. / PACK SIX * Fz ___ w George Jenkins, Budgeted for ' J. E. Haseltine A Co., mater- Southwestern Motor Co., Auto not assume credit for the current 1 1.50 4-H Club Work.. ............_»«0.00 lai ...»— • ■;..... 30.80 Service ......... .................... vor>ble condition of the county, only I John B. O’Sullivan, use of team Geata Killed By Dags Ivan Young, Bounty on 1 Bob­ insofar as it has continued the debt 73.82 I and mower —....... (By Judge L. D. Felsheim) 2.90 Bertha B. Berg, Indemnity for cat .............. ......I. I 20.00 ! F. S. Slover Co., material . ..w 84.78 retirement program and has adopted Harry Schuttpelz, Bounty on 2 gouts killed . ...... ............ ... GeiUng Out ef Defa I Western Auto Supply Co., Bobcats ____ ___ »_____ ___ County Treasurer 9.00 ! the policy toward present and future IndUrat Soldiers Allowance The suggestion that Coos county 58.77 auto supplies .... -....... . Clarence E. Mullins, mileage Coos Bay Harbor, Supplies Mrs. C. M. Billings.............. ...» 15.00 Pacific Feed * Co., cattle might soon be out. of debt would, operations. for 2 mos. trapper .. .u—...... 40.00 Cirautt Curt 25.00 I wire .................. . .............. —•• 13.80 The present court, working co- Helen R. Graham ---- _______ ___ Sheriff’s Office P. Fugelson, Grand Jury a tew years ago, have invoked a ' operatively and harmoniously within Han^ M^nm'd*............... ' 15.00 Wm. F. Howell, Mileage- 50.30 Louis Bailiff ...»............. 12.00 Mountain States Power Co., paroxysm of laughter. Today it is 15.00 Burroughs Adding Machine lights and power.......... . .... Louis P. Fugelson, Bailiff and Payroll ’ ~ * a near-reality; in fact, Within the itself, and with the various depart- Co., ribbons and service....... 34.40 care of books........... ....... 18.00 ! Farr A Elwood Co., material, menta conducted by elected officials, Marie Bellah, Salary, Stenog. j Stevens Cash Hardware, ma­ 1.57 ! Western Union, Services ....... Dependent ChBdren next two years it is considered a cer­ hopes to guard zealously the Interests Co. Crt. ........... 128.35 Coquille Service Station, auto terial --- ------- ------------ - 12.20 Mrs. Lillian Short, care of tainty. All this reflects upon I of the taxpayers in every departure,j AgC^f p*rrott' aalary’ Deputy Oregon Pacific Company, ma- supplies ............ ............. ...... . Marjorie Delp ...... . .............. program of finances set up for 28.49 j terial -—.......... .........:.... —••• B. K. Werner, rental of type­ Ration Board alarv Denu. Peterson, salary, Depu county, and which, according to the and purposes to systematize county Eleanor Peterson 102.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., writer Mrs. C. F. Bessee, clerk ........... business so WMH UUBIIiei» that the UIC greatest pUWMWV possible * ty, J » Tax Dept .................... .a..»._^..™ .*...................... 176.60 I gas and oil.......... -—............. 818.08 Clerks Of. ice Defeiwe Cornell current budget just made for the service may be rendered at the least ,alary’ Deputy 1 Union Oil Co. of Calif., gas Capital City Bindery, supplies West Coast Telephone Co., 1843-44 fiscal year, is being carried —• 36.75 Various Offices 3.04 1 and oil .'......... services . ....................... . ........ possible cost,; with equitable consid- Jujjene Freeman, salary, Depu- out even more successfully than its Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies County Court ... ty> Tgx ......................... 131.10 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, eration — to all. j and oil ...... —........ —-....... — 40.32 originators had hoped. postage and exp.................... 10.411 Pacific Typewriter Co., work Marie Clinton, salary. Clerk, Treasurers Offioe on typewriter.................. .......... 18.50 Central Transfer Co., freight Tax Dept ....... .............. ...118.10 Must Be In the Can . *•* ..................................... tio.sv A. B. Collier, Services ............ 91.00 2.54 ‘ on material .................. ......... County Commliiiooer The county budget committee, com­ I In announcing recently that the H^®n Winegar, salary, Deputy Auuaere Office ;P. W. Culver, Salary .............. 