TH1 COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINE!« COQUIUA OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 2», 1843. PAO« TWO j. . ■ See Norton's for everything in pa­ per. Right now they have an ex- Optionally fine stock of writing pa- oithar nurkagstd AT hziKPri fmtYI per, either packaged Of boxed, from 10c to 81-75. For a email additional charge you may have your stationery monogrammed or your name im­ printed in gold or colors. Your home ia your biggest and best investment Pro­ tect it more thoroughly, lastingly, with America’s favor it* house paintl S herwin - W illiam * SWP HOUSE PAINT . s?-?— —H gSSB . 350 gal. Services Sunday For E. E. Johnsdn Native Daughter Hirl A ** I V O I V U ® -------- L- WH .X... ■ !--------LIU—II 51. t-w inc:: r Uu'ccn FPIaT .... I Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St. Phone «8 S herwin W illiams P aints /................ - - .... - - Electric Ranges , Good condition 530.00 to 135.00 GAS RANGES Has Trash Burner >10.00 to 520.00 HOME COMFORT Good Enamel Has Water Back 5115.00 DAY BEDS 52.50 to 515.00 OAK TARLES 54.00 to 512.50 . The annual meeting of the Pacific Funeral services for E. E. Johnson, who passed away last Wednesday 'Division of Cranberry Canners, Inc., | night, were held in Ute Pioneer > will be held at the cranberry build- I church here at two o’clock Sunday I ing here in Coquille Sunday, August afternoon, with a large attendance of j1. accprding to M. S. Anderson, repre- I ¡hi* friends and acquaintance* pre*- seKtaUve of the. organization who has ' ent. i been here for several week* remodel- | j The bier and railing in front of the ing th^ building and preparing for the The »liar were covered with the beauti-“ — installation of machinery. ------ ful floral offerings of friends in token meeting will be attended by M. L. of their love and admiration for this Urann. Wareham, Mass., president of sterling character who has gone to Cranberry Canners, Inc.,' who has his heavenly reward. i been attending such meetings in the ; Rev. Chga. G. Brown officiated at eastern and middle western sections the service and the message of com- of the country. He reports that at the ; fQrt to the family was brought by Rev. general meeting, held at Hanson, Wm. J. Fenton, pastor or the church Mass., more than 400 growers were ¡here 40 years ago, and who came in attendance. Urann is expected to down from his home in Portland to arrive in Coos county Friday. Divi- i officiate at the obsequies of the one sional meetings were held in New whom he knew so well at the time Jersey and Wisconsin. Of primary importance to growers Mr. Johnson became a member of that church. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins is the resolution which ha* been presided at the organ. * * j adopted at the other meting*, the Mr. Fenton used the 14th chapter substance of which is that the nation­ of St. John, in which Christ was wide co-operative will strive to the quoted by his beloved disciple as utmost to get an average of $15 per I saying. "1-61 not your heart be 1 barrel for growers for the next ten- JOYCE WATSON year period. The average for the past Joyce Watson, 11 years old, will troubled! ye believe in God, believe ten-year period was $10 per barrel. also in me." In the course of his appear Friday night In song and pi- i The membership in Cranberry Can- ano, accompanying her parenta. Rev. i remarks, he referred to Mr. Johnson ners, Inc., according to Anderson, is as “ one of Uie best and most clean- and Mrs. Ray Watson, on their violins now marketing and canning more at the Church of Nazarene, Ninth | minded men he i)ad ever known.” and Heath streets. The musical pro- I Interment was in the Johnson plot than 80 per cent of the national pro­ gram will precede the four-act drama, | in the Masonic cemetery. Honorary I duction in the United States and the “Their Last Warning." Joyce was j pall bearers who were present for membership includes the largest growers in the country. born here at the Belle Knife Hospital the service and interment were J. S. Installation of machinery and oper­ Barton, L, H. Hazard, A. N. Gould, in 1931. John Standly, E. A. Walker, David ation of the cannery in Coquille this Miller, Ralph T. Moore, W. J. Sweet, fall Is now a certainty, Anderson said. Lafe Compton, Geo. A. Ulstt, O. C. The equipment will be somewhat Sanford, Stewart Lyons, Fred Pow- larger than at first planned and some July 24—Edward Arnett, of Co­ ers, R. A. Wamlch, R. A. Jeub, H. W.; special provisions have had to be quille, and Helen Harris, of River-1 Mast. F. L. Orssnough, Ralph Point- 1 made in the remodeling program at side, Calif. ' the building to accommodate the er, Adrian and Noble Standley. July 26—Aaron Moss, Jr., of Green­ Pallbearers who bore the body to, equipment. I ville, Ky., and Marjorie Shaver, of its final resting place were Reidar The entire output of the cannery Central City, Ky. They were mar­ Bugge and James Lyons, of Marsh- at Coquille this fall will go toward ried by Rev. G. A. Gray at his home field; J; A. Berg,' J. A. Lamb, M. 0.1 filling orders for the Army and Navy. here on Monday. Hawkins and H. A. * Young, of Co- IA dehydration plant at Grayland, July 27—Lewis Francis Strong and qullle. ¡Wash., now being installed, will fur- Iva Amanda Young, both of Myrtle '4““1*'.. n i was not made in Isst nUh that product for the Armed Point. They were also married by 1MI week’s issue that Eck Johnson was ¡Forces and for Lend-Lease, of which ‘ Rev. G. A. Gray at his home on Tues- twice mayor of Coquille, a quarter 3,000,000 are required. \ It takes ten day... of a century ago, and at about the pounds of cranberries to produce one i July 28—Vernon Leslie Trigg, of same time served on the Port of Ban- pound of dehydrated product. Norway, and Bernice Beryl Gillespie, i don commission. His administration | of Arago. as mayor was one of the most satis­ K lady’s slipper, evidently - lost ■ ■" T factory the town had ever known and Saturday night, found on the R.E.A. , many needed improvements were window ledge, awaits an owner at inaugurated during the four-year pe­ the Sentinel office where it can be riod. secured for SS cents advertising . ........ charge. Wanted • WOOD RANGES WATER PUMP Gear or ^Piston FURNITURE SETS CHAIRS BEDS SPRINGS MATTRESSES DAVENOS Hayground News Children have bean having good 'time* at the Playground th* J*«» 1 week, swinging, playing on ring* and bar», playing checker*, and reading. The sandbox haa been the scene of ■ much activity. One may sae a vil- ; lage, a fort, or highway*, filled with bussing vehicles, constructed in the sand. These crude constructions, to- ' gether with childrens grave imsgina- ition*, make for a good time for the younger children. Our platform, too, is filled with youngster* acting out plays of their own origination, play­ ing house, or putting on a program of singing, verses, stories, and plays. Children are having a lot of fun. Come and join them. Last Friday a group of children gave an amusing program. There wa* singing, reciting and acting. An orig­ inal playlet, in which was demon­ strated the care of children of work- . ing mothers, and its ensuing diffi­ ----- AT THE -— culties, was greatly enjoyed. Both j the children giving the play, and the ' audience, were well entertained. Tournaments, too, have been enjoyed 9th & Heath « I . the past week. Loren Steward is the , champion, having won in the Badmin­ ton, horseshoe, croquet, and table tennis tournaments. Come. Parti­ Rev. Ray Watson.............................Director cipate. Join in the fun and excite- Rev. M. M. Short....: ........... Pastor ' ment. Boys, dont forget the model air­ ADMISSION FREE . I plane, boat, etc. show Friday. Bring ( These Firms Have Contributed your model*. They will be displayed Folsoms Belle Knife --------- Farmers and voted upon. Show other* what I Grocery Hospital Grocery you are capable of doing. Prises will be given. Tip Top O. K. Rubber Bergen’s Remember, Friday ia special picnic Welders Cafe Florist day. ‘Come Friday morning, bring Bah-ow Robert's Geo. Ransom your lunch, and stay ail day. You Drug Beauty Shop Barber Shop ‘ will be sure to enjoy yourself. Towne • Dr. Frank Henninger’s —Miso Page, Supervisor. BWArtjyC! DAWnS Used Furniture ! Phone 119L i WATSON PLAYERS Present* 4-Act Prophetic Drama B LAST WARNING Cleaners Coquille Wood Co. Thornton Tire Service Jack’s Welding Service Biegger Furniture Co. Circuit Court Cases July 23—Mary L. Grove vs. Ber­ nard Grove. Sult for divorce. I July 23 — Margaret Meaker vs. .Chas. H. Meaker. Suit for divorce. 