The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 22, 1943, Image 1

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'—>■ ■
E. E. Johnson
Succumbs To Heart
Attack Last Night
Air Observer
Volunteers Needed
City Council Puls
In A Busy Three
H our Monday Eve.
Fred R. Bull yesterday received his
certificate of appointment as war­
den for Coos county of the U. S.
Army Air Warning Service, but says
he cannot oversee all the posts in the
In connection with the Air Warn­
ing Service Week, Aug. 1-7, at which
time honors are to be paid all those
on the Pacific coast who so loyally
and faithfully attend to their duties
as air observes, without one cent of
remuneration, and during which
week it is hoped to secure additional
observers, Mr. Bulj/says that all posts
have now been made comfortable and
it* locations where ladies can easily
ascend for observing, and that anyone
who can devote as little as two hours
a week will be acceptable. Men and
women are needed all over the coun­
His office here and the Washer
Service Co. office, both on Front
street, are recruiting offices for air
observer volunteers.
historical Exhibit
¡Week Aug. 15-21
The Old Oregon Trail Centennial
................. ....
1. 1
L A. Man Looking
For Possibility Of
Oil In Coos County
Commission has designated the week
beginning August 15 as Historical
Hal R. Clark, a Los Angeles at­
Exhibit Week. They are asking the torney who hss had ground floor ex­
different towns and cities of the state perience in the development of the
' Some inquiries have been made of
The city council, with Mayor Wood,
The death of E. E. Johnson at the
to bring out from hiding the old fam­ oil and gas fields in Kansas, Okla­
Mrs. Ines Chase if it is necessary to Councilmen Burr, Pettit, Purkey and
Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point, at
ily relics and exhibit them to advan­ homa, Texas, and quite a little con­
ten o'clock last night, came as a ter­
tage in prominent store windows nection with gas and oil in southern
Coos-Curry Pioneer Association an­ monthly session Monday evening,
rible shock to his hundreds of friends
where they may be seen by the California, arrived here Tuesday
in Coos county who have admired
greatest number of persons Mrs. R. night to look over the possibilities
coming Sunday, July 38.
It is not. discussing the Sanford Heights water
and loved him for many years.
A. Wemich received a letter this that drilling in Coos county will
The dollar fee which has been men­ problem, for which the council had
He had suffered a heart attack at
Week from Walter Meacham, execu­ bring about a development along the
tioned in the press is the membership not heretofore set any definite policy,
his home at Bradford Station, near
tive-secretary of the commission in same lines in this section.
charge which will be set if the con­ and which was referred to as being
Camas Valley, last Thursday and un­
Portland, asking her to serve as Co­
While he has no official connection
in considerable of a mess.
der the doctor’s orders had been
quille chairman of the exhibit com­ with the Philips Petroleum Corpora­
at the group Sunday
, —
The matter was further complicated mittee here.
brought to his home here on West
tion of Oklahoma, one of the largest
those who sign up as supportlag by the Public Utility Commission’s
Fourth street for a complete rest. He
The following committee members independent gas and oil companies in
members of the association. *~
There letter which permit« dissolution of
had apparently been improving and
reported last evening at O. C. San­ the country, he is related to one of
are always expenses connected I with the Coquille Water Supply company
was able to be up and around the
fords’ office to formulate their plans the legal officials of that corporation
the picnic and some incidental
___ _ is
as a _ public utility. This
the __ or-
house the past few days and at seven
to cooperate with the Exhibit Week and knows the geological surveys
penses at other times which* this 8LM ganization which has heretofore sup­
o’clock last evening,
when Chas.
idea, Mr. Sanford, Mrs. Annie Robin­ that have been made for that com­
fee will take care of but there is Qo plied water to that section but whose
Kash came to report on the work at
son, Mrs. Inez Chase, and S. M. Nos­ pany the past few months.
charge for attending the picnic d*d supply is insufficient for the needs
the Bradford mill, was in good spirits
ier. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and Mr«.
