The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 22, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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Watson Players
Return To Coquille
Lived In Bandon
Section 80 Years
| Private Aiarry D. Smith, son of .. Director of the Watson Sacred
I Mrs. W. B. Shepard on North Heath I Drama Players, of EageM, Ore.
street, came in Monday night from
The Watson Family, well known in
Camp White, where he has been sta- Coquille will return next week for
tioned the past four months, to visit,their fourth annual visit to this city,
home folks. He attended school in They will present a four act drama,
"Coquille and like so many of the for- entitled •‘Their Last Warning,” at the
mer high school students says he likes Church of the Naxarene, Oth and
the Army life very much. He will Heath, on Friday night, July SO at
return to Camp White next Thursday. ’8:00 o’clock. Little Lolita Jewell
------------ :------------
I Watson, five years old, takes one of
the main speaking parts in this drtuna.
The Watson Family will give their
Basic Training At Santa Aria
usual musical program also, featur­
Kennett Lawrence, Jr., who had
ing violin duets and vocal numbers
his preliminary training at an air­
by Mrs. Watson, Joyce and Lolita.
field in Texas and has been for the
The public is invited and admission
past three months taking the flying
is free.
school course at the Utah Agricultur­
al College at Logan, Utah, has now
Progress On Surgical Dressings
been sent to the air base at Santa
Ana, Calif., for his basic training and • The first 1050 surgical dregsings
classification. He will be there for were shipped to Mrs. Geo. Dix in
three months and will probably then Marshfield yesterday, according^to a
statement by Mrs. J. R. Bunch, local
be designed to active service.
chairman of the work’ in Coquille.
Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays at 1:30 p. n). in Legion
Hall. The response has been good so
¡far except that the night classes are
small, Mrs. Bunch said.
A song session, led by R. L. Greene,
was the feature of the Rotary Club
meeting at the hotel Wednesday. A
number of old songs were sung and
a few new ones tried out, with Don
Farr at the piano.
Jess Beyers made a donation of big
red plums which were greatly ap­
preciated and there were plenty to
go around.
Wm. Fortier was able to be pres­
ent and was congratulated on his
recovery and responded with a word
of appreciation for the numbers of
callers while he was in the hospital
and also at home.
C. C. Fprr, of Marshfield, was the
only out-of-town Rotarian present.
Other guests were Ned Lawrence,
of Oakland, Calif., Bob Allen, of the
Raybeetoe Co., and Harry Slack, of
Music Feature
Of Rotary Meeting
Rebekah. Memorial At The
! Recent District Convention
One part of the program of the Re-
bekah Convention, held in Coquille
last week, which was omitted from
the report previously given, was the
Memorial. The Rebekahs attending
the convention were asked to stand a
moment in silent prayer, and then
Mrs. Florence Hallock sang “Face to
Face" in a very-Ye verent and beauti-
ful manner. This was done as a
memorial to ths following brothers
and sisters who had passed away
during the past year—Sarah Bark-
low and Maude Ellis, Myrtle Point;
■-■in» , i,
Two Before The City
Recorder The Past Week
I Eugene Emerson, drunk and dis-
, orderly last Thursday night, tor-
I feited.the $10 ball he posted with the
arresting officer.
Elmer B. Usher, a quarter-breed
Indian, who claimed to have been a
personal friend of the late Will
■ Rogers, was before the recorder yes-
| terday morning when he was fined
He promised to pay next
Tuesday but this morning found him
in jail again. He said he was foreman
of the crew which is building a tele­
phone line above Myrtle Point.
. —■ ,
Six Weeks Spent In
Southern California
Mrs. U. E. McClary returned last
Tuesday, accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. Bunch, who will spend the sum­
mer here. Mrs. McClary went south
to Loe Angelee six weeks ago to be
present at a family reunion. She
visited friends and relatives also at
Bakersfield, Van Nuys, Compton and
San Francisco.
Having a brother ’
Who is a musician in Hollywood, he
made it possible for Mrs. McClary to
watch the broadcasts of Paul White-
mn, Fannie Brice, Frank Morgan and
Diana Shore. She also saw “The
Drunkard," which ran ten years, both
in Hollywood and New York. Her
nephew took the leading part—the
night she attended. In Hollywood
Bowl they attended John Chas.
Thomas opening with the symphony
At Your
It is a pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­
trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance'(income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no
obligation, of course, and I am—at your service.
great N orthern life insurance co .
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