[ Minor A Paul Simpson, one of the force in the State Highway Department of­ fice here, left yesterday for Long Beach, Calif, to visit his father A. E. Simpson, who is 80 years of age. Mr. Simpson lived in Coquille more than a third of a century ago, having left here in 1909 when Paul was a little shaver. At that time Mr. Simp­ son owned what is now known as Sanford Heights selling it to O. C. Sanford’s father. Paul McElwain, who with Mrs. McElwain expects to Spend most of the summer at Illahe on the Rogue, was tn twon Tuesday after a two weeks’ absence. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hazard and Mrs. Hale Eubanks and daughter, Adrienne, drove up to the Eubanks cranberry bog at Sutton Lake, near Florence, last Saturday. They were met there by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ser- combe and son. from Portland, for a family get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Hazard came home Sunday and Mr. Sercombe returned to Portland. On Saturday this week Mrs. Eubanks will accompany her sister to Portland for a visit up there. Miss Dorris Comtpon and her sis­ ter, Marilyn—Mrs. Cecil Law»—came in Sunday morning, Dorris from Pasco, Wn., and Marilyn from Port­ land. This is the first visit at home Dorris has made since she joined the WAVES nine months ago and she Richard Wyler, consulting auditor has been stationed at the Naval train­ ing station at Pasco since her two for the Ralph L. Smith Lumber Co., months of training. She is a Yeo­ and Smith Wood-Products, has been man, second class. Mrs. Laws now here iron! from Kansas City this week. resides in Portland, Cecil being in the Army and stationed there. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cummins and «Ted Cummins arrived here Sunday John Purkey left last Friday for ’evening from Portland in response San Francisco on a buying trip for to. word that their mother, Mrs. R. B. ins furntiure store and may possibly Cummins, is seriously ill. visit the markets in Seattle before he returns. New S. P. Traveling Passenger Mrs. Katherine Keener, who been a visitor at the home of mother and father-in-law, Mr. Mrs. D. B. Keener, for the past weeks, returned to her home Seattle Monday evening. Eleanor McClellan was here over >ast week-end tor a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Folsom. Mrs. McClellan is employed at the Airport in Eugene and enjoys her work. An important asniy air corps pro­ gram to recruit more men for the aviation cadet training program was given the official backing of Gov. Earl Snell in a conference with Major Eric K. Shilling, who is on *a special mission in Oregon to stimulate cadet recruiting. Major Shilling, will head an aviation cadet examinating board that will visit Coquille on Friday, July 30, and Bandon on Saturday, July |L Gov. Snell ufged that Oreguniuns give their utmost cooperation in in­ suring the success at this program. ’’’here is an urgent need for young men Detween the ages of 47 and 28 years to apply for enlistment in the army air corps, it was emphasized by Major Shilling, The heavy produc- tlon of airplanes and the increased role of air power of our offensive warfare have brought on 1 this new demand for more aviators, revealed Major Shilling. __________ _ This unusual opportunity to _ sign for g|*r crew training is offered to two groups. Qualified 17-year-olds Theodore Ellingsen, of the U. S. Coast Guard, left Wednesday morn­ ing for Oakland, where he is taking special training after a week’s visit here- with his mother. City Librarian Pearl Ellingsen. ' * FRI1. SAI r. sun a JULY 1« . IT - 18 MOTOR GONE LO8INO ALTITUD»! BAIL OUT! " ( Calling cards. 50 for 81.00. ALEXANDER KORDA Presents Agent In Coquille Yesterday Raymond D. Heins, recently made traveling passenger agent for the Southern Pacific, with headquarters at Albany, was a Coquille visitor yes­ terday. He arrived in Oregon last month to take over his new duties, coming from Chicago, where the of­ fice force had dwindled from 18 to five. It was a get-acquainted trip for Mr. Heins, the company not look­ ing for business now nor can it handle much more till after «the war. tirerait Is Missin W. E. Marrion returned Monday All Rubber Needs Will Be from Portland, where he had been Met By Middle Of 1944 called because of the serious condi­ Two representatives of the Good­ tion of Mrs. Mariron, who had un­ dergone a major operation on her year Rubber Co. who were in Co­ quille Tuesday calling on Southwest­ spine