Mr. Clark is but one of several men
get-together of the pioneers.
out there.
and seemed better.
Pearl Ellingsen will serve also, but from the Mid-Continent oil fields
Arrangements are practically cote- 1 When the matter was first broach­
In less than two hours he had suf­
pitted for this event which attracts ed to the city council it was stated were unable to attend last night’s who are showing interest in what the
fered another attttek and was rushed
Westport Arch may be able to pro­
hundreds each year from Coos and there would be 40 users on Sanford
to the hospital, where he passed '
Merchants have been contacted for duce in the way of liquid gold.
Curry counties. There is to be vepy Heights of city water. It now de- the use of window space and every j Mr. Clark had a lot of bus experi-
away soon thereafter.
little program, aside from the t busi- | velops there are only 24 houses whose
Funeral arrangements will not be
one in Coquille or vicinity is asked ence after leaving Eureka u
neas session, leaving those in
owners will connect up with the city to cooperate in making the Exhibit evening. He was the thirty-eighth
made until the arrival of his son,
main and, go far, there have been as complete as possible. This sec­ I passenger to get on to the bus which
Philip E., at five o’clock this evening.
I old friends whom possibly they 1
only six or eight connected
Philip had reservations made for a
tion has a rich pioneer back ground would seat tweltyufive. Then a few
The postponed budget meeting oí not seen since the last pioneer pienfc.
John Purkey and George Burr, of
plane trip north before bearing of
and Coquille should put forth an ex­ miles north of Brookings a truck
There will be two short addresses the city's water committee, spent con­
his father's passing.
ceptionally interesting showing.
forced the bus into the ditch and the
Mr. Johnson was bom in Michigan the high school building next Tues­ by early residents of the county, L siderable time out there Monday af­
It is fortunate at this time that the driver had to hitch-hike back to.
J. Simpson and Mrs. Alice Maloney, ternoon
conditions. Coos and Curry Pioneer Association Brookings where he got a Coast'
Nov. 23, 1878, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Johnson.
The family I time the budget provisions may be of Berkeley, Calif., daughter of that They found meters, without box cov­ is to hold its meeting here next Sun­ Guard crew and truck to pull the bus
came to the coast and operated a mill discussed and the budget voted upon Coos pioneer, Dr. McCormick. Both erings as required, set out in the day. It will be an opportunity to con- ) back on to the road. A few miles
at Fort Bragg, Calif., before coming by all qualified voters. The quali­ demurred when asked to talk by high grass, or anywhere else the tact in a group many of the very further one of the tireq blew
to Coquille 46 years ago.
They fications for voting at this election Mayor J. Albert Matson of Marsh­ consumer might have picked on; in -----------
persons ..1™..
through whom articles might and when he got here he found his
landed in Coos county on Mr. John­ are that the voter must be the owner field, but finally consented to say a some places two or
or information gained: baggage had gone on north. It ar-
of real property within the district. few words.
nected up an one
son's twenty-first birthday.
»tmiita ¿»4
tTlC flCXt dtiy
toward ikz»
the whereabouts
of further
Coffee, cream and sugar willbe line from the end of the c
a main at treasures for showing.
In 1898 he was united in marriage
| He expects to go up to Portland by
here to Miss Julia Drane, who sur­ budget committee, of expenses for furnished by the arrangements com­ the auto camp buried so slightly that
Luckey Bonney, George Oerding, tonight's train but will return the
vives. To this union two children the coming year, are 3148,975 for the mittee, but those attending should the Uno may freeze up in winter, Henry Lorenz and Frank Martin have first of next week,
were born, Philip E. Johnson, now general fund and 813,810 for the bond bring their own dishes, including with the added probability that a already signified their willingness to
highway scraper would knock off the give window space in their stores,
living in Glendale, Cal|f., and Mrs. interest and sinking fund, or a total cups, as well as their lunches.
With ghe prospects good for fine T's on connections where the line
Mary Esther Kash, of Coquille and of 8162,785. Estimated receipts and
--- ----------------------
cash balances on hand total 8118.635- weather Sunday, the attendance may runs alongside the pavement.
