­ I Jim Brewster, Prter fio* Is 12U At the last November moved from office, ment Kann*l, Clifford Manning. »M election there were f*2 votes cast. N the wind-whipped Aleu­ I In making decision on whether of Coquille, «nd P«l* Thin», at tians and the beaming Federal fund» »hquld b* solicited or Marshfield, as the more recent en­ Fight Fire* Ry Air Iungles of the South Sea accepted for state or local use, the listment* to offer their services in »lands — aboard shrapnel- Woodsmen on the lookout far pos­ voting public should remember that fh|* timely pnd important work raked bombers and fighting sible enemy action in the way of set ­ the cost will be the surrender of a Other young peopl* who want to be ting the forests aftre, should per­ ships at sea — our boys are part of their voting franchise In giving everything they've got Green Guard* should writ* “Keep haps be cautioned to hold their fire some cases this might be justified by to win this toughest of wars. I Oregon Green,” Salem, Oregon There in th* vent they see a man dropping the benefits acrulng to the public I are no fees charged and P® duties as­ from the *ky by parachute, because In honor of the tremen through such expenditures But more signed that the person cannot do at th* man may not be a Jap. , > dous job they're doing, we oftar than not. the project* could be Ms oten home- H. C- Obye, Grant* Pass, super- ■ are devoting the month of better handled locally and with more vjsor of the Siskiyou National For­ July to the sale of War Bonds satisfaction to the local residents est, ha* announced that ten mon at Penney's. We have tried the system of central­ trained in parachute fire fighting, the ized authority in th* Nation’s capital. In every department, at first crew ever employed in Oregon, It has been found wanting, W* SUNDAY DINNERS every counter at Penney's, are now stationed at the Redwood* should then return ta the sy»tam of, Timely Topics ¡’Out-of-Door*Staff >• J. S. BARTON 3UY WAR BONDS AT PENNEY S I • country to the greatest nation on earth within th* short spaoe of 107 years, the most remarkable achieve­ ment in the history of man. At the recent meeting with offi­ cial* of the State Highway Depart­ ment in Marshfield the policy of standing on our own feet was out­ standing. The purpose of the visit waa to in-, • Fried Chicken •nd s Sea Foods OUR SPECIALTY Dinnara ll.Ot and I1.M Open Every Day till fcM p.m. TOWN CAFE pleted an intensive course in para- chute fire fighting at Seeley Lake, near Miaaoul*, Mont,, each man being required to make at least eight jump* with full equipment. The men work in pair* and will be dropped with full equipment near a fire as soon as it is reported. Bond* st Pennej'*—all you can afford and a whole lot more! No one can own too msny War Bonds—there's nothing better, anywhere, for your money. Buy War Bonds—today— at Penney’s! WHAT YOU SAVE ...SPEND WITH UNC1.E SAM! » )