e ■, PAGC THRU Î Water Problem On ¿.Heights Settled Laurie Robison Writes On Invasion Letter From George Tracy Leach was not a saboteur or fifth columnist. Keys mede tor all locks. Stevens Asked if he was going to tell his Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. wife about it, he promptly replied, “No, I would have to pay her ten Chas. Briggs informed the Sentinel The following story is printed t0 dollars.” So now, Count, it’s time to settle I Monday morning that there are 35 insure that “Count” Kennett Law- 1 . and pay over those ten simoleons users of city water on Sanford rence pays a debt: Heights who have already paid in Last week he was called upon by theh iees for connecting up with the a Southern Pacific secret service Notice B. P. W. Members Members of the Busineas-and Pro­ ‘wo-inch main recently laid from the man, or an F. B. I.—they are mostly Ctxlul11« Auto Park Service Station the same—who wanted to know why fessional Women's Club are reminded The that they will meet next Monday eve­ !^U8t ‘Aiteidq town on the Marshfield his 'interest in troop trainy. highway, and that three more are go­ Count’s reply was that he had no ning at the home of Bess Maury. Ten Dollar Bet Brings F .B.l. Visit (Continued from page one) Tracy Leach this week received a you have also read and heard over letter from his son, George Tracy, the radio of our latest adventure. from whom the father and grand- What a timqj We were going to stop mother, Mrs. Callie Lerfch, had not in for a good spaghetti dinner but heard from for some time, since he UP, leaving but two flak and 50 cal. detained us but wns moved from the training camp in* 10 in southern California. lh*n th the The letter 'le lea “ * than e 40 originally agreed to next time we will st6p. We never lost a ship in the group. was written July 4, somewhere in when the city council ordered the • pipe for the residents out there. Thank God for that. It was quite a India, and reads: As finally outlined at the meeting show and I was one of the many that write and let 01 four Sanfo,tt Heights property Finally allowed to had a ringside seat for a while. I never saw so many battleships and you know I’m O. K. Honimr voii’n*' owners and the city council last Wed- ... ... -____ iZZ '-d“y evening, there is Just one invasion barges in my life. It was all in equally as good health. Censorship forbids a thousand and meter ‘«stalled out there which might the biggest thing I ever saw. During the time we were over our one things I'l like to say, consequently ** below high water mark during | winter floods and that will be raised target and ready to dump our load letter writing is difficult. Our mail hasn’t as yet caught up |“ out reach J* high water, of paratroops, it was as thrilling and lot of fun and after our load was gone, with us. Sure hope you’ve been AU the houses connected, even though ‘ there may be three on one service we had a time dodging anti-aircraft writing a lot. - This India Jungle is really some- **ne f,om the main, have a meter al- fire and searchlights but' after every­ measure the amount used thing had come off to plan and we thing. Don’t mind it except for the ready , ! *jy each consumer. were headed back to our base, a per- intense heat, filth and snakes. son gets to thinking, (anyhow I did),1 I have a native boy who does to puid by each oi just how lucky we were to get out niy housework, etc. Coats about 40 38 a rninirnum P*r without a scratch. cents per. week, one rupee, eight lnonth, same as other outside- I expect more of the same but as annas. Calls me the White American I the*city use rs^ pay. special interest in them. The Three Links sewing dub will "Then why did you write that meet at the home of Bernice Clark letter asking whether there was one or two engines pulling that troop Ttiesday, August 3. train last week?” The Count indigently replied that he had written no such letter, but BUY YOUR the official insisted that the 8 P. company at Eugene had received such a letter, signed with his name, and the Count’s denials could not change that fact. He then thought back to a recent trip he and Mrs. Lawrence took out. to the Willamette valley and he began to have glimmerings of. what was causing his investigation. After he and Mrs. Lawrence had 1 passed the long troop train he asked ACCIDENT and HEALTH her if there was one or two engines BIRTH CERTIFICATES pulling it. She replied that there I...