Camas Valley.
possibly exceed ail previous records.
The water committee's suggestion
Two sisten, Mrs. Esther Dollar, of
Walnut Creek, Calif., and Mrs. Ethel by taxation, plus 810,000, the amount No one is barred becasue he or she was that the city install a master
Mehl, of Mabel, Ore., and a brother, of taxes which tt is estimated will did not arrive in. southwest Oregon meter at the end of Its line, require
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lawrence arrived
C. McC. Johnson, of Marshfield, and not be collected this year, or a total some time in the last century. Rar the users out there to designate some
here Sunday from their home tn Oak­
to read meters, collect the month- ■ | . Arago School District, No.. 3, will land, Calif., for their regular two
also of 854,149.20, which is within the cent arrivals are just
sig par cent limitation
saw al­ attend a
oaa and pay the city the amount probably send its high school stu­ weeks vacation visit “beck home.”
agreed upon for the water passing dents the coming year to some other Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Lawrence met
away * lowed by the statutes without a tor half
special vote by the taxpayers.
through the master meter with a bond high school or schools for the 1943- lhem in Roseburg. Ned
given the city as a monthly payment 44 school year.
Johnson, the name by which
ned his vacation so as to be here for
. _ __
familiarly known, was one of
(ConUnued on page nine)
At a meeting' of the directors qf the Pioneer picnic next Sunday He
God's noblemen, a kindly courteous
District No. 3 Tuesday evening, no­ came to Coquille at the age of 8 years,
gentleman in the strongest meaning
tices were ordered posted calling an in 18*8, and has not missed a year
of that word, a loving husband, a
election to be held at the school house in visiting here since. " He said Mon­
Mrs. J. E. Norton arrived huiiw
devoted father, and a true friend of
there at 8:00 p. m., Saturday, July 31, day his ambtion is, when he gets old
Mrs. Elwyn Nosier received a let­ from Portland yesterday and reports
his friends.
ter yesterday from Mrs. Gene Nosier that Mr. Norton is still improving
at which time the.patrons will vote * enough to retire, to have a small
His name was Everett Ellsworth who went down to San Francisco
on the question of suspending the1 place out on Cunningham creek,
most satisfactorily.
She will go
At a moating of the Coquille city
at north of town, where he can raise
last week, stating that Elviyn who north again next week and on over council wltli three Itantord HMghU Ara<° high ’cho°1 tor thu
He had been in the lumber man­ was badly burned at the Naval Hos­
chickens and enough garden to keep
Into Idaho to visit her mother while residents who hava been prominent
ufacturing business all his life, oper­ pital in Oakland, on July 11. was
them. He is like so many of the
___ __
Mr. Norton stays at the home of his in arranging for city water
for the 1 The reason for the suspension is
ating for many years the old Johnson healing nicely and that the bandages
boys in the service, after being sta­
daughter in Portland. When Mrs.
Lumber Co. plant on the river bank would be removed Saturday to as­
tioned in other parts of the country,
Norton returns from Idaho they will son, Geo. P. Laird and Chas. Briggs- .Lo« who is a teacher in the high
here and which was later known as certain if any skin grafting is neces­
who say “There is no place to com­
accept an invitation to stay at the it was stated that 34 had signed up**001 lnU’nd to ,eave for 83,1 J,clnto-
the Coqupie Mill Co.
pare with Coquille and the Coquille
Dorchester House for a week, or two,
The body was brought to the
Elwyn is a cook ln the Navy Hos­ and probably they will not return water. This is only six less than the "** •
He u not br*aldn« Valley."
-Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries here to­ pital and early that morning when
home till the latter part of next original agreement and Mrs. Watson hlf <x^tr*ct for he to,d the board
day and the services will be held here. he opened the door of the gas range
what his plans are.
said there would be more.
to light the oven, an accumulation - Mrs. Norton was accompanied home
If the high school is suspended the
As finally agreed upon after a
of gas exploded, knocking him down by her friend, Mrs. Florence Evahn, lengthy session last evening, the con- Arago district will pay tuition and
and burning him severely about the from the hospital where Mr. Norton Burners will pay 82.75 per month for transportation to other schools for its
face, neck, arms and hands, and set­ is staying.
high school students.
nnn gallon
amii/xn mgwinain»
the 7 7,000
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Moss, who have
ting his clothes on fire, which he had
They also agreed to having the
been over at Las Vegas, Nev., for
meters set at spots to be indicated by
Marvin Jerome Kloster, son of Mrs.
several months and came back to
Mrs. Nosier has not been Informed
Engineer Gearhart and Supt. Epper­
Etta McPherson of this city, died last
Coquille early this month, left this
son, and also that there would be
Friday at the Army camp at Camp
week to return to Las Vegas, where
no cross connections. Mrs. Watson
Cook, Calif., where he had been sta­
he is frozen on a construction job.
is to report all those who may con­
tioned for three months. The cause of
Carl Gilbert's car la down at the That place which a few years ago was
Mrs. Georgia Richmond, who had
nect with the two-inch main in the Coquille Auto Co. repair shop and a small city of 9,000 now has a popu­
his death was a ruptured appendix.
I to take two days and two nights for
future, and the city engineer is to be looks as though it had taken a noee lation of 35,000 and Mr. Moss said he
The body arrived here Tuesday
a return trip from San Francisco by
shown the location of all lines and he dive from a plane. The smash-up had just finished working on a 300-
morning and services were held at
bus, arrived home last Saturday eve­
Schroeder Bros, parlors at 2:00 p. m.
Presentation of the First Aid Car ning. She went down the week be- 1 will then make a map of the district. happened last Saturday night when houae project and would start on a
yesterday, Rev. Chas. G. Brown of­ the Coquille Eagles are giving to the
Jim Watson was returning from 240-house program when he got back.
fore to attend a session of the West­
ficiating Former C. H. S. classmates city of Coquille will take place in the
Marshfield, alone. He evidently went
They wefe unable to find a bouse
ern division of the W. S. C. S„ and
acted at pallbearers—Wally Moore, Community Building at ten o'clock
to sleep for what awoke him was his there so bought a trailer house but
was well repaid for her trip when
Lyle Gisholt, Dale Stevens, Dick Ray, this coming Saturday evening, July
noee striking the windshield with even that has to be air-conditioned
her son, Jim, phoned her that he
Jack McCracken and Tim Young. A 24.
gusto and his proboacis still bears the I in order to be livable, The ther­
was being transferred from the camp
"Leo, the Lion,” the metal repre­ marks of the encounter. As the car mometer has been up to 118 this
military funeral, under the auspices
That evening the Eagles are giving at Fresno to Stanford University for
sentation of a lion, with a clock in
of the Coast Guard at Charleston was a jltney dance ln the building but ad-
two or three weeks, so she was able its side, which ha« been in the pos- left the highway on the curve just summer but the dry climate has
held at Sunset Cemetery on the Bay. mission to the presentation ceremon-
this side of Shingle House Slough benefited Mrs. Moss' health,
to visit with him.
session of the Coquille Lions club
Marvin was bom at Astoria Oct. 2,
wjn be free.
Jim won a medal for pistol shoot­ for months, is due to have another bridge it plunged down over the bank had not been well for the past
1923, being seven months yid 14 i Good music has been engaged for
and cracekd into a telephone pole.
years but it better now.
ing not long ago, and would have habitat after tonight
days past 19 years of age. He at- the occasion and the general public
They expect to be able to return
tended Coquille schools and gradu- 1 is invited to come and have a good
Leo is moved when at least 50 per
to Coquille next spring.
cept that when he kneeled on his cent of the visiting club membership
a ted from C. H. S. in 1941. He had time. The net proceeds from the
football knee it caused too much vi­ is in attendance at a regular meeting
also attended U. of O. for one year. dance will be used to purchase nec­
bration and spoiled it all.
