The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 22, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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- A bridal shower complimenting
Mrs Beri E. Adam», ( forma riy Mas
jorie Ryan! was held Tuesday eve­
ning, July 20th, at the home *f Mrs.
Ernest Whereat. The hostesses were
Maxine Whereat and Mrs. A. Molthu.
There were many lovely presents to
gladden the heart of a bride. The
hosteses served refreshments late in
the evening.
The invited guests
were Mesdames Stanford Newton,
Bob Gorges, S. B. Henricks, E. M.
Briner, Ernest Whereat,
Earl E.
Fuhrman's Pharmacy
Beautiful, Well Constructed
Just Received
. »
In Lime, Oak, Walnut or Guinea Wood
A Splendid Assortment of
Mirrors -
- $1.95
Lamps - - - $3.25
- $2.50
Occasional Tables $5.95
Fleet Ruby, Betty and Nancy Mar-
hey, Violet Howard, Loraine Kenni
son. of MUlimuulh. Leñase BSs'nni,
Lauloi Fuller and Marion FranstM. of
Mrs. J. S. Barton and Mrs. Hattie
A lovely wedding was held in Myr­ Marshfield.
Mae Holimon entertained the Busi- tle
, IS at 8:00 p. m. when
Point ___
ness and Professional Women’s club - Marge Ryan, of Coquille, and Earl Part Noble Granda ( lab
The Paat Noble Grands Club of
members Monday night at Mrs. Bar- Adams, Jr., of .Myrtle Point, were
' ton's home. The habit of the club 1 united in mart age. Miss Ryan wore a Mamie Rebekah Lodge met at the
is to hold regular meetings through lovely light glue gown and pink home of Mrs. Myrtle Benham on the
- out the summer but in homes of1 sweet peas were her flowers. Rev. Myrtle Point Highway for its regu­
t members rather than in the Guild Mr. Pryor, of the Methodist church lar monthly meeting last Friday eve­
ning. Business transacted included
Hall. The session Monday night was officiated.
the second meeting at which Mrs
Bridesmaid was Gwen Rogers, of final plaiu for decorating the tables
Hallock, new head of the group, pre­ Coquille, and Jimmie King, of Myr­ for the convention banquet which was
sided. She announced appointment tle Point, was best man. Refresh­ held the following Tuesday. Games
of the following to the Budget com- ments of cake, ice cream and coffee were enjoyed with prison going to
¡mittee: Clara Stauff, Ida Oerding, were served to the guests? Among Mrs. Ruth Beyers and Mrs. Florabel
Florence Barton.
--- -----
those present besides the bridal party Boober, while Miss Ida Oerding re­
I Notice qf the Coast District con- were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, ceived the door prise.
Mrs. Benham, assisted by Mrs.
vention to Be held at Marshfield Aug. parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. O.
Schaer serveu refreshments
21 and 22, was announced. The Co- A. Molthu, of Coquille; Mr. and Mrs.
quille club is to assist Marshfield at Van Spores, of Coquille; Mr. and Mrs. consisting of delicious home-made
the time of the convention. State Eddie Miles, Myrtle Point; Janet butterscotch pie and coffee to the fol­
officers will attend.
1 Lewis, Woodrow Howe, of Coquille; lowing members: Miss Ida Oerding,
Mrs. Gertrude Ulett’s resignation Milford Amelin, Myrtle Point; Vivian Mesdames Florabel Boober, Lois
as treasurer was accepted and Clara Curry, Dale Wood, Coquille, and the Stevens, Annie Robinson, Inez Chase,
Staff was elected to fil the unex- groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ruth Beyers, Birdie Skeels and the
pir^d term. Edna Kern was voted Adams, of Myrtle Point, at whose two co-hosteases Mesdames Benham
and Schaer.
into the memebrship and other names home the wedding tooi^ place. r
B.P.W. Met Monday
Adams - Ryan
Nuptials At
P. T
were submitted.
The holders of
.______ ______
stamp books were exchanging with
|other members for filling, during SnOWei*
j the evening. Viola Newton announced _
the amount of bonds sold for the paat To Bfi MaiTied SoOfl
The Ladies Holy Name Altar So­
ciety will hold < rummage sale, cony_
m-MHWtaaav miufsday), and to
continue through Friday and Satur­
day, in the vacant store in the Shelley
Bldg., next door to Igloo Market.
Chad wickl edge No; W
A. F. A A. M.
Wark la F. C.
Visitors Welcome
Fried Chicken
Sea Foods
Dinner* 31.00 and $1.25
Open Every Day till 8:00 p.m.
I month and it made a very fine show- ,
Miss Jean Newton and Wayne
j ing. During the social hour when
i hot scones and coffee were served, Schroeder, whose marriage will be
games were played, Gladys Gano solemnized July 24, where the guests
winning first and Ruth Beyers, sec­ of honor at a shower, Saturday eve­
ning given by their friends in the
The next meeting will be at the lower auditorium of the Assembly of
I home of Bess Maury, with Gladys | God church in Coquille. The room
j Gano, Idyle Godard and Ida Oerding was I prettily decorated .with large
baskets of Shasta daisies. A short
on the committee.