- .. . I I were two. He said there was only fo when I don’t know but that is Great Rajah. one and finally offered to. bet her what I came over here tor. Of all PH write often and tell you as Card of Thanks $10 that there was only one. the Jumps made over here this last much as possible. We take this means of expressing ■ From Then in his deductions he con­ one was really the best. I will tell i Hello to all my old friends. thanks to our friends, to the Coos cluded that in order to settle the bet, 7 MM JB55 WUCJl * you .all BUUUt about Ik it when I get IMVA. back. I -------------------------- Bay Lumber Co. and its employees, Mrs. Lawrence must have written to After we got back to our base, the Fmm for the many courtesies shown us, for Eugene and signed his name to the cooks had hot coffee, doughnuts, *-Q'a IxeCelVea rrOITI the sympathy expressed, and for the letter. -■ t sandwiches and aU kinds of stuff gyJ Gaffgy MondaV beautiful floral offerings at the ser­ With this It was really good. It was sort of a | iviwiiuviy explanation the F. B. I. vices held for Joe Rocco yesterday. “dutch lunch.” Nearly all the crews i Mrs. j___ Wm. ....... Gaffey, of this ___ city, on! Mrs. Mary F. Rocco and Dora officer was satisfied and the Count were there and everybody talking at'Monday this - week, received a poet t Howard. • — ... i convinced him that he, Lawrence, once, telling what they saw and did. cardi through the medium of the In- Before we went on the mission all temational Red Cross, from hereon, of our assistants and fellows on the wilford, which read as follows: line kidded us about leaving our . __ ___ money and clothes to them. But there 1 Dear Mother: j am wen and safe were momenta when a fellow wqn- ln japan; my health is as usual. I ★ ' :*4r" dered If he were coming back. Such have not heard from the family since a thing doesn't worry or bother me April. How are you getting along? until it is all over. But it was a Remember me to everybody, lot of fun. The aerial works reminded Love, Bud. me of the fourth of July. What did you all do on the fourth? The card, which was not dated, .was I was trying to keep cool. The place written in Japan where Wilford is in where we are now can sure get hot. a concentration camp. A couple of days it reacehd 126 de­ Some have asked Mrs. Gaffey if It grees F. No kiddin’ and I Uved is in Bud's handwriting and she is SAFEWAY VALUES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES through it, how is a miracle to me.________ ______________ sure it is. ___ But—it must have been We live in tents and when the heat written ¡ait year,* and the April he isn’t going on the wind 4s kicking up ■ mentions was that of 1942, for he has Tomato Soup, Rancho (3 pts.) 7c Corn, Cntry Home Cream (16 pta.) nice, gritty dust. We have the most been a prisoner since some time last No. 2 2 for ............ ........... fog Tomato Jce., Sunny Dawn (2 pts.) 11c varied kinds of varmints: anta, bugs, year. . ’ Prune Jce, Sunsweet (3 pts.) qt. 27c Beets, Del M Diced (9 pts) No. 303 19c of all descriptions, spiders, lizards, Pork A Beans, Dennison (12 pts.) 12c snakes and mosquitoes. It is a nice Tom. Sauce, Vai Vita (3 pts.) buf cn Sc place with a cool river and nice Beans, White Tag (8 pts.) 12 ox cn 10c Gooseberries, Blue Tag (9 pts.) shade trees. Heat geta jne ' _ No. 393 ...IZZ........Z_.....lie Beans, Gardenside (11 pts.) No. 2 14c How is everything at home? I Corn, Del Monte Cream (14 pts.) Prunes, Red Tag (7 pts.) No. 2ft 22c hope everyone is fine and well. I No. 303 2 for ?...................... 