The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 22, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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' ' ' -" v^l-.
was helping with the haying at the turned to their home near Bradford , they called on Mrs. Mary Gage and Myrtle Point, visited Sunday at the
valline caro», se r« «1.0«.
John Widmark ranc^ Monday.
Station on the Roseburg highway last her daughter, Mrs. Roy Klucheski, home of Mrs. Adams’ mother, Mr. and
Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, Thursday Mrs. DormrthW three little who came down from Walla Walla Mrs. L. A. Ryan.
Mrs. Gus Schroeder was operated
on at the Knife Hospital again Sun­ conducted tiw regular Sunday morn­ - girls have been staying with their I Tuesday of last week to visit for a
Lila Marie Lindsay has completely
ing church service. Sunday school I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. ¡couple of weeks. They also called at I recovered from a tonsil operation per­
Miss Lois Robison underwent an followed with an attendance of 40. . Daniels, the past two weeks, while Myrtle Point Tuesday night of this formed a couple of weeks ago in
operation for appendicitis at the There was a potluck dinner at noon in i their mother was in the hospital.
week. ,
Knife hospital the first of the week. I honor of the ex-superintendents, with i
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett and
Quite a number of the farmers near
The names of two boys from Fair­
Mrs. J. L. Burtts made a business a very good attendance and a good I Mrs. Julia Leep spent the week-end Myrtle Point are taking their extra view will be in the next induction
trip to Marshfield Tuesday.
------ was
— enjoyed by all. After —
at the F. J. Fish ranch. Mrs. Novia vegetables in to the new community list. They are IJlmer Goodwin and
Mrs. Chester Willson and Chloe;ner *hey gathered in the church again i Landreth and her little granddaugh- cannery now operating in Myrtle Billy Berry. The best wishes of all
and Mrs. Stella Freeman, of Myrtle and enjoyed a number of group songs; . ter were there also. They <;ame in Point.
their friends go with them as they
Point, were Thursday guests of Mr.
some solos and duets. There ‘ from Roseburg on Friday and expect
take their places in the service of
will be services against next Sun­ to return one day this week.
and Mrs. Ward Evans.
Uncle Sam.
Billie Mast, of Myrtle Point, is '
Bob Doyle received serious burns day. preaching at 10 a. m. and Sun­
Hay is just being put in barns and I
spending this week visiting his grand­
when a fire extinguisher exploded in day school at II a. m.
Mrs. Lillie Johnson and grandson, the farmers are all thankful for the I
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller and fam­ parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haugh­
his face a few days ago while he was
“Donny” Phillips, of Coquille, visited lovely, ho't sunny days which have
working at Fairview. He is receiving ily, of Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Naomi ton.
at the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents, so thoroughly cured the best stand of
Mrs. Harvey Gant, of Norway, re­ ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Deadmond, from hay several farmer's have had
treatment al the Knife hospital in Co­ Robison, also of Myrtle Point, and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fredenberg and turned last week from ’ visiting her
Thursday last week until Monday. years.
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and Marie, of North Bend, and Rev. and father, W. C. Martin, at Oregon City. Don Phillips, Mrs. Johnson’s son-in-
Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. Mrs. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, She also visited with her aunt, Mrs. law, had a fourth mastoid operation
Calling cards. 5o tor »1.00.
and Mrs. John Felaher in Myrtle were out-of-town guests at the Arago Coldren, at Eugene, while out in the last week; latest wdid was that he is
Willamette valley.
Point Saturday. Mrs. Willson and ^“^h dinner Sunday.
A. R. Bennett and W. W. Deyoe are
Chloe accompanied them. Mrs. Evans’
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Her-
Ray Deadmond attended Pomona
sister and daughter, Mrs. Roy Mast bert, Kenneth Carl and Kenneth, Jr., repairing a barn below Coquille, own­ grange in Bandon last Saturday.
and Jerene, of Allegany, were guests of McMinnville, and Mr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. Rose Garrett, of Myrtle
Glenn Thommen helped in the hay
at the Felaher home that day.
*t Maiden Carl and Douglas visited at Point.
field of Ray Norris’ Monday.
Mrs. A. O. Hughs and niece, Mi's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biihop and fam- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Leo Frye, of Powers, and
ily, of Coquille, were Sunday guests Schroeder at Bandon Sunday evening, Ray Campbell, of Marshfield, and Rose Marie Noah returned home last
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. i Mrs. Werner Plaep, Richard and Mrs. W. A. Warner, of Coquille, and week-end after spending several
Robert, and Miss Frances Hall, of Sidney Yarbrough, sister of Mrs,, days visiting at the L. L. Buoy horhe.
