The Coquille AN VOL. XXXIX. illey Sentin^ IND1P1NDBNT / NCWSPAPBR NO. 28. ■i"— » h Collision Monday Night Fatal To Gene E. Jennings Three Coquille Residents Pass Here This Week i 1 ■ Those Coming To ’ Hundreds At Pioneer More Than 100 Have Myrtle Point Lions Oregon Before 1880 Picnic—Chas. Stauff Joined Coos-Curry Are "Victims" Of Al Pioneer Picnic The New President Pioneer Association The Incident Drill No criminal negligence on the part Of the 166 who registered at the Mrs. W. L. Kistner Although the sky was overcast with The Coo* A Curry County Pioneer Last Thursday evening’s incident of either driver was the finding of Mr*. Wm. L. KistAer, who had been desk Sunday—there were one hun­ clouds it did not dampen the ardor 'Association having decided at its drill of the Coquille Civilian Defense the coroner’s jury at Myrtle Point seriously itt at her home here since dred or more who did not—the earli­ of nearly three hundred pioneers who annual meeting and picnic here Sun­ broke in rather strenuously on the yesterday afternoon which was sum« she underwent an operation three est date recorded as to the time she gathered in the Myrtle Grove for day to incorporate the asoctatlon, and Lion* club’s hamburg party in Myrtle moned to investigate the death of years ago, and for some time before came to Oregon was by Dora L. their annual picnic last Sunday, July a dollar being set as the membership Grove. The Myrtle Point den was a Gene Edward Jennings, son of Mr. that, passed away at five o’clock Hanly, Coquille, in 1862; the next 38 fee, there were 82 who signed up guest, and incidentally they took and Mr*. Lawrence B. Jennings, of Monday afternoon. two being by Florinda Fahy, of The pioneers commenced to gather that day and many other* have joined back with them the “Leo, the Lion" Remote, who died as the result of M. L. Lee. of at 10:00 o’clock a. m., and for the since. Membership* are still being trophy, which ha* been in the Co­ Funeral services are being held at Bullards, ' and an accident at 12:30 Monday morn­ the Schroeder Bros, chapel here at Myrtle Point, each being 80 years next two hours and more there were solicited and anyone eligible may quille den’s possession for several ing. Henry-Schroeder acted as cor­ two o’clock this afternoon, with Rev. of age and who were bom in 1863; many reunions of old friends and the join by signing one of the card* show- month*. , oner at the inquest. i W. S. Smith officiating and George Isabel Hosking, of North Bend, in Pioneer days were reviewed and *n8 when and from where the signer When the report reached the con­ The accident happened just this Gilman, W. E. Cross, E. L. Detlefsen, 1876; George Steward, of Coquille, stories told. At noon they ail sat —- , came to Oregon and to one of the trol center in the city hall that bombs side of the four-mile post on the O. C. Sanford, S. M. Nosier and in 1872; Fred Von , Pegert, down to a sumptuous repast, as only two counties, then place and date of had fallen at the rear'of the Com­ . - - - Coquille, — highway to Myrtle Point. Just be­ George Lorenz acting as pallbearers. I1,1 187*: Mary McNamara Randle­ pioneer women know how to pre- birth, his present address, and by munity Building, that several people yond the Geo. Davis ranch there is Interment is to be in the Masonic- man, Coquille, in 1867; G. A. Bqne- RP*re. handing a dollar to one of the associ­ were injured and that there were an h 9 Î >a- 4 * ■X Laurie Robison Writes On Invasion Former Residents Here For The Picnic Aircraft Warning Service Week Appeal For More Red Cross Help oar A r I oved t