73.10 W. L. Miller, auto supplies ... 23.22 posed of the three members of the Southwestern Motors, auto H. C. Getz, mileage.................. 5.25 P. W. Culver, expense trip | county farm cannery would operate' Emma m . Pieroe/salitfy, Depu- 31.30 supplies ---------------------- county court and the three citizen ,for the beenfit of the public at the, ty, Tax Dept....... . ............... 2.20 | appraising land ...2............. 117.10 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Thornton Tire Service, auto £ ribbons .................................. 3.00 Lars P. Peterson, salary and members—Ray Jeub, Wm. Ekblad, rate of six cents per can, it was J’cYrkLeneve’ Deputy supplies .......................... -....... 78.28 Probation Off. mileage ............ ....................... 166.70 Fritz Hagen—who completed their stated that because of labor shortage Capps Motor Company, auto «J, v.ughan silary bipu- CiHint» Employees James H. Leonard, mileage and 73.85 i U. S. Collector IntLRe’.,- Vic­ work last week, kept in mind the supplies ............ ............... —.... expense ...... —............ . .... 'at the cannery, the products must be ty Clerk .............. . ...... 147.89 Golders AUto Supply Co., autb Circuit Court tory tax ........... 204.13 fundamental principle of the pro­ 1 “ready for the can.’’ This should Frances Skyles, alary, Deputy - ' L. C. Sherwood, Court Bailiff 27.001 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas, War Supplies ................. -........... .... 88.30 gram, which is to appropriate suf­ , have said “products must be placed in ,, ClerjE, ........ ................... JI? ?? County Farm ' Bonds ........ ...»......................... 312.25 West’s, auto supplies ...».......... 102.84 - .. 7 . , .. , H. C. Getz, alary, Draftsman 181.60 ficient funds from the county’s rev­ Market Roads Elizabeth Lambert, Salary— Assessors Office the can and ready for the sealer. It Ellis Selander, salary, Deputy Southern Pacific Campany, enues to meet the bonded obligations. • • Isaaws 1 a Fill 41« a/% 4t«i* A 14A AK Cook ............ ............ ............. 107.10 A. E. Simmons, typewriter rib­ auss^vr* ajsu * »••*" w /XBcMSBSOa .............. ItV.Ov S. R. Stover, Salary, Farm­ bons ........ ................ ......... ..... 36.00: Storage of road oil............... Not only did the committee set aside 1 ( also must be done by the person hav- May Ensele, alary, Deputy ’7’ Mountain States Power Co., hand ............. __________ ___ 58.54 E. L. Peterson, balance for sufficient funds to meet the current inf the canning done. Assessor . .............. Sl..... .... 134.10 lights .......... R. N. Breedlove, Salary, representing Coos County Jean Newton, alary, Machine requirements for bond retirement— Waiter ...... . ......... ............. . 23.83 before Senate on coal beds 200.00 j ' Ofairator ....... ..... . ........ 117.10 STATE OF OREGON an amount for »160,000—but it. pro- | Mamie Stover, Salary, Waiter 47.14 ' Budfet Alice Rhay, ajary, Machine In Buying CouMy Land County of Coos: as. George Workman, Salary, Or ­ vided for aitaditlonal sinking fund of W. H. Wann, Audit Contract, 107.Ì0 I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of The land department under di-, ' Operator .... ....... ..... ........ . derly ....... »....'............. —....... 78.10 ’ and Budget ....... 306.00 Coos »30,000 toward meeting the remain­ Chas. Stauff, salary, Co. Treas­ County, Oregon, Ex-officio F. C. Milton, Salary, Nlght- rection of the County Court, with H. ; urer .......... ................ . ........... 168:38 ___ ........................ r............ MF, General Resuh ing future bonded obligations of »82,- Clerk of the County Court of said ~ watch ' 50.00 !P R. Clark in charge, now has appli­ Idyie A. Godard, salary, Steno­ ., A. Robb, Salary, Road­ County and State do hereby certify 000 when they become due. < cation blanks for prospective pur-j grapher .......................... 111.75 Reta Horton, Salary Nurse. . 105.10 master ...................... 