'July 27—A. E. Seaman vs. David • Levlson. i July 27—Coos Bay Lumber Co. va. I Chas. V. Galloway, Earl B. Day and Earl L. Fisher, member* of State Tax Commission. I July 28—Francis J. Davison va. Ina F. Davison. Suit for divorce. July 28 -Jimmie Hassen vs. Dora Erickson Hassen. Suit for divorce. July 28—Edna M. Weber vs. Myra E. Ball et al. Suit to foreclose mort­ gage. Keys made tor au locks. Stevens Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf We carry a complete line of V- Belta for all make* of Refrigerators, | Wushin- Machine* and other equip- 1 ment Washer Service Co.. 365 W. | Front> Coquille. Phone. 16tfs ' Bergen's Better Blossoms and Harbison’s Myrtlewood u Gifts for all occasions See ear large variety of petted plants; roses, gardenias and other cat flowers in season. Across from Telephone Off. Pn. 64 T i I are being received daily. Come in and make your selections while Furniture can be had. DINETTE SETS, 4 chairs • DINING ROOM SETS, 6 Chairs / »39.50 * »59.50« MAHOGANY ANO GUM BOOK CASES »24.50 *° »34.50 Moderately Priced DESKS - *• $1A 00 Up In Champagne finish, Early American, *** Walnut, Mahogany w SWING ROCKERS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS »13.95*° »42.50 OCCASIONAL TABLES up A fine Assortment of Linoleum in shipment just received Inlaid, per square yard . . - Heavy Print, sq. yd. • -. • ■ Standard Weight Print .CO PURKEY FURNITURE * * We have in stock for Immediate Delivery the following sizes B. F. Goodrich truck tires Friday, July 30th, 8 P. M. Market Rackleff • Pharmacy J. C. Merchant - The Bootery J. S. Barton Purkey Furniture Hudson Drug Co. The wedding last Saturday evening, July 24, when Jean Newton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cha*. Newton, be­ came the bride of Wayne Schroeder, «on of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Schroeder, was one of the most beautiful of the midsummer season. -The ceremony was at eight o’clock at the Assembly of God Church, with Rev. Lloyd Persing officiating. Stand­ ing for tlie double ring ceremony before a bank of green, arranged with fern and huckleberry mingled with white lilies, daisies and pink roses, the bride was a picture in a dress of egg shell satin,, with fitted bodice fastened down the ffont with loops and small covered buttons and trimmed with pleating. She wore a finger-tip veil. The bride'q bouquet was of white rosebuds and a purple orchid, with shower of white sweet peas. • • • The bride wa« attended by her sis­ ter, Helen Newton, as maid of honor. She wore yellow crepe. Bridesmaids were Dorothy Belle Newton and Margaret Steward ' in pink "dotted swiss. Lenore Stevens and Mary Lou TRUCK OPERATORS Church Of The Nazarene Cafe Mulder Thrift Industrial Grocery Repair W. Matejka Brandon’a Jeweler Fountain > Geo. E. Eat More « Oerding Sandwich Shop Cow Bell Williams Grocery Dairy White Cottage Southwestern Lunch Motor Co. Eaton’s F. R. Bull Feed'Store Insurance — Hal-knwfHr» ■■ irntSr™ • ^etT^afio^' Pacific City Feed & Seed Co. Cleanera Hallock’s Brooks Used Furniture Dress Shop “TOT 7“ Schroeder Bros. Funeral Home Cafe Coquille Ideal Barber Shop Bakery Newton were in blue dotted Swiss. All carried lovely old-fashioned nose­ gay*. Sharon Strong and Karen Liday, a* flower girls, were dressed in orchid taffeta and in green taffeta. Best man was Wallace Howard Ushers were George Clarno, of North Bend; Glen Church, Allan Rhay and Ernest Wallace. Following the wedding a reception was held in the lower auditorium, where the bride and groom cut the large square-tiered cake. Beautiful Wedding Ceremony July 24 Cranberry Canners Meeting August 1 Marriage Licenses «•W CLOU ENAMEL .. ? 6.00 X 20 I I Í 7-00 X 20 7-50X20 8.2512O 9-00x20 10.00X20 Service