Mrs, Lizzie Lett, of Norway, vis- McMinnville, visited at the homes of Campbell and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah, Billy and
ited at the home of Mrs. Ida Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans and Mr. were last Friday afternoon callers Bonnie Ellen, of Lakeside, visited at
and Mrs. J. D. Carl Monday.
the home of Mrs. Noah's mother.
Mrs. Einer Nielson's niece and hus­ Mrs. Amanda Johnson, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward
Miss Maureen Evans was , helping
came in from Portland last Wednea- Mri. Tom Cook with the house work band, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clausen, of Because of car trouble Mr. and Mrs.
Ferndale, Calif., have been visiting Buoy took them to their home Sun­
day and visited at the home of Mrs. Monday.
Ida Myers for several days, return- I ' Mrs.
Mr»- Mrs.
Mr* Ward
w,rd Evans
Er*n» attended
»“ended st the Nielsons and with other friends day afternoon.
the Royal Neighbor’s Lodge at Myr- and relatives the past two weeks.
ing to Portland Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Gibbons
Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent the day
Mrs. Grace Rackleff and Mrs. tie Point Monday evening when they
started on their return trip to their
Corda Lewellen, ot Myrtle Point, via- were having initiation.
home in Seattle last Friday morning.
ited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gale and
Mrs. Robert Fish and boys and Mrs. and Mrs. Julia Leep.
Lindy Lou Holverstott, Mrs. Gibbons’
other relatives in Klamath Falls Glen Zeller and Georgia were Satur-
sister, made the trip with them and
over the week-end.
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Tuesday evening dinner guests of his will visit in.Seattle with another sis­
cousin, Herman Tedsen. The Clau­
Mrs. Shelby McAllister and sons, Miller.
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs Dale
Scott and Marc, visited at the home
Mr. »nd Mrs. S. C. McAllister were sens are leaving for their home in Thurman.
of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister last Sunday evening guests of Mr and Ferndale, Calif., Wednesday.
The Walter Norris family were
Mrs. A. R. Bennett and her mother, business visitors in Marshfield Sat­
Thursday. Mrs. McAllister had re- Mrs. Werner Plaep.
ceived a telegram that morning from
Mesdemes C. A. Keltner, Nile Mrs. Julia Leep, were in Marshfield urday.
Shelby from Reno, Nevada, where Miller, Ward Evans and S. C. Me last week and on their way home
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams, Jr., of
he had been sent recently, for her Allister drove to Bandon lsst Tues-
and the bqys to come to Reno. They day and attended the W. C. T. U. in­
left Saturday morning and were to stitute held there at th* home of Mr.
meet Mr. McAllister at Klamath Falls and Mrs. Felix Hull. Due to ths ab­
that evening and go on to Reno with sence of the president, Mrs. C. C. Farr
him the next day. Mrs. McAllister’s of Marshfield, Mrs. Wm. Phillips of
brother, Orlin Russell, accompanied Marshfield, was in charge of the
them as far as Klamath Falla and meeting which opened about 11 a. m. f
will return Home by bus.- Mr. Mc­ The Arago group arrived a tittle late
Allister is now a lieutenant and is due to a flat tire Just a couple of
instructing Army cadets at one of the blocks from their destination
treasurer's report showed a balance
fields »
at , Reno.
- ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shrader, of of 186.07, and a motion was made and
Riverton, visited at the home of Mr. carried to allow |3.00 oO Mrs. Fare’s
and Mrs. Robert Munford Saturday, expenses. Report on the Farm Home
Oliver Myers, of Myrtle Pqint, vis- by Mrs. Ev» MdCue showed that Co-
ited at the home of his mother, Mrs. quilJe had seat about 336,00, Bandon
Ida Myers last, Thursday evening- ¡W00 and Arago 327 M Noontide
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, of prayer was given by Mrs. Eva McCue
Portland, and Mrs. Ida Myers were and the meeting was adjourned unti.
Sunday dinner guests of MA and after lunch at which time a lovely pot
luck dinner was enjoyed by all pres­
Mrs. Stanley Halter.