at St. Vincent Hospital. ern Motors, said that the three Good­ Mr. and Mrs. George Chaney were year synthetic rubber plants in the hosts last Sunday at their Laurel U. S. will be in full production by Lake home when they gave an enjoy­ the first of 1944, and that by this able picnic for tenants of the Chaney time next year there should be property- Among those attending ample rubber for all civilian needs were Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hom, Mr. as well as for Uncle Sam’s require­ und Mrs. Marion Hale, Mr. and Mrs. ments. Dale Flippo and young son, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carlson. - may enlist in the army air corps en­ listed reserve. Upon their enrollment they will be presented with official aviation cadet “Silver Wings,” which will be worn on their civilian clothes to indicate that they are future fly­ ing soldiers. These men will not be called until after their 18th birthday. 1 They may continue with their civilian employment or education until such ’ time as they are called for training. Men from 18 to 28, inclusive, who are of draft age, may take the cadet examinations and if found qualified will be authorized to volunteer for| induction into the air corps. To be eligible for this program, the appli­ cant must not have received his or- ; ders to report for induction from his I selective service board. Those interested in obtaining more 1 complete information on the aviation I cadet program and the forthcoming visit of the traveling board should contact David Rackleff, local aviation cadet procurement chairman. Do you feel listless and run down? No appetite? Then you'll be interested in Plenamins, your Rexall Store's vita­ min-rich capsules. Each Plenamin capsule contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E and G, plus healthful liver concentrate and LEO CARRILLO • LEON ERROL * MARY BETH HUGHES .FRANCES LANGFORD—radio’s swingin’ sweetheart! SKINNAY ENNIS and the groove boys iron. All these factors, in addition to a healthy diet, will soon have you feeling like a new person, if your diet has been deficient in these elements. Try Plena- 72 s - mins today and see how they’ll brighten your Again next Tuesday, July 20, be­ tween 9 and 4, Ward McReynolds will be at the Coquille city hall to receive applications of those desir- 1 ing drivers’ licenses and to conduct ■ examinations. outlook on life. They come in boxes of 72 and 144 capsules, and are reasonably priced. *2 59 FOLLOW the BAND V Fuhrman's Pharmacy Open every night until 8 Casey Jones Dies In Washington Funeral services will be held here, some time in the next few days, at the Schroeder Bros, parlors, for H. D. (Casey) Jones, former Coquille resi­ dent, who died last Monday at Coulee Dam, Wash., where he had been em­ ployed. The body has not arrived in Coquille as yet and the date for the services will not be set until word is received from hie »on, Marley, who is with the U. S. forces at Dutch Har­ bor. Other surviving relatives are a brother, W. C. Jones of Coquille, and two sisters, Mrs. W. T. Phillips, of Marshfield, and Mrs. Alice Eierdam, of Spokane. THUR. FRI. SAT. « TI, ' through rapac jap HORDES! ■ b of a girl trapped by the Y ou ’ ll find THRILLS ABOVF... BELOW ...AND ACROSS THE À k ATLANTIC! Avenging the fate . JULY 21 JULY 18 • 19 ■ ruthless sons of Nippon1 CHADWICK LODGE. A. F. A M. A special communication of Chad­ wick Lodge, No. 88, will be held in the lodge room next Tuesday, July 20, at 8:00 p. m. Work in the F. C. Visiting brothers invited. R. C. Johnson, W. M. B. P. W. Notice Business and Professional Women will meet Monday night at the home of Florence Barton. NOTICE Do oot leave any more scrap at Building on Front St., as it is longer Salvage Headquarters. TYRONE We carry a complete line of V- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co.. 385 W Front, Coquille. Phone. 18tfs Notion’s have just received a la supply of Games of all kinds, fi Bingo to Mopopoly. Now is y chance to get your games for fall. Non-Rationed sale at Lorenz July 19 to 31. with WIllIAM BENDIX Ladies Shoes on Department Store, | Bearing Block, between Coquille and Fairview. Reward. Aasen & McCue. It* ted t» JOHN ADMISSION 11c - 40c FARROW “HOW TO FISH” Latest News LATEST NEWS EVENTS FOR SALE—Three cows, one Jersey and two Jersey and Durham, 5, 6 and 8 years old; all giving milk. Cortland Ellis on Fsirview road, phone 5R22. It r GEORGE SANDERS ANNA STEN wane bond . ocnnis •••«» • sia auMSN