226.35 that the foregoing is a true and cor­ Farr A Elwood Co., Neckyoke Poet War Reserve Started J. N. Gearhart, alary, Survey­ T. Ralph Harry, Salary, Chief rect statement of the amount of bills and lime ........... ?....~............ . 3.67 ...................... ........ . 50.00 In spite of large debt retirement cliasera of land or timber , to fill out. I ; or clerk »............... 167.85 allowed on the various .funds of the Coquille Service Station, auto provisions, the current budget pro- ^n<“neJnter”ted in J****"« land * Dr. G. E. Stark, salary, Health Tom S. Stevens, Salary, Shop County as audited by the County supplies ........................... 3.73 Officer ....... —................ -....... 50.00 Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries Foreman ................................. 208.35 Court of said County at the regular vide, wail 50.58 Alda vida for for a a »35,000 »35,000 post-war post-war rererve. reserve. j | Jmbar Leia Elrod, alary, Health L. Nosier, Salary Assist ­ War conditions make it impo-ible ' July, 1843, term thereof, as the same Sheriffs Office Nurse ...................................... 134.35 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, Con­ ant Clerk . ..... _........ 112.10 appears on the exhibits of claims and . ». ; Gunder Gunderson, 'labor 154.10 to build any new roads, buildings, _, or Court but can call at Mr. Clark’s of Ethel C. Littler, salary, Health warrants in my office and custody. veying prisoners to pen....... 5 75 J. L.'Lea, labor.................... Th .168.00 WITNESS my hand and the seal make other improvements. __ ey , | five, a few doors from the county, Nurse ................... .................. 14.25 Court House ia *n ' w ®yne Goodman, labor sion on Monday of each week, or, if, Ca,^yn Hu/f- «tory. secre 162.35 of the County Court affixed this permit only the barest necessity in I tary .................. .^¿.^1...........«... . 27. 22 City of Coquille, water...»...... 18-50 I 5?llte Bpone, labor.... 36.05 76.38 16th day of July, 1843. Coquille Service Station, gas 'Ernest Franson, labor..»..... _... 185.44 maintenance for roads, bridges, etc. the information necesary and fill James H. Leonard, salary, Pro­ L. W. Oddy, County Clerk and oil for Janitor............... 1.74 ■ James L. Child, labor ............. out an application blank. bation Offr .............................. 166.60 181.28 (Seal) When the war is over the slack must Bv J. W. Leneve. Deputv Nashburg Insurance Agency Louis J. Langenberg, salary, 1 Victor Demarest, labor ........... _ must _ be _ i The County Court will consider 186.85 be taken up. Work projects Endorsements on policy....... 20.08 > Court Reporter ..... 166.60 Ralph Hurlbutt, labor ............. 137.85 ¡^¿guretM in’'or'der'to*provide em-l^ «PPtt«Uons at their regular ses- Coos Bay Times, Advertise­ Earl L. Schroeder, alary, Jani­ P. Smith, lubor................... 75.75 IN THE OOUNTY COURT OF THE ment of Notice ................... 1 716.90 O. STATE OF OREGON FOR ployment for the men who will be ,ion on Monday of each week, or, if tor ................................. J-------- 82.10 Henry Franson, labor ............. 111.08 Coos Bay Times, Publishing COOS COUNTY released from the armed forces and ur8ent' at other durin‘i the Chas. Roberts, salary, Janitor- A. G. Trendell, labor ........... 133.85 Court Proceedings ..... 30.80 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP­ Jailer ............. 115.35 Harold Zeigler, labor ......... .*..... week. 185.85 Coquille Valley Sentinel, Pub­ from war plants. A reserve fund, TION of W ilfred sheldon Belle Whitsett, salary, Matron G. J. Martell, labor................... 224.22 lishing Court Proceedings.... 27.69 John COUTURE, A MINOR. built up during war years, will pro» I Any of the property included in | and Cook .................... 74.10 B. O ’ Sullivan, labor ....... 188.78 Ration Board Citation Carl Mathaws, labor ............ vide ready cash to meet the new sit­ the tax sale of July 10 which was F. C. McNelly, alary, Supt. 182.35 Walker, Salary, Clerk ... 41.66 L. C. Burner, labor................. TO: JOSEPH WILFRED COUTURE: not sold, can be bought now at pri- County Farm .................. 