“Why of the den where he is resting and this
Besides his mother he is survived essary equipment for the First Aid
didn’t you kneel on the other knee,” evening the Myrtle Point Lions club
by his stepfather, L. M. McPherson; car.
asked his mother. “You do what will be guests of the Coquille club
The annual custom of Chadwick
a sister, Mrs. Tim Maginnis of Port­
you're told in the Army," was Jim’s and will take Leo home with them.
Lodge, No. 68, A. F. tt A. M. of asking
land. . and a brother who is ip the
James Sylvester Capps, father of
The expected attendance will be past masters of the lodge to fill the
U.-S submarine service in the south­
larger than can be accommodated in offices at some special communica­ Ed Capps of Bandon, will be buried
west Pacific.
the hotel dining room and arrange­ tion will be observed next Tuesday at the G. A. R. cemtery at Bandon
ment« have been made for an out­ evening when the M. M. degree will tomowow afternoon. The services
Frank Thrift of . the Mt. States
door hamburger feed, at seven o'clock. be conferred. Lodge will open at will be held at Langlois at two o'clock.
<Powet£o., is not only a master meter
He passed away at his ranch near
In Myrtle Grove at the rear of the eight o’clock.
reader; but he |s a fisherman de
Denmark Tuesday evening.
J. O. Beagle, formerly with the Community Building.
luxe. Down the river here Sunday, Qggg
S. D. No. 8 Budget
Meeting July 27
Arago High School
,May Suspend
Elwyn Nosier '
Badly Burned
J. E. Norton Is
Still Improving
The E. A. Lawrences
Here For Pioneer Day
Water Agreement
Made Last Night--
Frozen On Job
At Las Vegas
MBrvin J. Kloster
Buried Yesterday
Two Noses Injured
In This Accident
Mrs. Richmond Saw
|Jim At Stanford
Ta Present First Aid
I Car
Saturday Evening
Leo, The Lion,
To Leave Coquille
Chadwick To Have
Past Masters Night
Frank Catches As
Well As Reads
Another Incident
Drill Tonight
'Coquille Civilian Defense unit, in-
cluding police reserves, first aid
group, block wardens, etc., will be
held this (Thursday) evening at 7:30,
and all who have a duty to perform
in connection with civilian defense
are requested to turn out for the
Calling carda. 50 tor |K.
was the only one to land a salmon, a
22-pound beauty. The power com­
pany crew say that it must have been
the first fish Frank ever caught, the
extravagant phrases he used in tell­
ing about it! •
Curry Pioneer To
Be Buried Friday
J. 0. Beagle New
City Police Officer
experience, entered on his duties
Mr». J. ________
A. Berg, ________________
general chairman
with the local force last week. He i______
still resides at Fairview but is hop- [ of Red Cross in Coquille, and Mrs.
ing to secure a house in town soon. Bard Keener, production chairman,
His daughter, Maxine Pearl Beagle. 1 I desire to thank the following for their
who has been visiting her parents for generosity: Centra) Transfer for de-
the past ten days, will leave Saturday li
Mrs. Walter Litzenberger, Phyllis for Washington, D. C., where she iè ai
and George, left last Thursday for a employed in a War Department of- ' Ing and the Sentinel for space g*en
I them in the newspaper.
two weeks' visit in Spokane.
Alarm Monday Afternoon
The alarm which called the fire
department out Monday afternoon at
' 3:45 o'clock was the result of a brash
fire eagj of Collier and north of Sec­
ond streets, beck of the Tom Stevens
and Ronald Burr homes. The fire
had been creeping up on a woodshed
but had been extinguished before the
department's arrival.
settling at Gold Beach. He acquired
his Denmark ranch where he has
since lived in 1898. He was a mem­
ber of the Bandon Mashonic lodge.
Besides his son he is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. Edna Zumwalt,
of Sixes, and Mrs. Eva Donaldson,
of Denmark: another son, Raymond,
of Sixes; 14 grandchildren and four
great grand children