Members attending were:. Mes- program consisted of an appropriate
j dames Eva Stevens, Hattie Mae Holl poem read by Mrs. Persing after
mon, Florence Hallock, Clara Stauff, which the young ladies of the church
Florence Barton, Jennie Price, Ber­ staged a mock wedding which created
tha Smith, Idyle Godard, Edith Wal­ much merriment among the guests.
ton, Ruth Beyers, Viola Newton, After the many lovely as well as use-
Gladys Gano, Annie Robinson, Ida ful Sift* were opened and admired,
Owen, Inez Chase, Misses Inez Rover light refreshments were served,
The guests included Messrs, and
and Ida Oerding.
Mesdamees Frank Fish, Hardld Fish,
Harris Belmore, George Smith, E. L.
Smith, Bruce Owen, Mike Broad, Guy
Mullen, Chas. Newton, A. B. Schroe­
der, Richard - Danielson, Lloyd Per­
sing, Mesdames O. M. Potter, Wm.
A special session of Mamie Re­
Van Fleet, Rosie Goodpaster, Violet
bekah Lodge was held at the lodge
Barrett, Swanson, Grover Gputhier,
hall Tuesday evening, July 20, for the
Ben Payne, Ernie Wallace, Ada How­
purpose of installing the new offi­
ard, Callie Chapman of Millington,
cers for the ensuing term. Installing
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Church, Misses I
officer was Mrs. Mildred Schaer, Dis­
Charlotte and Laura Swanson, Odetta
trict Deputy President of the Re­
De Geter, Margaret and Shirley Stew­
bekah Assembly. Her staff was made
ard, Winnifred and Shirley Van
up of Deputy Grand Marshal, Ruth
Beyers; Deputy Grand Warden, Myr­
tle Benham; Deputy Grand Treasurer, liiillHIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Harriet Schaer; Deputy Grand Chap­
lain, Inez Chase; and Deputy Grind
Guardian, Pansy Ross. The District
Deputy President presented each of
her staff with a corsage of sweet
installed were
Grand, Florence Hallock; Vice Grand,
Lola Moore; Treasurer, E. <3. Briner;
Warden, Aurora Willard; Inside
Guardian, Florabel Boober; Outside
Guardian, Bonnie Walker; Chaplain,
Marguerite Stem; Right Supporter of
the Noble Grand, Lois Stevens; Left
Supporter of the Noble Grand, Edith
Gruenewald; Right Supporter of the
Vice Grand, Estelle Dunn. Four other
officers who were unable to be pres­
ent will be installed at a later date.
Mrs. Birdie Skeels acted as musi­
cian Yor the installation, and she
added much to the ceremony. ,
Before the. ceremony began, Mrs.
Florabel Boober, acting for the Sew­
ing Club, presented the outgoing Past
Nobls Grand, Mildred Schaer, with a
Past Noble Grand’s pin. At the close
of the ceremony Mrs. Mildred Schaer,
acting for the lodge, presented the
new Noble Grand, Florence Hallock,
and the new Past Noble Grand, Ber­
nice Clark, with arm bouquets of
beautiful gladiolas. Mrs. Florence
Hallock then, acting (or the officers
of the last term, presented Mrs Ber­
nice Clark with a Fostoria sandwich
plate as a token of appreciation for
her work.
After the close of the meeting,
games were enjoyed and refreshments
were served in the dining room. While
the members were still seated at the
tables, a large basketful of gifts was
placed before Miss Edith Gruenewald.
They proved to bo handkerchiefs
brought as shower gifts to Miss
Gruenewald who is leaving some time
in August for California.
Rebekahs Install
Tuesday Evening
That is the market price for hangers and we want a lot of
them, or our customers’ suits and dresses cannot be
returned on hangers
The following letter from our supply house tells the story:
City Cleaners
Coquille, Oregon
We are in receipt of your card inquiring about hangers.
We are very sorry but we have no hangers of any kind.
We do not know when or if we will have hangers for the
Thanking you for your inquiry, we are
Yours very truly,
For Army Air Corps
■KU mm IUS mm MMK Some synthetic tires
«>• now being released, but most car owners
will itave to wait for many months before they can
get them. When you get them, you'll have the finest
synthetic tires — GOODYEARS, of course I
Ben S. Fisher Here From
Washington On A Visit
Ben S. Fisher, former Coos county
district attorney, and family, arrived
I in Marshfield this week for a several
, weeks’ visit. In 1930 he left the Bay
jfor Washington, D. C., where he was
I one of the legal staff of the Radio
, Commission,_ but has for the past
’.practice in the nation's capital
Lilian Io Boodyoor'i "Sohito Io Youth" Tuotdoy . , . (Station) . . . (Timo)
Station No. 11-15 and No. 11-3
Southwestern Motors Cor &
Home' Supply Store
More and more pilots, bombardiers, and navigators
are needed by Uncle Sam’s rapidly growing air force.
Planes are flowing from production lines--air crews
must be trained at the same pace.
See Norton’s for everything in pa­
per. Right now they have an ex­
ceptionally fine stock of writing pa­
per, either packaged or boxed, from
10c to $1.76. For a small additional
charge you may have your stationery
monqgrammed or your name im­
printed in gold or colors.
Advertisement Sponsored for Air Corps
Rackleff Pharmacy
Thrift's Grocery
Coquille Service Station
Bill's Place-W. H. Fortier
Cow Bell Dairy
To: Mr. David E. Rackleff
tWnWe .Orhgoh — '
I am interested in.the air corps program and
would like to be interviewed when the examining
board visits.