143,10 Rheo 172.24 uation. West Coast Telephone Co., IN THE NAME OF THE STATE C. F. Hawk, labor . .................. 100.50 ___ ___ _____ vate sale through the county land Edith McNelly, alary, Matron services .............. _................... A county out of debt, on a __ cash County Farm ........................ 67.10 H. S. Norton, stationery........... 25.87 Orin Demarest, labor............. 138.70 OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ 1.30 Chas. Hofer, labor.................. baste, and with reserve funds avail- ! d*P®rtment at prices set by the Coun- H. R. Clark, alary, Co, Land 83.55 quired and cited to appear before the County Court able, should be in the moot favorable *F Court, regardless of the amount Agent . Wm. Dinsmore, labor............... 215.63 county court of the county of Coos, .......... 145.10 Southwestern Motor Co., Chev­ Hartley, labor................... 214.78 State of Oregon, at the office of the Extra Hein condition to meet post-war demands. ot fo*« *Wch the land was fore- rolet Coupe .... „................... 1 360.88 Cecil County.Judge of said county, at the AO. Walker, salary, Wi Coll McLean, labor ............. __ ____ .. . , ’ ork in 113.88 Various Offices Such is the situation that the Coos or minimum amount re­ Tax Dept ........... ;..... ........ 287.60 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Carl Shore, labor....................... 133.09 court house in the City of Coquille in County Court expects to find itself in , t,u*‘ed for a ^*d at tfle *ax ***•• Ben Wigle, labor____ ............. 34.97 said county and state, on the 24th Georgia Davidson, salary, Ex­ adv. ........ ................... . .......... tra Work Tax Dent................ 101.10 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ 52.80 Jason Smart, labor................... 41.61 day of July, 1843, at the hour of "when the ligiits go on again all ----------- -------------- 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of that Muriel Herman, ssQary, Extra .Walter L. Taff, labor............ plies ......... »...... »................ . 42.80 Ben Kuhnert, labor................. 125.83 day, to show cause, if any you have, Work Tax Dept.................... 91.10 10.05 County Farm why the petition of Robert Lewis Van A. Spores, labor.......... Treas, Offioe F. C. McNelly, Inspection trip 18.60 Berlyn Billings, labor ............. 158.61 Linder and Alta Mae Linder, his wife, The current budget not only pro- I Clara A. Stauff, alary, Work 121.87 County Farm, food used By George Peck in Treas. Off.................... ..... 87.83 Coos Young, labor.................. 201.76 of Eastside, Oregon, to adopt your video the funds for the debt program on farm ......... ................. 54.00 Oran gag ms ................................................... C. F. Christian, labor............... 114.88 son Wilfred Sheldon Couture, should Asaeaser Off. Does America need a MacArthur Steve's Grocery, groceries ___ and the post-war reserve, but prom­ 27.98 Teen Miller, labor..................... 166.40 not be granted. Charles W. Forrest, Expense This citation is published in the ises to do so at a lower millage rate or an Elsenhower or a Nimitz to lead | trip to Salm ................... ...... 11.40 Pioneer Grocery Co. groceries 138.14 Charles Wolff, labor............... 128.18 Swift 8c Co., butter ........ ...... ... .................»4.74 W. M. Williams, labor............. 152.20 Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper tor county purposes than has been its armies or navies against the ene­ Elda Ostrander, salary, Depu­ Stonecypher Packing Co.— Gordon C. Ashenfelter, labor.... 182.48 of general circulation in the City of ty ........................ «.......- .. lltlO enjoyed in Coos county in over 30: my, it does not inquire as to his po­ meats .............. s....... .............. Yvqpne Kern, alary, Extra _ Raymond Barklow, labor .... 185.60 Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, pur­ litical affiliation. The one thing the years. The new millage rate is ex-i work . ............. 18.00 Ideal Bakery, bread---------.------ E. W. Brown, labor».:............... 