25c “Bud” Trendell, of this city who Pears, Harper Hse (15 pta.) No. 2ft 29 One thing is certain: We can't "keep am all okay and the only thing that was called to the colors last winter going" at our bast speed unless we matters with me is that I want to RED STAMP ITEMS • RED STAMP ITEMS and sent first to the Navy camp at keep our summertime meals hearty come home. So do a lot more of the and really nutritious. Easiest way to Farragut for training and who is Margarine, Sunny B (4 pta.) lb pg 17c Cheese, Kraft Velv’ta (4 pts.) ft 1b 22c outfit Kutch is fine and sends you do this is to include at least one hot now at the air training school at Nor­ Margarine. Nucoa (4 pts) lb pkg. 25c his regards Where is Rock now and Cheese, Kraft Amer. (4 pta.) ftlb 22c dish with al) three meals of the day. man, Okla., has developed a. capa­ what is he doing’’ I haven’t-had a And they don't have to be the kind Pure Lard (8 points) 2 lb. 39c Devil. Ham, Puritan (1 pt) 3 os cn 17c s. bility there that his father, A. G. BiBI requite bourr and bouse ta letter from you for quite a spell but Shortening. R ’ yal S ’ tin (15 pta) 3 1b 54 Milk, Cherub (1 point) tall can 9c Trendell, did not know he possessed preparation. Here are some sugges­ I suppose you haven’t had one, from —that of a boxer. Bud, in the 170 tions for “quickie" hot dishes that me either. =33 pound class, in the elimination con­ will satisfy robust appetites. There is sure a lot of rumors going test staged in the camp, boxed his TOAP-IN-A-HOU — Form leftover, around about us going home. But I way up to the finals and was Just mashed potatoes into bolls shout am from Oregon am) have to see it 2 inches in diameter and press hole shaded out of thé championship by first. But one of these days we will in the center Partially fill holo with the winner. be coming home. So keep the fire cooked, chopped meat, and add left­ Raisins, Sun-Maid Nectars 15 ox. 13c hot and lota of bourbon on tap. over gravy to fill hole to top Place Baby Cereal, Clapp or Gerber 8 qx 13 c under broiler, and broil until pota­ Well that is about all I have to Bob Martin In Naval Training Oats, Morning Glory reg. or qu. 3 1b 24 Dried Prunes, Fahey 4 lb. pkg. 50c toes are golden brown and gravy say and report from here. So all be At Farragut, Idaho Gold Medal Wheaties, 8 ox. pkg. lie Pnut Butter, Beverly, 6ft ox. Jar 15c starts bubbling Servo piping hot. good and chin up and read about us Post Toasties, 18 ox. pkg. 2 for 25c Robert Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leftovers in grand disguise. Miracle Whip, Kraft, pint 26c Jar Rubbers, reg. Doxen in pkg. 4c in the papers. F. W. Martin, of Coquille, is now in THIMBU (MAT BAttl—Combine equal Molasses, Red Hen 18 ox. glass 13c Sugar (Use Stamp 13, 15, 19) training at the Farragut U. 8. Naval portions ground moat and dry bread Soup Mix, Cont. Noodle 3 pkgs. 25c Cane 5 lb....... . ........................ 34c Training Station, largest in the west. crumbs Add salt, pepper, grated Geo. W. Laird Is Now , Sugar, White Satin 10 lb. sack63c During his period of training here Olives, Lindsay med. ripe pint 21c onion, a bit of mustard, and a A Marine Second Lieutenant Bread, Julia Lee Wright's 1ft lb If 13c in the beautiful mountainous region chopped tomato. Add a beaten sgg 24 ox. pkg. 23c Macaroni, Porter's Gold bars of a Second Lieutenant of northern Idaho, he will be taught and boat the meat Be you would Kraft Cottage Cheese, pint cup 24c Flour, Gold Medal, 10 lb. sack 58c cake batter until all ingredients are in the United States Marine Corps ¡the many phases of Naval life from Mustard, Libby’s 9 ox. Jar................. 9c completely blended. Form into aiaat Kitchen Craft Flour 10 lb. bag 48c are now being worn by Lieutenant i seamanship to physical hardening, Waldorf Toilet Tissue, per roll 4 for 19 balls the size of a walnut and brown Baking Powder, 1 K C 25c Jar 10c George W. Laird, 26, of Bullards which Includes experience with boats White Magic Bleach ft gallon 19c quickly in hot shortening Then add Bulkee Coffee Stretcher lb. pkg. 15c Route, Coquille. He is now enrolled on Lake Pend Oreille. Sunbrite Cleanser, No. 1 can 2 for 29c just enough water to cover bottom Fla-Ver-Aid. asst, drink pwdr 3 pg 10c in Reserve Officers’ Class at Quan­ Lux Toilet Soap, 3 reg. ban 20c When this course is completed, he 1 of the pan. cover pan and steam for tico, Virginia, undergoing the ad­ j will be given an opportunity to qual­ 15 minutes.’ Thicken drippings in the pan and serve with meat balls vanced stages of his officer training. ity for a specialized course in one 1 rACCCr1»« sump No. 22 over steamed rice or toast. He received his commission upon of the Navy's many service schools. LsUl I EC Edwards lb. bag 27c BTUrrn ST1AK — Hava steak cut very completion of Officers Candidates' thin. Spread steak with a thick layer Clara. of seasoned, breadcrumb stuRng. Lieutenant Laird, former student Roll up steak, jelly-roll style and at Oregon State College, is the son tie or skewer. Brown steak roll in of Mr. and Mrs. Oorge Laird, and hot shortening, then add just enough husband of Mrs. Laurene 8. Laird, of water to create a steam and cover Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thommen, of and steam for about 25 minute*, or the same address. PEACHES Cal. Helea lb. Fairview, were greatly relieved on until steak is tender. Mske gravy * BACON JOWLS Tuesday when they received a letter, from drippings. It makes a little CANTALOUPES lb. Enlists in Army Air steak really go around. written by their son. Charles, on July Corps Reserves SLI. BACON JOWLS 20, stating that he was well. He was •OOP IATWM MC1M8— That’s what, BEETS Locals lb. Jim Howe, son of Mr. and Mrs. a member of the crew of the U. S. you’ll find in Julia Loe Wright’s SALT PORK t George Howe, returned Wednesday Destroyer Gwin, * which was sunk article in Family Circle Magazine CARROTS Clip Tops lb. thia week. Be sure to get your copy morning from Portland where he had by the Japs in the battle of Kula gluf. at your Safeway Stare, and try HALIBUT ■ , -b PEAS Locals lb put in nearly a week’s time time get­ these recipes that are appearing by ting through the routine necessary for J Bob Collier Taking Officer SLI. CHINOOK SALMON AQ. TOMATOES Texas Fancy lb. request. his enlistment in the Army Air Corps INSURANCE LIFE Beal Estate GEO. E. DERDING Make the Most of Your Ration Points and Money — Bud Trendell Developes As A Boxer Make »■■ertiae meals hearty! » I Stop! Red Stamp P-Q-R and S Expires This Week-Don't Forget Chas. Thommen Safe In Pacific b I NOB HILL Bl I 15c 13c 6c .5c 15c 21c 27c 23c 39c " Reserve. Jim will be eighteen soon and hopes to finish his senior year in Coquille High before being called for training. His enlistment in this par­ ticular branch of service insures with some certainty his not being called before six months. “ Point Training In Australia Sergeant Robert Collier who has been in New Guinea for several I months, told his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier, in an air mall let­ ter which came last Friday, that he is now back in Australia attending officers candidate school. He added that the change ip climate la notice- T6 MCTWnnvnie having their winter now. The letteri G. L. McRay, Southern Pacific came through quickly, having been | agent at Myrtle Point for the past 21 dated at time of mailing, July 6. years, left Sunday for'McMinnville, in which city he sssumed the duties One of the most prominent corner of agent for the railroad company buildings l , uuuiu <* In >■> Coquille, the old W. n. O. this week. H. F. Nelson, from Rose- ' W. building, now owned by B. L. burg, is relief agent at Myrtle Point Tracy, is being brightened and its ap- until a permanent appointment is pearance improved, by the application made. ¡°t * “ght colored paint » 0 Hofftifttkrn’ BurtM 4UUA LKE WRIQHT. DUwu> b SALT COD FISH 24c CUCUMBERS 23c ,b • - »15 » v *