Mrs. Mary Mix, of Alameda, Calif., ent. The afternoon session was
and formerly of Arago, has been vis­ opened by singing "America the
iting at the Oliver Myers home in Beautiful,” with Mrs. Huntington st
Myrtle Point for the past few days. the piano. Attendance from the dif-
Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis, Alice ferent towns was as follows: Coos
and Orvus, Jr., of Myrtle Point, vis­ Bay 2, Coquille 2, Arago 4, and Ban­
ited Friday at the Nile Miller home don 12. The local presidents’ reports
were given. Mrs. S. C. McAllister
on Fishtrap.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Alien and son, of Arago, gave a vocal solo, “The
Ralph, of Portland, visited at the King
n.,w ’s . Business,” accompanied
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller Mrs. Huntington. Mrs. Phillips gave
Monday evening as they were on their a very interesting talk on the Farm
way to Los Angeles, where they plan Home which had been sent in by Mrs.
to make their home. Mrs. Allen waa Farr. One of the project» for the
Miss Mamie Jones before her mar­ Farm Home this year is the construc­
riage. She told of the death of her tion of more fire escapes for the cot­
brother, T. M. Jones. He went with tages. Mrs, C- E. Schroeder of Ban­
20 other boy» on Guadalcanal to res- * don and Mrs. 8. C. MnAlliJter gave
cue two missionaries who were two duets, "Ivory Palaoes" anu “tn
prisoners of the Japs.
T. M. Jones the Garden’” The meeting was ad­
and other oQier boy were the only journed by singing “Blest Be the Tie
two to come out alive but T. M. had That Binds,” and prayer by Mrs. <
been shot, for which he was sent PhiUipa. The meeting ptace . of the
ptaassb investee b
home and was only home about a next institute will be decided on and
week when he died at a hospital in announced later.
Portland from the wounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pauli, Charlene
and Marilyn, drove to Gardiner Sun­
day to visit at the home of Mr. Pauli's
Mr. and Mrs. John Trigg, of Fem­
mother and to see his brother, Earl,
before the latter leaves for the Navy dale, California, and Mrs. Edi,th
Broner, of San Francisco, were vis­
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell and itors at the Rufus Rylander home
children, of Scottsburg, and Mrs. Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Guy Grapt, of Norway, was called
Laura Allen of Portland, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe to the bediside of his father, John
Grant, at Gaylord, last Friday. The
last week.
Rev. L. C. Persing, of Coquille, latter has since been taken to the
Mast Hospital, very ill with an ob­
struction ot the bowels.
FANTASTIC? Not at all I America la
more peeler logs, mors pulp logs NOW I
Mrs. Elwin Baker and children,
building the greateat fleets of troop­
In addition to planes and gliders, there
¡Alan Clair* and Curtis Lee, of Port­
carrying transports and gliders the world
MUST be wood for thousands of inva­
land, came down Thursday to visit
HELF AMERICA TO CONSERVE her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Rack­
has ever known. And they are made of
sion barges, pontoon bridges, sub chas­
leff. They came
with Mrs. Lee
WOOD I England is mass-producing
ers, shell cases and aircraft carrier deck­
, Brown, also, of Portland, whfi is visit­
Logs are making munitions from
ing her parents, Mr. and Mra, Rufus
Nasi’s fastest fighter planes. They’re
nitro-cellulose to shell cases. Every log­
I Lemon, of Myrtle Point,
The War Manpower
Mr. and Mm. Harry Druliner and
ger can serve America best by sticking
made of W00D1 Literally—logs are
Commission is calling
♦ ♦ ♦
son, Douglas, have moved from the
loggers out of the ship­
his ax and saw..'.and by urging his
This year the demand for live-
yards, airplane facto­
Vernon Trigg ranch to a place for-
stock feed is the heaviest in , ' merly owned by R. W. Foster on the
ries, and other war
logger friends wko’ve quit the woods, to
emy strongholds. THAT is why Amer­
industries —for no
history. We appeal to every
return to the forest fighting frentl
ica so desperately needs more saw logs.
hill Just east of the Norway school
work is more impor­
dairyman and poultryman
tant than log produc­
building. Herman Tedsen has lately
cooperate with America’s F
tion right aowl
purchased the Foster place and the
tain ~
Drullners are renting it from him.
Arago News
Fairview News
Norway News items
5999 mu
Gf>5 N Tillamook» St
Portland Orc
Ing Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Daniela.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCleef, of
Salem, ware Thursday night guests
of Mr, and Mrs. J, H. McCloskey and
Friday the McCloskeys went to Pow­
ers to visit W. T. Brady and Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Easley. Mr. Brady is in
very poor health.
Mrs. Enno Domath and infant son,
with her three little daughters, re-
Smith Wood-Products, Inc