16.67 suant to the order directing publica­ Feed A Seed Co., feed ___________ _ pected to be _ 14.7 ______________ mills as compared ' nation wants to know is, do his abil- Doris Hadall, alary, Extra ' Pacific Wm. Burbeck, labor:..... . ...... 120.04 tion thereof, which order was made and seed ....... ............. .......... 85.30 Frank on the 21st day of June, 1843, by the with 15~nills for thp fiscal year Jurt “d PerJormBnces work ______ 88.10 Hudsons E. Haney, labor.....'.......... 5.76 Honorable L. D. Felsheim, County Drug Store, drugs .... 31.78 qualify him for that leadership. Addresaograph Sales Agency, f j _ Claude Lemon, Jr., labor ....... 15.54 closed. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs. .. 44.07 George Yost, labor................... Our generals and admirals are do- ! Add> < ssographribbon^.»:... 27.05 Coquille 5.76 Judge. Shoe Shop, repair to Given under my hand and seal of County Valuation Inrreaeeg A. Carlson, labor...... . .............. 44.63 shoes ....... „ .... _ .... .......... 1.05 Charles E. McDonald operating the County Court of the State of Ore­ The new budget calls for an ex- i ing a mighty fine Job on the battle H. R. Clark, Expensei trip to Cooper's Gardens, plants. . 52.80 Salem .—.................................. 11.35 penditure of »767,489.00 compared to I f . root* and on lhe »«as. Our enemies Bullards Ferry'...... . ............ 570.18 gon, for the county of Coos, this 21st Marshfield Electric Co., check­ day of June, 1843. Sept, Offioe George Huther, operating Riv­ »663,837.00 a year ago. Increased hav* 1101 yet been vanquished but ing machinery ........ . ........ 3635 L. W. Oddy, Martha E. Mulkey, Expense erton Ferry z....................... 155.10 23t5 Overland Coal Co., coal...... . 7.00 current costs, including old age as- Iwt are on the waF- We know now Clerk of the above-entitled Court trip to Salem ....... . .... ........ 43.50 Gregg Hardware, hardware County Employees sistance and salaries, account for Ithat we ^iave the military leadership, 1 Margaret Snider, Salary Extra and paint ............ »...... 22.26 Coquille Medical Service Bur­ help ...... . ..... . ........... . .......... 15.68 eau Hospital dues ................ : 58.00 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT some of the additional expenditures.'lh* f‘8htink forces and the equip- J. A. Lamb Co., hardware . 8.62 Mutual Benefit Health A Acc. Notice is hereby given that the Koke-Chapman Co., Supplies 4.U However, the portion to be raised by m*nt deieat H1Uer and Hirohito, Thornton Tire Service, auto undersigned, on the 8th day of July, - Stevens-Neu Law Publishing Comm., Insurance, Co., Em ­ supplies .......... ........................ 8.30 direct taxation ia only »24 more than ployes ...................................... 75.86 1843, filed in the County Court for Co., 1843 Sub to Annotation Standard Oil Co., gas and oil 38.18 Coos County, Oregon, her final ac­ Serv........ ........... ........... .......... 2.50 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., for last year. The drop in millage is due County Jail Health Office War Bonds ............................. 391.57 count in the matter of the adminis­ to an estimated increase in county Coquille I sundry Co., services tration of the Estate of Florence Ger­ U. S. Collector of Inti. Rev­ assessed valuation of approximately Ibecau“ our *“ Dependent Children mileage .......... . ....... ........ ..... 35.70 Catholic Charities, care of enue for Victory Tax........... 262.21 trude Levy, deceased; and that said Court has made an order fixing Tues­ »500,(JOO^ ’ not m*a,ure up to the high standard Ethel C. Littler, Mileage--------- 44.70 Oregon-Nevada Calif. Fast child ...... ».............................. _ 8 00 The total estimated val leadership abroad. Surely, The Hub. Supplies................... 4.40 Frt., freight on material .... 3.58 day, August 17, 184.3, at lOjjjO o’clock The total estimated assessed aaaessed val ow’a Hardware A Furniture Gregg Hardware, material....... 