PAGE TIN Visitors Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Harriman left last Saturday for Portland, where he entered the Convalescent Hospital for observation and treatment and Mrs. Harriman writes that he will proba­ bly be there for a month or more. Af­ ter remaining in Portland for a few George Beiloni, former Coquille days she expects to go to Wenatchee, boy who has been with the U. S. Wash., to visit a daughter and her Employment Service for many years family. with headquarters in Portland, al­ P. O. Lund left for his two weeks* though he lives ln_Eugene, came into Marshfield on business Wednesday vacation > last Friday noon and, ac­ and was over here Friday night and companied by Mrs. Lund, went up to Saturday for a short visit with his the Dement ranch in the Eckley parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Beiloni. country. H. N. Lorenz is aggisting in the Lorenz Department Store dur­ ing Mr. Lund’s absence. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman came up from Sixes Monday morning, to assist in Fuhrman’s Pharmacy i while Luckey Bonney was out at Brewster Valley for a few days. City Treasurer and Mrs. C. G. Caugheli left last Saturday noon on a week's vacation trip to Newport and to Eugene, near which city Mrs. Caughell’s sister resides. Miss Vivian Curry and Dale Wood, both from Onalaska, Wash., have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Molthu for the past three weeks. Miss Curry is the niece of the Molthus. Speaking well for their hospitality and the friendliness in Coquille, the young people found things here just so agreeable that they decided to remain. Miss Curry has taken a position in County Agent Jenkins’ office in the court house, while Mr. Wood is now in the employ of the Coquille Service Station. Mrs. CUver Heme From • Vacation In Denver The housewife, even though she ■ has little time for Red Cross knitting, bandage rolling, first aid lessons and the like, can still make her kitchen^ go to war in an effective manner, by saving all grease and oils for help In the production of glycerine, used in explosives manufacture and medicin- als, and in saving every empty tin can. That may seem a very little thing to do but in the national ag- gregate it is tremendous. and soi^h for the last two months, She first visited her husband in Louisville, Kentucky, where he was attending a military school at Ft. Knox. After he was through at the school, he'was sent to Camp Polk, La., and Mrs. Pinkston followed him there. When he left on maneuvers, Mrs. Pinkston left for Santa Bar­ Bring your used band instruments bara, Calif., where she spent a very pleasant three weeks visiting her in to ■Norton’s. We will pay you aunt, Mrs, Perry Berkel, and family. cash for them. s Mrs. .Glen Claver returned the past week from a delightful three weeks’ vacation spent in Denver and | Estes Park. She visited a week with I her mother, Mrs. Greenamyra, in Denver and ten days with her sister, Mrs. Williams, at Estes Park, outside ! and near Denver. Her sister owns the Blue Ribbon Stables apd during normal times has had as many as two hundred horses. The number is considerably decreased now because of lack of public vacationing. Mrs. Willianps maintains about twenty-two thoroughbreds now. Dale says she spent practically all her timte in the Mis« Elsie Forrest is • new clerk in the Southern Pacific depot here, relieving to that extent the shortage in Agent Frank Pook’s crew due to the men being called into service. ^SMILEY BURNETTE „ F. Colvard of the Coquille Studio, intends leaving early in August on a business trip which will take him to Kansas City, down into Arkan­ sas and probably to St. Louis. The studio will not be closed during his absence as Phyllis Litzenberger will be there to take care of kodak fin­ ishing but there will be no portrait Work done until after his return. Mr. and Mrs. Les Greene returned to Coquille from Portland last Satur­ day and are living in the Gould j Apartments. Les is employed in the Thornton Tire Service Shop on Front] street. . ting to return Sunday. Mr. r arrived a few days ago for a leave from Camp Farragut. MATINEE SAT. 1:45 Mat. lie • 30c Eves, lie-40c CARTOON AND NEWS Fuhrman's Pharmacy Open every night until 8 THUR. FRI1. SAT. JULY 25 - 28 - 27 JULY Carlene Alley and Wm. Fewks came in last Sunday from Seattle for a few days' visit with her sister, Mrs. Cortland Ellis, snd the Philip Jensen family. See Norton's for everything in pa­ per. Right now they have an ex­ ceptionally fine stock of writing "pa­ per, either packaged or boxed, from 10c to I1.7S. For a small additional charge you may have your stationery monogrammed or your name im­ printed in gold or colors. s MART „ /WGiftr LfO McCAREY’S ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON We carry a complete line of V- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co.. 385 W. Front, Coquille. Phone. j' 18tfs MlLKHÏ I A CARTOON DISNEY CARTOON LATEST NEWS ■------- t ^ atïrïé '"'“ SUNDAY 1:41 Matinee lie • 35c Evening» 11c - 54c JAMES ELLISON FRANCES DEE CONWAY Ì ! I