18.84 A. M., at the County Court room in ation for the nbjv new fiscal year, ec-curu- ; —------- -------- — —--- --------- — as the time and far Co., Stapler A Staples........... Moon’s Haidwaie A Furnttuie - — Coqui ing to Assessor Chas. W. Forrest, ia c«nn0‘ a«or^*ideJJt, Roosevelt: ' Koke-Chapman Co., Chattel ■Gene Cotton, wood ............... 6.00 writer ........................... .......... 20.00 herein mentioned, the Coquille Val­ Mtg. record ....................... “ *® r y - tois time it is pretty well every reason to believe that they 31181 Ruby Muir A Beulah Fahy, ley Sentinel, the first day of which House Trsaourse Office / » I Royalty on gravel................. 350.00 is July 22, 1843, and the last day of will, the difference between avail- known to the American people that George F. Court Burr Motor Co., Milne’s Stationery, supplies 2.40 Coquille Valley Sentinel, of- able sums for redemption and the the ^ood aquation, to put it mildly, is j parts for lawn mower........... which is August 18, 1843; and if you District Attorney .60 ... __ ! fice supplies .............. ......... 6.75 ; fail to appear and answer said com- , I Carter, Rice A Co., Janitor’s Ben C. Flaxel, mileage, etc .. 123.78 ; Koke-Chapman total of outstanding bonds leaves the not what it should be. Co., office ; plaint by said time, plaintiff will ap­ supplies 13.50 Your ‘■” original intention to ap- «unniiwi ......... . .......... ... . Couniy Car supplies .7................... sum of »63402.88, which can readily - ------- - '2.78 ply to the Court for the relief prayed Huggins Insurance Agency, 1 Capps Motor Co., services, etc. 5.00 City of Coquille, water ........... point a food czar to take over com ­ 2.00 be taken care of in the budget for for therein, a succinct statsnent of Annual Audit .............. . ...... 4.33 Justice Courts Peoples Water A Gas Co., plete control of the food situation, in 1 which is as follows: 1844-45. ** Defense Council Coos Bay Harbor, Printing water ...................................... 31.25 FIRST: That the bonds of matri­ my humble entimation, was an excel­ Marshfield Chamber of Comm. Circuit Court Moot Satlafaetory, Says Auditor Coquille Wood Co., wood. mony now existing between plaintiff Office facilities, etc.............. 100.00 L. C. Sherwood, Court Bailiff 6.00 C. F. Bessee, mileage, New County Auditor Wm. H. Wann, vet­ lent one, and I regret that you have and defendant, be dissolved, and that Gebhardt Paint Co., Material L. B. Gould, M. D., Alcohol Survey .................................... eran accountant and statistician, who either changed your mind, or have plaintiff be awarded an absolute de­ and Labor .............................. 8.65 1 Blood Test.............................. 3.00 Coos Bay Salvage A Steel Co., has certified to the foregoing figures, postponed taking such badly-needed Pioneer Hardware Co., Var­ County Employees material ....... «....................... 54.10 cress of divorce from the defendant. SECOND: For such other and fur­ nish and Brush....................... .85 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus- states that it is interesting to com­ action. Oran Young, used electric ther relief as to the Court shall seem West Coast Tel. Cd., Services motor .............................. 22.85 trial insurance ...... :... 42.46 “ At the time of writing this letter, 6.00 pare the present financial status of meet and equitable herein. Court House Coos Bay, Stationery Co., In­ Woodbury Co., chuck for Jack I This summons is published in the the county with that of depression 'the man who almost everyone dices ........................ .......... 2.55 West Coast Telephone Co., ser- Hammer . ........... »... 8.88 Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper years, when at one time the county agrees knows more about food than ;The News Press, Supplies . .. 21.60 vices ............................. ..... .. 115.34 Southwestern Motors, auto County Car Assessors Office supplies .............. '....... 48.40 <>f general circulation in the City of had »1,650,000 outstanding in obliga­ any other one individual in the Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, pur- Adressograph Sales Agency, Union Service A Garage, auto tions. Wann lias been assisting coun­ world, sits on the sidelines without I ~ *